Vue: Where to call API? - vue.js

I currently learning Vue and I am building a movie database app, where users can see movies fetched from an external API and sorted by popular and upcoming.
I have to call different URLs for both categories and I was wondering if I should do that in each component or a separate, third component where all the fetched data is stored?
Does it make sense to use Vuex for a small application like this or is there another best practice? Thanks!

IMHO, Use of Vuex is not about size of application, but the structure. If you want a clean app structure, keep vue SFCs as "simple" as possible. Any logic should be in Vuex and any complex function should be in utility classes.
When you're dealing with an application (not individual components) that utilizes an API, I would recommend placing the API and data hydration into Vuex. (or rather a separate function, but initiated by vuex)
This would allow any component to have access to not only the data, but the loading status of the data. Allowing you (for example) to use something v-if="dataIsLoaded" for components that expect the data to be there, and v-else for loading indicators

There are many resources online and here on stack overflow that will guide you in this. Without knowing how big your application is right now and how big is going to grow, it is difficult to suggest whether to use Vuex or not. In any case, where you make your API calls is / should be independent of your state management.
In general API calls in Vue applications can be made safely in the created lifecycle hook of the component.
created() {}
If you are not going to reuse the data from the API in multiple components, then you can call it in the component where it is needed. If you want to want to do it in a third component, it has to be a kind of wrapper around around your components for popular and upcoming and then pass the data received as a prop to these components.
Approach 1:
MoviesWrapperComponent: Makes the API calls and passes it down to other components
PopularMoviesComponent: Receives data from MoviesWrapperComponent
UpcomingMoviesComponent: Receives data from MoviesWrapperComponent
Approach 2:
PopularMoviesComponent: makes its own API calls.
UpcomingMoviesComponent: Makes its own API calls.

How I do it, is the Ajax calls in each method as in this way it's easier to handle the promisses and the scope of the components.
I'm using the popular Axios plugin, and i'm very happy with it.
I wouldn't use vuex if you just need to share data between a couple of components, but you can use it if you want to learn how to work with vuex.


NuxtJS Vue application: Best practice to use store

I am trying to use nuxtjs for ssr. I am not sure should I use vuex for all api calls. I could use asyncData hook to call api and use it in page directly without using vuex. I read online tutorials which advice to use store in for almost all api call and use store in page/component. I really don't see the benefit of using vuex for api call and use store for page/component.
Can anyone point me to right direction and point me to the correct article, link or code base?
You're free to design your state the way you want!
Vuex store isn't mandatory at all. Once you really understand how it works, you can decide whether it's worth it or not for your case. It's a matter of personal judgment.
I advise you to forget about using Vuex if you feel like it will be simpler to store your data in your page / components.
Vuex store is mainly designed to share data across different pages / component to avoid having a long chain of props / events. If you don't need that in your case, don't go for it, it will add unnecessary complexity.

how can i replace vuex with apollo client state managment?

I'm new for apollo-client and I wanted to replace vuex for state management keeping that in mind is there any way I can put my mutations and queries in a centralized way as vuex does? most tutorials and documents I found, call queries and mutations in each component which may cause repetition of queries and mutation so how can I solve this problem?
So, I don't have a ton of Vuex experience, but I have a production app using Vue Apollo, and it's really a different mindset.
Apollo isn't a local store of data, it's a structured way of accessing remote data. It's more a substitute for Axios than for Vuex.
In the case of Apollo, repeating a query isn't a bad thing, because Apollo has a pretty smart caching strategy. You can call queries with fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' to direct Apollo not to refetch already fetched data.
(Now, if data is frequently changing -- such as in a chat app -- you may not want to only rely on cached data. That's a decision you make on a query-by-query basis.)
That said, I would not use Apollo to store local data that is meant to carry from page to page (such as an e-commerce shopping cart). I would stick with Vuex for that.
You should create .js or .ts files with the corresponding query or mutation. Then, if you do not want to store the state in the Apollo Client State Management System, you can just call the corresponding service of state management in Vue.js. I am working with React.js, so what I would use in my case is the Context API, I am sure you can find the same thing for Vue.js.
Check out those links on how to implement Context API similar to React.js:
Context API for Vue.js/Nuxt.js applications
React context-like feature

React Native state management (Redux, Context API or Graphql)

After I got into the basics of React Native and developed some components, I did some research on how state management is being organised in larger apps and am trying to find out what I should be focusing on to learn those days. At first it seemed to be obvious to me that I would be using Redux, but it seems a lot of people are happy using GraphQL in a way that makes Redux even obsolete after implementing it. Now there's also the Context API and I'm wondering what you would be choosing today when writing an entire new React Native app that would be interacting with 3rd pty APIs a lot.
Thanks and regards,
The answer depends on a lot of different factors. There are some cases where choosing one over the other makes more sense, but ultimately the decision is up to you. Nevertheless, let's look at some scenarios where it might make sense to use each of these options.
Redux is best suited for applications that need complex state management and a single source of truth. Typically you would wrap your entire application in a Redux provider so that the state of your entire application changes when this store changes. So this is best used when you have state that is used in many different places throughout the app and needs to be available to every component. An example might be that of a game where a player's actions impact everything around them. Here you could dispatch actions to Redux when a player takes damage or levels up to increase enemy difficulty.
Context is (in my opinion) simpler to use than Redux and is useful for sharing state between a group of components. This is not necessarily for the entire app, although it can be and would effectively be a simpler replacement for Redux in that case. Rather, Context is used in situations where you have deeply nested components that need state from a parent several layers up, or for components that aren't nested within eachother but need the same data in order to work together. An example of when to use context would be in designing an image editor. You could have an image component wrapped in a filter component wrapped in a crop component wrapped in a sizing component and not want to pass the props down to each level every time. So you would wrap the top most layer in a provider and have each nested component be a consumer. You could also have a toolbar that can change the sizing, filter, etc. and so they would also be consumers and would call functions passed in by the provider. The rest of your app would have its own state and would not change when this state changes.
This is useful if you need to pull in state from several differnt APIs or backend services and combine this state all at once. This is dependent on either fetching from a preexisting GraphQL API or by setting up your own to pull in data from your other endpoints. Since you said you would be interacting with a lot of different 3rd party APIs, you could set up an Apollo server to retreive data from them, or use a service like AWS AppSync with Lambda if you want a managed GraphQL service. The beauty of GraphQL lies in that you can query for only exactly what your application needs at any given time. So instead of the APIs dictating what data the client can access, it is the client that tells the APIs what it wants, and then GraphQL gets it in an efficient manner. A perfect fit for this style of state management would be a blogging application. Here you need to pull in information on an author, and get all of their posts, and get all of the comments on their posts, and get their user info, and then get how many followers they have, etc. Where each of these pieces of data would normally be served from their own REST endpoint, you would end up making dozens - and in some case hundreds - of requests to your APIs and pulling in a huge amount of unnecessary data. With GraphQL you can declare what you want in the shape that you want it and pull it into your app in a single request. This would save you a lot of trouble in trying to see if your APIs have all returned a certain piece of data yet or not, and so you don't have to write a thousand if/else statements in your components. Only one would be necessary. However, GraphQL tends to be much harder (in my opinion) to setup compared to using Redux and Context. So be prepared that there is a tradeoff here. When people switch from Redux to GraphQL, they usually switch to the Apollo library in order to make use of their local state management and cache systems. These are not technically a part of GraphQL but are rather just nice add-ons that Apollo provides.
So that's just a general overview of the strengths and weaknesses of using each option. Again, which one (or which combination) you end up using really is dependent on your app's requirements. My suggestion is to experiment and find out.

What is the best practice to separate Vuex modules?

From an architectural point of view what is the best to separate/structure the Vuex Store into modules? I tend to create a module for each major routes when using Vue router.
When using this approach (diving modules by Views) I often occur the case that I have dependencies between the pages and Vuex modules.
The provided example of Vuex documentation is recommending a domain driven approach?
I usually create my modules around my data rather than around the routes calling the data. The point of state management in Vuex is to allow access to data from multiple components and routes after all. So for example, if I'm querying an API for a user, I'll make a module related to that user object. Similarly, if you have a themed UI, I would create a module for switching themed elements. Or if you are using a toast notification to display success/error messages that might be a good candidate for a module.

Packing all dynamic data into a single Vuex store

I'm working on a web application which consists of various pages that rely on ajax calls (via AXIOS) for either fetching data from the server or communicating data back to the server. However, the data that is fetched from the server is 99% of times intact during the lifecycle of a session meaning that it will not be changed (i.e. only displayed to user while involving very low update frequency). Moreover, this data, is just pure text including links to contents, formatted as a JSON Object.
I have just found about Vuex, and I have been thinking about packing all these get Ajax requests scattered across different components and centralize them in a Vuex Store in a way that, when the application loads, all required data would be fetched from the server so that no more communication with the server to get such data during the lifecycle of the session would be needed (while only getting the contents such as images, audio, etc via links).
Is Vuex appropriate for this purpose? Is this a good idea at all (based on the concept of speeding up navigations)?
As mentioned in the comments, Vuex is meant to manage complexity and in your case you are planning to fetch 99% of the data at the beginning for your app. So, in client-server aspect, you totally don't need it. Keeping your data structured would be enough.
However, you have also the notion mutation in Vuex. The idea is that you can update the core data only using mutations. In this way, you are protected from unwanted changes and you have a better insight how/in which order your data is changing. So, if you have complex operations on your data (fetched from server and also your apps logic), Vuex would be a good choice.
There are also another interesting features for different kind of apps. Note that is just another trending way to keep your data structured. There are also another strategies but since Vuex is regularly maintained by Vue core team (and it seems to be also in the future), I would suggest it. Especially, if your app keep growing, you will love it more and more. After reading core concepts of Vuex (or better its logic behind Vuex: FLUX), you will have better insight about it.