Color scheme for a 2D matrix where near points are colored similarly - numpy

I have a 2D matrix of 2-tuples representing x,y coordinates which I plot using plt.scatter(), resulting in a square grid of points. I'd like to color all points in different colors in such a way so nearby points (Euclidean or Manhattan distance, doesn't really matter) are colored in similar colors, while taking advantage of a wide as possible range of colors for the whole grid (so points in general are as distinguishable as possible). How can this be achieved?


Line Profile Diagonal

When you make a line profile of all x-values or all y-values the extraction from each pixel is clear. But when you take a line profile along a diagonal, how does DM choose which pixels to use in the one dimensional readout?
Not really a scripting question, but I'm rather certain that it uses bi-linear interpolation between the grid-points along the drawn line. (And if perpendicular integration is enabled, it does so in an integral.) It's the same interpolation you would get for a "rotate" image.
In fact, you can think of it as a rotate-image (bi-linearly interpolated) with a 'cut-out' afterwards, potentially summed/projected onto the new X-axis.
Here is an example
Assume we have a 5 x 4 image, which gives the grid as shown below.
I'm drawing top-left corners to indicate the coordinates system pixel convention used in DigitalMicrgraph, where
(x/y)=(0/0) is the top-left corner of the image
Now extract a LineProfile from (1/1) to (4/3). I have highlighted the pixels for those coordinates.
Note, that a Line drawn from the corners seems to be shifted by half-a-pixel from what feels 'natural', but that is the consequence of the top-left-corner convention. I think, this is why a LineProfile-Marker is shown shifted compared to f.e. LineAnnotations.
In general, this top-left corner convention makes schematics with 'pixels' seem counter-intuitive. It is easier to think of the image simply as grid with values in points at the given coordinates than as square pixels.
Now the maths.
The exact profile has a length of:
As we can only have profiles with integer channels, we actually extract a LineProfile of length = 4, i.e we round up.
The angle of the profile is given by the arc-tangent of dX and dY.
So to extract the profile, we 'rotate' the grid by that angle - done by bilinear interpolation - and then extract the profile as grid of size 4 x 1:
This means the 'values' in the profile are from the four points:
Which are each bi-linearly interpolated values from four closest points of the original image:
In case the LineProfile is averaged over a certain width W, you do the same thing but:
extract a 2D grid of size L x W centered symmetrically over the line.i.e. the grid is shifted by (W-1)/2 perpendicular to the profile direction.
sum the values along W

How to find corners given a set of points

Say I have shapes represented by a set of points on the edges. A hexagon and a circle, with the points defining them in green
Some points may be collinear or continuous (as in the circle).
How can I write an algorithm detect the corners of the shapes?
In this case it should be that the corners of the hexagon are returned. However, if the shape has a smooth curve it should not return any corners
If the points are ordered, you can compute the turning angle between vec{P(i-m),P(i)} and vec{P(i),P(i+m)} for each point P(i). If the turning angle is greater than a pre-defined threshold, then P(i) can be considered as a "corner point". You will have to experiment a bit to find out the proper value for m and the threshold.

3D alpha shape yielding unexpected convex hull of surface

I executed the 3D alpha shape function with CGAL and I got unexpected results.
My input data was a set of 3D points (x, y, z) that represents one building (box) in a flat area (with some noise in the coordinates - small ones). I supposed I would get as a result only the surface triangles that represent the building (walls and roof) and the ground.
But, as a result I got triangles forming a convex hull of the surface.
I tried to change the "optimal alpha value" but it was the same.
Is there any filtering process or parameter that I can set to get the surface triangles only?
You need to find the tetrahedons on the surface of the shape first. Then you can try alpha shapes and remove the edges exceeding alpha. In CGAL you Then check all tetrahedons if they are connected with a super tetrahedon. These are the tetrahedons on the surface of the shape. Then apply alpha shapes.

Computing Minkowski Difference For Circles and Convex Polygons

I'm needing to implement a Minkowski sum function that can return the Minkowski sum of either 2 circles, 2 convex polygons or a circle and a convex polygon. I found this thread that explained how to do this for convex polygons, but I'm not sure how to do this for a circle and polygon. Also, how would I even represent the answer?! I'd like the algorithm to run in O(n) time but beggars can't be choosers.
Circle is trivial -- just add the center points, and add the radii. Circle + ConvexPoly is nearly as simple: move each segment perpendicularly outward by the circle radius, and connect adjacent segments with circular arcs centered at the original poly vertices. Translate the whole by the circle center point.
As for how you represent the answer: Well, it depends on what you want to do with it. You could convert it to a NURBS if you just want to draw it with a vector drawing library. You could approximate the circular arcs with polylines if you just want a polygonal approximation. Or you might store it as is -- "this polygon, expanded by such-and-such a radius". That would be the best choice for things like raycasting, for instance. Or as a compromise, you could connect adjacent segments linearly instead of with circular arcs, and store it as the union of the (new) convex polygon and a list of circles at the vertices.
Oh, about ConvexPoly + ConvexPoly. That's the trickiest one, but still straightforward. The basic idea is that you take the list of segment vectors for each polygon (starting from some particular extremal point, like the point on each poly with the lowest X coordinate), then merge the two lists together, keeping it sorted by angle. Sum the two points you started with, then apply each vector from the merged vector list to produce the other points.

Calculating total coverage area of a union of polygons

I have a number of 2D (possibly intersecting) polygons which I rendered using OpenGL ES on the screen. All the polygons are completely contained within the screen. What is the most timely way to find the percentage area of the union of these polygons to the total screen area? Timeliness is required as I have a requirement for the coverage area to be immediately updated whenever a polygon is shifted.
Currently, I am representing each polygon as a 2D array of booleans. Using a point-in-polygon function (from a geometry package), I sample each point (x,y) on the screen to check if it belongs to the polygon, and set polygon[x][y] = true if so, false otherwise.
After doing that to all the polygons in the screen, I loop through all the screen pixels again, and check through each polygon array, counting that pixel as "covered" if any polygon has its polygon[x][y] value set to true.
This works, but the performance is not ideal as the number of polygons increases. Are there any better ways to do this, using open-source libraries if possible? I thought of:
(1) Unioning the polygons to get one or more non-overlapping polygons. Then compute the area of each polygon using the standard area-of-polygon formula. Then sum them up. Not sure how to get this to work?
(2) Using OpenGL somehow. Imagine that I am rendering all these polygons with a single color. Is it possible to count the number of pixels on the screen buffer with that certain color? This would really sound like a nice solution.
Any efficient means for doing this?
If you know background color and all polygons have other colors, you can read all pixels from framebuffer glReadPixels() and simply count all pixels that have color different than background.
If first condition is not met you may consider creating custom framebuffer and render all polygons with the same color (For example (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for backgruond and (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) for polygons). Next, read resulting framebuffer and calculate mean of red color across the whole screen.
If you want to get non-overlapping polygons, you can run a line intersection algorithm. A simple variant is the Bentley–Ottmann algorithm, but even faster algorithms of O(n log n + k) (with n vertices and k crossings) are possible.
Given a line intersection, you can unify two polygons by constructing a vertex connecting both polygons on the intersection point. Then you follow the vertices of one of the polygons inside of the other polygon (you can determine the direction you have to go in using your point-in-polygon function), and remove all vertices and edges until you reach the outside of the polygon. There you repair the polygon by creating a new vertex on the second intersection of the two polygons.
Unless I'm mistaken, this can run in O(n log n + k * p) time where p is the maximum overlap of the polygons.
After unification of the polygons you can use an ordinary area function to calculate the exact area of the polygons.
I think that attempt to calculate area of polygons with number of pixels is too complicated and sometimes inaccurate. You can see something similar in stackoverflow answer about calculation the area covered by a polygon and if you construct regular polygons see area of a regular polygon ,