ASP.NET Core 2.2 - How to retreive NuGet Package Dependencies from Assembly that a Project References -

I have a project ("Project1") that has a reference to an Assembly that I created in another project ("Project2").
I just added a function to a class in that assembly, but that function required me to add the NuGet package System.Drawing.Common. Which isn't an issue.
Here's the issue:
When I build Project1, it does not bring System.Drawing.Common.DLL to the bin folder. So, at runtime, when I execute this new function, I get an error stating that it can't find this DLL.
Is there a way that I can have Project1 bring along all of the Assembly's dependencies? Or do I have to instead add all the same NuGet packages that Project2/Assembly uses to Project1?
I'd prefer the former. I'm using ASP.NET Core 2.2 and Visual Studio 2017.
Thank you.

The build command with .NET Core 2.2 does not bring in the dependencies by default this is for testing only. If you are wanting all the dependency .dll to be included for deployment you should use the publish command to get all the .dll from your NuGet packages. There are other switches to include the framework as well so you don't need to install the framework, on the host.
As a friendly reminder, Dot Net Core 2.2 support will end on December 23, 2019


Can build and run on Visual Studio but cannot Publish

I am having a weird situation where I cannot publish my final Web project. Here is the project structure:
Foo.Services.Common: this is shared library: .NET Standard 2.0.3, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core 2.1.0 with the class DefaultWebSettings defined.
Foo.Services.Common.Razor: Razor Class Library, has reference back to Foo.Services.Common and uses DefaultWebSettings: NETStandard.Library 2.0.3, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc 2.1.0 and some other ASP.NET Core related package (static files, Configuration)
Foo.Services.Api: ASP.NET Core API only (no View, no Razor), has reference back to Foo.Services.Common. Publish well. Uses: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.1.0, Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.1.0.
Foo.Services.Web: front end project. This one is the one I cannot publish! This one has references to both Common projects. Uses: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.1.0, Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.1.0
However, upon publish, this one shows up:
The type or namespace name 'DefaultWebSettings' could not be found
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The error location is in a file of Foo.Services.Common.Razor project, NOT the Web project.
Funnily, Visual Studio perfectly works even with IntelliSense and Go to Definition:
I can build in both Debug/Release mode, run with/without debug any project in the solution well. Moreover, publishing Foo.Services.Common.Razor works without any problem!
In short: I cannot publish my Web project and have no idea what is the problem. I have tried:
Delete/Re-add references.
Manually delete all obj and bin folders.
Please show me what I may missing.
In the end, I had to remove Reference of the Common from Common.Razor and Web projects. I guess they could not build because of some conflict between .NET Standard and .NET Core. Had to copy all code of Common into Common.Razor.

.net core 2.0 does not publish nuget dll

In .net core 2.0 I add some nuget package.Project work in local but does not work in server-production.I click solution and click publih to folder and move that folder to server.But in published folder there is no this nuget dll
how can I publish that nuget dll?In that folder I didnt find that dll
I think the problem is all of those packages are included in the ASP.NET Core Implicit Store. These are only present however, if the SDK is present on the target machine. If this is the case you have 3 options.
Install the .NET Core SDK (not just the runtime) on the target machine. In this case the implicit store will be present.
Set the following property to false:
This will cause the build to include dependencies that are in the implicit store so that the final published product only relies on the .NET Core Runtime and not the API.
Build a self-contained deployment
This will bundle everything (runtime and implicit dependencies) into your application.

VS 2017 .NetCore MSBuild custom task fails to load Newtonsoft.Json or other dependents

Visual Studio 2017
.NET Standard 2.0
.NET Framework 4.6.1
MyCustomTask.csproj contains custom MS build tasks and has multi targets to generate a separate dll for .NET Full and .NEt Core runtime.
There is a 3 level dependency on the Nuget Package "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json" which in turn has a dependency to Newtonsoft.Json package. as shown below.
The build is all fine and the Nuget package for MyCustomTask is generated successfully.
When I install my MyCustomTask Nuget package on target project then the custom build task is getting successfully executed on .NET Full runtime from Visual Studio 2017, but for .NET Core dotnet build command fail to execute the custom build task...
System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral.
Even if I package all the dependent DLL and place it in same directory of the .netstandard custom task dll I keep getting same error.
Any thoughts how this can be resolved ?
Posting a solution here for those who are experiencing the same issue.
Credit to #MartinUllrich for posting the solution in a comment above. This saved me a lot of trouble.
Ensure your custom task inherits from ContextIsolatedTask and copy the dependent assemblies to same directory as your task assembly.

How to generate a non-.NET Core Library NuGet package within Visual Studio 2017

If I create a .NET Core Class Library in Visual Studio 2017, I get the Package tab on project properties. If I create an "old fashioned" Class Library, I do not get the Package tab, nor the "Pack" target in MSBuild.
NuGet is integrated into VS2017 and MSBuild to some degree, but it seems to be only for .NET Core projects.
Is there a way to use any of the NuGet integration for non-.NET Core projects or do I just need to install the NuGet CLI and use a .nuspec file?
This support for integrated packaging needs "SDK-style" csproj files which are used for .NET Core and .NET Standard projects. Since a few features (like some designers) aren't yet available for these projects, there are no templates for "SDK-style" csproj-based projects for .NET Standard.
However, you can create a .NET Standard project and change the csproj file from
to a net* moniker like
This gives you all the tooling for creating NuGet packages and managing versions and metadata.

Reference third-party class libraries

I am working with .Net Core 1.0 (running under the .Net Framework 4.6.1, non-portable).
I need to include some DLLs that are from a locally-built GitHub project. When I build those projects, and then attempt to "Add Reference" to the resulting DLLs, I get a message saying I can't add them to a Core project directly.
After more research, I found a lot of information regarding "private" NuGet packages. However, those seem overly complex / overly engineered.
Is there any way I can do the following:
Without having to go through the headache of creating a private NuGet repository, can I just "add reference" to the built assemblies that are sitting in the bin folder of the NuGet projects I pulled?
I really don't want to have to build a local-only NuGet package. Mostly because I've already wasted too much time on this issue, and because I read this entire concept is about to be scrapped and turned into something else (sounds familiar by now)... such as the Roslyn-based build system on GitHub.
My current state:
Visual Studio Professional 2015
.Net Core 1.0.1
.Net Core 1.0.1 Tooling Preview 2
No, as for now you have to create a nuget package before and restore it via Nuget. You can use a simple folder as NuGet source, so if you put your compiled NuGet package in C:\packages, you can add this as a source to NuGet (while in the NuGet UI, click the settings Icon and add the folder as new source).
This may change with the next release of ASP.NET Core (1.1), as the .NET/ASP.NET Core team is working to move from *.xproj to *.csproj files.
One of the reasons why you need to use nuget is because it can contain multiple targets and project.json allows you to target multiple platforms (i.e. net452 and netcoreapp1.0).