Splitting concatenated values in table column using Dataweave - mule

I have sample data in my Salesforce table as given below:
I am on Mule 3.9 and running dataweave 1.0.
I need to use dataweave to read the above data (from a Salesforce table) and transform it into a JSON as given below:
{"Id": "634594cc","Name": "Alpha","List": "AB01"},
{"Id": "634594cc","Name": "Alpha","List": "AB02"},
{"Id": "634594cc","Name": "Alpha","List": "AB03"},
{"Id": "5d839e9c","Name": "Bravo","List": "CD01"},
{"Id": "5d839e9c","Name": "Bravo","List": "CD02"},
{"Id": "3a5f34d3","Name": "Charlie","List": null}
As you can see above, the "List" column is what I need to split as separate arrays in the final JSON. It has data with semicolon at the begin, in between and in the end.
Thanks in advance for your help.

I took the liberty to create a couple of sample data based upon the SS (BTW, its best not to use SS) :).
Try this:
%dw 1.0
%output application/dw
%var data = [
id: "ABC123",
name: "A",
list: ";AB1;AB2;AB3;"
id: "ZXY321",
name: "B",
list: null
data reduce (e,result=[]) -> (
result ++ using (
list = e.list default "" splitBy /;/ filter ($ != ""),
sharedFields = {
Id: e.id,
Name: e.name
) (
using (
flist = list when ((sizeOf list) > 0) otherwise [null]
) (
flist map {
List: $


Need to change csv header from camel case to snake case in dataweave

I am working on a pipeline to dynamically dump all columns from the salesforce object to the S3 bucket.
I get all columns for a salesforce object using describe object API. I store all columns into a variable and then create a big SOQL query out of it and submit a bulk query job v2.
Now, this is the main problem. The Column name I am getting from the salesforce connector is in camelCase
"Id": 123,
"FirstName": "Manual",
"MasterRecordId__c" :"abc"
"Id": 456,
"FirstName": "John",
"MasterRecordId__c" :"def"
But I want column names to be in snake case
"Id": 123,
"first_name": "Manual",
"Id": 456,
"first_name": "john",
I understand mulesoft has an underscore function to do the same thing, but I am not able to apply any function at "key" level.
Any lead would be really helpful. Please let me know for any questions.
You just have to use mapObject along with the underscore function
%dw 2.0
import underscore from dw::core::Strings
output application/json
payload map ((item) ->
item mapObject ((value, key) -> {
(underscore(key)): value
In case you want Id field to remain as it is, give a try like below:
%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Strings
output application/json
payload map ($ mapObject ((value, key, index) -> if (capitalize(key as String) == key as String)
(key): value
(underscore(key)): value

how to get string values from list of maps in dataweave 2.0?

I have input payload coming like this -
"a": ""
"a": "abc"
"a": "pqr"
"a": "xyz"
and desired output is abc,pqr,xyz
I tried following dwl but couldn't succeed. Here is the code snippet
%dw 2.0
output application/json
query : payload filter ($.a != '') map (
Can someone please help me with the dataweave ? Thanks.
If your desired output is the string "abc,pqr,xyz":
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload filter ($.a != "") map ($.a) joinBy ","
If you are trying to get the array ["abc", "pqr", "xyz"]:
Your code is fine...
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload filter ($.a != "") map ($.a)
query: joinBy(payload.a filter $ !="", ',')
First select all 'a' fields to return new array of just values.
Filter the list for "".
Use joinBy function to append array values with a comma.

Mulesoft Dataweave Converting the key of a mapObject to lower case

Assume the following json with KEY1 and KEY2 in caps. KEY1 and KEY2 needs to be converted to lower case
"KEY1": {
"subkey1": "subval1",
"subkey2": "subval2"
"KEY2": {
"subkey1": "subval1",
"subkey2": "subval2"
this needs to be converted to the following json using data weave.
"key1": {
"subkey1": "subval1",
"subkey2": "subval2"
"key2": {
"subkey1": "subval1",
"subkey2": "subval2"
I tried the following DW syntax, but it did not work
result : payload mapObject (
lower '$$':$
The DW you tried should work if you wrap the expression in parenthesis. This ensures that the lower operator is applied to each of the keys first and then that value is used in the map. So for your example:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
result : payload mapObject (
(lower '$$') : $
Interestingly enough, I get an error (mismatched input ':' expecting ')') in my Transform Message using this DW syntax but I am able to run the project without complaints from Anypoint Studio and the DW runs fine. It also works in MEL with the following:
#[dw("{result : payload mapObject ( (lower '$$' ) : $)}", 'application/json')]
Hope that helps!
You can use the below method to resolve the issue.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
{ result: payload mapObject (
(lower ('$$')): $
In addition if need to lower case also a values then its will be like:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
result : payload mapObject (
(lower $$) : (lower $)

Filter an object array to modify json with circe

I am evaluating Circe and couldn't find out how to use filter for arrays to transform a JSON. I read the guide on its website and API doc, still no clue. Help much appreciated.
Sample data:
"Department" : "HR",
"Employees" :[{ "name": "abc", "age": 25 }, {"name":"def", "age" : 30 }]
How to use a filter for Employees to transform the JSON to another JSON, for example, all employees with age older than 50?
For some reason I can't filter from data source before JSON is generated, in case you ask.
One possible way of doing this is by
val data = """{"Department" : "HR","Employees" :[{ "name": "abc", "age": 25 }, {"name":"def", "age":30}]}"""
def ageFilter(j:Json): Json = j.withArray { x =>
Json.fromValues(x.filter(_.hcursor.downField("age").as[Int].map(_ > 26).getOrElse(false)))
val y: Either[ParsingFailure, Json] = parse(data).map( _.hcursor.downField("Employees").withFocus(ageFilter).top.get)

How to get unnamed object instead of an array in case of only one result in Dataweave

We have a transformation with Dataweave which processes a list of objects. We get a json response like that:
{"hotels": [{
"name": "Hotel Oslo",
"propertyCode": "12345",
"currency": "NOK"
"name": "Hotel Stockholm",
"propertyCode": "12346",
"currency": "SEK"
However, in the case of only 1 response, we want to have the following response:
{"name": "Hotel Stockholm",
"propertyCode": "12346",
"currency": "SEK"}
We are generating the response like this:
hotels: payload.rows map ((row , indexOfRow) -> {
name: row.content.companyName.content,
propertyCode: row.content.propertyCode.content,
currency: row.content.currencyCode.content
What should we put as a condition so that we do not get an array in case of 1 result?
Try this:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%function makeHotel(row) {
name: row.name,
propertyCode: row.propertyCode,
currency: row.currency
hotels: payload.rows map ((row , indexOfRow) -> makeHotel(row))
} when ((sizeOf payload.rows) != 1)
otherwise makeHotel(payload.rows[0])
It will give you an empty array on empty input, the simple object for one input and the structure with array when you have more than one input row.
(For test purposes, with a slightly differnt input structure, but the general solution should be clear.)