Multiple autoincrement ids based on table column - sql

I need help in database design.
I have following tables.
Pseudo code:
Table order_status {
id int[pk, increment]
name varchar
Table order_status_update {
id int[pk, increment]
order_id int[ref: >]
order_status_id int[ref: >]
updated_at datetime
Table order_category {
id int[pk, increment]
name varchar
Table file {
id int[pk, increment]
order_id int[ref: >]
key varchar
name varchar
path varchar
Table order {
id int [pk] // primary key
order_status_id int [ref: >]
order_category_id int [ref: >]
notes varchar
attributes json // no of attributes is not fixed, hence needed a json column
Everything was okay, but now I need an auto-increment id for each type of order_category_id column.
For example, if I have 2 categories electronics and toys , then I would need electronics-1, toy-1, toy-2, electronics-2, electronics-3, toy-3, toy-4, toy-5 values associated with rows of order table. But it's not possible as auto-increment increments based on each new row, not column type.
In other words, for table order instead of
id order_category_id
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 1
6 2
7 1
I need following,
id order_category_id pretty_ids
1 1 toy-1
2 1 toy-2
3 1 toy-3
4 2 electronics-1
5 1 toy-4
6 2 electronics-2
7 1 toy-5
What I tried:
I created separate table for each order category (not an ideal solution but currently I have 6 order categories, so it works for now )
Now, I have table for electronics_order and toys_order. Columns are repetitive, but it works. But now I have another problem, my every relationship with other tables got ruined. Since, both electronics_order and toys_orders can have same id, I cannot use id column to reference order_status_update, order_status, file tables.
I can create another column order_category in each of these tables, but will it be the right way? I am not experienced in database design, so I would like to know how others do it.
I also have a side question.
Do I need tables for order_category and order_status just to store names? Because these values will not change much and I can store them in code and save in columns of order table.
I know separate tables are good for flexibility, but I had to query database 2 times to fetch order_status and order_category by name before inserting new row to order table. And later it will be multiple join for querying order table.
If it helps, I am using flask-sqlalchemy in backend and postgresql as database server.

In order to track the increment id which is based on the order_category, we can keep track of this value on another table. Let us call this table: order_category_sequence. To show my solution, I just created simplified version of order table with order_category.
CREATE TABLE order_category (
name VARCHAR(100) NULL
CREATE TABLE order_category_sequence (
order_category_id int NOT NULL,
current_key int not null
Alter Table order_category_sequence Add Constraint "fk_order_category_id" FOREIGN KEY (order_category_id) REFERENCES order_category (id);
Alter Table order_category_sequence Add Constraint "uc_order_category_id" UNIQUE (order_category_id);
CREATE TABLE "order" (
order_category_id int NOT NULL,
pretty_id VARCHAR(100) null
Alter Table "order" Add Constraint "fk_order_category_id" FOREIGN KEY (order_category_id) REFERENCES order_category (id);
The order_category_id column in order_category_sequence table refers the order_category. The current_key column holds the last value in order.
When a new order row is added, we can use a trigger to read the last value from order_category_sequence and update pretty_id. The following trigger definition can be used to achieve this.
--function called everytime a new order is added
RETURNS trigger AS
current_pretty_id varchar(100);
-- increment last value of the corresponding order_category_id in the sequence table
Update order_category_sequence
set current_key = (current_key + 1)
where order_category_id = NEW.order_category_id;
--prepare the pretty_id
Select || '-' || s.current_key AS current_pretty_id
FROM order_category_sequence AS s
JOIN order_category AS oc on s.order_category_id =
WHERE s.order_category_id = NEW.order_category_id
INTO current_pretty_id;
--update order table
Update "order"
set pretty_id = current_pretty_id
where id =;
$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER order_created
ON "order"
EXECUTE PROCEDURE on_order_created();
If we want to synchronize the two table, order_category and order_category_sequence, we can use another trigger to have a row in the latter table every time a new order category is added.
//function called everytime a new order_category is added
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION on_order_category_created()
RETURNS trigger AS
--insert a new row for the newly inserted order_category
Insert into order_category_sequence(order_category_id, current_key)
values (, 0);
$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER order_category_created
ON order_category
EXECUTE PROCEDURE on_order_category_created();
Testing query and result:
Insert into order_category(name)
values ('electronics'),('toys');
Insert into "order"(order_category_id)
values (1),(2),(2);
select * from "order";
Regarding your side question, I prefer to store the lookup values like order_status and order_category in separate tables. Doing this allows to have the above flexibility and it is easy when we have changes.

To answer your side question: yes, you should keep tables with names in them, for a number of reasons. First of all, such tables are small and generally kept in memory by the database, so there is negligible performance benefit to not using the tables. Second, you want to be able to use external tools to query the database and generate reports, and you want these kind of labels available to those tools. Third, you want to minimize the coupling of your software to the actual data so that they can evolve independently. Adding a new category should not require modifying your software.
Now, to the main question, there is no built-in facility for the kind of auto-increment you want. You have to build it yourself.
I suggest you keep the sequence number for each category as a column in the category table. Then you can update it and use the updated sequence number in the order table, like this (which is specific to PostgreSQL):
-- set up the tables
create table orders (
order_category_id int,
pretty_id VARCHAR
create unique index order_category_pretty_id_idx
on orders (pretty_id);
create table order_category (
name varchar NOT NULL,
seq int NOT NULL default 0
-- create the categories
insert into order_category
(name) VALUES
('toy'), ('electronics');
-- create orders, specifying the category ID and generating the pretty ID
new_category_id (id) AS (VALUES (1)), -- 1 here is the category ID for the new order
pretty AS (
UPDATE order_category
SET seq = seq + 1
WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM new_category_id)
INSERT into orders (order_category_id, pretty_id)
SELECT, concat(, '-', pretty.seq)
FROM new_category_id, pretty;
You just plug in your category ID where I have 1 in the example and it will create the new pretty_id for that category. The first category will be toy-1, the next toy-2, etc.
| id | order_category_id | pretty_id |
| --- | ----------------- | ------------- |
| 1 | 1 | toy-1 |
| 2 | 1 | toy-2 |
| 3 | 2 | electronics-1 |
| 4 | 1 | toy-3 |
| 5 | 2 | electronics-2 |

In order to do toys-1 toys-2 toys-3 you should repeat the logic of order_status update, There is no difference between track some status by time or by count.
Just in the order_status update it is simpler you just put now() into updated_at for lets say order_category_track you would take last value + 1 or have different sequences respectively category (would not recommend to do like this because it binds database objects with data in the DB).
I would change a schema to:
In this schema might be in inconsistent state. But in my opinion in your application there are three different entities "order","order_status","order category track" which live their own lives.
And still it is almost impossible to achieve consistent state for this task with out locks for example. This task is complicated by condition that next rows depends on previous what contradicts with SQL.

I would suggest to split category into 2-level hierarchy: category (toy, electronic) and subcategory (toy-1, toy-2, electronic-1, etc.):
So you can use column order_subcategory.full_name contain compiled "toy-1" value, or you can create view to make this field on the fly:
select || "-" || os.number
from order_category as oc
join order_subcategory as os on = os.category_id
Regarding your questions "Do I need tables for order_category and order_status just to store names?":
It is best practice to store this kind of data as a separate dictionary table. It gives you consistency and reliability. Querying those tables is very fast and easy for RDBMS, so feel free to use it.

I'll focus on only 3 tables you showed: order, order_status and order_category.
Creating a new table for a new record is not the right way. As your explanation, I think you trying to use order and order_category tables as many to many relationship. If it's so, the thing you need is a pivot table like this:
I currently add order_status column in order table,
you can add this column one of these tables as your need.
side question:
for order_status, if order status is fixed,( like only ACTIVE,INACTIVE and it won't be more values in the future) it would be better to use a column with ENUM type.

The easy answer would be to answer directly to your question. But I do not think it is a good thing in this case. So I will do otherwise.
I think that maybe the whole conception is wrong.
First things first : clarification of your business needs and assertions.
One order can have multiple categories
One category can concern multiple orders
One order can only have one status at a time but multiple through time
One status can be used by multiple orders
One order correspond to a file (probably a billing proof)
One file concerns only one order
Second : Advices
There is a little amount of reserved key words that you must not use in production environment. ( So for example I replace the word 'order' by 'command'.
Remaining questions that mandatory needs an answer before production : why the attributes attribute in your 'order' table? There is a risk of non respect of normal forms here. (
Third : conception solution
This normally is enough to give you a good start. But I wanna have fun a little more :) So...
Fourth : interrogation on needed performance
estimation of load per day/month in order (ten million rows per month?)
Fifth : physical solution proposition
Archiving in another tablespace (trigger when cancel or terminated => archived)
Indexes in another tablespace (your dba will thank you for that)
Possible partitionning of order table (,
Hardware and option choosings (high availibility? disaster management? if it is: the elaboration needs further study but few)
Data transposition (is it really needed? if it is: the elaboration needs further study but few)
The finaaaaaal code-down ! (with the good music)
-- as a postgres user
CREATE DATABASE command_system;
CREATE SCHEMA in_prgoress_command;
CREATE SCHEMA archived_command;
--DROP SCHEMA public;
-- create tablespaces on other location than below
CREATE TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs location 'c:/Data/indexes';
CREATE TABLESPACE archived_command_tbs location 'c:/Data/archive';
CREATE TABLESPACE in_progress_command_tbs location 'c:/Data/command';
CREATE TABLE in_prgoress_command.command
id bigint /*or bigserial if you use a INSERT RETURNING clause*/ primary key
, notes varchar(500)
, fileULink varchar (500)
TABLESPACE in_progress_command_tbs;
CREATE TABLE archived_command.command
id bigint /*or bigserial if you use a INSERT RETURNING clause*/ primary key
, notes varchar(500)
, fileULink varchar (500)
TABLESPACE archived_command_tbs;
CREATE TABLE in_prgoress_command.category
id int primary key
, designation varchar(45) NOT NULL
TABLESPACE in_progress_command_tbs;
INSERT INTO in_prgoress_command.category
VALUES (1,'Toy'), (2,'Electronic'), (3,'Leather'); --non-exaustive list
CREATE TABLE in_prgoress_command.status
id int primary key
, designation varchar (45) NOT NULL
TABLESPACE in_progress_command_tbs;
INSERT INTO in_prgoress_command.status
VALUES (1,'Shipping'), (2,'Cancel'), (3,'Terminated'), (4,'Payed'), (5,'Initialised'); --non-exaustive list
CREATE TABLE in_prgoress_command.command_category
id bigserial primary key
, idCategory int
, idCommand bigint
TABLESPACE in_progress_command_tbs;
ALTER TABLE in_prgoress_command.command_category
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_command_category_category FOREIGN KEY (idCategory) REFERENCES in_prgoress_command.category(id);
ALTER TABLE in_prgoress_command.command_category
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_command_category_command FOREIGN KEY (idCommand) REFERENCES in_prgoress_command.command(id);
CREATE INDEX idx_command_category_category ON in_prgoress_command.command_category USING BTREE (idCategory) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE INDEX idx_command_category_command ON in_prgoress_command.command_category USING BTREE (idCommand) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE TABLE archived_command.command_category
id bigserial primary key
, idCategory int
, idCommand bigint
TABLESPACE archived_command_tbs;
ALTER TABLE archived_command.command_category
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_command_category_category FOREIGN KEY (idCategory) REFERENCES in_prgoress_command.category(id);
ALTER TABLE archived_command.command_category
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_command_category_command FOREIGN KEY (idCommand) REFERENCES archived_command.command(id);
CREATE INDEX idx_command_category_category ON archived_command.command_category USING BTREE (idCategory) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE INDEX idx_command_category_command ON archived_command.command_category USING BTREE (idCommand) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE TABLE in_prgoress_command.command_status
id bigserial primary key
, idStatus int
, idCommand bigint
, change_timestamp timestamp --anticipate if you can the time-zone problematic
TABLESPACE in_progress_command_tbs;
ALTER TABLE in_prgoress_command.command_status
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_command_status_status FOREIGN KEY (idStatus) REFERENCES in_prgoress_command.status(id);
ALTER TABLE in_prgoress_command.command_status
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_command_status_command FOREIGN KEY (idCommand) REFERENCES in_prgoress_command.command(id);
CREATE INDEX idx_command_status_status ON in_prgoress_command.command_status USING BTREE (idStatus) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE INDEX idx_command_status_command ON in_prgoress_command.command_status USING BTREE (idCommand) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxu_command_state ON in_prgoress_command.command_status USING BTREE (change_timestamp, idStatus, idCommand) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_trg_archiving_command ()
language plpgsql
as $function$
-- Copy the data
INSERT INTO archived_command.command
FROM in_prgoress_command.command
WHERE new.idCommand = idCommand;
INSERT INTO archived_command.command_status (idStatus, idCommand, change_timestamp)
SELECT idStatus, idCommand, change_timestamp
FROM in_prgoress_command.command_status
WHERE idCommand = new.idCommand;
INSERT INTO archived_command.command_category (idCategory, idCommand)
SELECT idCategory, idCommand
FROM in_prgoress_command.command_category
WHERE idCommand = new.idCommand;
-- Delete the data
DELETE FROM in_prgoress_command.command_status
WHERE idCommand = new.idCommand;
DELETE FROM in_prgoress_command.command_category
WHERE idCommand = new.idCommand;
DELETE FROM in_prgoress_command.command
WHERE idCommand = new.idCommand;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS t_trg_archiving_command ON in_prgoress_command.command_status;
CREATE TRIGGER t_trg_archiving_command
ON in_prgoress_command.command_status
WHEN (new.idstatus = 2 or new.idStatus = 3)
EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_trg_archiving_command();
CREATE TABLE archived_command.command_status
id bigserial primary key
, idStatus int
, idCommand bigint
, change_timestamp timestamp --anticipate if you can the time-zone problematic
TABLESPACE archived_command_tbs;
ALTER TABLE archived_command.command_status
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_command_command_status FOREIGN KEY (idStatus) REFERENCES in_prgoress_command.category(id);
ALTER TABLE archived_command.command_status
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_command_command_status FOREIGN KEY (idCommand) REFERENCES archived_command.command(id);
CREATE INDEX idx_command_status_status ON archived_command.command_status USING BTREE (idStatus) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE INDEX idx_command_status_command ON archived_command.command_status USING BTREE (idCommand) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxu_command_state ON archived_command.command_status USING BTREE (change_timestamp, idStatus, idCommand) TABLESPACE command_indexes_tbs;
In many cases, when you are worried by the disposition of your keys it is because they are not in the good place. Same goes for cars ones! :D
Do not take any solution as prophetic solution : benchmark it.


Key is not present in table

table description
# \d invites;
Table "public.invites"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default
email | character varying |
key | character varying |
sender_user_id | integer | not null
receiver_user_id | integer |
"invites_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
FOREIGN KEY (receiver_user_id) REFERENCES users(id)
FOREIGN KEY (sender_user_id) REFERENCES users(id)
you can see Foreighn Key "fk_invites_receiver_user_id" FOREIGN KEY (receiver_user_id) REFERENCES users(id).
But the records for user with pk is absent in the parent table, where in the reference table fk is exists.
# select id from users where id = 958;
(0 rows)
select count(*) from invites where receiver_user_id = 958;
(1 row)
the question is how it can be, simple way to fix the conflicts is delete wrong records, but want to exclude such situation in the future, and when i try to restore the data there is an error:
DETAIL: Key (receiver_user_id)=(958) is not present in table "users".
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY invites
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_invites_receiver_user_id
FOREIGN KEY (receiver_user_id) REFERENCES users(id);
database=# select version();
PostgreSQL 9.4.14 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,
compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4, 64-bit
Create fail
-- tmp schema
-- \i tmp.sql
-- tables
, name text
( user_from INTEGER NOT NULL
, msg text
-- data
INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES ('Alice'), ('Bob');
INSERT INTO refs VALUES (1,2), (1,3);
-- FK constraints
ADD CONSTRAINT bad_user_from
FOREIGN KEY (user_from) references users(id);
ADD CONSTRAINT bad_user_to
FOREIGN KEY (user_to) references users(id)
-- This should fail; user=3 does not exist
INSERT INTO refs VALUES (3,2), (2,3);
-- "repair" the broken refs (by introducing a dummy row)
INSERT INTO users(id,name) VALUES (0, 'NoName');
-- Make the bad FKs point to the dummy row
UPDATE refs r
SET user_to =0
FROM users u
WHERE r.user_to
UPDATE refs r
SET user_from =0
FROM users u
WHERE r.user_from
SELECT * FROM refs r
JOIN users u0 ON r.user_from
JOIN users u1 ON r.user_to
INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES ('NewName');
-- see what we'v got
SELECT * FROM users;
JOIN users u0 ON r.user_from
JOIN users u1 ON r.user_to;
Validate constraint
\d refs
\d users
-- enforce the constraint
VALIDATE CONSTRAINT bad_user_to; -- <<-- HERE
-- check if valid
\d refs
\d users
-- This should not fail; user=3 does exist now
INSERT INTO refs VALUES (3,2), (2,3);
The answer is unfortunately “data corruption”.
You should delete the offending row, dump the database with pg_dumpall and restore it into a fresh cluster created with initdb.
You should also try to find out what caused the data corruption. Did you have any crashes recently? Could it be that you have unreliable storage or hardware problems? Anything weird in the database log?
To exclude such problems as much as possible, always use the latest fixpack for your PostgreSQL version and use reliable hardware.

How to create a table with ONE existing row from another table?

I'm frankly new to sql and this is a project I'm doing.
I would like to know if there's a way to connect one column in one table to another table when creating tables. I know of the join method to show results of, but I want to minimized my code as possible.
CREATE TABLE players (
id INT PRIMARY KEY, -->code I want connect with table match_record
player_name CHARACTER
CREATE TABLE match_records (
(id INT PRIMARY KEY /*FROM players*/), --> the code I want it to be here
winner INT,
loser INT
CREATE TABLE players (
id INT not null PRIMARY KEY, -->code I want connect with table match_record
player_name CHARACTER
CREATE TABLE match_records (
id INT not null PRIMARY KEY references players(id), --> the code I want it to be here
winner INT,
loser INT
this way you restrict that is only from
t=# insert into match_records select 1,1,0;
ERROR: insert or update on table "match_records" violates foreign key constraint "match_records_id_fkey"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) is not present in table "players".
So I add players:
t=# insert into players(id) values(1),(2);
And now it allows insert:
t=# insert into match_records select 1,1,0;
If the session user is a database superuser, then a #, otherwise a >.
(The expansion of this value might change during a database session as
the result of the command SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION.)
in this way:
CREATE TABLE new_table as SELECT id,... from old_table where id = 1;

Adding a NOT NULL column to a Redshift table

I'd like to add a NOT NULL column to a Redshift table that has records, an IDENTITY field, and that other tables have foreign keys to.
In PostgreSQL, you can add the column as NULL, fill it in, then ALTER it to be NOT NULL.
In Redshift, the best I've found so far is:
-- Fill that column
CREATE TABLE my_table2 (
(... all the fields ... )
new_column INTEGER NOT NULL,
UNLOAD ('select * from my_table')
to 's3://blah' credentials '<aws-auth-args>' ;
COPY my_table2
from 's3://blah' credentials '<aws-auth-args>'
DROP table my_table;
ALTER TABLE my_table2 RENAME TO my_table;
-- For each table that had a foreign key to my_table:
ALTER TABLE another_table ADD FOREIGN KEY(my_table_id) REFERENCES my_table(id)
Is this the best way of achieving this?
You can achieve this w/o having to load to S3.
modify the existing table to create the desired column w/ a default value
update that column in some way (in my case it was copying from another column)
create a new table with the column w/o a default value
insert into the new table (you must list out the columns rather than using (*) since the order may be the same (say if you want the new column in position 2)
drop the old table
rename the table
alter table to give correct owner (if appropriate)
-- first add the column w/ a default value
alter table my_table_xyz
add visit_id bigint NOT NULL default 0; -- not null but default value
-- now populate the new column with whatever is appropriate (the key in my case)
update my_table_xyz
set visit_id = key;
-- now create the new table with the proper constraints
create table my_table_xzy_new
key bigint not null,
visit_id bigint NOT NULL, -- here it is not null and no default value
adt_id bigint not null
-- select all from old into new
insert into my_table_xyz_new
select key, visit_id, adt_id
from my_table_xyz;
-- remove the orig table
DROP table my_table_xzy_events;
-- rename the newly created table to the desired table
alter table my_table_xyz_new rename to my_table_xyz;
-- adjust any views, foreign keys or permissions as required

create unique numerical identifier column in oracle sql

I have a table that has a list of states. I did this to create the table:
Statename VARCHAR2(15)
I then inserted the state data. However, I want my first column to be a created unique state ID. So it should list 1-50 for the 50 states in the United States. I tried searching different unique tutorials like this and nothing seemed to work.
Essentially, I want to know how to get a unique numerical key for a variable
Your table should have id field along with statename, add it this way.
Statename VARCHAR2(15)
Make id as primary key:
alter table drb
add constraint drb_pk primary key (id);
Create a sequence as follows:
create ore replace sequence drb_sequence
start with 1 increment by 1;
Create a trigger which will insert a unique id into drb table as follows:
create or replace trigger drb_trigger
before insert on drb
for each row
select drb_sequence.nextval into from dual;
Now insert into drb:
insert into drb(Statename) values('state one');
Select from drb:
select * from drb;
Output :
|id Statename |
|1 state one |
Hope it helps.

Constraint for only one record marked as default

How could I set a constraint on a table so that only one of the records has its isDefault bit field set to 1?
The constraint is not table scope, but one default per set of rows, specified by a FormID.
Use a unique filtered index
On SQL Server 2008 or higher you can simply use a unique filtered index
ON TableName(FormID)
WHERE isDefault = 1
Where the table is
isDefault BIT NOT NULL
For example if you try to insert many rows with the same FormID and isDefault set to 1 you will have this error:
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.TableName' with unique
index 'IX_TableName_FormID_isDefault'. The duplicate key value is (1).
Here's a modification of Damien_The_Unbeliever's solution that allows one default per FormID.
CREATE VIEW form_defaults
FROM whatever
WHERE isDefault = 1
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_form_defaults on form_defaults (FormID)
But the serious relational folks will tell you this information should just be in another table.
DefaultWhateverID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Whatever(ID)
From a normalization perspective, this would be an inefficient way of storing a single fact.
I would opt to hold this information at a higher level, by storing (in a different table) a foreign key to the identifier of the row which is considered to be the default.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Foo](
[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings](
[DefaultFoo] [int] NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DefaultSettings_Foo] FOREIGN KEY([DefaultFoo])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Foo] ([Id])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DefaultSettings_Foo]
You could use an insert/update trigger.
Within the trigger after an insert or update, if the count of rows with isDefault = 1 is more than 1, then rollback the transaction.
CREATE VIEW vOnlyOneDefault
SELECT 1 as Lock
FROM <underlying table>
WHERE Default = 1
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_vOnlyOneDefault on vOnlyOneDefault (Lock)
You'll need to have the right ANSI settings turned on for this.
I don't know about SQLServer.But if it supports Function-Based Indexes like in Oracle, I hope this can be translated, if not, sorry.
You can do an index like this on suposed that default value is 1234, the column is DEFAULT_COLUMN and ID_COLUMN is the primary key:
INDEX only_one_default
ON my_table
This DDL creates an unique index indexing -1 if the value of DEFAULT_COLUMN is 1234 and ID_COLUMN in any other case. Then, if two columns have DEFAULT_COLUMN value, it raises an exception.
The question implies to me that you have a primary table that has some child records and one of those child records will be the default record. Using address and a separate default table here is an example of how to make that happen using third normal form. Of course I don't know if it's valuable to answer something that is so old but it struck my fancy.
--drop table dev.defaultAddress;
--drop table dev.addresses;
--drop table dev.people;
CREATE TABLE [dev].[people](
[Id] [int] identity primary key,
name char(20)
CREATE TABLE [dev].[Addresses](
id int identity primary key,
peopleId int foreign key references dev.people(id),
address varchar(100)
CREATE TABLE [dev].[defaultAddress](
id int identity primary key,
peopleId int foreign key references dev.people(id),
addressesId int foreign key references dev.addresses(id))
create unique index defaultAddress on dev.defaultAddress (peopleId)
create unique index idx_addr_id_person on dev.addresses(peopleid,id);
ALTER TABLE dev.defaultAddress
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Def_People_Address
FOREIGN KEY(peopleID, addressesID)
REFERENCES dev.Addresses(peopleId, id)
insert into dev.people (name)
select 'Bill' union
select 'John' union
select 'Harry'
insert into dev.Addresses (peopleid, address)
select 1, '123 someplace' union
select 1,'work place' union
select 2,'home address' union
select 3,'some address'
insert into dev.defaultaddress (peopleId, addressesid)
select 1,1 union
select 2,3
-- so two home addresses are default now
-- try adding another default address to Bill and you get an error
select * from dev.people
join dev.addresses on = addresses.peopleid
left join dev.defaultAddress on defaultAddress.peopleid = and defaultaddress.addressesid =
insert into dev.defaultaddress (peopleId, addressesId)
select 1,2
You could do it through an instead of trigger, or if you want it as a constraint create a constraint that references a function that checks for a row that has the default set to 1
EDIT oops, needs to be <=
Create table mytable(id1 int, defaultX bit not null default(0))
create Function dbo.fx_DefaultExists()
returns int as
Declare #Ret int
Set #ret = 0
Select #ret = count(1) from mytable
Where defaultX = 1
Return #ret
Alter table mytable add
Insert into mytable (id1, defaultX) values (1,1)
Insert into mytable (id1, defaultX) values (2,1)
This is a fairly complex process that cannot be handled through a simple constraint.
We do this through a trigger. However before you write the trigger you need to be able to answer several things:
do we want to fail the insert if a default exists, change it to 0 instead of 1 or change the existing default to 0 and leave this one as 1?
what do we want to do if the default record is deleted and other non default records are still there? Do we make one the default, if so how do we determine which one?
You will also need to be very, very careful to make the trigger handle multiple row processing. For instance a client might decide that all of the records of a particular type should be the default. You wouldn't change a million records one at a time, so this trigger needs to be able to handle that. It also needs to handle that without looping or the use of a cursor (you really don't want the type of transaction discussed above to take hours locking up the table the whole time).
You also need a very extensive tesing scenario for this trigger before it goes live. You need to test:
adding a record with no default and it is the first record for that customer
adding a record with a default and it is the first record for that customer
adding a record with no default and it is the not the first record for that customer
adding a record with a default and it is the not the first record for that customer
Updating a record to have the default when no other record has it (assuming you don't require one record to always be set as the deafault)
Updating a record to remove the default
Deleting the record with the deafult
Deleting a record without the default
Performing a mass insert with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record inserts
Performing a mass update with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record updates
Performing a mass delete with multiple situations in the data including two records which both have isdefault set to 1 and all of the situations tested when running individual record deletes
#Andy Jones gave an answer above closest to mine, but bearing in mind the Rule of Three, I placed the logic directly in the stored proc that updates this table. This was my simple solution. If I need to update the table from elsewhere, I will move the logic to a trigger. The one default rule applies to each set of records specified by a FormID and a ConfigID:
ALTER proc [dbo].[cpForm_UpdateLinkedReport]
#reportLinkId int,
#defaultYN bit,
#linkName nvarchar(150)
if #defaultYN = 1
declare #formId int, #configId int
select #formId = FormID, #configId = ConfigID from csReportLink where ReportLinkID = #reportLinkId
update csReportLink set DefaultYN = 0 where isnull(ConfigID, #configId) = #configId and FormID = #formId
DefaultYN = #defaultYN,
LinkName = #linkName
ReportLinkID = #reportLinkId