Running a Raku Cro app as a persistent service - raku

I'd like to run a perl6/raku Cro app as a service behind a frontend webserver.
Just running cro run won't handle restarting after segfaults & reboots.
Previously with perl5 I've used FastCGI - however Cro::HTTP::Server's idiom doesn't look compatible with FastCGI::Native's while $fcgi.accept() {} example.
The service.p6 generated by cro stub does have a SIGINT handler, however I'm unsure whether this is sufficient to point to it in a systemctl service, i.e.
ExecStart = /path/to/service.p6
How are people currently hosting Cro apps?

cro run is intended as a development tool, not a deployment one, and so is indeed not a good choice for hosting the services.
All of the Cro services I directly take care of are containerized (some guidance on that here) and then run on a hosted Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes takes care of the automatic restarts, rolling out new versions, etc. I'm also aware of docker-compose being used in place of Kubernetes, which I guess works, though I believe that's also considered as primarily a development tool.
Setting it up as a systemctl service should also work fine, provided that's configured to always restart. However, it seems that you'd want to handle SIGTERM for the clean shutdown to work instead of SIGINT (nothing wrong with handling both).
I do also place a frontend web server in front of Cro (using Apache, though nginx would be a fine choice too), and also use that to do some caching of static content also (using content-control in my routes to describe the cachability).


Kubernetes probe running acceptance test

I have a situation where my acceptance test makes a connection with a rabbitMQ instance during the pipeline. But the rabbitMQ instance is private, making not possible to make this connection in the pipeline.
I was wondering if making an api endpoint that run this test and adding to the startup probe would be a good approach to make sure this test is passing.
If the rabbitmq is a container in your pod yes, if it isn't then you shouldn't.
There's no final answer to this, but the startup probe is just there to ensure that your pod is not being falsly considered unhealthy by other probes just because it takes a little longer to start. It's aimed at legacy applications that need to build assets or compile stuff at startup.
If there was a place to put a connectivity test to rabitmq would be the liveness probe, but you should only do that if your application is entirely dependent on a connection to rabbitmq, otherwise your authentication would fail because you couldn't connect to the messaging queue. And if you have a second app that tries to connect to your endpoint as a liveness probe? And a third app that connects the second one to check if that app is alive? You could kill an entire ecosystem just because rabbitmq rebooted or crashed real quick.
Not recommended.
You could have that as part of your liveness probe IF your app is a worker, then, not having a connection to rabbitmq would make the worker unusable.
Your acceptance tests should be placed on your CD or in a post-deploy script step if you don't have a CD.

Deploying application which is not a web app? Kubernetes

I am trying to deploy a pod to the cluster. The application I am deploying is not a web server. I have an issue with setting up the liveness and readiness probes. Usually, I would use something like /isActive and /buildInfo endpoint for that.
I've read this
Wondering if I need to code a mechanism which will create a file and then somehow prob it from the deployment.yaml file?
Edit: this is what I used to keep the container running, not sure if that is the best way to do it?
- touch /tmp/healthy; while true; do sleep 30; done;
It does not make sense to create files in your application just for the liveness probe. On the K8s documentation this is just an example to show you how the exec command probe works.
The idea behind the liveness probe is bipartite:
Avoid traffic on your Pods, before they have been fully started.
Detect unresponsive applications due to lack of resources or deadlocks where the application main process is still running.
Given that your deployments don't seem to expect external traffic, you don't require a liveness probe for the first case. Regarding the second case, question is how your application could lock up and how you would notice externally, e.g. by monitoring a log file or similar.
Bear in mind, that K8s will still monitor whether your applications main process is running. So, restarts on application failure will still occur, if you application stops running without a liveness probe. So, if you can be fairly sure that your application is not prone to becoming unresponsive while still running, you can also do without a liveness probe.

performance issues with Apache as reverse proxy and an ajax-heavy jsf application

I am currently developing a jsf application (running in jboss7 with primefaces 3.5 and push via primepush which basically uses the atmosphere framework to hide all the transport specific stuff behind a layer of abstraction)
As long as i am running just jboss the application works fine and responds quickly as would be expected. However when deploying this to production where jboss runs behind an Apache reverse proxy several problems appear.
The first problem being that Apache seems to kill the long-polling connection which causes the client to miss out on push messages (even after configuring atmosphere to use a broadcast cache). I currently work around that by periodically refreshing the whole page when user is idle, although this smells really bad..
Second, Apache seems to really slow down the whole application. Watching the Apache error log i am seeing a lot of messages like error reading chunk (will post the exact message later as i am currently writing this post on the go with my smartphone). Lot's of digging around in the atmosphere documentation and trying out different broadcasters did mit change this in any way.
My question would be this: would i be better off by using nginx, especially in the context of push via long polling?
I know i have given only little detail, i will edit this post later when at home ;)
just so this topic gets closed: if you have an atmopshere-based application running behind an apache reverse proxy, be sure to set the TTL parameter for the proxypass directive. setting this parameter to 5 worked for me, apache now discards old connections fast enough so it doesn't run out of worker threads.

What is the difference between Restarting JBoss server and redeploying it

I noticed that both options are available while running Jboss, and they both recompile the project (I noticed 'make' running with both). I did see this question, the accepted answer made sense, but I wasn't sure what hot-swapping means. What is a possible example of a change which could be registered without needing to restart the server?
Your question needs more details to answer completely, but here are some basic concepts:
Hot-swapping is simply replacing the files of your project into the deployment folder of the application server (unpackaged, i.e. not the .war/.ear but all separate files). It is usually faster because the change are immediately visible in the web-application. But it is not always possible/supported by application servers, and often if you hot-swap .jar files the application server doesn't pick it up or end up confused.
Restarting JBoss will stop all existing services ( EJBs, Pooling, Queues, Messaging...) and restart them. It is almost the cleanest way to run your application (the cleanest would be un-deploy, restart and deploy)
Redeploy means your application and its services are first removed from JBoss, but other services setup at server level (Messaging, Pools, JMX,... depends on your actual settings) are still deployed. Then the application is deployed (copied from your dev folder or .WAR/.EAR to JBoss webapp)
Typically, you would hot-swap (eventually manually) .(x)html/.jsp/.jsf/images/.js/.css safely as JBoss doesn't need to process them.
Changing code in java classes deployed as .class in a WEB-INF/classes can often be hot-swapped.
Changing code in java files deployed as .jar will almost always need at least redeployment. Some OSGi enabled application server properly configured are more flexible in hot-swapping a complete application (I know Glassfish does but I don't know what specific setting is needed)
Finally, in development, sometimes the multiple redeployments lead to memory leak or unstable application server (often you'll get a OutOfMemory exception in the logs) then you need to cleanup (undeploy, stop, start then deploy)

Communicating between two processes on heroku (what port to use)

I have a Procfile like so:
web: bundle exec rails server -p $PORT
em: script/eventmachine
The em process fires up an eventmachine with start_server (port ENV['PORT']) and my web process occasionally needs to communicate with it.
My question is how does the web process know what port to communicate with it on? If I understand heroku correctly it assigns you a random port when the process starts up (and it can change if the ps is killed or restarted). Thanks!
According to Heroku documentation,
Two processes running on the same dyno can communicate over TCP/IP using whatever ports they want.
Two processes running on different dynos cannot communicate over TCP/IP at all. They need to use memcached, or the database, or one of the Heroku plugins, to communicate.
Processes are isolated and cannot communicate directly with each other.
There are, however, a few other ways. One is to use a backing service such as Redis, or Postgres to act as an intermediary - another is to use FIFO to communicate.
It is a good thing that your processes are isolated and share-nothing, but you do need to architecture your application slightly differently to accommodate this.
I'm reading this while on my commute to work. So I haven't tried anything with it (sorry) but this looks relevant and potentially awesome.