can host application and website on same port with same ip address in iis? - iis-8

I have deployed an website in IIS using my public domain name on the same domain some applications already deployed in IIS.The issue is that when we deployed website then the application which is already deployed stop working.I used same port and public domain name for both website as well as application i.e while deploying website our hostname is public domain name to access website from outside.

when you host multiple applications under the same IP, domain and port the other one will stop working. so make them unique by changing one of the IP, port or domain.
or if you want to use the same binding for all site you can host as an application under that site.
for more detail you could refer this link:
Understanding IIS Bindings, Websites, Virtual Directories, and lastly Application Pools

The port must be distinct for every running service.


DNS: Do i need to create a DNS entry to represent each of my web applications running in a same windows server under IIS?

Updated the question:
Assume that i run several web applications in one windows server under IIS. As you know, for the several web applications to co-exist in IIS, i need to differentiate them using a hostname, ip address or port combinations. Assuming that i go with defining a hostname binding unique for each of the web applications, do i need to create a DNS entry for the hostnames to be resolved?
There are three different sites i host in IIS in the same windows server. I can not allocate different ip address to each of my dev sites so i chose to use unique host names for each of the sites thus
api - indicates it is a web api.
orders | catalog | products - indicate it is an application serving a business department.
dev - indicates it is my development site.
My organization has several domains such as,, and more like.
Assuming that my Dev servers are hosted in the domain. I should be able to request my hypothetical sites from within and also outside of the domain
right now, when i use the below urls, i am not able to hit the site within or outside the domain. Not even from the web server where the sites are hosted. I ask this question to several people and could not get a clear response.
DO i need to create DNS entries corresponding to the hostname IIS binding of each site in order to solve this issue?
What kind of setup i need to acheive this?
If you just want to access the website via your Active directory. I think you shouldn't include servername in your domain name.
Because in common AD DNS Forward Lookup Zone.
You should have a primary zone called Your web server will displayed as a HOST(A) Servername and its FQDN will be
Then you could create a CNAME and map it to your The FQDN should be
Finally you have to set the domain into IIS binding so that IIS can share 80 port for mutiple sites.
Since your cname will not be considered as a seperate website, you have to input FQDN instead of CNAME.
If you want to access the website from internet, then you may need to purchase public domain from domain provider and map it to your server's public IP address.

How to access a web application via (Server Name Indication) SNI?

I have a requirement to host multiple applications on same public IP and port. I'm new to this area and I figure out that SNI can be used to achieve my requirement. I decided to use Microsoft application gateway as the load balancer. I can configure 2 apps with 2 SSL certificates. My question is how can i access it via browser ? ex: if server FQDN is, Since there are 2 applications running in it. how can I mention which application to load ?.
Each certificate needs to be associated with a specific FQDN for one application. Since you have 2 applications on the same IP and TCP port, you need to create two FQDN (i.e. and, generate two certificates (one for each FQDN) and configure the Azure Application Gateway to handle each application with its own certificate. If you have only one virtual machine to handle those 2 applications, configure the Azure Application Gateway to redirect one application to port 80 of your virtual machine and to redirect the other application to port 81 of the same virtual machine.
Thus, will be redirected to port 80 of your virtual machine
and to port 81 of the same virtual machine

What will be the DNS name for Virtual Machine instance created in IBM Bluemix?

I have created a Virtual Machine in Bluemix. I have installed NGINX web server on it. To access the web application that is deployed on NGINX, should I use a public IP address (for e.g. http://123.456.78.9) or is there a domain name associated with the instance (something like
When you launch any VM in cloud by default they should be not accessible from public internet unless you attach a public ip address to them.
Once you have attached a public ip address to your instance and configured the firewalls to allow incoming connections (http, ssh etc) you can update your DNS server to redirect traffic there.
AWS create a public FQDN at the time of launching the ec2 instances as (where nn are ip address bits), not sure any similar thing with bluemix but it is less likely to have abcxyz.bluemix.

Directing Domain Name to Tomcat

I am developing web pages and deployed it in Tomcat. I want it to share among my friends. I read about IIS and Apache.Please suggest me any way to direct domain name to tomcat installed in my computer.
Personally, I would stay away from IIS.
Deploy an instance of Apache/HTTPD in windows - and proxy/reverse-proxy the traffic on whatever port you want to your tomcat instance.
You can find some decent resources as for Windows deployables here:
Then when you have your server set up and functioning, look into the ProxyPass directive within Apache.
Don't forget to open a port forwarding on your router, if necessary.
As far as directing your domain name to your computer, look into getting an account at ZoneEdit to set up your DNS to point whatever domain name you want to your routers/cable modems IP address. Then you can set up your port forwarding.

How to configure Apache WebServer to be accessed by public domain (or static IP) I have?

I am trying to setup a web-server at home on PC.
I have an Static IP address (say or Domain XYZ[dot]com), which I have configured on my router.
When I try to access, XYZ[dot]com or "", it opens my routers login page.
On the other hand, Apache Server, installed on the PC, works fine. when I write localhost/index.html or - it opens that page.
How can I link the Public IP address to the Apache Server (or the website hosted on localhost on my PC)?
If anyone visits "http://XYZ[dot]com", the website hosted on my PC is opened on his/her web browser.
The router's login page is usually accessed via a private IP. The router's admin interface shouldn't be made available to the Public Internet.
What you need to do is:
find out what your router's public IP is (you can use
setup port forwarding on your router. You want connections made to the routers public IP to be forwarded to your PC. Ex: Your router's public IP is and your PC's private IP is You need to configure a rule which says that any connection made to to needs to be forwarded to
As for the http://XYZ[dot]com part you need to setup that domain pointing to your public IP with a com. DNS registrar and configure an apache virtual host for that domain (
If you have static IP ADDRESS then you don't need to do anything extra you just have to add apache exception in firewall then tick the checkbox under private and public column and you are done. then anyone can access your website all over the world.
You will need to create a permission for that port on your firewall and configure the ports on your router. Keep in mind that most internet providers have business and residential plans. In residential plans it is common for them to block access to ports 443 and 80 externally (enabling your router will not change that because the requests will not even arrive on it).
An excellent step by step for those who use linux and also want to set up a domain name