How to vectorize process of spltting vector - numpy

I have a vector of numbers (here random). I'd like to calculate the consecutive relation of something (here means to clarify example) on the left and right side of each number in a vector.
Here is a procedural example. I'm interested in the vectorized form.
from numpy.random import rand
import numpy as np
numbers = rand(40)
for i in range(*numbers.shape):
This example will return nan in the first iteration but it is not a problem now.

Here's a vectorized way -
n = len(numbers)
fwd = numbers.cumsum()/np.arange(1,n+1)
bwd = (numbers[::-1].cumsum()[::-1])/np.arange(n,0,-1)
k_out = np.r_[np.nan,fwd[:-1]]/bwd
Optimizing a bit further with one cumsum, it would be -
n = len(numbers)
r = np.arange(1,n+1)
c = numbers.cumsum()
fwd = c/r
b = c[-1]-c
bwd = np.r_[1,b[:-1]]/r[::-1]
k_out = np.r_[np.nan,fwd[:-1]]/bwd

I spent some time and there is a simple and universal solution: numpy.vectorize with excluded parameter, where vector designated to be split must be excluded from vectorisation. The example still uses np.mean but can be replaced with any function:
def split_mean(vect,i):
return np.mean(vect[:i])/np.mean(vect[i:])
v_split_mean = np.vectorize(split_mean)
numbers = np.random.rand(30)
indexes = np.arange(*numbers.shape)


Why does numpy and pytorch give different results after mean and variance normalization?

I am working on a problem in which a matrix has to be mean-var normalized row-wise. It is also required that the normalization is applied after splitting each row into tiny batches.
The code seem to work for Numpy, but fails with Pytorch (which is required for training).
It seems Pytorch and Numpy results differ. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Example code:
import numpy as np
import torch
def normalize(x, bsize, eps=1e-6):
nc = x.shape[1]
if nc % bsize != 0:
raise Exception(f'Number of columns must be a multiple of bsize')
x = x.reshape(-1, bsize)
m = x.mean(1).reshape(-1, 1)
s = x.std(1).reshape(-1, 1)
n = (x - m) / (eps + s)
n = n.reshape(-1, nc)
return n
# numpy
a = np.float32(np.random.randn(8, 8))
n1 = normalize(a, 4)
# torch
b = torch.tensor(a)
n2 = normalize(b, 4)
n2 = n2.numpy()
In the first example you are calling normalize with a, a numpy.ndarray, while in the second you call normalize with b, a torch.Tensor.
According to the documentation page of torch.std, Bessel’s correction is used by default to measure the standard deviation. As such the default behavior between numpy.ndarray.std and torch.Tensor.std is different.
If unbiased is True, Bessel’s correction will be used. Otherwise, the sample deviation is calculated, without any correction.
torch.std(input, dim, unbiased, keepdim=False, *, out=None) → Tensor
input (Tensor) – the input tensor.
unbiased (bool) – whether to use Bessel’s correction (δN = 1).
You can try yourself:
>>> a.std(), b.std(unbiased=True), b.std(unbiased=False)
(0.8364538, tensor(0.8942), tensor(0.8365))

How to obtain a matrix by adding one more new row vector within an iteration?

I am generating arrays (technically they are row vectors) with a for-loop. a, b, c ... are the outputs.
Can I add the new array to the old ones together to form a matrix?
import numpy as np
# just for example:
a = np.asarray([2,5,8,10])
b = np.asarray([1,2,3,4])
c = np.asarray([2,3,4,5])
... ... ... ... ...
I have tried ab = np.stack((a,b)), and this could work. But my idea is to always add a new row to the old matrix in a new loop, but with abc = np.stack((ab,c)) then there would be an error ValueError: all input arrays must have the same shape.
Can anyone tell me how I could add another vector to an already existing matrix? I couldn´t find a perfect answer in this forum.
np.stack wouldn't work, you can only stack arrays with same dimensions.
One possible solution is to use np.concatenate((original, to_append), axis = 0) each time. Check the docs.
You can also try using np.append.
Thanks to the ideas from everybody, the best solution of this problem is to append nparray or list to a list during the iteration and convert the list to a matrix using np.asarray in the end.
a = np.asarray([2,5,8,10]) # or a = [2,5,8,10]
b = np.asarray([1,2,3,4]) # b = [1,2,3,4]
c = np.asarray([2,3,4,5]) # c = [2,3,4,5]
... ...
l1 = []
... ...
l1don´t have to be empty, however, the elements which l1 already contained should be the same type as the a,b,c
For example, the difference between l1 = [1,1,1,1] and l1 = [[1,1,1,1]] is huge in this case.

Efficient way to calculate the pairwise matrix product between one tensor and all the rolling of another tensor

Suppose we have two tensors:
tensor A whose shape is (d,m,n)
tensor B whose shape is (d,n,l).
If we want to get the pairwise matrix product of the right-most matrix of A and B, I think we can use np.einsum('dmn,>',A,B) whose size is (d,d,m,l). However, I would like to get the pairwise product of not all the pairs.
Import a parameter k, 1<=k<=d, I want to get the following pairwise matrix product:
Note here we we use a rolling way to deal with tensor B. (like numpy.roll).
Finally, we actually get a tensor whose shape is (d,k,m,l).
What's the most efficient way to do this.
I know several ways like:
First get np.einsum('dmn,>',A,B), then use a mask to extract the (d,k) pairs.
tile B first, then use einsum in some way.
But I think there exists a better way.
I doubt you can do much better than a for loop. Here is, for example, a vectorized version using einsum and stride_tricks compared to a double for loop:
from simple_benchmark import BenchmarkBuilder, MultiArgument
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
B = BenchmarkBuilder()
def loopy(A,B,k):
d,m,n = A.shape
l = B.shape[-1]
out = np.empty((d,k,m,l),int)
for i in range(d):
for j in range(k):
out[i,j] = A[i]#B[(i+j)%d]
return out
def vectory(A,B,k):
d,m,n = A.shape
l = B.shape[-1]
BB = np.concatenate([B,B[:k-1]],0)
BB = as_strided(BB,(d,k,n,l),np.repeat(BB.strides,(2,1,1)))
return np.einsum("ikl,ijln->ijkn",A,BB)
#B.add_arguments('d x k x m x n x l')
def argument_provider():
for exp in range(10):
d,k,m,n,l = (np.r_[1.6,1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5]**exp*(4,2,2,2,2)).astype(int)
A = np.random.randint(0,10,(d,m,n))
B = np.random.randint(0,10,(d,n,l))
yield k*d*m*n*l,MultiArgument([A,B,k])
r =
import pylab

Pseudoinverse calculation in Python

I was working on the problem described here. I have two goals.
For any given system of linear equations, figure out which variables have unique solutions.
For those variables with unique solutions, return the minimal list of equations such that knowing those equations determines the value of that variable.
For example, in the following set of equations
X = a + b
Y = a + b + c
Z = a + b + c + d
The appropriate output should be c and d, where X and Y determine c and Y and Z determine d.
I'm provided a two columns pandas DataFrame entitled InputDataSet where the two columns are Equation and Variable. Each row represents a variable's membership in a given equation. For example, the above set of equations would be represented as
InputDataSet = pd.DataFrame([['X','a'],['X','b'],['Y','a'],['Y','b'],['Y','c'],
The output will be stored in a 2 column DataFrame named OutputDataSet as well, where the first contains the variables that have unique solution, and the second is a comma delimited string of the minimal set of equations needed to solve the given variable. For example, the correct OutputDataSet would look like
OutputDataSet = pd.DataFrame([['c','X,Y'],['d','Y,Z']],columns=['Variable','EquationList'])
Current Solution
My current solution takes the InputDataSet and converts it into a NetworkX graph. After splitting the graph into connected subgraphs, it then converts the graph into a biadjacency matrix (since the graph by nature is bipartite). After this conversion, the SVD is computed, and the nullspace and pseudoinverse are calculated from the SVD (To see how they are calculated, see here and here: look at the source code for numpy.linalg.pinv and the cookbook function for nullspace. I fused the two functions since they both use SVD).
After calculating nullspace and pseudo-inverse, and rounding to a given tolerance, I find all rows in the nullspace where all of the coefficients are 0, and return those variables as those with a unique solution, and return those equations with non-zero coefficients for those variables in the pseudo-inverse.
Here is the code:
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import numpy.core as cr
def svd_lite(a, tol=1e-2):
wrap = getattr(a, "__array_prepare__", a.__array_wrap__)
rcond = cr.asarray(tol)
a = a.conjugate()
u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(a)
nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
ns = vt[nnz:].conj().T
shape = a.shape
if shape[0]>shape[1]:
u = u[:,:shape[1]]
elif shape[1]>shape[0]:
vt = vt[:shape[0]]
cutoff = rcond[..., cr.newaxis] * cr.amax(s, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
large = s > cutoff
s = cr.divide(1, s, where=large, out=s)
s[~large] = 0
res = cr.matmul(cr.swapaxes(vt, -1, -2), cr.multiply(s[..., cr.newaxis],
cr.swapaxes(u, -1, -2)))
return (wrap(res),ns)
cols = InputDataSet.columns
graphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(nx.from_pandas_dataframe(InputDataSet,cols[0],
OutputDataSet = []
Eqs = InputDataSet[cols[0]].unique()
Vars = InputDataSet[cols[1]].unique()
for i in graphs:
EqList = np.array([val for val in np.array(i.nodes) if val in Eqs])
VarList = [val for val in np.array(i.nodes) if val in Vars]
pinv,nulls = svd_lite(nx.bipartite.biadjacency_matrix(i,EqList,VarList,format='csc')
df2 = np.where(~np.round(nulls,tolexp).any(axis=1))[0]
df3 = np.round(np.array(pinv),tolexp)
OutputDataSet.extend([[VarList[i],",".join(EqList[np.nonzero(df3[i])])] for i in df2])
OutputDataSet = pd.DataFrame(OutputDataSet)
On the data that I've tested this algorithm on, it performs pretty well with decent execution time. However, the main issue is that it suggests far too many equations as required to determine a given variable.
Often, with datasets of 10,000 equations, the algorithm will claim that 8,000 of those 10,000 are required to determine a given variable, which most definitely is not the case.
I tried raising the tolerance (what I round the coefficients in the pseudo-inverse) to .1, but even then, nearly 5000 equations had non-zero coefficients.
I had conjectured that perhaps the pseudo-inverse is collapsing upon a non-optimal set of coefficients, but the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse is unique, so that isn't a possibility.
Am I doing something wrong here? Or is the approach I'm taking not going to give me what I desire?
Further Notes
All of the coefficients of all of the variables are 1
The results the current algorithm is producing are reliable ... When I multiply any vector of equation totals by the pseudoinverse generated by the algorithm, I get values essentially equal to those claimed to have a unique solution, which is promising.
What I want to know here is either whether I'm doing something wrong in how I'm extrapolating information from the pseudo-inverse, or whether my approach is completely wrong.
I apologize for not posting any actual results, but not only are they quite large, but they are somewhat unintuitive since they are reformatted into an XML which would probably take another question to explain anyways.
Thank you for you time!

Vectorizing a comparison in numpy

How can I vectorize this loop in NumPy? It uses sampling from NumPy's binomial() function to estimate the probability that out of 55 events exactly m of a particular type occur, where the probability of m occuring is 5%; ie it estimates 55Cm.(0.05)^m.(0.95)^(55-m). where 55Cm = 55!/(m!.(55-m)!)
import numpy as np
M = 7
m = np.arange(M+1)
ntrials = 1000000
p = np.empty(M+1)
for r in m:
p[r] = np.sum(np.random.binomial(55, 0.05, ntrials)==r)/ntrials
Here is the equivalent code:
p = np.zeros(M+1)
print p
I imagine you didn't intend for your output to always be all zero, but it is! So the first thing to do is add a dtype=float argument to your np.sum() call. With that out of the way, we can vectorize the whole thing like this:
samples = np.random.binomial(55, 0.05, (ntrials, M+1))
p = np.sum(samples == m, dtype=float, axis=0) / ntrials
This produces an equivalent, though not identical, result. The reason is that the random number generation is done in a different sequence, so you will get an answer which is "correct" but not identical to the old code. If you want the identical result to before, you can get that by changing the first line to this:
samples = p.random.binomial(55, 0.05, (M+1, ntrials)).T
Then you draw in the same order as before, with no real performance penalty.