Is Mapstruct Java11 compatible? - java-11

I'm a bit confused. There is some documentation that says java 9 is "experimental":
And I found a post where a guy was having trouble in Java 10. So we are heading to java 11 and I want to know if Mapstuct will work in that environment. Specifically, will it generate the code at compile time AND does the generated code work there (I suppose the latter does).

Yes, it works on a Java 11 / Spring Boot 2 project at work, and we use Mapstruct without issues.

Yes, it is possible, although I struggled a bit with it while migrating a DropWizard project (1.3.7) to java 11. The configuration as proposed in the documentation (through the maven-compiler-plugin) didn't work for me (no error was shown, but the mapper class was not generated) so I had to use maven-processor-plugin v3.3.3.
Here is how I managed to do that:
Add the dependencies using <org.mapstruct.version>1.3.1.Final</org.mapstruct.version>
Then configure the plugin in the submodule as follows
<!-- list of processors to use -->
<compilerArguments>-source 11 -target 11</compilerArguments>
The outputDirectory is something specific to our project, but I leave there to highlight the fact that the xml tag changed from version 2.x of te plugin, in case you are migrating from that.
The compilerArguments portion was required because the plugin run javac passing java version 1.6 as default argument, which won't work if you are using lambda expressions or other new features from the language.
When compiling, make sure to pay attention to the output of the plugin, it should only show warnings, otherwise it won't generate you classes and you will get a generic ClassNotFound exception but the cause can be something not allowing your plugin to compile well.
[INFO] --- maven-processor-plugin:3.3.3:process
7 warnings
Also make sure you don't have any version of mapstruct library older than 1.3.0.Final in you classpath, that will also cause issues preventing classes from generating.

I used the following configuration for JDK11
Then mvn clean install will generate the impl classes in target\generated-sources\annotations


Add Argument "--add-modules" to Tycho Compiler

I inherited a Tycho projekt which gets built with Java 8 but runs with Java 10. For reasons it should now be built with Java 10 as well. The problem is with all the missing JDK bundles with exceptions like
[ERROR] The type javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
I now want to add --add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM to the Tycho compiler (like it already is in the *.product file). However that doesn't seem possible. I tried:
Adding the dependency to Maven (I hoped this would bypass the need for an import package) and pomDependencies=consider:
Aaand of course something like just passing it as a VM argument. Nothing works.
Most questions for this subject only focus on how stupid the idea is (it indubitably is), but there is no time to switch the project over to Java 10 (or something a bit more up-to-date).
So how do I add compiler arguments to Tycho?
You can configure compiler arguments like this:
See also this question and this bug report. They deal with the problem telling the java compiler to find the modules.

How to exclude jars from maven dependency when packaging?

I'm trying to package a jboss AS7.5 module (RedHat EAP 6.4) that includes a valve. That valve requires a binding to the AuthenticatorBase that comes with the tomcat-catalina-x.y.z.jar, which does not (to my knowledge) come as a downloadable module in its own right. So, I need to build that jar into my module, using the maven plugin for packaging with dependencies.
Problem is, the GAV for the dependency, org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-catalina:x.y.z, includes libraries that ARE included in AS, namely the servlet libraries. If I package the catalina dependency, using the maven plugin that does that, I get a bunch of unnecessary jars that break my module at runtime.
Is there a way to
only package the jar(s) I want?
find a different dependency that includes just the tomcat valve (i.e., the jar containing org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase) binding?
or, preferably, is there a module that already exists for exactly this purpose, one that I can reference as a module dependency in my module.xml file?
includes jars: tomcat-catalina, tomcat-servlet, tomcat-juli, tomcat-annotations, etc.
<!-- NOTE: We don't need a groupId specification because the group is
org.apache.maven.plugins ...which is assumed by default. -->
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
How to get only tomcat-catalina.jar in my packaged module?

Maven plugin dependencies are ignored

I created this profile for deploying artifacts on the server via SCP. I know Ant's scp task is optional, therefore I've added the dependencies.
<scp .../>
<sshexec .../>
However, when I run the profile, I end up with
An Ant BuildException has occured:
Problem: failed to create task or type
scp Cause: the class
was not found.
This looks like one of Ant's optional components. Action: Check
that the appropriate optional JAR
exists in
-the IDE Ant configuration dialogs
Do not panic, this is a common
problem. The commonest cause is a
missing JAR.
This is not a bug; it is a
configuration problem
Is it possible maven wasn't able to download those dependencies or it just ignores them?
The problem was Maven (2.2.1) didn't download the dependencies. I've found out after I upgraded Maven to version 3. For some reason,the new version downloaded the plugin dependencies and it miraculously started to work.
I have a suspicion the problem was in old version Maven's settings - pluginRepository wasn't configured.
It is likely that maven has downloaded the jars but it is not in ant's classpath. If the objective is to deploy the artifacts using maven, you should probably use Maven Deploy Plugin. What you are doing seems to be a roundabout way.
There is a maven-antrun-plugin bug entry, that could explain why this is happening in Maven-2, they also describe workarounds
In multi-module builds, if there are multiple poms configuring the maven-antrun-plugin, the first(?) seems to win, so that the ones later in the build chain reuse the antrun config from earlier poms, thus missing out on stuff that is different ...
In my problem case, I opted to use Maven-3, where the issue seems to be fixed, instead of workarounds with Maven-2. This had the additional advantage of the build to also speed up - now taking 6min instead of the 10min before.
However, if Maven-3 is not possible for you, I'd try the workarounds...

How to generate JUnit sources using maven-gunit-plugin

I have maven configured to run gunit (an ANTLR grammar unit testing tool) through the maven-gunit-plugin. gunit, however, has two different modes. The first mode causes gunit to act as an interpreter, reading through the *.gunit (or *.testsuite) file, interpreting it, and displaying the results. It can be configured as such:
The second mode causes gunit to generate source code that can be run by JUnit. How can I instruct the maven-gunit-plugin to generate JUnit sources instead of acting as an interpreter?
A few notes:
I can change the test phase to "generate-test-sources" to cause the maven plugin to run at the correct time.
I couldn't find any useful documentation on the maven-gunit-plugin
I've seen people use exec-maven-plugin to run gunit with a specific command line option, but I'm not looking to do that.
After reading the various responses, I downloaded the ANTLR source code, which includes the maven-gunit-plugin. The plugin does not support junit generation. It turns out that the codehaus snapshot of the gunit-maven-plugin and the exec plugin are currently the only options.
I found a discussion through MNG-4039 that is illustrated with a maven-gunit-plugin gunit-maven-plugin sample. I'll let you read the whole article but, according to the author, you should end up with something like this:
<!-- Here is the 'extra' dep -->
<!-- we try to use scope to hide it from transitivity -->
<scope>test</scope> <!-- or perhaps 'provided' (see later discussion) or 'import' (maven >= 2.0.9) -->
I didn't test this configuration myself and can't thus confirm everything is working out of the box. I don't even know if the plugin has been released in a non SNAPSHOT version. The only thing I can confirm is that it seems indeed very hard to find "real" documentation about the maven-gunit-plugin.
There is sad news here
I found out so far there is no
GUnit-functionality (be it JUnit
Test-Generation or direct invocation
of GUnit) for maven right now. I
already mailed with Jim Idle concering
the state of GUnit in the
antlr3-maven-plugin and learned that
there is a patch to the old version of
the maven-plugin waiting in the queue.
I think this workaround that is the only option.

maven dependencies groovy

I'm running a project that has a dependency on groovy 1.7-beta-1. The gmaven plugin uses groovy version 1.6 as a dependency. In my pom, I specify in the dependency management section the grooyv-all version as :
Yet when I run maven in debug mode I see that groovy 1.6 is being used for a dependency to the gmaven plugin. I thought my dependency management section would override this so they all use 1.7-beta-1, but I'm getting errors due to the different groovy versions. any help here would be appreciated.
Here's a refined version of Pascal's answer. I upgraded the main plugin version to 1.2, the dependency to Groovy 1.7, and wrapped it all in a pluginManagement tag so that it will nicely leverage the inheritance model.
Keep in mind that the 1.3-SNAPSHOT of the GMaven plugin has already begun using the 1.7-rc2 Groovy provider.
<!-- I wrapped everything in a plugin management section so that this can be neatly inherited across all your poms -->
<!-- Notice I upgraded it to 1.2 -->
<!-- Details here -->
Overriding a dependency used by a plugin is a nice ability that was actually introduced by Maven 2.0.9.
To do so, at least with a plugin that you are using as a normal build plugin - as opposed to a report which is not the case with the the gmaven-plugin so I won't cover this case here - simply add a dependency block inside the plugin block, like this (this is a sample so versions may be inaccurate):
As long as the new version of the dependency is "API compatible" with the version the plugin was linked against, you should be ok. If not, then you'll obviously have to upgrade to a newer version of the plugin compatible with the new API (i.e. likely using it as dependency), which is what you did.
To make gmaven accurately picks the right runtime is by configuring the "providerSelection" value, e.g.
FYI, for the groovy:providers mojo, these are the configurations it expects (I extracted them by debugging to org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoals(List, Stack, MavenSession, MavenProject) (look for XmlPlexusConfiguration):
<remoteRepositories implementation="java.util.List">${project.pluginArtifactRepositories}</remoteRepositories>
<project implementation="org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject">${project}</project>
<artifactRepository implementation="org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository">${localRepository}</artifactRepository>
<pluginArtifactMap implementation="java.util.Map">${plugin.artifactMap}</pluginArtifactMap>
<providerSelection implementation="java.lang.String">${gmaven.runtime}</providerSelection>
You need to add a similar 1.7 dependency to the dependencies of the plugin in a similarly structured <plugin> or <pluginManagement> section. Your dependency management section you are adding is proper, but does not affect the plugin dependencies. I'll try to review this reply and post an example later when I'm back at my desk.