How to handle conflicting function names when implementing multiple interfaces? - c++-winrt

I have an interface defined in C# that implements IEnumerable. The implementation of the interface will be done in C++/WinRT as it needs direct access to native code. When I attempt to implement this interface using C++/WinRT, the generated header/implementation contains two 'First()' functions (one from IIterable, and one from IBindableIterable) with different return types. Obviously this isn't going to compile.
Is there some way to "rename" one (or both) of the conflicting functions in the IDL file? C++/CX had a work around that allowed you to use a different function name and then 'bind' it back to the interface name.
Simplified example code below:
public interface IUInt32Array : IEnumerable<uint> {}
runtimeclass UInt32Array : IUInt32Array
UInt32Array(UInt32 size);
IDL Generated Header:
struct UInt32Array : UInt32ArrayT<UInt32Array>
UInt32Array(uint32_t size);
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IIterator<uint32_t> First(); // <-- Problem
Windows::UI::Xaml::Interop::IBindableIterator First(); // <-- Problem

A solution for this specific problem is to use a combination of 'auto' as the declared return type for the First() function implementation, and to return a type with conversion operators for the two different return types.
Here is an example showing how this was solved in the CppWinRT source code. The linked source code is for the base_collections_vector.h header, specifically see the convertible_observable_vector::First() function (replicated below).
auto First() {
struct result {
container_type* container;
operator wfc::IIterator<T>() {
return static_cast<base_type*>(container)->First();
operator wfc::IIterator<Windows::Foundation::IInspectable>() {
return make<iterator>(container);
return result{ this };
Notice here that the function itself is defined as returning auto, which allows us to return an intermediate type. This intermediate type then implements conversion operators for converting to the type expected by the caller. This works for this particular problem as the generated CppWinRT source code immediately assigns the result of the call to a value of the expected type, thus immediately causing the invocation of the conversion operators which in turn return the final correct iterator type.
Thanks to Kenny Kerr who pointed me at both the example and a write-up explaining the above.


How best to return a single value of different types from function

I have a function that returns either an error message (String) or a Firestore DocumentReference. I was planning to use a class containing both and testing if the error message is non-null to detect an error and if not then the reference is valid. I thought that was far too verbose however, and then thought it may be neater to return a var. Returning a var is not allowed however. Therefore I return a dynamic and test if result is String to detect an error.
dynamic varResult = insertDoc(_sCollection,
if (varResult is String) {
Then after checking for compliance, I read the following from one of the gurus:
"It is bad style to explicitly mark a function as returning Dynamic (or var, or Any or whatever you choose to call it). It is very rare that you need to be aware of it (only when instantiating a generic with multiple type arguments where some are known and some are not)."
I'm quite happy using dynamic for the return value if that is appropriate, but generally I try to comply with best practice. I am also very aware of bloated software and I go to extremes to avoid it. That is why I didn't want to use a Class for the return value.
What is the best way to handle the above situation where the return type could be a String or alternatively some other object, in this case a Firestore DocumentReference (emphasis on very compact code)?
One option would be to create an abstract state class. Something like this:
abstract class DocumentInsertionState {
const DocumentInsertionState();
class DocumentInsertionError extends DocumentInsertionState {
final String message;
const DocumentInsertionError(this.message);
class DocumentInsertionSuccess<T> extends DocumentInsertionState {
final T object;
const DocumentInsertionSuccess(this.object);
class Test {
void doSomething() {
final state = insertDoc();
if (state is DocumentInsertionError) {
DocumentInsertionState insertDoc() {
try {
return DocumentInsertionSuccess("It worked");
} catch (e) {
return DocumentInsertionError(e.toString());
Full example here:

Pass annotation to a function in Kotlin

How can I pass an annotion instance to a function?
I would like to call the java method<T> type, Annotation... qualifiers). But I don't know how to pass an annotation instance to this method.
Calling the constructor like, MyAnnotation())
is not allowed and the #Annotation-Syntax, #MyAnnotation) is not allowed as parameter, too. How can I archive this?
When working with CDI you usually also have AnnotationLiteral available or at least you can implement something similar rather easy.
If you want to select a class using your annotation the following should do the trick:, object : AnnotationLiteral<MyAnnotation>() {})
Or you may need to implement your specific AnnotationLiteral-class if you require a specific value. In Java that would work as follows:
class MyAnnotationLiteral extends AnnotationLiteral<MyAnnotation> implements MyAnnotation {
private String value;
public MyAnnotationLiteral(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String[] value() {
return new String[] { value };
In Kotlin however, you can't implement the annotation and extend AnnotationLiteral or maybe I just did not see how (see also related question: Implement (/inherit/~extend) annotation in Kotlin).
If you rather want to continue using reflection to access the annotation then you should probably rather use the Kotlin reflection way instead:
Calling filter, etc. to get the Annotation you desire or if you know there is only one Annotation there, you can also just call the following (findAnnotation is an extension function on KAnnotatedElement):
One could annotate a method or field with the annotation an get it per Reflection:
Or According to Roland's suggestion the kotlin version of the above:
As suggested by Roland for CDI it is better to use AnnotationLiteral (see his post).

Yet another dynamic_class failing with "invalid target type"

I am missing something ...
I have a class SocketComm. I have a derived class SocketTCP : public SocketComm.
SocketComm has the following in it:
static SocketComm *Instance; // static pointer to the singleton instance du jour
I am trying to define a method in SocketComm as follows:
static inline SocketTCP *GetTCPclass()
// consistent method to return a SocketTCP* cast of SocketComm::Instance (or NULL)
SocketTCP *s = dynamic_cast<SocketTCP *>(Instance);
assert( s != NULL );
return s;
I am getting (VS 2010)
error C2680: 'SocketTCP *' : invalid target type for dynamic_cast
What am I missing? SocketComm is abstract -- is that the problem?
The answer seems to be that dynamic_cast needs a full declaration of the target class.
See my comment above.
Yeah, like #ViRusTriNiTy says, I suppose I could have put it in SocketTCP as a static inline. That would probably have worked too. But it seems more logical to me in the base class, and there is no performance reason to make it inline. The compiler will inline it when it can (in SocketComm.cpp) anyway.
According to your comments you are mixing code that belongs to a derived class into a base class. This is the wrong approach and you now see why: SocketTCP' : class must be defined before using in a dynamic_cast.
Just approach this in a different way like say adding a separate helper class that does the dynamic_cast.

Type hinting v duck typing

Using the following simple Example (coded in php):
public function doSomething(Registry $registry)
$object = $registry->getData('object_key');
if ($object) {
//use the object to do something
public function doSomething($registry)
$object = $registry->getData('object_key');
if ($object) {
//use the object to do something
What are the benefits of either approach?
Both will ultimately fail just at different points:
The first example will fail if an object not of type Registry is passed, and the second will fail if the object passed does not implement a getData method.
How do you choose when to use either approach?
Those are 2 different design approaches. The responsibility falls on the developer(s) to make sure either methods won't fail.
Type hinting is a more robust approach while duck typing gives you more flexibility.

How can I simplify my deserialization framework?

I have a Serialization interface which is designed to encapsulate the differences between XML/JSON/binary serialization for my application. It looks something like this:
interface Serialization {
bool isObject();
int opApply(int delegate(string member, Serialization value) del); //iterate object
int toInt(); //this part is ugly, but without template member overloading, I
long toLong(); //figure out any way to apply generics here, so all basic types
... //have a toType primitive
string toString();
class JSONSerialization : Serialization {
private JSON json;
long toLong() {
enforce(json.type == JSON_TYPE.NUMBER, SerializationException.IncorrectType);
return cast(long)json.toNumber();
So, what I then set up is a set of templates for registering type deserializers and calling them:
registerTypeDeserializer!Vec3(delegate Vec3(Serialization s) {
return Vec3(s[0].toFloat, s[1].toFloat, s[2].toFloat);
auto v = parseJSON("some file").deserialize!Vec3;
registerTypeDeserializer!Light(delegate Light(Serialization s) {
return new Light(s["intensity"].toFloat, s["position"].deserialize!Vec3);
This works well for structs and simple classes, and with the new parameter identifier tuple and parameter default value tuple I should even be able to add automatic deserializer generation. However, I don't really like the inconsistency between basic and user defined types, and more importantly, complex types have to rely on global state to acquire references:
static MaterialLibrary materials;
registerTypeDeserializer!Model(delegate Model(Serialization s) {
return new Model(materials.borrow(s["material"].toString), ...);
That's where it really falls apart. Because I can't (without a proliferation of register deserializer functions) pass other parameters to the deserializer, I'm having difficulty avoiding ugly global factories. I've thought about eliminating the deserialize template, and requiring a deserialize function (which could accept multiple parameters) for each user defined type, but that seems like a lot of work for e.g. POD structs.
So, how can I simplify this design, and hopefully avoid tons of boilerplate deserializers, while still allowing me to inject object factories appropriately, instead of assigning them globally?
Basic types can be read using readf \ formattedRead, so you can create a wrapper function that uses this formattedRead it possible, otherwise it uses a static function from the desired type to read the value. Something like this:
auto _readFrom(T)(string s){
static if(__traits(compiles,(readf("",cast(T*)(null))))){
T result;
return result;
return T.readFrom(s);