How we can handle windows authentication in desktop safari browser - selenium

Currently we are automating a website which is showing windows authentication popup before launching the home page by selenium scripts . We tried to add the credential details as part of the URL. but we are not able to bye-pass the credential window . We are able to bye-pass it in Chrome/Firefox browser . But it is not working in DESKTOP safari . could you please help to fix the issue

This is not possible. It is a known issue with Safari and Edge drivers, and is not supported behavior.


Login Dropbox within Webview2 error message "Your browser appears to be blocking, which is required for authentication.."

I got an issue recently that login Dropbox account within webview2, after type username and passward then hit next, the message will show up on the top said "Your browser appears to be blocking, which is required for authentication.". Any help will be appreciated.
WebView Version:
SDK: 1.0.902.49
Runtime: 92.0.902.55
Framework: WPF
OS: Win10
please check in browser site and pop up options and enable. This worked for me in brave browser.

Force Blazor WebAssembly app to open an Edge window from IE11

I am fiddling with Blazor WebAssembly to make a PoC and try to convince some people to start using it to develop Intranet web apps. However, our standard browser for Intranet content is IE11. Since Blazor WebAssembly is not supported in IE11, it may as well be the best thing in the world but I believe we will not get off to a good start by saying "This does not run in IE11, so people must use Edge for this particular app".
In order to minimize this issue, I was wondering how to make some URLs open on Edge. I know this is possible because if I paste a Teams meeting URL onto IE11, the page is not rendered and a new Edge window opens up automatically instead. Does anyone have any idea how to accomplish this?
From your description, it seems that you want to open an Edge window from IE 11 browser and view the website, right?
In this scenario, I think you could try to use the URL Scheme: microsoft-edge:{website url}. Then, it could open the Edge browser from IE 11 browser.
Sample code as below:
[Note] If you are viewing the website on IOS , the URL scheme should like this: microsoft-edge-http:// or microsoft-edge-https://.

handle windows login pop-up using selenium web driver for https website

My scenario:
I am opening a https website, I get a login pop-up that is not identified by selenium webdriver. I have searched and found the below link which had similar question.
How to handle login pop up window using Selenium WebDriver?
I tried he solution given by #Pavel Janicek to pass the credentials via URL
It does not working for me, I mean after the browser is opened it keeps processing nothing happens after that.
In my case, it is a https site,i need to give username#domainname & password to login, giving only username will not work
my url looks like this
Has anyone faced this kind of problem?
You can NOT auth with this window(in selenium without any additional framework as Robot). But you can auth without getting this window. Try change URL to:
if this will not help, you need to create separated profile in browser, pass authentication on this server and remember password and use this profile in selenium. Also I think its possible to use Windows active directory authentication, but cannot sure about details.

windows authentication and iOS7

We are developing a web application in and HTML5 (+ offline feature) and we are using “Add to desktop” button to create the desktop application.
Before access main screen, we have a windows authentication screen, so people can connect using their domain credentials.
In safari, we have almost no problem. It's the expected behavior when we are online. For the offline mode, safari needs to keep an active tab with the website loaded to allow offline access to it, otherwise safari does not find website – even if it’s cached with cache manifest...
In the desktop application (using “Add to desktop” button), the authentication popup on the main page does not appears. When I trace the HTTP requests, I can see 2 requests with a return status of 401. When I look into the logs, safari sandbox throw an exception (twice tries then abort operation)... The screen remains blank.
any ideas anyone or any fix is planned to correct this problem ?
Thanks in advance for any advices.
It's a problem with iOS 7. Windows Authentication only works in "Private Mode" or in another browser such as Chrome or Puffin. However, there isn't a workaround currently available to save an app to the home screen. Here's a thread on the Apple forums about this same issue:
The new iOS 7.03 fixes this issue.

upgrading my website to fit google chrome and firefox

I'm programming a web site in using vb, and I need to upgrade it so all of the functions will be active for google chrome and firefox as well.
For instance I'm using System.Net.Mail for sending mails.
Sending mails when using the website with internet explorer works perfectly fine, but in chrome and firefox the mails are not sent (the to list remains empty).
I would love to get some help about this,
Thank you.
Sending emails serverside has nothing to do with browsers.
There might be some reason why the button (?) that should submit the form isnt working in other browsers than IE.
You might need to check if you have some invalid javascript, or such on the button.