Is it possible to generate css files using emotion? - emotion

emotion is a css-in-js library. I saw it created <style> tag in the html head to provide styles.
Is it possible to use emotion to generate separate css files? So that we can move them to CDN and make the app loading faster.

according to Docs, you can't do it.
The way I used to generate an external stylesheet was to load my pages with SSR, and take the css generated by extractCritical, then write it to a file by using fs within style tag.


How to convert a Vue page to a vector-based PDF on the client-side

I want to convert an HTML page written with Vue.js to a vector-based PDF client-side. I understand there are solutions in the backend, however, in my case I specifically want client-side. I have very complex Vue components and styling which I would like to print to pdf. I tried multiple approaches and I could not find a solution.
Here is what I tried: -
The easiest way I found is window.print().
The issue with this approach, is that there is no other way to invoke the download functionality directly without going through the pop-dialog. Another issue I found window.onafterprint and window.onbeforeprint event listeners don't work on firefox but work in chrome. In firefox, both events fire at the same time. regardless, I do not like the default dialog, I would rather build my own.
I retrieved the HTML and CSS from the DOM using this.$el.innerHTML, and window.getComputedStyle(element) and saved them to a variable, then converted to blob and downloaded it with javascript.
this solution worked, however only in DEV build, since I bundle my app with Vite, the computed styles don't render on the DOM as I expected when in Production build; which I believe is due to the way Vite bundles CSS for optimization. Therefore the result will only be HTML with no styling.
I used the popular vue-html2pdf library and it is straightforward.
the issue with this approach is the fact it simply renders HTML and CSS to an image the saves as a pdf, therefore the output will be an image-based-pdf. which is not my preferred kind of pdf.
I cannot find any library that takes in HTML and CSS and covert to a Vector-based pdf on the client-side.

Adding custom style in Ckeditor 5

I am trying to find an answer several days but not able to.
How can I add custom styles just like in Ckeditor 4 (For example, using CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add) ?
Edit the CkEditor css file in its entirety, that can be found at This guide
From the page:
By default, content styles are loaded by the editor JavaScript which makes them only present
when users edit their content and this, in turn, usually takes place in the back–end of an application. If you want to use the same styles in the front–end, you may find yourself in a situation that requires you to load CKEditor just for that purpose, which is (performance–wise) not the best idea.
To avoid unnecessary dependencies in your front–end, use a stylesheet with a complete list of CKEditor 5 content styles used by all editor features. There are two ways to obtain it:
By taking it directly from this guide and saving it as a static resource in your application (e.g. content-styles.css) (recommended).
By generating it using a dedicated script. Learn more in the Development environment guide.
Load the content-styles.css file in your application by adding the following code to the template:

Is there a way to embed fonts into a Web Component?

Title says it all. I'm developing a Vue app that is going to be used as a display for my instance of Home Assistant. I tell it what JS file to load and what tag to use and HA puts it inside an iframe. The font I'm using is an otf file.
It seems like my component can only use the font when it gets included in the page's section. Since I'm not generating the page or the iframe, I can't add anything to the head. The only thing I can figure out to do is use JS to add the font face to the head after the page is loaded. I've seen a react component do this. Is there a build option or something?
But it is my understanding the whole point of web components is to be able to include a single JS file then use the component. Does this not include fonts or other resources?

Media queries interaction

I have question about some CSS stuff. I'm currently using Boostrap to develop a web application. I have come in the situation where I have to set some media queries in my custom css which i use for styling and graphic. My question is will there be any conflict with those one in Boostrap CSS.
With Bootstrap, the best practice is to add your custom CSS code (including media queries) after Bootstrap's styles have been declared. In general, you'll first call the standard Bootstrap CSS file. Next you can call a customized CSS file that you generate, which contains any overrides to the base CSS along with any media queries needed.
You can also minify your CSS files, but make sure to have the base CSS styles appear first in the minified version.

remove redundant css rules from dynamic website

I'm trying to reduce the size of my CSS file. It is from a template which is very CSS & JS heavy. Even with CSSMin the CSS file size is 250kb.
Whilst I use alot of the CSS - I know I dont use it all. So I'm trying to work out which styles can be removed. I'm aware of Dust-Me selector - but that only takes a static look at the website. With HTML5 and CSS3 - websites are now very dynamic, and most of my CSS occurs from dynamic events, or 'responsive' events i.e. Bootstrap.
Question: Is there a tool which 'records' all my CSS use on a website for a perioid of time, so I can go and click/hover/move over each element and interact with my site. Then at the end let me know which styles were & were not used?
CSS Usage is a great extension for firefox. It tells which css are currently used in a page.
There are two tools that I think might help you out.
helium is a javascript tool that will discover any unused css rules.
csscss is a source code analyzer that will report any duplication. I'm biased because I wrote csscss precisely because I couldn't find anything that did this. But many people seem to find it useful.
250kb is really such a big figure for just CSS files.
The templates generally have all the CSS required for all the pages in a single file.
I would suggest:
Do not cut your CSS code, they might be needed some point of time.
Instead i would suggest, break your CSS file into number of small files for different page stylings,
such as a different CSS for login page, different CSS file for home page, etc.
Read your own CSS and HTML code vigorously to find out which significant part of CSS code is used in which HTML section.
You may try Removed Unused CSS - CSS optimizer.
I personally did not use it just hope it works for you.