Separate component file with vue cdn - express

I have an express server serving only one GET route and return the file 'public/app.html'
This app.html file load vue.js throw cdn
I don't want to have a big component!
How can I put every component in a different file?
What I tried:
I created a /public/components/InputName.vue vuejs component.
And inside public/app.html in <script> I added:
import InputName from './InputName'
But I have this error
import declarations may only appear at top level of a module

Check this GitHub Repo :
it explains how you can load a component from a server:


Vue 3 + Module Federation

I am trying to build a simple micro-frontend example using Vue3 and Module Federation but I have a collision problem.
I have the code here:
There are only two mf:
container (Vue3)
auth (Vue3)
The problem I have is that when I import the App.vue component:
// index.js - in container
import App from './components/App.vue'
// indexAuth.js - in auth
import App from './components/App.vue'
in the auth module and load the module in container the App.vue component is overwritten.
Is there any webpack settings am I missing to make sure each component is loaded separately ?
I found the problem, it is a webpack-dev-server v4 bug. I downgraded to v3 and everything works fine.

Import custom component as script Vue JS

I'm currently trying to use a custom component ( in my demo application built with Vue CLI.
First I've tried in a JS Fiddle ( and everything works as expected just by importing the <script> (as explained in the Github "Browser" section) and using the <vue-playing-card> custom component. Than I've tried including the component in my Vue CLI app by following the instruction on the Github page under the "Bundler (Webpack, Rollup)" section and everything works.
My problem is that, for some reasons that I will explain if you need to know, I have to include this component using the <script> tag, as in the JS Fiddle, and not with the "Bundler (Webpack, Rollup)".
I tried including the <script> tag at the bottom of my index.html file but when I try to include the custom component in my Vue application this error gets printed in the console:
Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? etc.
I really don't understand what it's happening since in the JS Fiddle everthing works as expected... can you help me? Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a stupid question, but I've tried and searched all I could.

Remove deleted component from vue-loader cache

I created a component and used it in my nuxt app. When my app is runned I've delete it and nuxt return me error message:
How I can solve error with removed component in my case?
It looks like you have a file "test.vue" in the pages directory. Ie. /pages/test.vue
It would appear that page is trying to load your deleted component. I guess it has an:
import Unauth from "#/component/Unauth"
Delete that line and "Unauth" from the components section.

Vuetify errors when loading a Vue-generated web component into a host/parent that is also a Vue app

I have a Vue Cli 3 generated web component/custom element that uses Vuetify. I have a parent/host Vue App that is also using Vuetify. When the custom element loads into the host app, I get a bunch of Type errors as shown in the screenshot. e.g. Type Error: Cannot read property theme of undefined.
This appears to be a Vuetify issue. What is the correct architecture for using Vuetify within a Vue CLi custom element and in its host application?
Currently, I have Vue.js script tag in parent, for use by the custom element. And Vue is imported into the Vue app, as normal. Script tag is there only because the custom element requires it. I have Vuetify included in both as well. The web component is using the vuetify plugin. And so is the host.
The web component runs perfectly fine on its own, and so does the host app. So, apparently there are conflicts.
Resolved this myself. In short, you cannot use the Vuetify plugin and the al-a-cart. It only works if you include the full Vue and Vuetify inside the web component. Not optimal, but at least it is a workaround for this Vuetify bug.
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuetify from "vuetify";
// import { VApp,VToolbar,VToolbarTitle,VSpacer,VContainer,VLayout,VFlex,VCard,VCardTitle,VCardActions,VBtn,VDivider } from 'vuetify/lib';
export default {
/* components:{
} */

How to get Vue working locally?

I am trying to download Vue locally. If I am using example from CDN all works. But if I am linking to component placed on file system I am getting error.
<script src="js/index.js"></script>
Instead of:
<script src=""></script>
I am getting error:
Unknown custom element: <el-button> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
I tried to link with all package and part of it (single element like button). Thу error is same.