How to line break in a Maximo automation script print statement - automation

Hi I am writing an automation script in Maximo that fires on a cron task. I am having trouble inserting a line break in my print statement. I have tried '\n' & just adding a print() in between my prints. Neither are working and all my prints are being packed into one line in my log file.

You could instead use the provided log() method on the service implicit variable to achieve the same result. Every call will generate a line in your log file.
Also, if you want more control on the log levels, you can get a logger directly from the Logger API which is basically a Log4J wrapper:
from psdi.util.logging import MXLoggerFactory
logger = MXLoggerFactory.getLogger("maximo.integration")"Integration logger used from automation script")
You would then control its log level from the Logging application.

Using the log() method will achieve the correct result. If you also do want to still use print I have found out \n will only work if it is preceded by \r in a Maximo automation script like '\r\n'


Executing additional command in Backend that takes the to be generated file

I'm currently looking for a way to execute iverilog in in Yosys, to be more exact at the write_verilog step.
I need to feed iverilog the file, which will be generated by write_verilog (reason is, I need to uphold the variable source information, which are kept in the yosys attributes).
However the execute() function only writes into the file upon function end.
If I were to call iverlog testbench.v design.v with design.v being the file which is generated through write_verilog, I get an error, telling me it's missing modules.
Is it possible to carry out commands, that depend on the file which is generated after execute() has run through, while still being in the verilog backend?
You could use a script instead, to run iverilog after write_verilog, inside a Yosys script a line beginning ! is passed to the shell:
write_verilog design.v
!iverilog testbench.v design.v

SCIP write best feasible solution in automated test

Based on steps in, I have managed to set up an automated test using SCIP. However, I'd like to write the solution (best feasible solution) to a file, instead of just getting the objective value. Is there anyway to do it in the automated test?
I did a hack in by replacing
OPTCOMMAND=optimize; write solution myfilename.sol;
But too bad, it doesn't seem to work, when I tried to make TEST=mytest test, this line is observed from the output
bash ./ mytest bin/scip-3.1.0.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.spx default scip-3.1.0.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.spx 3600 2100000000 6144 1 default 10000 false false 3.1.0 spx false /tmp optimize;
write: solution is not logged in on myfilename.sol
I know it is possible to write the solution via interactive shell, but I am trying to automate the test in order to retrieve both solution and obj value. Any help or clarification will be much appreciated!
You are getting an error because with the syntax you are using, you try to invoke a bash command called "write" because of the semicolon:
The write utility allows you to communicate with other users, by
copying lines from your terminal to theirs.
Just try without semicolon ;)
The cleaner solution would be to modify the file "check/"
and add the line
echo write solution /absolute/path/to/solutions/${INSTANCE}.sol >> $TMPFILE
before the quit command. This configuration file sets up a batch file to feed SCIP with all commands that the interactive shell should execute, and you can model arbitrary user behavior.

WebHCat & Pig - how to pass a parameter file to the job?

I am using HCatalog's WebHCat API to run Pig jobs, such as documented here:
I have no problem running a simple job but I would like to attach a parameters file to the job, such as one can do using pig command line's parameter: --param_file .
I assume this is possible through arg request's parameter, so I tried multiple things, such as passing:
'arg': '-param_file /path/to/param.file'
'arg': {'param_file': '/path/to/param.file'}
None seems to work, and error stacks don't say much.
I would love to know if this is possible, and if so, how to correctly achieve this.
Many thanks
Correct usage:
'arg': ['-param_file', '/path/to/param.file']
By passing the value in arg,
'arg': {'-param_file': '/path/to/param.file'}
webhcat generates "-param_file" for the command prompt.
Pig throws the following error
ERROR org.apache.pig.Main - ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. Can not create a Path from a null string
Using a comma instead of the colon operator passes the path to file as a second argument.
webhcat will generate "-param_file" "/path/to/param.file"
P.S: I am using Requests library on python to make the REST calls

In Lua, how to print the console output into a file (piping) instead of using the standard output?

I workin' with Torch7 and Lua programming languages. I need a command that redirects the output of my console to a file, instead of printing it into my shell.
For example, in Linux, when you type:
$ ls > dir.txt
The system will print the output of the command "ls" to the file dir.txt, instead of printing it to the default output console.
I need a similar command for Lua. Does anyone know it?
[EDIT] An user suggests to me that this operation is called piping. So, the question should be: "How to make piping in Lua?"
[EDIT2] I would use this # command to do:
$ torch 'my_program' # printed_output.txt
Have a look here ->
io.write seems to be what you are looking for.
Lua has no default function to create a file from the console output.
If your applications logs its output -which you're probably trying to do-, it will only be possible to do this by modifying the Lua C++ source code.
If your internal system has access to the output of the console, you could do something similar to this (and set it on a timer, so it runs every 25ms or so):
dumpoutput = function()
local file = io.write([path to file dump here], "w+")
for i, line in ipairs ([console output function]) do
Note that the console output function has to store the output of the console in a table.
To clear the console at the end, just do os.execute( "cls" ).

Bamboo with tSQLt - Failed to parse test result file

First of all I should point out I'm new to Atlassian's Bamboo and continuous integration in general. This is the first project where I've used either.
I've created a raft of unit tests using the tSQLt framework. I've also configured Bamboo to:
Get a fresh copy of the repository from BitBucket
Drop & re-create the build DB
Use Red-Gate SQL Compare to deploy the DB objects from source to the build DB
Run the tSQLt tests
Output the results of the tests in XML format to a file called TestResults.xml
I've checked and can confirm that the TestResults.xml file is created.
In Bamboo I then added a JUnit Parser task to consume the contents of this TestResults.xml file. However when that task runs it returns this error:
Failed to parse test result file
At first I thought it might have meant that Bamboo could not find the file. I changed the task that created the results file to output a file called TestResults2.xml. When I did that the JUnit Parser returned this error:
Failing task since test cases were expected but none were found.
So I'm assuming that the first error message means Bamboo is finding the file, it just can't parse the file.
I have no idea where to start working out what exactly is the problem. Has anyone got any ideas?
I had a similar problem, but turned out to be weird behavior from bamboo needing file stamps being modified to have visibility of the JUnit file.
In Windows enviornment you just need to add "script task" before the "JUnit task"
powershell (ls *.xml).LastWriteTime = Get-Date
I have had several cases of this and was able to fix it by removing single quotes and greater than / less than characters from test names inside the *.rb file.
test "make sure 'go_to_world' is removed from header and length < 23"
change to remove single quotes and < symbol
test "make sure go_to_world is removed from header and length less than 23"
Very common are contractions: "won't don't shouldn't", or possessives: "the vessel's data".
And also < or > characters.
I think there is a bug in the parser that just doesn't escape those characters in a test title appropriately.