React Native Xcode build error on react-native-linear-gradient (-lBVLinearGradient) - react-native

I have followed all installation process according to the github page for react-native-linear-gradient.
But when I try to compile for ios (both through react-native run-ios command and Xcode), I get the following error:
ld: library not found for -lBVLinearGradient
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I've already opened the project through xcworkspace in which most suggests so when using Cocoapods, but the error persists anyhow.
Any clue on this?

I was having the same problem after upgrading 0.62.1 and the following did the trick for me:
Switched my project to new build system (was using legacy)
Manually deleted the .xcworkspace in ios folder
Removed app from simulator (also deleted all derived data) see how
rm -rf node_modules && sudo yarn install
cd ios && pod deintegrate
pod install
Run project in xcode
This worked for me, hope it can help someone


React-native - iOS - 34 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64

Everytime i run my App with "XCode" it failed with the error "34 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64".
I use the xcode version "14.1". I cannot find a solution for this problem.
Additional: I use the library "react-native-beacons-manager" and add "libRniBeacon.a" in "link Binary With Libraries".
Does anybody know how i can solve this error?
Try this:
rm -rf node_modules
cd ios
rm -rf Podfile.lock Pods
removed derived data
Quit Xcode
cd ..
npm install
cd ios
pod install
run the project from XCODE

Build command failed after running existing project on mac using npx react-native run-ios command

I tried to run an existing react-native project on mac to create ios build but i've been getting into an unusual error as mentioned below. I don't know what RCT-Folly does as i am new to react-native but i think the error is related to RCT-Folly, I tried many other stack answers but couldn't solve it
Here is a picture of the error
I have tried the other solution like creating a fresh projects and copying files, also tried reinstalling cocoapods,
If there is some other thread that you guys think i should try please let me know
Stuck at this for more than 3 days now!
After downgrading react native version it is now showing this error:
CompileC /Users/admin/Desktop/MTM/mindToMindfull\ 2/ios/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Users/admin/Desktop/MTM/mindToMindfull\ 2/node_modules/react-native/React/Base/RCTJSThread.m normal x86_64 objective-c (in target 'React-Core' from project 'Pods')
RCT-Folly is an iOS Cocoapod library. Try cleaning your project first. From the project root, run (for Yarn)
watchman watch-del-all && rm -f yarn.lock; rm -rf node_modules,
cd ios && rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods Pods ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/; rm Podfile.lock; pod deintegrate; pod setup; pod install && cd ..
yarn ios
I haven't used npm in awhile. But for 2 and 4, use npm install and npx react-native run-ios
Solved by downgrading react-native version 0.66.4
then installing pods and build was a success.

How to run pod file in iOS directory in react native?

error Could not find "Podfile.lock" at projects\reactNative\ios\Podfile.lock. Did you run "pod install" in iOS directory?
(node:11696) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
error Could not get the simulator list from Xcode. Please open Xcode and try running project directly from there to resolve the remaining issues. Run CLI with --verbose flag
Issue 1
For fixing the issue:
Could not find "Podfile.lock" at projects\reactNative\ios\Podfile.lock. Did you run "pod install" in iOS directory?
Please make sure you have install cocoapods and run this command at your project root:
gem install cocoapods // If you haven't install cocoapods
cd ios && pod install && cd ..
Issue 2
For fixing the issue:
(node:11696) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency (Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
Please downgrade your node.js version to v13.x.x, one of the solutions below:
npm install -g n
sudo n 13.13.0
Issue 3
For fixing the issue:
Could not get the simulator list from Xcode. Please open Xcode and try running project directly from there to resolve the remaining issues. Run CLI with --verbose flag
Please make sure you have installed Xcode correctly from App Store and use the latest React Native version in your project (should be v0.62.2 now for stable). If still cannot open the project, please try to add some simulator in Xcode's developer settings.
you did not install cocoapods
install cocoapods commands
sudo gem install cocoapods
after that in react native directory
cd ios && pod install && cd ../ && react-native run-ios
CocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode projects. We need it to setup the iOS project. Like yarn
sudo gem install cocoapods
The Podfile is a specification that describes the dependencies of the targets of one or more Xcode projects. Like package.json
access to the folder with Podfile, run
pod install
This will resolve the code of those dependency framework, and generate Pods.xcodeproj for your iOS project.

Using React-native-permissions I get this error when trying to build with xcode ld: library not found for -lPermission-LocationWhenInUse

I have tried manual linking as described here but I still get the error library not found for -lPermission-LocationWhenInUse
Do the below steps
go to ios folder from terminal,
run 'pod install' or 'pod update'.
Open ios/newproject.xcworkspace.
Also do not forget to enter the permission strings for location inside your info.plist file
First run react-natve link , then cd ios and then run this command pod install
cd .. and react-native run-ios
Don't forget to install pods

React-native -run-ios error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65

good time.
run ios error Failed
run code
react-native run-ios
error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with, by opening reactapp.xcodeproj
I've got the same error when run
$ react-native run-ios
My workaround steps:
open project by Xcode and choose the signature information as the attached image.
clear build folder: 'Your Project'/ios/build
$ react-native run-ios
Hope this help.
That's because there is a new version of Flipper and React Native might not come with the right one so best is to go in your podfile and add this use_flipper!({ 'Flipper' => '0.74.0' }) then run pod install
If you don't have cocoa pods installed you need to by command sudo gem install cocoapods and run following commands from your project main directory
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
delete build folder from ios
react-native run-ios
if error persists, 1. delete build folder again 2. open the /ios folder in x-code 3. navigate File -> Project Settings -> Build System -> change (Shared workspace settings and Per-User workspace settings): Build System -> Legacy Build System
cd ios
rm -rf build/
cd ..
react-native run-ios