g1ant: jsonpath with method length() not implemented - automation

I have problem to get size items of array. Function of jsonPath "length()" not implemented in g1ant, because throwing exception "Array index expected".
Below is sample in g1ant script for test.
addon core version
addon language version
♥jsonImage = ⟦json⟧‴{ "book" : [ { "name" : "Bambi"} , { "name" : "Cinderella" } ] }‴
♥aaa = ♥jsonImage⟦$.book.length()⟧
dialog ♥aaa
Are there other solutions related to the length of the array?

It's not possible to get the number of json array elements in the way that you are trying. G1ANT is using Newtonsoft.Json library for selecting json tokens where they don't allow expressions like .length() as you can read here.
Here's how you can workaround this issue.
♥jsonImage = ⟦json⟧‴{ "book" : [ { "name" : "Bambi"} , { "name" : "Cinderella" } ] }‴
♥jsonArrLength = 0
♥hasExceptionOccurred = false
while ⊂!♥hasExceptionOccurred⊃
try errorcall NoMoreElements
♥test = ♥jsonImage⟦book[♥jsonArrLength]⟧
♥jsonArrLength = ♥jsonArrLength + 1
end try
end while
dialog ♥jsonArrLength
procedure NoMoreElements
♥hasExceptionOccurred = true
end procedure


Automatically determine values for Terraform Azure Private endpoint module

I need a help with a terraform module that I've created. It works perfectly, but I need to add some automation.
I created a module which creates multiple private endpoints, but I always need to put the variable values in manually.
This is the module:
resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "endpoint" {
for_each = try({ for endpoint in var.endpoints : endpoint.name => endpoint }, toset([]))
name = each.key
location = var.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
subnet_id = each.value.subnet_id
dynamic "private_service_connection" {
for_each = each.value.private_service_connection
content {
name = each.key
private_connection_resource_id = private_service_connection.value.private_connection_resource_id
is_manual_connection = false
subresource_names = var.subresource_name ### see values on : https://learn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/azure/private-link/private-endpoint-overview#private-link-resource
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
tags = var.tags
I need to have:
1 - for the private endpoint name : I need it to be automatically provided: "pendp-(the subresource_name value in lower cases- my resource_name =>(mysql server for example))"
2 - for the private connection name: I need the values to be automatically: "connection-(the subresource_name value in lower cases- my ressource_name =>(mysql server for exemple))"
3 - some automation to detect automatically the subresource_name ( if I create a private endpoint for a blob or for a mariadb or for a mysqlserver, the module should detected it.
terraform version:
terraform {
required_version = "~> 1"
required_providers {
azurerm = "~> 3.0"
The easiest way to combine values automatically would be to use the Terraform string join() function to join multiple strings together. For lower case strings, you can use the lower() function.
Some examples:
name = join("-", ["pandp", lower(var.subresource_name)])
name = join("-", ["connection", lower(var.subresource_name), lower(each.key)])
For your third rule, you want to use a conditional expression to determine if it's a blob, or mariadb, or mysqlserver.
In this example, we set an example_name local with a value some-blob-value if var.subresource_name contains a string that starts with "blob", and set it to something-else if the condition is false:
locals {
example_name = startswith(lower(var.subresource_name), "blob") ? "some-blob-value" : "something-else"
There are many options available for doing a conditional on if a value is passed to what you expect and then determine a result based on that value. What exactly you want isn't clear in the question, but hopefully this will get you pointed in the right direction.
Terraform even has several helper functions that might help you if you only need part of a string, such as startswith(), endswith(), or contains() depending on your needs.

Pipeline generation - passing in simple datastructures like lists/arrays

For a code repository project in Palantir Foundry, I am struggling with re-using some of my transformation logic.
It seems almost trivial, but: is there way to send an Input to a Transform that is not a dataset/dataframe reference?
In my case I want to pass in strings or lists/arrays.
This is my code:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from transforms.api import Transform, Input, Output
def my_computation(result, customFilter, scope, my_categories, my_mappings):
scope_df = scope.dataframe()
my_categories_df = my_categories.dataframe()
my_mappings_df = my_mappings.dataframe()
filtered_cat_df = (
# ... more logic
def generateTransforms(config):
transforms = []
for key, value in config.items():
o = {}
for outKey, outValue in value['outputs'].items():
o[outKey] = Output(outValue)
i = {}
for inpKey, inpValue in value['inputs'].items():
i[inpKey] = Input(inpValue)
i['customFilter'] = Input(value['my_custom_filter'])
transforms.append(Transform(my_computation, inputs=i, outputs=o))
return transforms
config = {
"transform_one": {
"my_custom_filter": {
"inputs": {
"scope": "/my-project/input/scope",
"my_categories": "/my-project/input/my_categories",
"my_mappings": "/my-project/input/my_mappings"
"outputs": {
"result": "/my-project/output/result"
TRANSFORMS = generateTransforms(config)
The concrete question is: how can I send in the values from my_custom_filter into customFilter in the transformation function my_computation?
If I execute it like above, I get the error "TypeError: unhashable type: 'set'"
This looks like a python issue, any chance you can point out which line is causing the error?
Reading throung your code, I would guess it's this line:
i['customFilter'] = Input(value['my_custom_filter'])
Your python logic is wrong, if we unpack your code you're trying to do this call:
i['customFilter'] = Input({"foo", "bar"})
Edit to answer the comment on how to create a python transform to lock a variable in a closure:
def create_transform(inputs={}, outputs={}, my_other_var):
#transform(**inputs, **outputs)
def compute(input_foo, input_bar, output_foobar, ctx):
df = input_foo.dataframe()
df = df.withColumn("mycol", F.lit(my_other_var))
return compute
and now you can call this:
transforms.append(create_tranform(inputs, outptus, "foobar"))

Karate Api : check if a phrase is available response object array

I've a response
{ errors: [
code: 123,
reason: "this is the cause for a random problem where the last part of this string is dynamically generated"
} ,
code: 234,
reason: "Some other error for another random reason"
Now when I validate this response
I use following
And match response.errors[*].reason contains "this is the cause"
This validation fails, because there is an equality check for complete String for every reason ,
I all I want is, to validate that inside the errors array, if there is any error object, which has a reason string type property, starting with this is the cause phrase.
I tried few wild cards but didn't work either, how to do it ?
For complex things like this, just switch to JS.
* def found = response.errors.find(x => x.reason.startsWith('this is the cause'))
* match found == { code: 123, reason: '#string' }
# you can also do
* if (found) karate.log('found')
Any questions :)

Karate : dynamic test data using scenario outline is not working in some cases

I was tryiny to solve dynamic test data problem using dynamic scenario outline as mentioned in the documentation https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#dynamic-scenario-outline
It worked perfectly fine when I passed something like this in Example section
But I tried to generate this json object programatically , I am getting aa strange error
WARN com.intuit.karate - ignoring dynamic expression, did not evaluate to list: users - [type: MAP, value: com.intuit.karate.ScriptObjectMap#2b8bb184]
Code to generate json object
* def user =
entity_type_ids =[]
var entityTypes = response.entityTypes
for(var i =0;i<entityTypes.length;i++ ){
object = {}
object['entity'] = entityTypes[i].id
return JSON.stringify(entity_type_ids)

Terraform 0.12.5 | Bigquery table resource doesn't support external data configuration block

I'm creating a module to make easy to provision a BigQuery table in GCP.
My module is working, but now I'm trying to add the option to create the table based in external data, like a GCS bucket.
In the doc (https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/r/bigquery_table.html#external_data_configuration) are saying this configuration is supported, but I get only this error:
Acquiring state lock. This may take a few moments...
Error: Unsupported block type
on ../../modules/bq_table/main.tf line 24, in resource "google_bigquery_table" "default":
24: external_data_configuration {
Blocks of type "external_data_configuration" are not expected here.
Im using the last Terraform version (0.12.5) and google provider v2.10.0 in Mac OS.
Here is my module code in HCL2:
resource "google_bigquery_table" "default" {
dataset_id = "${terraform.workspace}_${var.bq_dataset_id}"
table_id = "${terraform.workspace}_${var.bq_table_id}"
project = (var.project_id != "" ? var.project_id : null)
description = (var.bq_table_description != "" ? var.project_id : null)
expiration_time = (var.bq_table_expiration_time != null ? var.project_id : null)
friendly_name = (var.bq_table_name != "" ? var.project_id : null)
dynamic "external_data_configuration" {
for_each = var.bq_table_external_data_configuration
content {
autodetect = true
source_format = "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON"
source_uris = [external_data_configuration.value]
time_partitioning {
type = "DAY"
field = var.bq_table_partition_field
labels = var.bq_table_labels
schema = (var.bq_table_schema != "" ? var.bq_table_schema : null)
dynamic "view" {
for_each = (var.bq_table_view_query != "" ? {query = var.bq_table_view_query} : {})
content {
query = view.value
depends_on = ["null_resource.depends_on"]
Above im using Dynamic blocks, but tried to use normally and the error is the same.
The for_each property inside your dynamic block expects an array value. Try wrapping the input variable in an array:
dynamic "external_data_configuration" {
for_each = var.bq_table_external_data_configuration ? [var.bq_table_external_data_configuration] : []
content {
autodetect = true
source_format = "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON"
source_uris = [external_data_configuration.value]
Conditional blocks are still a bit of a hassle even after Terraform 0.12; read here for more.