The primitive type int of OutputType does not have a field FILE while using screenshot code - screenshot

hi i am using this code for screen shot but i am getting above error please help me if some one can thank you enter image description here
public static void takeScreen(String FilePath, String Value) {
File ts=(File) ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(ts,new File(FilePath));

I got the same problem and was able to resolved by adding below to OutputType.FILE
File ts=(File) ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(org.openqa.selenium.OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(ts,new File(FilePath));


Xamarin.UITest Screenshot location

I've got a problem with Xamarin.UITest, specifically screenshot feature. It is not working as expected.
I'm trying to copy "created" screenshot to another directory, but I get the following error:
Message: System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not find file
'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
I'm using this piece of code to copy image file:
var screen = app.Screenshot("Welcome screen.");
How to specify first path/location for screenshots, because the original path probably needs admin privileges, that I don't have.
Screenshots saved with App.Screenshot() are located in your test project's directory: MyTestProject"\bin\Debug folder where the first screenshot is named screenshot-1.
Half solution to the problem: I downgraded NUnit from 3.11.0 to 2.7.0, so it works OK.
Use MoveTo() insted of CopyTo().
var screenshot = app.Screenshot($"{DateTime.Now}_{platform}");
My screenshots are saving to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp
Try this code
public void Teardown()
private void SaveScreenshotIfTestFails()
if (TestContext.CurrentContext.Result.Outcome.Status == TestStatus.Failed)
var testName = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name;
var filename = $"{testName}.png";
var file = app.Screenshot(testName);
var dir = file.DirectoryName;
File.Delete(dir + "\\" + filename);
Screenshots are saved to the Current Directory. Change it via Directory.SetCurrentDirectory.

Javafx Hyperlink parameters on action

Thank you for reading my question and apologies for the noobness
I am writing my first JavaFX application in which I have an array of hyperlinks which have latitude longitude (e.g. "42N 7E") in the text value of the hyperlink which is being updated every second from another Thread and updates the hyperlink text in the Main Thread. (This works fine)
public static void setPosLatLong(String posLatLong, int SID) {
I am trying to use the value in the hyperlink text when clicking on the hyperlink to dynamically change the destination URL with the latest latlong values... but I get the error 'local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final'
int SID = 'id of the hyperlink corresponding to a machine'
posLatLong[SID] = new Hyperlink();
posLatLong[SID].setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
getHostServices().showDocument("" + posLatLong[SID].getText());
I have tried all kinds of ways to get around this but I am shamefully stuck. If anyone could point me in the right direction so that the last updated value in the hyperlink array is passed as a parameter when opening the browser it would be greatly appreciated.
I think I managed to find a solution myself so I'll post it in case it could be useful to someone
posLatLong[i].setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
String eventLatLong = "";
Object source = event.getSource();
if (source instanceof Hyperlink) {
Hyperlink link = (Hyperlink) source;
eventLatLong = link.getText();
getHostServices().showDocument("" + eventLatLong );
Tada !

<p:media display pdf from folder dynamically

I have several pdf files saved in ...WebContent/Manuals/filename.pdf that I am trying to display on my page. I am getting "Failed to Load PDF document" message in Chrome.
My Jsf:
<p:media value="#{reviewBean.manual}" player="pdf" height="600px" width="1000px" />
My #SessionScoped Bean:
public StreamedContent getManual() throws IOException {
String type = "application/pdf";
String path = "";
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
if (context.getCurrentPhaseId() == PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE) {
return new DefaultStreamedContent();
} else {
path = "C:\\.....\\WebContent\\Manuals\\filename.pdf";
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(path.getBytes());
return new DefaultStreamedContent(is, type);
There is additional logic that i have left out for clarity which decides which pdf is displayed.
I have also tried the file path of /Manuals/filename.pdf as path
I tried following the below example:
How to bind dynamic content using <p:media>?
In my case I do not need to retrieve a value using <f:param
Is my file path incorrect to display the image? Or am I building the Stream incorrectly? Any guidance is much appreciated.
I solved this by merely returning the url as a String.
public String getManual() {
return user.getManuals().get(user.getLData().getDepart());
Where the returned value is the file path of the pdf: Manuals/filename.pdf

Captcha in oracle adf project

I'm trying to use captcha as it's shown in this example:
And it works fine in .jspx page or in .jsff page fragment, but I have to place captcha onto the first page of taskflow, and there... it's not updated! /* I mean the button "can't read image" doesn't work */ I have no idea why. Can anybody help?
Actually, I figured out how to do it by myself:
we need captcha image binding in our bean and the resetting method:
private RichImage captchaImage;
public void setCaptchaImage(RichImage captchaImage) {
this.captchaImage = captchaImage;
public RichImage getCaptchaImage() {
return captchaImage;
public void resetCaptcha(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
captchaImage.setSource("/captchaservlet?rand=" +
All, I didn't know how to do was adding parameter to "/captchaservlet"
And now it works fine :)
But the next problem appears: when returning to this page with captcha from the second one in task flow I need to refresh captcha image. Is there any method that is executed on page return or something?
Aaaaaaaaaaaand I found even more elegant solution: one should just set the source of the captcha image to this method using the expression builder:
public String getCaptchaSource() {
return "/captchaservlet?rand=" + String.valueOf(Math.random());
The button "Refresh", of course, should be set as a partial trigger for the image, as in the example.
And that's it :)

C# : Wrong Extension when Upload

I am having a page with Telerik Upload Control.
I want to save the file Extension in database.
I am using GetExtension() Method.
It gives me a wrong Extension when the file has '.' in the name.
Example : Micro.18-7.pdf
When i am trying to get the Extension of the file,it shows ".18-7".
please anyone help me in this to solve this.
Thanks in advance.
AGM Raja
Create your own method like such
static string GetFileExtension(string fileName)
var result = fileName.Split('.');
return result[result.Length - 1];