How to remove window._nuxt_ in nuxt project, it is too large for me - vue.js

When I use nuxt to develop my project, I find some problems.
window.__NUXT__=(function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,_,$,aa, ..... code was too larger
can I remove it or use js file to replace it?

I have found a relatively perfect solution. I will share it with you here. You can also take a look at the website I developed using NUXT Sample Website
The key is the hook function vue-renderer:ssr:context, you can set the context.nuxt = null to remove any data in window._NUXT_.
But it is not work well, you have to add serverRender and routePath to window.nuxt
// nuxt.config.js
hooks: {
'vue-renderer:ssr:context'(context) {
const routePath = JSON.stringify(context.nuxt.routePath);
context.nuxt = {serverRendered: true, routePath};
You can see the result at my site


Docusaurus: How can I have multiple versions of different docs in the docs directory?

I'm working with Docusaurus to create a documentation site for 3 different education courses - all within the docs folder.
So I'm looking for a way to have the version be different across folders in there, or figure out what the best strategy for this is.
Right now, in my docusaurus.config.js I have:
module.exports = {
presets: [
docs: {
lastVersion: 'current',
versions: {
current: {
label: '1.0.0',
path: '1.0.0',
But I'm not sure how to keep track of 3 different versions across 3 different docs all within the same site.
Swizzle the navbar via wrapping
yarn run swizzle #docusaurus/theme-classic NavbarItem/DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem -- --wrap
Modify the swizzled component like so:
import React from "react";
import DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem from '#theme-original/NavbarItem/DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem';
import { useLocation } from '#docusaurus/router';
export default function DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItemWrapper(props) {
const { docsPluginId, className, type } = props
const { pathname } = useLocation()
/* (Custom) check if docsPluginId contains pathname
Given that the docsPluginId is 'charge-controller' and the routeBasePath is 'charge-controller', we can check against the current URI (pathname).
If the pathname contains the docsPluginId, we want to show the version dropdown. Otherwise, we don't want to show it.
This gives us one, global, context-aware version dropdown that works with multi-instance setups.
You want to declare a version dropdown for each plugin in your navbarItems config property for this to work well.
const doesPathnameContainDocsPluginId = pathname.includes(docsPluginId)
if (!doesPathnameContainDocsPluginId) {
return null
return <DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem {...props} />;
For this to work, you need to have your documentation (based on products) split up using multi-instances: (
Note that the preset docsPlugin ID always is "default".
You can try to use
import {
} from '#docusaurus/plugin-content-docs/client';
const version =; // use label instead of name if issues arise.
instead to get the current docsPluginId, name or label.
This would be the more "robust" solution I think. That said, we do use the solution I provided above as-is and it works fine for now.

Exclude bootstrap-vue icons with Webpack IgnorePlugin

Webpack bundle analyzer shows that icons from bootstrap-vue package are 535kb in size.
I don`t want to use them in a project, so I have been trying to exclude the package with a webpack IgnorePlugin.
According to example in documentation, I have tried to write this:
new webpack.IgnorePlugin({
resourceRegExp: /^icons(.*)$/,
contextRegExp: /^bootstrap-vue(.*)$/
but it didn`t work. The only thing I was able to reproduce, is to completely exclude bootstrap-vue lib via this constriction new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/bootstrap-vue/)
So how I can exclude only icons?
Here is the way to ignore the icons from bootstrap-vue:
new webpack.IgnorePlugin({
resourceRegExp: /\/icons\//,
contextRegExp: /bootstrap-vue/,
Next time if you are in doubt try to use checkResource function instead, it's easier to write and understand in comparison to regexp:
new webpack.IgnorePlugin({
checkResource (resource, context) {
if (context.includes('bootstrap-vue')) {
console.log(resource, ':::', context)
// check console to figure out how the resource is used
// update the function until it's satisfies your case
// then move to regexp if you wish
return false
But after doing this research it turned out that some components actually use some icons and icons in general are not as big as I expected. Using source of the bootstrap-vue had bigger impact on our bundle. So decided to stick with this approach instead

Understanding React-Admin translation

I am working with react-admin and trying to traduce it to my native language with this short guide usage:
I keep getting non-referenced keys on the supposed translated keys.
To get my traduction working, I tried to delete node-modules file, tested in other browsers, cleared cache etc. but I still had the non-referenced keys: ra.______
When I changed this line (as below), it solved my problem:
const messages = { 'fr': frenchMessages, };
const messages = { 'en': frenchMessages, };
And that's the only thing that i needed to change for the polyglot to work (French traduction).
Can someone explain to me what's going on, i don't know why it works in that case ?
Example in picture which shows the case explained above:
Not working case
Working case
Thanks for your time.
The <Admin locale='fr' ... property is deprecated! New version:
import { resolveBrowserLocale } from 'react-admin'
const i18nProvider = polyglotI18nProvider(locale => messages[locale], resolveBrowserLocale()) // or 'fr'

how to reach to a variable in another js file in appcelerator alloy

I have a small problem.
I have index.js
var loc = require('location');
function doClick (){
in location.js I have these
var dee = 12;
exports.doIt = function() {
Which means that when I click on the button I can get the alert, however, I want to reach these information without a need of click - onLoad - besides I want to return two values not only one.
How I can fix this maybe it has really an easy solution but because I have been working for a while my mind stopped working :)
you should move your location.js to inside app/lib (as module). for example :
// app/lib/helper.js
exports.callAlert = function(text) {
alert('hello'+ text);
and then call it in your controller like this :
var helper = require("helper"); // call helper without path and .js extension
and your problem should be solved :)

Exception Error: chrome://app/content/app1.js - EXPORTED_SYMBOLS is not an array

"EXPORTED_SYMBOLS is not an array" Exception flagged when tried to use Components.utils.import("chrome://app/content/app1.js");.
I have a XUL application created and from one of the JS File(say app.js) I tried to include the other JS File as shown above.
Both app.js and app1.js are placed in content folder and also in chrome.manifest file following line is added
"content app content/"
In other JS File (app1.js), I have exported symbols like
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Fooinstance"];
var Fooinstance = {
foo: function() {
In app.js,
// Error: chrome://app/content/app1.js - EXPORTED_SYMBOLS is not an array
I am running this XUL app on XULRunner 17.0.1 win32 libraries.
I looked through the code in this link
It did not help and if I include it as resource it works however I do not want to include it as part of resource.
Could you someone point out what mistake would be ?
I had this same problem, and I solved it:
1) changing the file extension (.js) by .jsm
2) Adding a first line on your module exporting classes to share. EG:
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Xobject"];
function Xobject(){
Xobject.prototype.stop = function() {
return 'stop';
} = function() {
return 'running';
3) Calling this way
Components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm' );
var myXobject = new Xobject();
Hope it help u
For anyone else getting this, another possible reason is a circular dependency. My case was a little different, but I had two JSM files each using Components.utils.import to import each other. Then I got this error in one of them.