I am trying to implement GPAY to my desktop application, where users can pay through website and also get paid.
I am trying o use GPAY direct tokenization method with out using 3rd party gateway. I got the encryption part.
1) In case of direct tokenization,Do my application need to act as a payment processor and have code which handles charging different cards. IF so,how complicated is this and I am looking for any reference material.
2) how complex is to get PCI DSS compliance
3) Overall how much time it takes to implement GPAy with out 3rd part payment gateway?
I'm planning for my new application, and its contain payment method, after research on google, im found google pay will be better one.
but how google pay will deducts the amount from the user and tranfer it to my bank number?
is their any proccess or third part ?
Best Regards and thanks.
Google Pay does not actually process the payment. It facilitates it by securely transmitting the user's selected payment method to a payment processor.
A list of supported payment processors can be found at https://developers.google.com/pay/api/#participating-processors.
Instructions on how to integrate with the relevant payment processors can be found by following the processor links.
Implementing Paypal for a UK based NGO where they are selling certain services plus accepting donations.
I am using REST API for selling services which is working well but do we use the same API for Donation as well. I would like to handle Gift Aids as well. I dont see any payment type option within the API.
If I use the standard Donation button, how do I get the transaction Id and other values back so that I can save them in my system.
There is no real technical difference between donations and payments for goods and services. (The donations button is just a few cosmetic differences on top of a regular website payments standard or EC payment experience.) The REST is not yet as feature rich as the older payment flows and may not have those same cosmetic tweaks available, but you can definitely use either the REST or the classic API for both services and donations.
I would recommend not using both REST and classic together on your site; you will encounter many annoyances due to differences in the underlying models. It is not just the initial payment integration that is different; the payment IDs are different, the APIs you can use to manage the payment lifecycle are different etc.
As one such example, to answer your question #2 you cannot get REST-style payment IDs for non-REST transactions. You get back classic transaction IDs in the payment redirect or the DoEC API response, depending upon which integration you use. You also get classic payment IDs if you integrate IPNs (whereas with REST you would integrate webhooks... the differences keep coming!).
We are about to develop new mobile application that requires the end user to fill his payment information, which will be redirected to a third party’s portal to pay for a certain services through the application ( using Web Services )
user send billing information using web services , Is this legal for apple ?
It's OK to integrate 3rd party credit card payment systems in your app (for example PayPal, Amazon payments, etc. or your own system) as long as you do not sell services, extensions, etc. to your app. As you say you're going to sell physical goods, it is OK for Apple. Amazon app does the same thing. Btw it is even explicitly prohibited to use in-app payments to sell physical goods.
EDIT: more answer to the detailed questions in the comment
IMHO (see disclaimer):
Shipping fees of physical goods and signup fees for your physical service are NOT services or extensions - in the sense that Apple uses it, it applies only to some additional features to your application, for example a new level in a game or a new map in a mapping app
to be legally store, transmit, process credit card information, you will have to be compliant to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. Here Apple has nothing to do, but both Visa and Mastercard (and maybe also other card issuers) require that you implement these practices if you wish to process credit card data of their cards
this last requirement might be tricky so I really suggest you to look for some ready solution instead of implementing your own. See also the first answer to this question: Use In App Purchase For Real Goods
DISCLAIMER: I am not a legal authority or somebody from Apple so I can give you just hints but not a legal advice - will have to ask a lawyer for an "official" answer :)
I'm trying to create a simple personal project: I want to give myself bounties for completing tasks that often fester on my todo list. If I complete a task, for example, $5 should automatically move out of my savings account into a discretionary spending debit card.
Are there any APIs or banks that have those APIs that could let me do that? All of the paypal APIs seem to charge a fee, which would be kind of silly if the money is simply moving between accounts. Any suggestions?
Most banks/organisations will charge I suspect as a vast amount of money made by these organisations is from transfer charges. I cannot think of free api that would let you do it.
However you could consider using another commercial organisation, say like Amazon, and perhaps use it's APIs to supply purchase with gift cards automatically? I'm not saying Amazon is free, I'm just using it as an example.
It's not quite what you want but may be acceptable.
it may not be pretty, but you can use curl to do transactions over https, provided your online bank uses standard html forms in some way, but it typicaly takes 3 processes
1. Login to get a token (user name and password will be required)
2. Use token to get a cookie (in some cases 1 and 2 are reversed)
3. use curl to post the form data for your transaction
There are some good pointers on using curl in similar ways here:
I'm building a marketplace application:
The customer pays the seller on the marketplace
The marketplace takes a cut of the payment
I would have a payment processing system with the following features
The cut and the 100%-cut are sent directly to the marketplace and seller accounts (ie, I don't want to have 100% on the marketplace account and then to forward the 100%-cut to the seller)
I would love to have a UI as much integrated with the marketplace website as possible. This implies that the customer in the worst case has to put only name, surname and credit card number on the payment processor interface (the ideal would be a payment interface totally integrated with our website)
I don't want to force the customer to register to any third party service
It should work nicely with Ruby on Rails
It should work for non US-based companies and should support multicurrency payments
What are the options out there?
I'd recommend you look at our product Balanced. It's built to solve exactly this problem so I think it's a good match.
At a high level payments in are done via credit card like a normal payment processor, funds are deposited into an escrow account which is a sum of all funds collected - all funds disbursed. When you're ready to push funds out you can currently pay out via next-day ACH (US only) but we're building out international support which sounds like it would be useful for you.
I believe it matches your other requirements:
there is no requirement to send users offsite, they do require accounts but you can create and edit them via the API.
Balanced has an excellent ruby gem
You can split up the payment, taking a cut from the proceeds as profit
Balanced provides you with a merchant dashboard for you and your customers to get a head start but you can build the exact same thing via API access.
One area where it's not going to meet your requirements is multi-currency charges. Currently you'll need to charge in USD and convert.
Check out https://github.com/drhenner/ror_ecommerce It doesn't have all the features you want but will give you a big head start.
Basically active merchant will connect to most gateways. You need to add the custom code. Look at the video for more help http://ror-e.com/info/videos/1