Using kotlin expression annotations - kotlin

Kotlin allows to annotate expressions. It is however unclear, how such annotations may be useful and how to use them.
Let's say in following example I would like to check, that string contains number specified in #MyExpr annotation. Can this be achieved and how?
annotation class MyExpr(val i: Int) {}
fun someFn() {
val a = #MyExpr(1) "value#1";
val b = #MyExpr(2) "value#2";

Specifying #Target(AnnotationTarget.EXPRESSION) is just a way of telling the compiler where the user of the annotation can put it.
It does not do anything on it's own rather than that.
So e.g.
annotation class Something
// compiler will fail here:
#Something class Foo {
// but will succeed here:
val a = #Something "value#1"
Unless you're writing an Annotation Processor (so a thing that looks for Annotations and does something with them), your annotations have just informational value. They are just a signal to other devs (or future You) of something.
annotation class UglyAndOldCode
val a = #UglyAndOldCode "this is something old and requires refactoring"
If you want to implement what you've stated in your question you would have to create an Annotation Processor that checks expressions marked with MyExpr for the condition that you've specified.


Can a compiler optimize classes to be "inlined"?

Some programming languages have the inline or other keyword to manual specify a function call site to be replaced with the body of the called function.
C# for example does not have this, because the compiler automatically decides which code gets inlined, avoiding, in my opinion, polluting the developer experience (developers shouldn't be worrying about optimizations).
Some languages implemented a syntax to inline classes like Kotlin and now Dart, which wrap an existing type into a new static type, reducing the overhead of a tradicional class.
Dart declaration example (specificated, not yet implemented):
inline class Foo {
// A single instance variable, defining the representation type.
final Bar bar;
// The desired set of other members.
void function1() {
My question is, could a compiler make this optimization automatically in classes? If not, what challenges make this difficult/impossible?
It is not only about optimisation. Some inlining could make the resultant code less performant and/or larger, so Kotlin gives you control. (IntelliJ warnings against inlining in some cases - warning you that it won't improve performance.)
More than that, you should read about Reified Type Parameters - this allows for certain coding techniques that are only possible when the function is inlined as well as the type information.
Here is some code that is impossible in Java:
Suppose you have a series of enums, representing states of an Object, e.g.
enum class Color {RED,BLUE,GREEN}
enum class Size {SMALL,MEDIUM,LARGE}
data class MyObject(val color: Color, val size:Size)
and you had a test data generator that uses an Random number generator to pick a random enum for the Object.
In Kotlin you can write:
val rnd = Random(1)
val x = MyObject(
color = getRandomEnum(rnd),
size = getRandomEnum(rnd),
Using this
private inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> getRandomEnum(rnd: Random): T {
val values: Array<T> = enumValues()
return values.get(rnd.nextInt(values.size))

Kotlin. How to get specific subclass of sealed class?

I'm using kotlin sealed class. And I need to retrieve specific subclass. My sealed class:
sealed class Course(
val type: Type
) {
data class ProgrammingCourse(val name: String, val detail: String) : Course(Type.PROGRAMMING)
object LanguageCourse: Course(Type.LANGUAGE)
For example I have function which can return Course:
fun getCourse(): Course {
return Course.ProgrammingCourse("test", "test")
return Course.LanguageCourse
In addition, I have a method that can only work with a specific subclass of the Course class. Fox example:
fun workWithCourse(course: Course.ProgrammingCourse) {
// here some logic
And now I'm trying to get the course using the method getCourse(), and then pass it to the method workWithCourse()
fun main() {
val course = getCourse()
Type mismatch.
But I know the course type - Type, parameter that each course has. Can I, knowing this Type, cast the course (which I retrieve from getCourse() method) to a specific subclass ? Is there such a way ?
Please help me
I don't need type checks like:
if(course is Course.ProgrammingCourse) {
I need the subclass to be automatically inferred by the Type parameter, if possible.
The need for such a solution is that I have a class that takes a Course, it doesn't know anything about a particular course, at the same time the class takes the Type that I want to use for identification. This class also receives an interface (by DI) for working with courses, a specific implementation of the interface is provided by the dagger(multibinding) by key, where I have the Type as the key. In the same way I want to pass by the same parameter Type specific subclass of my Course to my interface which working with specific courses.
No, there is no way for automatic inference to the best of my knowledge.
You returned a Course, and that's what you have. Being sealed here does not matter at all. Generally what you do here is use the when expression if you want to statically do different things depending on the type, but if it's just one type (ProgrammingCourse) that can be passed to workWithCourse, then an if is probably right, with dispatch using as.
That said, this looks like counter-productive design. If you can only work with one course, why do they even share a top level interface? The way the code is written implies working is a function that can take any course, or should be a method member. Anything else is very confusing. Perhaps workWithCourse should take a Course and use the when expression to dispatch it appropriately?
In kotlin you can specify the class explicitly with as.
val course = getCourse()
if (type == Type.PROGRAMMING) {
workWithCourse(course as Course.ProgrammingCourse)
*thanks Joffrey for his comment
What you seem to be asking for is a compile-time guarantee for something that will only be known at runtime. You didn't share the condition used in getCourse(), but in general it could return both types.
Therefore, you need to decide what will happen in both cases - that's not something the compiler can decide for you via any "inference".
If you want the program to throw an exception when getCourse() returns something else than a Course.ProgrammingCourse, you can cast the returned value using as:
val course = getCourse() as Course.ProgrammingCourse
If you don't want to crash, but you only want to call workWithCourse in some cases, then you need an if or when statement to express that choice. For instance, to call it only when the value is of type Course.ProgrammingCourse, then you would write the code you already know:
if (course is Course.ProgrammingCourse) {
Or with a when statement:
val course = getCourse()
when (course) {
is Course.ProgrammingCourse -> workWithCourse(course)
is Course.LanguageCourse -> TODO("do something with the other value")
The when is better IMO because it forces you (or other devs in the team) to take a look at this when whenever you (or they) add a new subclass of the sealed class. It's easy to forget with an if.
You can also decide to not test the actual type, and focus on the type property like in #grigory-panov's answer, but that is brittle because it relies on an implicit relationship between the type property and the actual type of the value:
val course = getCourse()
if (type == Type.PROGRAMMING) {
workWithCourse(course as Course.ProgrammingCourse)
The main point of using sealed classes is so you can use their actual type instead of a manually managed type property + casts. So I'd say use only is X and don't set a type property at all. Using a sealed class allows Kotlin to type-check a bunch of things, it's more powerful than using such a property.

Why is a Kotlin enum property not a compile time constant?

The primary target of this question is understanding the implementation and why it is like this. A solution or workaround for it would of course also be highly appreciated...
Given this example:
enum class SomeEnum(val customProp: String) {
annotation class TheAnnotation(
val targetValue: String
#TheAnnotation(targetValue = SomeEnum.FOO.customProp)
fun testFun() {
The compilation results in the following error:
SomeEnum.kt: (14, 30): An annotation argument must be a compile-time constant
For obvious reasons, annotation values (along with others) must be compile-time constants, which makes sense in many different ways. What is unclear to me, is why customProp is not treated as a constant by the compiler.
If enums are defined as finite, closed sets of information, they should, in my understanding, only be mutable at compile-time a.k.a. "compile-time constant". For the unlikely case that enums somehow are modifiable at runtime in Kotlin, that would answer the question as well.
The enum value (e.g. SomeEnum.FOO) is actually treated as a compile-time constant. The proof is, that the following slightly changed snippet compiles:
enum class SomeEnum(val customProp: String) {
annotation class TheAnnotation(
val targetValue: SomeEnum
#TheAnnotation(targetValue = SomeEnum.FOO)
fun testFun() {
enums are defined as finite, closed sets of information, they should, in my understanding, only be mutable at compile-time
Actually, no. An enum class is just a special kind of class, that doesn't allow you to create any new instances other than the ones that you name in the declaration, plus a bunch more syntactic sugars. Therefore, like a regular class, it can have properties whose values are only known at runtime, and properties that are mutable (though this is usually a very bad idea).
For example:
enum class Foo {
A, B;
val foo = System.currentTimeMillis() // you can't know this at compile time!
This basically de-sugars into:
class Foo private constructor(){
val foo = System.currentTimeMillis()
companion object {
val A = Foo()
val B = Foo()
(The actual generated code has a bit more things than this, but this is enough to illustrate my point)
A and B are just two (and the only two) instances of Foo. It should be obvious that Foo.A is not a compile time constant*, let alone You could add an init block in Foo to run arbitrary code. You could even make foo a var, allowing you to do hideous things such as: = 1
// now every other code that uses will see "1" as its value
You might also wonder why they didn't implement a more restricted enum that doesn't allow you to do these things, and is a compile time constant, but that is a different question.
See also: The language spec
* Though you can still pass Foo.A to an annotation. To an annotation, Foo.A is a compile time constant, because all the annotation has to do, is to store the name "Foo.A", not the object that it refers to, which has to be computed at runtime.

Reflection and Generics in Kotlin

I've written myself into a corner where I want an instance of Class<Foo<Bar>>. While there's no apparent reason that this shouldn't be valid, there seems to be no way to create one. Foo<Bar> is a syntax error, and Kotlin does not provide a public constructor for Class.
The code I'm writing is an abstraction layer over gson. Below is an overly-simplified example:
class Boxed<T : Any> (val value: T)
class BaseParser<U : Any> (
private val clazz: Class<U>
) {
//This works for 98% of cases
open fun parse(s: String): U {
return gson.fromJson(s, clazz)
//Presume that clazz is required for other omitted functions
//Typical subclass:
class FooParser : BaseParser<Foo>(
// Edge Case
class BarParser : BaseParser<Boxed<Bar>>(Boxed<Bar> {
override fun parse(s: String): Boxed<Bar> {
return Boxed(gson.fromJson(s,
// not valid: "Only classes are allowed on the left hand side of a class literal"
In my production code, there are already dozens of subclasses that inherit from the base class, and many that override the "parse" function Ideally I'd like a solution that doesn't require refactoring the existing subclasses.
Actually, there is a reason this is impossible. Class (or Kotlin's KClass) can't hold parameterized types. They can hold e.g. List, but they can't List<String>. To store Foo<Bar> you need Type (or Kotlin's KType) and specifically ParameterizedType. These classes are somewhat more complicated to use and harder to acquire than simple Class.
The easiest way to acquire Type in Kotlin is by using its typeOf() utility:
Gson supports both Class and Type, so you should be able to use it instead.
The closest you'll get is This is not a language restriction but a JVM restriction. JVM has type erasure, so no generic types exist after compilation (thats also one of the reasons generics cant be primitives, as they need to be reference types to behave).
Does it work with the raw Boxed type class?
For this case, it looks like
BaseParser<Boxed<Bar>>( as Class<Boxed<Bar>>)
could work (that is, it will both type-check and succeed at runtime). But it depends on what exactly happens in the "Presume that clazz is required for other omitted functions" part. And obviously it doesn't allow actually distinguishing Boxed<Foo> and Boxed<Bar> classes.
I'd also consider broot's approach if possible, maybe by making BaseParser and new
class TypeBaseParser<U : Any>(private val tpe: Type)
extend a common abstract class/interface.

When should one prefer Kotlin extension functions?

In Kotlin, a function with at least one argument can be defined either as a regular non-member function or as an extension function with one argument being a receiver.
As to the scoping, there seems to be no difference: both can be declared inside or outside classes and other functions, and both can or cannot have visibility modifiers equally.
Language reference seems not to recommend using regular functions or extension functions for different situations.
So, my question is: when do extension functions give advantage over regular non-member ones? And when regular ones over extensions?, baq) vs bar(foo, baz, baq).
Is it just a hint of a function semantics (receiver is definitely in focus) or are there cases when using extensions functions makes code much cleaner or opens up opportunities?
Extension functions are useful in a few cases, and mandatory in others:
Idiomatic Cases:
When you want to enhance, extend or change an existing API. An extension function is the idiomatic way to change a class by adding new functionality. You can add extension functions and extension properties. See an example in the Jackson-Kotlin Module for adding methods to the ObjectMapper class simplifying the handling of TypeReference and generics.
Adding null safety to new or existing methods that cannot be called on a null. For example the extension function for String of String?.isNullOrBlank() allows you to use that function even on a null String without having to do your own null check first. The function itself does the check before calling internal functions. See documentation for extensions with Nullable Receiver
Mandatory Cases:
When you want an inline default function for an interface, you must use an extension function to add it to the interface because you cannot do so within the interface declaration (inlined functions must be final which is not currently allowed within an interface). This is useful when you need inline reified functions, for example this code from Injekt
When you want to add for (item in collection) { ... } support to a class that does not currently support that usage. You can add an iterator() extension method that follows the rules described in the for loops documentation -- even the returned iterator-like object can use extensions to satisfy the rules of providing next() and hasNext().
Adding operators to existing classes such as + and * (specialization of #1 but you can't do this in any other way, so is mandatory). See documentation for operator overloading
Optional Cases:
You want to control the scoping of when something is visible to a caller, so you extend the class only in the context in which you will allow the call to be visible. This is optional because you could just allow the extensions to be seen always. see answer in other SO question for scoping extension functions
You have an interface that you want to simplify the required implementation, while still allowing more easy helper functions for the user. You can optionally add default methods for the interface to help, or use extension functions to add the non-expected-to-be-implemented parts of the interface. One allows overriding of the defaults, the other does not (except for precedence of extensions vs. members).
When you want to relate functions to a category of functionality; extension functions use their receiver class as a place from which to find them. Their name space becomes the class (or classes) from which they can be triggered. Whereas top-level functions will be harder to find, and will fill up the global name space in IDE code completion dialogs. You can also fix existing library name space issues. For example, in Java 7 you have the Path class and it is difficult to find the Files.exist(path) method because it is name spaced oddly. The function could be placed directly on Path.exists() instead. (#kirill)
Precedence Rules:
When extending existing classes, keep the precedence rules in mind. They are described in KT-10806 as:
For each implicit receiver on current context we try members, then local extension functions(also parameters which have extension function type), then non-local extensions.
Extension functions play really well with the safe call operator ?.. If you expect that the argument of the function will sometimes be null, instead of early returning, make it the receiver of an extension function.
Ordinary function:
fun nullableSubstring(s: String?, from: Int, to: Int): String? {
if (s == null) {
return null
return s.substring(from, to)
Extension function:
fun String.extensionSubstring(from: Int, to: Int) = substring(from, to)
Call site:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val s: String? = null
val maybeSubstring = nullableSubstring(s, 0, 1)
val alsoMaybeSubstring = s?.extensionSubstring(0, 1)
As you can see, both do the same thing, however the extension function is shorter and on the call site, it's immediately clear that the result will be nullable.
There is at least one case where extension functions are a must - call chaining, also known as "fluent style":
Suppose you want to extend the Stream interface from Java 8 with you own operations. Of course, you can use ordinary functions for that, but it will look ugly as hell:
Clearly, you want to use extension functions for that.
Also, you cannot make ordinary functions infix, but you can do it with extension functions:
infix fun <A, B, C> ((A) -> B).`|`(f: (B) -> C): (A) -> C = { a -> f(this(a)) }
fun pipe() {
val mul2 = { x: Int -> x * 2 }
val add1 = { x: Int -> x + 1 }
assertEquals("7", (mul2 `|` add1 `|` Any::toString)(3))
There are cases where you have to use extension methods. E.g. if you have some list implementation MyList<T>, you can write an extension method like
fun Int MyList<Int>.sum() { ... }
It is impossible to write this as a "normal" method.