Anyway to setup traefik to feed matomo automatically? - traefik

With a self hosted instance like matomo, and a smart edge router like traefik, I was hoping to find some automated solution for analytics via traefik configuration instead of injecting JavaScript into each hosted service on my docker based server.
It seems to me the best way to track usage in the backend, instead of relying on 'the goodness of the browser', especially with ad blockers targeting matomo.
Has anyone tackled this in any fashion?

Yes, it's possible with Log Analytics:
See also:


Is there a way to proxy api calls in production

I have a vue.js frontend and I need to make api calls to an external api which doesn't allow cross-origin.
Is there a way to proxy this in the vue frontend, in development I used a devServer proxy and this worked. I could always forward it through my own spring backend but this seems like a worse solution then just proxy in the fontend.
You can't do it in production, proxy through bachend server seems right solution for you.
Also you can do a lot of stuff, like caching answers from external api, working with data immediately, without additional frontend work. Just try to do it.
If i were you, i'd just create/add separate service on backend that should work with that api.

Register Externally hosted app in PCF Service Registry

I am trying to add an ASP.NET 4.x app hosted externally (using AWS Elastic Beanstalk) into the Service-registry of an existing PCF.
Edit: Is this possible? If so, can someone give me an example about how this can be done
Assuming you have network connectivity in all directions between apps in PCF and the external app, yes this should be quite possible.
However, if you're using Spring Cloud Eureka, your externally-hosted app will need to get valid OAuth credentials so that it can authenticate prior to registering.
The comment by Daniel Mikusa is very appropriate for how I achieved this.
For Pivotal SCS, you would want to create a service instance (if you
don't have one already), then create a service key for your external
app. That will give you all of the binding info/creds you need to
connect from your remote service. A service key is the same as binding
a service to an app, except it's not tied to an app so it works well
for situations like this. Just give your service key a good name, so
you know that it's being used by an external app when you come back
and see it a year from now

Best way to do API shadowing on GCP

We are trying to transition from one microservice to another implementation. In order to properly test it in production, we are looking into shadowing the request in production to new service, and then comparing the result and logging any discrepancy. I am looking for the best tool than can do it out of the box. Previously we managed to do it with nginx, but I prefer an out of the box solution like Google cloud endpoints, or Apigee.

OneDrive OAuth with Multiple Domains

we are working on integrating OneDrive into our service. There is one issue we are facing with the OAuth redirects.
We have multiple deployment stages in our development process which include different base-urls. Starting with local development, multiple test deployments and one production. Is there any way to use different base urls for allowed redirect urls? Will this ever be supported? Why is it not? Dropbox and GDrive both support this.
My only idea would be to use different apps for the different stages which would introduce some complexity I would like to avoid.
What is the best process of handling different urls in development and production?
I found Consuming onedrive rest api in development environment using localhost which is not something I want to do since it will create confusion at some point if you forget to change your hosts file back.
Daron from OneDrive here. Unfortunately that's not supported right now, so your best bet is to register different apps for your different stages. We've noted your feedback though.

Modifying html repsonse from a webserver before it reaches the browser using a webserver plugin?

The question is as simple as the title. I have a webapp (I have no clue as to what technology it was built on or what appserver it is running on). However, I do know that this webapp is being served by an Apache Server/ IIS Server / IBM Http Server. Now, I would like to have a plugin/ module / add-on at the web-server end, which would parse/truncate/cut/regex the http response (based on the requested url's pattern), and mask(encrypt/shuffle/substitute) a set of fields in this response based on different parameters(user's LDAP permissions in the intranet / user's geo-location if on the internet, etc) and send the altered response back to the user.
So, Is there an easy answer to creating such plugins/modules/add-ons? How feasible is this approach of creating extra software at the webserver, when you want to mask sensitive information in a webapp without modfying the web-app code? Are there any tools that help you do this for Apache?
And, finally, is this just a really crazy thing to try?!
Each webserver will have its own way of doing so.
There is no universal plugin architecture for webservers.
In IIS you would write an HTTP Handler or HTTP Module, or possibly an ISAPI Filter. You can also directly interact with the http response using the Response object exposed by the HttpContext.
With apache, there are different modules that can do what you want (mod_headers, for example).
I don't know anything about WebSphere, but I am certain it also has similar mechanisms.
What you are asking is required by most web applications, so would be either built in or very easy to do.
The easiest way is to add a plug-in using the web application container. For example, if it's Tomcat, you can add a filter or valve.
If you want to plug-in to the web server, you'd need to write a custom module using the API of whichever web server is being used.
If all else fails, you could always wrap the entire server in a reverse proxy. All requests would go through your proxy and that would give you the opportunity to modify the requests and the responses.