Find invalid values from JsonReaderException in Json.Net -

I'm running the code below to purposely throw JsonReaderException. It correctly gives the exception message of "Could not convert string to boolean: aaa. Path 'Active', line 3, position 17."
Is there any way to get the value that has failed the validation directly from the JsonReaderException so I don't have to parse the exception message?
string json = #"{
'Email': '',
'Active': 'aaa',
'CreatedDate': '2013-01-20T00:00:00Z',
'Roles': [
Account account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Account>(json);
catch (JsonReaderException exc)
// Do Something

It appears that the offending value is not saved as a property in JsonReaderException. The only possible location for this value would be the Exception.Data dictionary, however Json.NET does not add anything here.
However, with some work you can leverage Json.NET's serialization error event handling functionality to directly access the bad value at the time the exception is thrown. First, define the following helper method and ErrorEventArgs subtype:
public class ErrorAndValueEventArgs : Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ErrorEventArgs
public object ReaderValue { get; } = null;
public ErrorAndValueEventArgs(object readerValue, object currentObject, ErrorContext errorContext) : base(currentObject, errorContext)
this.ReaderValue = readerValue;
public static partial class JsonExtensions
public static TRootObject Deserialize<TRootObject>(string json, EventHandler<ErrorAndValueEventArgs> error, JsonSerializerSettings settings = null)
using (var sr = new StringReader(json))
using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(sr))
var serializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings);
serializer.Error += (o, e) => error(o, new ErrorAndValueEventArgs(jsonReader.Value, e.CurrentObject, e.ErrorContext));
return serializer.Deserialize<TRootObject>(jsonReader);
Now you will be able to access the value of JsonReader.Value at the time the exception was thrown:
object errorValue = null;
Account account = JsonExtensions.Deserialize<Account>(json, (o, e) => errorValue = e.ReaderValue);
catch (JsonException exc)
// Do Something
Console.WriteLine("Value at time of {0} = {1}, Data.Count = {2}.", exc.GetType().Name, errorValue, exc.Data.Count);
// Prints Value at time of JsonReaderException = aaa, Data.Count = 0.
Since you must manually create your own JsonTextReader, you will need to have access to the JSON string (or Stream) for this approach to work. (This is true in the example shown in your question.)
A similar technique for capturing additional error information is shown in JsonSerializationException Parsing.
You might want to enhance ErrorAndValueEventArgs to also record JsonReader.TokenType. In cases where the reader is positioned at the beginning of a container (object or array) at the time an exception is thrown, JsonReader.Value will be null.
Demo fiddle here.


How to get a custom ModelState error message in ASP.NET Core when a wrong enum value is passed in?

I'm passing a model to an API action with a property called eventType which is a nullable custom enum.
If I pass a random value for eventType, such as 'h', it fails to serialise which is correct.
However, the error I get from the ModelState is not something I would want a public caller to see. It includes the line number and position (see below).
I've tried a number of options including a custom data annotation with no success.
Does anyone know how I could define a nicer custom message?
"Error converting value \"h\" to type
'System.Nullable`1[Custom.EventTypes]'. Path 'eventType', line 1,
position 80."
Most times the first error is usually the most important error or rather one that describes the situation properly. You can use this way to manipulate to get the first error message from the first key or change it to whatever you want if you wish to get all the error messages.
public ActionResult GetMyMoney(MyModel myModel)
string nss = ModelState.First().Key;
ModelError[] ern = ModelState[nss].Errors.ToArray();
string ndd = ern.First().ErrorMessage;
public class CustomFilter: IAsyncActionFilter
public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
if (!context.ModelState.IsValid)
// You can pass custom object to BadRequestObjectResult method
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(customObject);
You can write a custom filter like above mentioned and pass a custom object with your message.
Ref: this
IF you just want the error messages you can simply create a custom class of response and then
var response = new ResponseApi{
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
Message = "Validation Error",
Response = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Errors).Select(x =>
then just return the response or create a validation filter to handle validations globally.
/// <summary>
/// Validatation filter to validate all the models.
/// </summary>
public class ValidationActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
ModelStateDictionary modelState = actionContext.ModelState;
if (!modelState.IsValid)
actionContext.Response = SendResponse(new ResponseApi
StatusCode= 400,
Message = "Validation Error",
Response = modelState.Values.SelectMany(x =>
x.Errors).Select(x => x.ErrorMessage)
private HttpResponseMessage SendResponse(ResponseApiresponse)
var responseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = (HttpStatusCode)response.StatusCode,
Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response)),
responseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
return responseMessage;

Pig - passing Databag to UDF constructor

I have a script which is loading some data about venues:
venues = LOAD 'venues_extended_2.csv' USING AS (Name:chararray, Type:chararray, Latitude:double, Longitude:double, City:chararray, Country:chararray);
Then I want to create UDF which has a constructor that is accepting venues type.
So I tried to define this UDF like that:
DEFINE GenerateVenues org.gla.anton.udf.main.GenerateVenues(venues);
And here is the actual UDF:
public class GenerateVenues extends EvalFunc<Tuple> {
TupleFactory mTupleFactory = TupleFactory.getInstance();
BagFactory mBagFactory = BagFactory.getInstance();
private static final String ALLCHARS = "(.*)";
private ArrayList<String> venues;
private String regex;
public GenerateVenues(DataBag venuesBag) {
Iterator<Tuple> it = venuesBag.iterator();
venues = new ArrayList<String>((int) (venuesBag.size() + 1)); // possible fails!!!
String current = "";
regex = "";
while (it.hasNext()){
Tuple t =;
try {
current = "(" + ALLCHARS + t.get(0) + ALLCHARS + ")";
venues.add((String) t.get(0));
} catch (ExecException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("VenuesRegex: requires tuple with at least one value");
regex += current + (it.hasNext() ? "|" : "");
public Tuple exec(Tuple tuple) throws IOException {
// expect one string
if (tuple == null || tuple.size() != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"BagTupleExampleUDF: requires two input parameters.");
try {
String tweet = (String) tuple.get(0);
for (String venue: venues)
if (tweet.matches(ALLCHARS + venue + ALLCHARS))
Tuple output = mTupleFactory.newTuple(Collections.singletonList(venue));
return output;
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(
"BagTupleExampleUDF: caught exception processing input.", e);
When executed the script is firing error at the DEFINE part just before (venues);:
2013-12-19 04:28:06,072 [main] ERROR - ERROR 1200: <file script.pig, line 6, column 60> mismatched input 'venues' expecting RIGHT_PAREN
Obviously I'm doing something wrong, can you help me out figuring out what's wrong.
Is it the UDF that cannot accept the venues relation as a parameter. Or the relation is not represented by DataBag like this public GenerateVenues(DataBag venuesBag)?
PS I'm using Pig version
As #WinnieNicklaus already said, you can only pass strings to UDF constructors.
Having said that, the solution to your problem is using distributed cache, you need to override public List<String> getCacheFiles() to return a list of filenames that will be made available via distributed cache. With that, you can read the file as a local file and build your table.
The downside is that Pig has no initialization function, so you have to implement something like
private void init() {
if (!this.initialized) {
// read table
and then call that as the first thing from exec.
You can't use a relation as a parameter in a UDF constructor. Only strings can be passed as arguments, and if they are really of another type, you will have to parse them out in the constructor.

Store and retrieve string arrays in HBase

I've read this answer (How to store complex objects into hadoop Hbase?) regarding the storing of string arrays with HBase.
There it is said to use the ArrayWritable Class to serialize the array. With WritableUtils.toByteArray(Writable ... writable) I'll get a byte[] which I can store in HBase.
When I now try to retrieve the rows again, I get a byte[] which I have somehow to transform back again into an ArrayWritable.
But I don't find a way to do this. Maybe you know an answer or am I doing fundamentally wrong serializing my String[]?
You may apply the following method to get back the ArrayWritable (taken from my earlier answer, see here) .
public static <T extends Writable> T asWritable(byte[] bytes, Class<T> clazz)
throws IOException {
T result = null;
DataInputStream dataIn = null;
try {
result = clazz.newInstance();
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
dataIn = new DataInputStream(in);
catch (InstantiationException e) {
// should not happen
assert false;
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// should not happen
assert false;
finally {
return result;
This method just deserializes the byte array to the correct object type, based on the provided class type token.
Let's assume you have a custom ArrayWritable:
public class TextArrayWritable extends ArrayWritable {
public TextArrayWritable() {
Now you issue a single HBase get:
Get get = new Get(row);
Result result = htable.get(get);
byte[] value = result.getValue(family, qualifier);
TextArrayWritable tawReturned = asWritable(value, TextArrayWritable.class);
Text[] texts = (Text[]) tawReturned.toArray();
for (Text t : texts) {
System.out.print(t + " ");
You may have already found the readCompressedStringArray() and writeCompressedStringArray() methods in WritableUtils
which seem to be suitable if you have your own String array-backed Writable class.
Before using them, I'd warn you that these can cause serious performance hit due to
the overhead caused by the gzip compression/decompression.

Struts2 more than one action in one class

I'm using Struts2. I have two web forms that have the same code. I would like to eliminate one form. Here is the structure of my Struts project.
\Web Pages
\Source Packages
package action;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.*;
public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
#Action(value = "foo", results = {
#Result(name = "input", location = "form.jsp"),
#Result(name = "success", location = "success.jsp"),
#Result(name = "error", location = "error.jsp")
public String execute() throws Exception {
if (user.length() == 1) {
return "success";
} else {
return "error";
private String user = "";
public void validate() {
if (user.length() == 0) {
addFieldError("user", getText("user required"));
public String getUser() {
return user;
public void setUser(String user) {
this.user = user;
I tried to eliminate form.jsp under \Web Pages by adding a new action method to
#Action(value="bar", results = {
#Result(name = "success", location = "form.jsp"),
public String another() {
return "success";
But I got the following error when I go to http : //localhost .../bar.action
HTTP Status 404 - No result defined for action action.MyAction and result input
Your MyAction has an implementation of validate(), which means it is validation aware.
What's happening is that you're calling another, but validate() is kicking in (as it's in the interceptor stack). Validation is failing, and therefore sending to INPUT result, which is not defined in another.
You should
Add #SkipValidation to the another method if you don't want validation there
Add the INPUT result to another() if you want a default input result
On a more general note, when you get that kind of error (No result defined for action X and result input) it usually means you're either having validation errors, parameter population errors (eg: an exception in preparable).

FaultException.Detail coming back empty

I am trying to catch a given FaultException on a WCF client. I basically need to extract a inner description from the fault class so that I can then package it in another exception for the upper layers to do whatever.
I've done this successfully a number of time, what makes it different this time is that fault is declared as an array, as you can see from the service reference attribute declared on top of the method that throws the exception:
[System.ServiceModel.FaultContractAttribute(typeof(FaultClass[]), Action = "http://whatever/", Name = "whateverBusinessFault")]
This is my code:
// call service here
catch (FaultException<FaultClass[]> ex)
if (ex.Detail != null && ex.Detail.Length > 0)
throw new CustomException(ex.Detail[0].description);
Problem is Detail (which is an array) is always coming back empty in the code even if I can see the data (description field etc.) in the SOAP response from WCF trace.
So the stuff I need is definitely coming back but for some reason either it doesn't get deserialized or I can't get to it from code.
Any help appreciated!
Trying with #Darin suggestion but no luck, the string I am extracting from the XmlReader is "/r/n":
var sb = new StringBuilder();
using (XmlReader reader = fault.GetReaderAtDetailContents())
while (reader.Read())
var detail = sb.ToString();
Looks like the detail section is not coming up at all!
I found the solution on a UPS Forum :
"The problem was the visual studio didn't quite map out the ErrorDetail objects right. The ErrorDetail node is called "ErrorDetail", but the type generated for it is "ErrorDetailType." I edited the reference.cs class generated for each service I was using and added a TypeName:"
It is difficult to say where the problem is but I suspect the smoking gun is this axis web service not generating standard message. One way to workaround this would be to parse the XML yourself:
catch (FaultException ex)
var fault = ex.CreateMessageFault();
using (XmlReader reader = fault.GetReaderAtDetailContents())
// TODO: read the XML fault and extract the necessary information.
It took me ages to figure out how to get the full details message from a FaultException as a string. I eventually figured it out and wrote this extension method:
public static string GetDetail(this FaultException faultException)
if (faultException == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(faultException));
MessageFault messageFault = faultException.CreateMessageFault();
if (messageFault.HasDetail) {
using (XmlDictionaryReader reader = messageFault.GetReaderAtDetailContents()) {
return reader.ReadContentAsString();
return null;
Originally I was using reader.Value but that only appeared to the return the first line of a multi-line details message. reader.ReadContentAsString() appears to get the whole thing, new lines included, which is what I wanted.
I came up with the simplest test case I could. I hope it will help you.
Server side:
public interface IService1
string Crash();
public class Service1 : IService1
public string Crash()
var exception = new FaultException<FaultClass[]>(new FaultClass[] { new FaultClass { Data = "TEST" } }, new FaultReason("Boom"));
throw exception;
public class FaultClass
public string Data { get; set; }
Client side:
using (var client = new Service1Client())
catch(FaultException<FaultClass[]> e)
//Break here
I had a similar situation in trying to communicate data with faults (specifically a stack trace). See this question. I ended up solving it by creating my own serializable stack trace and including it in a derived FaultException class.