Jest snapshots for react native static images throwing warnings - react-native

I am trying to write snapshots tests to check if the correct image is being returned. When I just use zero transforms than the result is always '1' which isnt very helpful. I went onto the site and added this to my package.json
"transform": {
"\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$": "<rootDir>/jest/fileTransformer.js"
and create a file called fileTransformer that looks like this
// fileTransformer.js
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
process(src, filename, config, options) {
return 'module.exports = ' + JSON.stringify(path.basename(filename)) + ';';
Now the tests are resulting in useful snapshots which is great, however im not getting warnings in my console that look like this
console.error node_modules/prop-types/checkPropTypes.js:20
Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `source` supplied to `Image`.
in Image

You can take a look at moduleNameMapper configuration
"^[./a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+\\.png$": "<rootDir>/RelativeImageStub.js",
and inside the file you can export a dummy image path
export default '/dummy/path/to/dummyImage.png';
You should also be able to mock the result from importing the image:
import Component from './Component';
jest.mock('./path/to/the/image.png', () => "dummy/path/image.png");
import image from './path/to/the/image.png';
export default function Component() {
return <Image source={image} />;
This way you'll also get an error if the specified path does not exists.


Vue static assets are not accessible to a library

I am using a single file Vue component and import a face-api library. I want to use a function from that library, loadSsdMobilenetv1Model(url), which takes URL of folder, where the necessary files are located and loads them. The function however cannot fetch the files if I use #/assets/weights as url (# in Vue represents the src folder). I would like to be able to host the assets for. I'm able to read files from the assets folder folder with require('#/assets/file.json), but the library seems to need a static url.
What is the best solution in my situation? Maybe I'm missing some understanding.
Can I make it so that the assets folder is served and accessible?
Here's my component and the comments show some things I've tried:
import * as faceapi from 'face-api.js';
async function load() {
// example below: If I serve the files on a separate port with CORS allowed, the function loads files fine.
// const MODEL_URL = '';
// example below: this does not work, but I would like this to work!
const MODEL_URL = '#/assets/weights';
// example below: also doesn't work, conscious of relative paths
// const MODEL_URL = '../assets/weights';
// example below: a file loads, but I can't just this unfortunately
// return require('#/assets/file.json')
return await faceapi.loadSsdMobilenetv1Model(MODEL_URL);
export default {
mounted() {
var promise = load();
promise.then((model) => {
this.model = model
}, (reject) => {
// alert(reject);
name: "Home",
data() {
return {
model: null
I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I set up the project with
vue create
and run the dev environment with
nmp run serve

Vue/Nuxt: How to define a global method accessible to all components?

I just want to be able to call
{{ globalThing(0) }}
in templates, without needing to define globalThing in each .vue file.
I've tried all manner of plugin configurations (or mixins? not sure if Nuxt uses that terminology.), all to no avail. It seems no matter what I do, globalThing and this.globalThing remain undefined.
In some cases, I can even debug in Chrome and see this this.globalThing is indeed defined... but the code crashes anyway, which I find very hard to explain.
Here is one of my many attempts, this time using a plugin:
plugins: [
src: '~/plugins/global.js',
mode: 'client'
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.prototype.globalFunction = arg => {
console.log('arg', arg);
return arg;
and in the template in the .vue file:
<div>gloabal test {{globalFunction('toto')}}</div>
and... the result:
_vm.globalFunction is not a function
Here's a different idea, using Vuex store.
export const actions = {
globalThing(p) {
return p + ' test';
.vue file template:
test result: {{test('fafa')}}
.vue file script:
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
export default {
methods: {
test: 'globalThing'
aaaaaaaaand the result is.........
test result: [object Promise]
OK, so at least the method exists this time. I would much prefer not to be forced to do this "import mapActions" dance etc. in each component... but if that's really the only way, whatever.
However, all I get is a Promise, since this call is async. When it completes, the promise does indeed contain the returned value, but that is of no use here, since I need it to be returned from the method.
On the client, "this" is undefined, except that..... it isn't! That is to say,
console.log('this', this);
says "undefined", but Chrome's debugger claims that, right after this console log, "this" is exactly what it is supposed to be (the component instance), and so is this.$store!
I'm adding a screenshot here as proof, since I don't even believe my own eyes.
Nuxt explain this in Inject in $root & context section.
you must inject your global methods to Vue instance and context.
for example we have a hello.js file.
in plugins/hello.js:
export default (context, inject) => {
const hello = (msg) => console.log(`Hello ${msg}!`)
// Inject $hello(msg) in Vue, context and store.
inject('hello', hello)
// For Nuxt <= 2.12, also add 👇
context.$hello = hello
and then add this file in nuxt.config.js:
export default {
plugins: ['~/plugins/hello.js']
Use Nuxt's inject to get the method available everywhere
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
inject('myInjectedFunction', (string) => console.log('That was easy!', string))
Make sure you access that function as $myInjectedFunction (note $)
Make sure you added it in nuxt.config.js plugins section
If all else fails, wrap the function in an object and inject object so you'd have something like $myWrapper.myFunction() in your templates - we use objects injected from plugins all over the place and it works (e.g. in v-if in template, so pretty sure it would work from {{ }} too).
for example, our analytics.js plugin looks more less:
import Vue from 'vue';
const analytics = {
setAnalyticsUsersData(store) {...}
//this is to help Webstorm with autocomplete
Vue.prototype.$analytics = analytics;
export default ({app}, inject) => {
inject('analytics', analytics);
Which is then called as $analytics.setAnalyticsUsersData(...)
P.S. Just noticed something. You have your plugin in client mode. If you're running in universal, you have to make sure that this plugin (and the function) is not used anywhere during SSR. If it's in template, it's likely it actually is used during SSR and thus is undefined. Change your plugin to run in both modes as well.
This would be the approach with Vuex and Nuxt:
// store/index.js
export const state = () => ({
globalThing: ''
export const mutations = {
setGlobalThing (state, value) {
state.globalThing = value
// .vue file script
export default {
created() {
this.$store.commit('setGlobalThing', 'hello')
// .vue file template
{{ this.$store.state.globalThing }}

Vue Storybook Jest Addon configuration problem

I wonder if someone using the jest addon can share it's Vue Storybook configuration, since I can't seem to make it work. I've tried the global mode:
In Storybook's config.js:
import { withTests } from '#storybook/addon-jest';
import results from '../.jest-test-results.json';
And inside my Story:
storiesOf('Elements/Tag', module)
.addParameters({ jest: ['ThuleTag'] })
.addDecorator(withTests({ results })('ThuleTag'))
withNotes(_notes)(() => ({
components: {ThuleTag},
template: _template,
propsDescription: {
size: 'medium / small / mini',
type: 'success / info/warning / danger'
I get this error:
TypeError: Object(...)(...).addParameters is not a function
I've also tried the local way:
In my Story:
import { storiesOf } from '#storybook/vue'
import { withNotes } from '#storybook/addon-notes'
import results from '../../../jest-test-results.json'
import { withTests } from '#storybook/addon-jest'
import ThuleTag from '../../components/ui/elements/ThuleTag.vue'
let _notes = `A simple wrapper for the Elements el-tag, that accepts the same <i>type</i> and <i>size</i> props`
let _template = `<thule-tag
key="name">Tag Namez
storiesOf('Elements/Tag', module)
.addDecorator(withTests({ results }))
withNotes(_notes)(() => ({
components: {ThuleTag},
template: _template,
propsDescription: {
size: 'medium / small / mini',
type: 'success / info/warning / danger'
jest: ['ThuleTag.test.js'],
Here I get this error:
Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property '__esModule' of undefined"
And the Tests tab is shown with this message:
This story has tests configured, but no file was found
Can someone point me what's messing things up please?
It looks like storybook jest addon is not supported for Vue.js for now
Ok, about first error
Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property '__esModule' of undefined"
I think that you should check your babel-config, It seems like you forget some presets for your framework.
About second question
This story has tests configured, but no file was found
That problem happens from Jest and storybook/addon-jest want to get with equals api, but they can't. In last versions of Jest, output file structure has options.testResults , but storybook/addon-jest wants options.results & options.results.testResults.
There are two possible solutions:
use appropriate version of Jest and storybook/addon-jest
apply huck in index.js of storybook-jest library, smth like that
if (testFiles && !testFiles.disable) {
//todo: HERE should be your storybook hack
options.results = options.tests.testResults;
options.results.testResults = options.results;
kind: kind,
story: story,
testFiles: testFiles,
options: options

Circular dependency issue while exporting from single file using babel-module-resolver

I was working on a react native project and while perfoming hot reloading app goes into cyclic recursion resulting in maximum call stack exceeded. More details of this issue can be found here
From here I realised that there is something wrong and circular dependencies are getting created.
I decided to give madge a try and see whats going on in the project. After running the command I saw quite a number of circular dependencies.
Now since my project is quite huge debugging that was quite a task so I created a small version of my project containing a single folder.
I created a utils folder in which I have 4 files: -
For imports I am using babel-module-resolver
import {deviceInfo} from "utils";
export const init = () => {
// initialising app and calling backend API with device info
import DeviceInfo from "react-native-device-info";
const API_LEVEL = "v0";
export const deviceInfo = () => {
try {
return Object.assign({}, {
apiLevel: API_LEVEL,
deviceId: DeviceInfo.getUniqueID(),
device: DeviceInfo.getDeviceName(),
model: DeviceInfo.getModel(),
osVersion: DeviceInfo.getSystemVersion(),
product: DeviceInfo.getBrand(),
country: DeviceInfo.getDeviceCountry(),
appVersion: DeviceInfo.getVersion(),
manufacturer: DeviceInfo.getManufacturer(),
userAgent: DeviceInfo.getUserAgent(),
buildNumber: DeviceInfo.getBuildNumber(),
bundleId: DeviceInfo.getBundleId()
} catch (e) {
// TODO: Report to Bugsnag
return {};
export * from "./init";
export * from "./device-info-helper";
export * from "./utils";
After running madge command I get following :-
tests-MBP:madge-test harkirat$ madge --circular index.js
Processed 4 files (684ms)
✖ Found 1 circular dependency!
1) utils/index.js > utils/init.js
However, if i change utils/init.js to following it works:-
import {deviceInfo} from "./device-helpers";
export const init = () => {
// initialising app and calling backend API with device info
I am not able to understand the cause of this circular dependency. Can someone please help?
Here is link to the repository.
I don't see a .babelrc in the repo, but here is what I think:
In utils/init.js you import using:
import {deviceInfo} from "utils";
That is same as:
import {deviceInfo} from "./utils/index";
In utils/index.js you do a export * from "./init". This export from basically first imports all the contents of ./utils/init and the reexports it.
utils/init.js imports from ./utils/index
./utils/index.js imports from ./utils/init
There is your circular dependency.

How to not put "use strict" everywhere

I'm trying to write some tests for a React app I've been working on, and I figured I would use Jest since it's mentioned in the React docs.
I'm using Webpack and so far I've installed jest-cli, babel-jest, and I included the following configuration in package.json:
"jest": {
"scriptPreprocessor": "./node_modules/babel-jest",
"unmockedModulePathPatterns": [
So, I'm writing the tests for some file foo.js. This file includes some other module bar.js (i.e. const bar = require('./bar');). Unfortunately, when I run jest I get the following error:
SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet
supported outside strict mode in file 'js/foo.js'.
So, after some research, I find out I have to include 'use strict'; at the top of foo-test.js. However, for some reason, I still get the same error unless I also include 'use strict'; at the top of foo.js.
So my question is: am I doing something wrong? If not, is there anyway for me to write my tests using Jest without having to write 'use strict'; at the top of all my source files?
It seems to test out basic ES2015 classes with jest, use strict is required, however to test React Components, 'use strict' isn't required. Here's an example
import React, {Component} from 'react';
class CheckboxWithLabel extends Component {
this.state = {
isChecked: false
this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this);
onChange() {
isChecked: !this.state.isChecked
render() {
return (
<input type="checkbox"
onChange={this.onChange} />
{this.state.isChecked ? this.props.labelOn : this.props.labelOff }
export default CheckboxWithLabel;
jest.disableAutomock(); //use this instead of jest.autoMockOff()
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils';
import CheckboxWithLabel from '../source/components/CheckboxWithlabel';
// const CheckboxWithLabel = require('../source/components/CheckboxWithLabel');
describe('CheckboxWithlabel', () => {
const shallowRenderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();
//render a checkbox
const checkbox = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<CheckboxWithLabel labelOn="On" labelOff="Off" />
// shallowRenderer.render(<CheckboxWithLabel labelOn="On" labelOff="Off" />)
// const checkbox = shallowRenderer.getRenderOutput();
// it('defaults to unchecked and off label', () => {
// const inputField = checkbox.props.children[0];
// const textNode = checkbox.props.children[1];
// expect(inputField.props.checked).toBe(false);
// expect(textNode).toEqual('Off');
// })
var checkboxNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(checkbox);
// let checkboxElement = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(checkbox, 'input');
it('defaults to Off label', () => {
// expect(checkboxElement.checked).toBe(false);
Edited: This is not required anymore
Notice the only caveat being that you have to explicitly add a auto_mock_off.js file that simply adds this line (it took me hours to figure this one out)
More information can be found on this thread on github Github React Issue #932
That's it! the component testing works perfectly. I've also tried the same example with shallow rendering and it worked perfectly too! Hope this helps!