Azure function app using CSOM and Azure AD for authentication - authentication

I'm not sure if this is possible but my objective is an Azure function app that can use the SharePoint CSOM. I'm stuck on how to do the authorization with no user credentials. I've pieced together the code below but it throws a 401 unauthorized. This could be a configuration issue which I've had problems with when doing a JavaScript application and a Web Api. But I'm also wondering if this is even feasible or if I'm going about it the wrong way. Some key points before the code:
My front end demo app was created with a secret to be used in authentication
My Api demo app was granted API permissions to Azure AD, Microsoft Graph, and SharePoint
My Api demo app exposed an API and the front end demo app was added as an authorized client app
private static async Task ProcessMessageAsync(string myQueueItem, ILogger log)
const string mName = "ProcessMessageAsync()";
string resource = ""; //demoapp-api with permission to sharepoint
string clientId = "guid-of-demoapp-frontend"; //demoapp-frontend
string clientSecret = "secret-from-demoapp-frontend"; //demoapp-frontend secret
string siteUrl = ""; //sharepoint site
string authorityUri = "";
using (ClientContext ctx = await GetClientContext(authorityUri, siteUrl, resource, clientId, clientSecret))
Web web = ctx.Web;
log.LogInformation($"found site : {web.Title}");
catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("***Unexpected Exception in {0} *** : {1}", mName, ex.Message);
log.LogInformation("***Unexpected Exception in {0} *** : {1}", mName, ex.Message);
while (ex.InnerException != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
public async static Task<ClientContext> GetClientContext(string authorityuri, string siteUrl, string resource, string clientId, string clientSecret)
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityuri);
AuthenticationResult ar = await GetAccessToken(authorityuri, resource, clientId, clientSecret);
string token = ar.AccessToken;
var ctx = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
ctx.ExecutingWebRequest += (s, e) =>
e.WebRequestExecutor.RequestHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + ar.AccessToken;
return ctx;
static async Task<AuthenticationResult> GetAccessToken(string authority, string resource, string clientId, string clientSecret)
var clientCredential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
AuthenticationContext context = new AuthenticationContext(authority, false);
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(
resource, // the resource (app) we are going to access with the token
clientCredential); // the client credentials
return authenticationResult;
After further research I think the problem might be that I was using delegate permissions and instead I need application permissions (which require that I have admin access in the directory).

You get token with following code:
AuthenticationResult ar = await GetAccessToken(authorityuri, resource, clientId, clientSecret);
string token = ar.AccessToken;
However, the token you get can only be used to access the resource you specified as the parameter. In your case, it is "".
So, you can only use that token to access your endpoint web API, not sharepoint directly.


AcquireTokenSilentAsync failed_to_acquire_token_silently

I have a .NET MVC Core 3.1 Webapp running on azure. This webapp is with SSO against Azure AD and is consumming powerbi API and graph API in delegated mode.
All was working fine but now I regularly have failed_to_acquire_token_silently Exceptions when AcquireTokenSilentAsync is triggered. This is not 100% of the times and happears to me a bit randomly.
Let me try to extract what I think are the most relevant code parts.
Startup.cs / ConfigureServices:
services.AddAuthentication("Azures").AddPolicyScheme("Azures", "Authorize AzureAd or AzureAdBearer", options =>
options.ForwardDefaultSelector = context =>
.AddJwtBearer(x =>
// For browser access
.AddAzureAD(options => Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options));
Startup.cs / ConfigureTokenHandling:
private void ConfigureTokenHandling(IServiceCollection services)
if (Configuration["AuthWithAppSecret:ClientSecret"] != "")
services.Configure<OpenIdConnectOptions>(AzureADDefaults.OpenIdScheme, options =>
options.ResponseType = Configuration["AuthWithAppSecret:ResponseType"];
options.ClientSecret = Configuration["AuthWithAppSecret:ClientSecret"];
options.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
OnAuthorizationCodeReceived = async ctx =>
HttpRequest request = ctx.HttpContext.Request;
//We need to also specify the redirect URL used
string currentUri = UriHelper.BuildAbsolute(request.Scheme, request.Host, request.PathBase, request.Path);
//Credentials for app itself
var credential = new ClientCredential(ctx.Options.ClientId, ctx.Options.ClientSecret);
//Construct token cache
ITokenCacheFactory cacheFactory = ctx.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ITokenCacheFactory>();
TokenCache cache = cacheFactory.CreateForUser(ctx.Principal);
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(ctx.Options.Authority, cache);
string resource = Configuration["PowerBI:PowerBiResourceUrl"];
AuthenticationResult result = await authContext.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync(
ctx.ProtocolMessage.Code, new Uri(currentUri), credential, resource);
//Tell the OIDC middleware we got the tokens, it doesn't need to do anything
ctx.HandleCodeRedemption(result.AccessToken, result.IdToken);
A controller is like this :
public class ProjectsController : BaseController
private readonly ITokenCacheFactory _tokenCacheFactory;
public ProjectsController(MyContext context, IConfiguration configuration, ITokenCacheFactory tokenCacheFactory)
_context = context;
_tokenCacheFactory = tokenCacheFactory;
_configuration = configuration;
Later triggered by the controller:
static public async Task<string> GetAccessTokenAsync2(IConfiguration _configuration, ITokenCacheFactory _tokenCacheFactory, ClaimsPrincipal User, string resURL, Uri redirectURI)
string authority = _configuration["AzureAd:Authority"];
string clientId = _configuration["AzureAd:ClientId"];
string clientSecret = _configuration["AuthWithAppSecret:ClientSecret"];
var cache = _tokenCacheFactory.CreateForUser(User);
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority, cache);
var credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
var userId = User.GetObjectId();
AuthenticationResult result;
result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(
new UserIdentifier(userId, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId));
catch (AdalException ex)
mylog.Info("GetAccessTokenAsync - Adal Ex:" + ex.ErrorCode);
if (ex.ErrorCode == "failed_to_acquire_token_silently")
// There are no tokens in the cache.
PlatformParameters param = new PlatformParameters();
result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resURL, clientId, redirectURI, param, new UserIdentifier(userId, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId));
catch (Exception e)
mylog.Error("GetAccessTokenAsync - AcquireTokenAsync" + e.ToString());
throw e;
throw ex;
return result.AccessToken;
AcquireTokenAsync has been added to turn around the failed_to_acquire_token_silently issue (but it is totaly failling).
Do you have any idea why it is failing from time to time ?
Any other idea how to fix it ?
EDIT 07/04:
Here an example:
2021-04-07 15:18:24.674 +00:00 OnAuthorizationCodeReceived is triggered for user fd918ddf-fbb9-40d2-812b-b01876118f42
2021-04-07 15:18:31.675 +00:00 AcquireTokenSilentAsync - trigger exception userId 'fd918ddf-fbb9-40d2-812b-b01876118f42'
The users is authenticated against AD correctly. A code is received and few seconds later there a failed_to_acquire_token_silently exception raised.
The error failed_to_acquire_token_silently occurs when an access token cannot be found in the cache or the access token is expired.
Code sample here:
// STS
string cloud = "";
string tenantId = "331e6716-26e8-4651-b323-2563936b416e";
string authority = $"{cloud}/{tenantId}";
// Application
string clientId = "65b27a1c-693c-44bf-bf92-c49e408ccc70";
Uri redirectUri = new Uri("https://TodoListClient");
// Application ID of the Resource (could also be the Resource URI)
string resource = "eab51d24-076e-44ee-bcf0-c2dce7577a6a";
AuthenticationContext ac = new AuthenticationContext(authority);
AuthenticationResult result=null;
result = await ac.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(resource, clientId);
catch (AdalException adalException)
if (adalException.ErrorCode == AdalError.FailedToAcquireTokenSilently
|| adalException.ErrorCode == AdalError.InteractionRequired)
result = await ac.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, clientId, redirectUri,
new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto));
Note that, AcquireTokenSilent does not need to be called in the Client credentials flow (when the application acquires token without a
user, but in its own name)
But you use client credentials flow in your code, you could get access token via AcquireTokenAsync.
clientCredential = new ClientCredential(clientId, appKey);
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext =
new AuthenticationContext("<tenantId>");
AuthenticationResult result =
await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://resourceUrl",

How to validate if a user logged in with Google is still valid?

I'm running .NET Core v3.1 and Blazor and have implemented authorization using Google limited to our domain in Google G Suite as mentioned here:
Login/logout is working fine, but when the user who logged in is blocked or removed in Google G Suite the user stays logged in into my application until he logs out from the application. When he doesn't logs out he can keep using the application.
I'm looking for a refresh every hour.
This is my login.cshtml.cs:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetCallbackAsync(string returnUrl = null, string remoteError = null)
// Get the information about the user from the external login provider
var GoogleUser = User.Identities.FirstOrDefault();
if (GoogleUser.IsAuthenticated)
var authProperties = new AuthenticationProperties
IsPersistent = true,
RedirectUri = Request.Host.Value,
IssuedUtc = System.DateTime.UtcNow,
ExpiresUtc = System.DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1)
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, new ClaimsPrincipal(GoogleUser), authProperties);
return LocalRedirect("/");
I already added IssuedUtc and ExpiresUtc but that didn't change anything.
You have to enable the ability to call Google APIs (, to get this information, but, before you can do that, the G-Suite Domain Admin has to authorize that access using
This explains the process:
You will want to see this GitHub repo for code samples:
Here is some psudo code:
string[] Scopes = {
GoogleCredential credential;
//redirectUrl = this.Request.Host.Value;
string keyfilepath = "yourKeyFile.json";
using (var stream = new FileStream(keyfilepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
// As we are using admin SDK, we need to still impersonate user who has admin access
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
// Create Directory API service.
var service = new DirectoryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = "ApplicationName",
// G Suite User to get information about
// This test user should be suspended
var gs_email = UserToCHeck;
var request = service.Users.Get(gs_email);
var result = request.Execute();
Console.WriteLine("Full Name: {0}", result.Name.FullName);
Console.WriteLine("Email: {0}", result.PrimaryEmail);
Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", result.Id);
Console.WriteLine("Is Admin: {0}", result.IsAdmin);
Console.WriteLine("Is Suspended: {0}", result.Suspended);

Azure web api Unauthorized 401

I have some code that used to call Azure Scheduler to get a token, then using that token, make restful calls. Works a treat.
So i decided to adopt the code into a new app but this time call my own web api hosted on azure. The API is registered in Active directory I have created a secret key etc. When i initiliaze my static httpclient it fetches a token succesfully.
But when i make a call to the API using the token for auth, the response is a 401 "unauthorized", below is the code.
public static class SchedulerHttpClient
const string SPNPayload = "resource={0}&client_id={1}&grant_type=client_credentials&client_secret={2}";
private static Lazy<Task<HttpClient>> _Client = new Lazy<Task<HttpClient>>(async () =>
string baseAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BaseAddress"];
var client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseAddress);
await MainAsync(client).ConfigureAwait(false);
return client;
public static Task<HttpClient> ClientTask => _Client.Value;
private static async Task MainAsync(HttpClient client)
string tenantId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureTenantId"];
string clientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureClientId"];
string clientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureClientSecret"];
string token = await AcquireTokenBySPN(client, tenantId, clientId, clientSecret).ConfigureAwait(false);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); //TODO ssmith: const or localization
private static async Task<string> AcquireTokenBySPN(HttpClient client, string tenantId, string clientId, string clientSecret)
var payload = String.Format(SPNPayload,
var body = await HttpPost(client, tenantId, payload).ConfigureAwait(false);
return body.access_token;
private static async Task<dynamic> HttpPost(HttpClient client, string tenantId, string payload)
var address = String.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TokenEndpoint"], tenantId);
var content = new StringContent(payload, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
using (var response = await client.PostAsync(address, content).ConfigureAwait(false))
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", response.StatusCode);
Console.WriteLine("Content: {0}", await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
}//TODO: start removing tests
return await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<dynamic>().ConfigureAwait(false);
The above code is the class that creates a httpclient and gets its authorization.
public virtual async Task<T> GetAsync(string apiURL)
_client = await SchedulerHttpClient.ClientTask;
var response = await _client.GetAsync(apiURL);
var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>().ConfigureAwait(false);
return responseContent;
catch (Exception e)
return default(T);
The above code is a quick lift of my old code simply to test if i can get any results. but as stated it returns a 401.
My question is, is my old code to get authorization incorrect?
<add key="ARMResource" value="" />
<add key="TokenEndpoint" value="{0}/oauth2/token" />
<add key="BaseAddress" value="" />
As suspected, This particular issue was cause by the incorrect "ARMresource" in the case of a web api it required me to change it to the client id.
Source of answer
Seems my issue was the same, however i suspect i may be able to omit the resource entirely from my SPNPayload string.

Microsoft Graph: Current authenticated context is not valid for this request

I had an app that used MSAL and the v2.0 endpoint to sign in users and get token.
I recently changed it to ADAL and the normal AAD endpoint (also changing the app), and now when I try to use the GraphService I get the following error: Current authenticated context is not valid for this request
My user is admin
All permissions have been delegated
The token is successfully retrieved
Here is the code I use:
public static GraphServiceClient GetAuthenticatedClient()
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(
new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
async (requestMessage) =>
string accessToken = await SampleAuthProvider.Instance.GetUserAccessTokenAsync();
// Append the access token to the request.
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", accessToken);
return graphClient;
Calling the method, where the actual error happens:
// Initialize the GraphServiceClient.
GraphServiceClient graphClient = SDKHelper.GetAuthenticatedClient();
// Get events.
items = await eventsService.GetMyEvents(graphClient);
catch (ServiceException se)
Getting the token:
public async Task<string> GetTokenAsync()
ClientCredential cc = new ClientCredential(appId, appSecret);
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
AuthenticationResult result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", cc);
return result.AccessToken;
Can't find anything on this online so I am not sure how to continue.
This exception is caused by the token acquired using the client credentials flow. In this flow, there is no context for Me.
To fix this issue, you need to specify the whose event you want to get. Or you need to provide the delegate-token.
code for your reference:
//var envens=await graphClient.Me.Events.Request().GetAsync();
var envens = await graphClient.Users[""].Events.Request().GetAsync();

Basic Auth to Receive Token in Spring Security

I am implementing a RESTful API where the user must authenticate. I want the user to POST their credentials in order to receive a JSON web token (JWT), which is then used for the remainder of the session. I have not found any good sources of information to set this up. In particular, I'm having trouble with the filter. Does anybody have any information or tutorials to help me set this up?
The people at Stormpath have quite a straightforward solution for achieving Oauth. Please take a look at Using Stormpath for API Authentication.
As a summary, your solution will look like this:
You will use the Stormpath Java SDK to easily delegate all your user-management needs.
When the user presses the login button, your front end will send the credentials securely to your backend-end through its REST API.
By the way, you can also completely delegate the login/register/logout functionality to the Servlet Plugin. Stormpath also supports Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Github login.
Your backend will then try to authenticate the user against the Stormpath Backend and will return an access token as a result:
* Authenticates via username (or email) and password and returns a new access token using the Account's ApiKey
public String getAccessToken(String usernameOrEmail, String password) {
ApiKey apiKey = null;
try {
AuthenticationRequest request = new UsernamePasswordRequest(usernameOrEmail, password);
AuthenticationResult result = application.authenticateAccount(request);
Account account = result.getAccount();
ApiKeyList apiKeys = account.getApiKeys();
for (ApiKey ak : apiKeys) {
apiKey = ak;
if (apiKey == null) {
//this account does not yet have an apiKey
apiKey = account.createApiKey();
} catch (ResourceException exception) {
System.out.println("Authentication Error: " + exception.getMessage());
throw exception;
return getAccessToken(apiKey);
private String getAccessToken(ApiKey apiKey) {
HttpRequest request = createOauthAuthenticationRequest(apiKey);
AccessTokenResult accessTokenResult = (AccessTokenResult) application.authenticateApiRequest(request);
return accessTokenResult.getTokenResponse().getAccessToken();
private HttpRequest createOauthAuthenticationRequest(ApiKey apiKey) {
try {
String credentials = apiKey.getId() + ":" + apiKey.getSecret();
Map<String, String[]> headers = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>();
headers.put("Accept", new String[]{"application/json"});
headers.put("Content-Type", new String[]{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"});
headers.put("Authorization", new String[]{"Basic " + Base64.encodeBase64String(credentials.getBytes("UTF-8"))});
Map<String, String[]> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>();
parameters.put("grant_type", new String[]{"client_credentials"});
HttpRequest request = HttpRequests.method(HttpMethod.POST)
return request;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Then, for every authenticated request, your backend will do:
/** This is your protected API */
public void sayHello(String accessToken) throws OauthAuthenticationException {
try {
if (verify(accessToken)) {
doStartEngines(); //Here you will actually call your internal doStartEngines() operation
} catch (OauthAuthenticationException e) {
System.out.print("[Server-side] Engines not started. accessToken could not be verified: " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
private boolean verify(String accessToken) throws OauthAuthenticationException {
HttpRequest request = createRequestForOauth2AuthenticatedOperation(accessToken);
OauthAuthenticationResult result = application.authenticateOauthRequest(request).execute();
System.out.println(result.getAccount().getEmail() + " was successfully verified");
return true;
private HttpRequest createRequestForOauth2AuthenticatedOperation(String token) {
try {
Map<String, String[]> headers = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>();
headers.put("Accept", new String[]{"application/json"});
headers.put("Authorization", new String[]{"Bearer " + token});
HttpRequest request = HttpRequests.method(HttpMethod.GET)
return request;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
All this will not need any special Spring Security configuration, this is plain Java code that you can run in any framework.
Please take a look here for more information.
Hope that helps!
Disclaimer, I am an active Stormpath contributor.
Here's a working sample code from Spring Security OAuth github.
You probably don't even need to mess with the filters as shown in the above example. If you've custom needs, please post some sample code.