Creating reusable getters in vuex-module-decorators - vue.js

Faced such a problem using vuex-module-decorators. I wanted to create some parent module so child modules could be extended from it and inherit its actions and getters. But getters are not inherited.
I tried it that way:
My parent-module.ts:
import {Action, getModule, Module, Mutation, VuexModule} from 'vuex-module-decorators';
export class ParentStore extends VuexModule {
public get getterForInherit(): any {
return someData
Child modules:
import {Action, getModule, Module, Mutation, VuexModule} from 'vuex-module-decorators'
import {ParentModule} from './parent-module';
#Module({dynamic: true, store: Store, name: 'childOne', namespaced: true})
class FirstChildModule extends ParentModule {
public get SecondChildGetter(): number {
return 1;
export const FirstChildStore: ParentModule = getModule(FirstChildModule)
import {Action, getModule, Module, Mutation, VuexModule} from 'vuex-module-decorators'
import {ParentModule} from './parent-module';
#Module({dynamic: true, store: Store, name: 'childTwo', namespaced: true})
class SecondChildModule extends ParentModule {
public get FirstChildGetter(): number {
return 2;
export const SecondChildStore: ParentModule = getModule(SecondChildModule)
But when I import those modules to components getterForInherit is not available. Is it possible to do it this way?

I think instead of trying to use a different package for handling your mutations, actions and getters;
From your question I assume you want to be able to access your getters and actions either from the parent or child component. You can use vuex if you already have it installed.
You can do something like this:
import { mapGetters, mapActions, mapMutations } from 'vuex'
methods: {
...mapActions(['submitTransaction', 'submitNotification']),
computed: {

I had same problem and found a solution with "vuex-class-modules" packet. It have similar decorators.
export class LoadItems extends VuexModule {
public items = [];
public SET_ITEMS(...
public getItems() {
this.SET_ITEMS(['hello', 'world'])
After you extend this class in your child:
class Contract extends LoadItems {
// your additional code here
export const ContractModule = new Contract({ store, name: "contract" });
Now you can get any statements and call any action with command:
Of course, you have to import it before.


Vuex module namespace not found in mapActions()

I'm getting the following error while trying to call an action from my store:
[vuex] module namespace not found in mapActions():
From other solutions that I found online people were suggesting to set 'namespaced: true', however it doesn't help for my case somehow.
Here is the snippet of my store code:
export const feedbackSessionStore = {
namespaced: true,
state: {
feedback_sessions: {},
actions: {
async createFeedbackSession({commit, state}, { data }) {
// some code
And the snippet of the component code:
import { mapGetters, mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex'
// some code
export default {
name: 'create-edit-feedback-session',
methods: {
...mapActions('feedbackSessionStore', [
// some code
As a solution to this problem you have to do tow things:
make a 'feedbackSessionStore.js' as a separate module by doing this code in store/modules directory:
namespaced: true,
state: {
feedback_sessions: {},
actions: {
async createFeedbackSession({commit, state}, { data }) {
// some code
add this module to the store/index.js like that:
import * as feedbackSessionStore from "#/store/modules/feedbackSessionStore.js";
after these two steps it should work.
In addition to El-Hani's answer, inside your store folder there must be an index.js file which contains your store modules. In that file import the module and register it.
// store/index.js
import 'feedbackSessionStore' from './modules/feedbackSessionStore.js'
export default new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
feedbackSessionStore // <- Register here, and mapAction name becomes this
And check if the pointed mapAction name is exactly the same with here.

Nuxtjs using Vuex-module-decorator doesn't wordk

I want to use my vuex modules as classes to make my code more clean and readable. I used the section (Accessing modules with NuxtJS) at the bottom of this document:
I've searched for the solution for almost 3 days and tried out this link:
vuex not loading module decorated with vuex-module-decorators
but, it didn't work.
Also, I used getModule directly in the component like the solution in this issue page:
import CounterModule from '../store/modules/test_module';
import { getModule } from 'vuex-module-decorators';
let counterModule: CounterModule;
created() {
counterModule = getModule(CounterModule, this.$store);
Then, accessing method elsewhere
computed: {
counter() {
return counterModule.getCount
it didn't work for me!
This is my Module in store folder in Nuxtjs project:
import { ICurrentUser } from '~/models/ICurrentUser'
import { Module, VuexModule, Mutation, MutationAction } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
#Module({ stateFactory: true, namespaced: true, name: 'CurrentUserStore' })
export default class CurrentUser extends VuexModule {
user: ICurrentUser = {
DisplayName: null,
UserId: null,
setUser(userInfo: ICurrentUser) {
this.user = userInfo;
get userInfo() {
return this.user;
In index.ts file in sore folder:
import { Store } from 'vuex'
import { getModule } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
import CurrentUser from './currentUser'
let currentUserStore: CurrentUser
const initializer = (store: Store<any>): void => {
currentUserStore = getModule(CurrentUser, store)
export const plugins = [initializer]
export {
I think the problem stems from this line:
currentUserStore = getModule(CurrentUser, store)
currentUserStore is created as object but properties and methods are not recognizable.
when I want to use getters or mutation I get error. For instance, "unknown mutation type" for using mutation
Probably several months late but I struggled with a similar issue, and eventually found the solution in
It talks about multiple requirements (which are summarised elsewhere)
The one that relates to this issue is that the file name of the module has to match the name you specify in the #Module definition.
In your case, if you rename your file from currentUser to CurrentUserStore' or change the name of the module toCurrentUser`, it should fix the issue.

Vuex: createNamespacedHelpers with dynamic namespace

In almost all guides, tutorial, posts, etc that I have seen on vuex module registration, if the module is registered by the component the createNamespacedHelpers are imported and defined prior to the export default component statement, e.g.:
import {createNamespacedHelpers} from 'vuex'
const {mapState} = createNamespacedHelpers('mymod')
import module from '#/store/modules/mymod'
export default {
beforeCreated() {
this.$store.registerModule('mymod', module)
this works as expected, but what if we want the module to have a unique or user defined namespace?
import {createNamespacedHelpers} from 'vuex'
import module from '#/store/modules/mymod'
export default {
props: { namespace: 'mymod' },
beforeCreated() {
const ns = this.$options.propData.namespace
this.$store.registerModule(ns, module)
const {mapState} = createNamespacedHelpers(ns)
this.$options.computed = {
I thought this would work, but it doesnt.
Why is something like this needed?
export default {
computed: {
...mapState(this.namespace, ['testVar']),
doesnt work
This style of work around by utilising beforeCreate to access the variables you want should work, I did this from the props passed into your component instance:
import { createNamespacedHelpers } from "vuex";
import module from '#/store/modules/mymod';
export default {
name: "someComponent",
props: ['namespace'],
beforeCreate() {
let namespace = this.$options.propsData.namespace;
const { mapActions, mapState } = createNamespacedHelpers(namespace);
// register your module first
this.$store.registerModule(namespace, module);
// now that createNamespacedHelpers can use props we can now use neater mapping
this.$options.computed = {
name: state =>,
description: state => state.description
// because we use spread operator above we can still add component specifics
aFunctionComputed(){ return + "functions";},
anArrowComputed: () => `${}arrows`,
// set up your method bindings via the $options variable
this.$options.methods = {
created() {
// call your actions passing your payloads in the first param if you need
this.initialiseModuleData({ id: 123, name: "Tom" });
I personally use a helper function in the module I'm importing to get a namespace, so if I hadmy module storing projects and passed a projectId of 123 to my component/page using router and/or props it would look like this:
import projectModule from '#/store/project.module';
export default{
props['projectId'], // eg. 123
beforeCreate() {
// dynamic namespace built using whatever module you want:
let namespace = projectModule.buildNamespace(this.$options.propsData.projectId); // 'project:123'
// ... everything else as above
Hope you find this useful.
All posted answers are just workarounds leading to a code that feels verbose and way away from standard code people are used to when dealing with stores.
So I just wanted to let everyone know that brophdawg11 (one of the commenters on the issue #863) created (and open sourced) set of mapInstanceXXX helpers aiming to solve this issue.
There is also series of 3 blog posts explaining reasons behind. Good read...
I found this from veux github issue, it seems to meet your needs
props: ['namespace'],
computed: mapState({
state (state) {
return state[this.namespace]
someGetter (state, getters) {
return getters[this.namespace + '/someGetter']
methods: {
someAction (dispatch, payload) {
return dispatch(this.namespace + '/someAction', payload)
someMutation (commit, payload) {
return commit(this.namespace + '/someMutation', payload)
... or maybe we don't need mapXXX helpers,
mentioned by this comment
computed: {
state () {
return this.$store.state[this.namespace]
someGetter () {
return this.$store.getters[this.namespace + '/someGetter']

How to susbscribe to property on the state in Vue?

I have vue application.
I'm using vuex and vuex-class packages to connect with the store.
in my component(vue-property-decorator) I want to subscribe to some property on the state, and when it change then I want to know.
for example:
my state for example:
const state = {
error: null,
and getters:
const getters = {
error(state: any) {
return state.error;
my component:
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { namespace } from 'vuex-class';
const SomeModule = namespace('somemodule');
export default class MyPage extends SomeBaseComponent {
error: any;
// HOW TO know when error has change?
onErrorChanged() {
I want onErrorChanged will fire every time the error property on the state changed.
How to do that?
I'm a maintainer of vue-property-docorator. Thanks for using the library.
If you'd like to observe the changes of error property, you can do it by $watch.
As you are using vue-property-decorator, #Watch decorator is available.
export default class MyPage extends SomeBaseComponent {
error: any;
onErrorChanged(newErrorVal, oldErrorVal) { }

How to use shorter path to get vuex contents?

In my vuex /store/state.js I have an export default that looks like this:
export default {
foo: {
tar: {
info: 42
So, whenever I want to access info, I usually do in my methods like this;
methods: {
getInfo () {
return this.$
This is just for a demo purpose, and mine is actually a bit worse, but I ended up doing the same so, I tried minimize the code using a computed prop:
computed: {
info () {
return this.$
Now, I just call info but still, not sure if there is a better way to get values, because sometimes I just need to call info only one in a page, so I have to use the full path or create a computed property for it.
Is there any other way to do this
I always separate vuex into separated modules. For instance if you have store for foo module. I will create file named foo.js which contains
const fooModule = {
state: {
foo: {
bar: {
tar: {
info: 42
getters: {
info (state) {
mutations: {
setInfo (state, payload) { = payload
actions: {
getInfo ({commit}, payload) {
commit('setInfo', payload)
export default fooModule
Then in your main index vuex, import the module like this way
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import fooModule from './foo.js'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
export default store
Then if you wanna get info, you just write your code like this
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
export default {
computed: {
#jefry Dewangga has the the right idea but introducing mapGetters is unnecessary.
VueX by default includes namespacing for modules which allows us to load multiple modules into a store and then reference them with or without namespacing them and it'll figure the rest out.
For Instance if we have the structure of
|-- store
|-- Modules
|-- module1.js
|-- module2.js
|-- module3.js
|-- index.js
We can use index in such a way to bind all of our modules into our Vuex store doing the following:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import modules from './modules'
export default new Vuex.Store({
An example of our module1 could be:
const state = {
LoggedIn: true
const mutations = {
LOGIN(state) {
state.LoggedIn = true;
LOGOFF(state) {
state.LoggedIn = false;
const actions = {}
export default {
This in turn gives us the ability to say:
Note that we haven't used any namespacing but as we haven't included any duplicate mutations from within our modules were absolutely fine to implicitly declare this.
Now if we want to use namespacing we can do the following which will explicitly use out module:
MapGetters are useful but they provide a lot of extra overhead when we can neatly digest out modules without having to continuously map everything, unless well we find the mapping useful. A great example of when MapGetters become handy is when we are working many components down in a large project and we want to be able to look at our source without having to necessarily worry about the frontend implementation.