Adding constraints to an SQL Table with altering - sql

I have a defined type:
CREATE TYPE salary AS (salary numeric);
and a table holding data:
CREATE TABLE employees (
lastname text,
firstname text,
salary salary,
I want to use ALTER TABLEto add a constraint to the salary attribute:
ALTER TABLE employees ADD CONSTRAINT minimum_salary CHECK(salary > 1.47333);
this gives me the error ERROR: operator does not exist: salary > numeric. Why is this the case?

To start with: a type seems overkill to just store a scalar value. Why no just create a check constraint on the column?
create table employees (
lastname text,
firstname text,
salary numeric check(salary > 1.473333)
Coming back to your original question: I don't think that it is possible to put a check constraint on a type column. One thing you could do, however, is to create a domain. Domains extend the standard types and do accept check constraints.
Consider this demo:
create domain salary numeric check(value > 1.47333);
create table employees (lastname text, firstname text, salary salary);
insert into employees values('foo', 'bar', 1);
-- ERROR: value for domain salary violates check constraint "salary_check"


Add constraint to SQL Server with condition

Consider this table
employee_number INT PRIMARY KEY,
employee_name NVARCHAR(100),
employee_year INT,
manager_employee_number INT,
salary INT,
FOREIGN KEY(manager_employee_number)
REFERENCES employee(employee_number)
I want to add a constraint which every employee's employee_year is less than his manager's and we know every manager is an employee himself. So I wrote this:
ALTER TABLE employee
ADD CONSTRAINT CK_EmployeeYearLessThanManager
CHECK (employee_year <= (SELECT m.employee_year
FROM employee
WHERE m.employee_number = manager_employee_number ));
I get this error:
Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed
Is there any possible way to write such a constraint?
As it can be seen from the error message, you cannot implement it as a subquery, but as a work around you can create a scalar-valued user defined function and call it from the check constraint. Here is an example:
employee_number INT PRIMARY KEY,
employee_name NVARCHAR(100),
employee_year INT,
manager_employee_number INT,
salary INT,
FOREIGN KEY(manager_employee_number)
REFERENCES employee(employee_number)
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.get_manager_hire_year(#manager_employee_number INT)
DECLARE #e_year int;
SELECT #e_year = employee_year
FROM employee
WHERE employee_number = #manager_employee_number;
RETURN #e_year
ALTER TABLE employee
ADD CONSTRAINT CK_EmployeeYearLessThanManager
CHECK (employee_year <= dbo.get_manager_hire_year(manager_employee_number))

How to make an employee wage restriction?

I have a database with an employee table. This table has the attributes:
name, id, adress and salary.
I need to restrict the salary of employees between US $ 5000 to US $ 10,000. How can I implement this restriction?
My attempt was to define the data type of the salary attribute as:
NUMERIC (5000, 10000)
However when I went to search the sql documentation I saw that NUMERIC (p, s) means
p: precision
s: scale
Try the check constraint when you create the table:
salary NUMERIC
CONSTRAINT salary_range
CHECK(salary >= 5000 and salary <= 10000)
Use Check constraint while creating the table.
create table (
salary check (salary between ( 5000 and 10,000))

Error on CHECK constraint in HANA SQL

I'm trying to create a table in the SQL Console of the catalog editor on a HANA SPS12 system with this statement:
create table testEmployee (
empid varchar(4) primary key,
salary number(6),
CHECK (salary >= 50000 and salary <= 200000)
It works if I change the CHECK into two separate statements but when I use the statement with the and I get this error:
12:25:20 PM (SQL Editor) Could not execute 'create table testEmployee ( empid varchar(4) primary key, salary number(6), CHECK ...'Error: (dberror) 288 - cannot use duplicate table name: TESTEMPLOYEE: line 2 col 13 (at pos 13)
Any suggestions?
This seems to be a wrong error message (aka bug) to me.
The problem does not occur when stating the check condition like this:
create table testEmployee (
empid varchar(4) primary key,
salary number(6),
CHECK (salary between 50000 and 200000)
In my tests it seemed to me that
A) one can create multiple check constraints by running multiple ALTER TABLE ADD CHECK commands, like so:
create table checker (
empid varchar(4) primary key,
salary number(6)
alter table checker add CHECK ( salary + empid > 100);
alter table checker add CHECK ( mod(salary/empid, 2)= 1);
alter table checker add CHECK ( salary between 1000 and 50000);
B) every single CHECK CONSTRAINT can appear on reference each column once. So, SALARY BETWEEN 5000 and 200000 works, while the logical equivalent SALARY >= 5000 and SALARY <= 200000 results in the error message.
UPDATE: the problem with the wrong error message does not occur on HANA 2SP02 and newer.

"ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here" when inserting into a view

I created a view called "view_employee" like this:
CREATE VIEW view_employee AS
SELECT employee.surname || ', ' || AS comp_name,, AS section_name, employee_age
FROM sections, employee WHERE employee.section = sections.sect_code;
And I would like to insert data into the table using the view, like this:
INSERT INTO view_employee VALUES ('Doe, John', 'm', 'Marketing', 34);
Here are the tables' columns and constraints:
create table sections(
sect_code number(2),
name varchar2(20),
income number(5,2)
constraint CK_sections_income check (income>=0),
constraint PK_sections primary key (sect_code)
create table staff(
ident number(5),
document char(8),
sex char(1)
constraint CK_staff_sex check (sex in ('f','m')),
surname varchar2(20),
name varchar2(20),
address varchar2(30),
section number(2) not null,
age number(2)
constraint CK_staff_age check (age>=0),
marital_status char(10)
constraint CK_employee_marital_status check (marital_status in
joindate date,
constraint PK_employee primary key (ident),
constraint FK_employee_section
foreign key (section)
references sections(sect_code),
constraint UQ_staff_document
The error message I get when attempting to insert is the following:
Error starting at Command Line: 1 Column : 1
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here
01733. 00000 - "virtual column not allowed here"
How could I insert those values into the table using the view? Thanks in advance.
A view must not contain any of the following constructs. So, it can be updateable.
A set operator
A DISTINCT operator
An aggregate or analytic function
A collection expression in a SELECT list
A subquery in a SELECT list
A subquery designated WITH READ ONLY
Joins, with some exceptions, as documented in Oracle Database
Administrator's Guide.

alter table for scope

This is the code I found on a course
create type employee_type AS OBJECT
( empno number(4),
ename varchar2(40),
dept_ref REF department_type)
create table employee of employee_type
( empno PRIMARY KEY )
create type department_type AS OBJECT
( deptno number(2),
dname varchar2(20),
loc varchar(20))
create table employee of employee_type
( empno PRIMARY KEY )
create table department of department_type
( deptno PRIMARY KEY )
alter table employee
add (scope for (dept_ref) is department)
I don't understand why we need to alter employee table to add scope for to department table, I mean dept_ref has been referred to department_type already and department table is consisted of department_type object, what is the add scope statment do?
As described in the documentation, the purpose is to say that dept_ref in employee has to refer, specifically, to a department, and not to any other table that may be of department_type type.
See REF Columns: Examples:
The dept column can store references to objects of dept_t stored in any table. If you would like to restrict the references to point only to objects stored in the departments table, then you could do so by adding a scope constraint on the dept column as follows ...
(People, apparently, love drawing examples from the domain of employees and departments)