I am currently working on a news api for a react native app. Everything seems to work fine on Android simulator, but my iOS device, iPhone 11 via the Expo app is just not loading the webview component. Stays in the isLoading state forever. Any help on why this might be happening?
We want to lock screenshot on app screens in React Native app so that user is not allowed to take the screenshot. The feature is implemented successfully in android version of the same React Native app. But it is not working in iOS app which is published to app store. I have also tried react-native-prevent-screenshot plugin but that is also not locking screenshot in iOS version. I even implemented blurred view on appDelegate.m file to prevent screenshot capture in app, but even this did not have any impact. Can someone tell if Apple has banned this feature completely or there is possibility of some issue in coding. But I rule that out because it is working successfully in android apk. Please help
My React Native app works properly on Android. However for the iOS side/version of my React Native app, the SPLASH SCREEN shows up and gets stuck there.
I have put a console.log output on the componentDidMount of the First Screen of my App.
I have tried to use the SHAKE option on the iOS Simulator but for some reason the debug screen does not show up.
I would like to check why the app freezes but I don't even get any error showing on the simulator. I'm guessing that there might a error/feedback from the system in the console output but I don't know how to go to the debugging screen where the console.log will show up when one runs react-native run-ios.
How to display the screen/console where the console.log("WHATEVER") I put on the code will display its output????
I'm using react-native-sound library for audio files to play inside Rn app for both iOS and Android.
I have question about locked screen, I would like to have audio player on locked screen.
Currently behaviour is different, on iOS audio stops after lock, on Android it continues.
I would like something like this:
I know this is a late answer but I just installed https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-music-control and using it alongside react native sound and everything works for the lock screen in ios. The audio continues to play in background when using the react native sound option:
// Enable playback in silence mode
If you follow the docs for both libraries it should work for ios. In the react native music control library, make sure you follow the part about setting the Background Mode in xcode. Bare in mind that in the simulator the lock screen was not showing, only when the app is on the device does it show but the audio does play in background on simulator.
webview app done with react-native works in android with its Hardware previous button key but doesnt work in IOS . Is there anybody to know about this problem ?
I'm developing a react-native app and I'm facing a problem: I need to execute a periodical task (an API call to post some data) in all possible cases: the app is in the background, app is in foreground and app is killed (double tap on the home button and swipe up).
How could I achieve this in iOS?
For Android, HeadlessJS seems to work fine, but for iOS I couldn't find anything which could fit my case.
I've tried with react-native-background-fetch but if the app is killed, also the background fetch is halted (https://github.com/transistorsoft/react-native-background-fetch/issues/34)
I've tried react-native-background-timer, but it works only until the app is killed.
I've also tried adding a geolocation native library to set background mode "location updates" capability, and calling its start method inside the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions into AppDelegate.m. But also this works only until the app is killed.
If I use the same native library on a native iOS app, and I call it inside the same method into AppDelegate.m, it keeps working also when the app is killed.
So which is the difference between the native and react-native app that lets the app survive the force-quit?
I've also tried reading this https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/BackgroundExecution/BackgroundExecution.html but I couldn't replicate that info via react-native.
Can someone help me, please?