Filter as you type combo box me.recordsource - vba

I can upload a file if someone tells me how.
Need help replicating a filter as you type on a combo box that is being used at the record level. Example: Instead of having an open text box for the prefix (e.g. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.), I'm using a combo box that looks up from a reference table. I want to be able to type the letter "r" in the combo box and have it filter out Ms. and showing the remaining values. Once I make a selection store the selected value in the Name table.
Issue: When I add a new value in Combo4 the other rows above clear out if they don't match the value I just typed into the cell. Something likely with the RowSource in the below formula. Do I have something out of sequence or a flawed formula?
What I think I'm trying to do:
1) If Prefix value populated w/ value in t_Name THEN show the matching value in t_ref_Prefix
2) If Combo4 is Blank / Null THEN then open Combo4 and show all values in t_ref_Prefix so a value can be selected.
3) If user is typing text into Combo4 THEN filter on change using * on both sides of the typed value.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Combo4_Change()
'test number of characters entered - if greater then 0 then assign rowsource
If Len(Me.Combo4.Text) > 0 Then
'set the rowsource to match user search criteria
Me.Combo4.RowSource = "SELECT * FROM t_ref_Prefix WHERE Prefix LIKE '*" & Me.Combo4.Text & "*'"
'show the search in real-time
'set to no
Me.Combo4.RowSource = "SELECT, t_ref_Prefix.prefix, t_ref_Prefix.sort FROM _
t_ref_Prefix ORDER BY t_ref_Prefix.sort, t_ref_Prefix.prefix"
End If
End Sub

You need to set
Combo4.AutoExpand = False
This will do it.


How to change visibility of a combo box based on another combo box value in VBA

I am using Microsoft Access at the moment.
I am trying to populate a number of combo boxes based on another combo box value. For example the first combo box is called cmb_BoxValue where it has a number of 1-20 and the remaining combo box will have the name cmb_Box1 until cmb_Box20. Once the user has selected the number of combo box required, using an AfterUpdate sub it will allow visibility = True based on the value. If the selected value is 3, cmb_Box1, cmb_Box2 and cmb_Box3 Visible = True. I managed to do it using a select case like below:
Private Sub cmb_BoxValue_AfterUpdate()
Dim Size1 As Integer
Size1 = Me.cmb_BoxValue.Value
Select Case Me.cmb_BoxValue
Case 1
Me.cmb_boxBox1 = True
But I feel like this is very repetitive and not the most ideal solution. I feel like a for loop is the ideal solution but I am not sure how to approach it. Thank you
Since comboboxes have similar names with number suffix, could dynamically build combobox name in an incrementing index loop, with a test if index is <= cmb_BoxValue input to set Visible property:
For x = 1 to 20
Me.Controls("cmb_Box" & x).Visible = x <= Me.cmb_BoxValue

MS Access Retrieve Values from ListBox

UPDATE: 3/20/2019
After subthread conversation (below), I renamed the ListBox. ItemsSelected property WORKS. Value still returning NULL int he code
This is my first time dealing with multi-select lists in Access. I have a report form with some dropdowns, checkboxes, and a listbox. The listbox contains almost 70 items - Let's call them "Cities".
The ListBox allows multiple selections. In VBA, I'm taking each of the parameters - from the other controls on the form, to create a giant WHERE condition that feeds my report.
The problem is that Access is not reading the values selected from the ListBox. When I step through that line of code, the value is NULL.
So far:
Dim s As Variant
s = Me.City.Value & ""
This is where I know I wrong-turned, but, not having dealt with a multi-select ListBox before, I don't know the syntax to get the values read.
Next: Check for whether or not values are selected in List "s":
If s <> "" Then
Check for other parameters in the current WHERE condition. IF none exist, THEN
If c.WhereCondition = "" Then
c.WhereCondition =
Set WHERE Condition by comparing List values (which are Strings) to the Yes/No values of equivalent fields in Source table.
I have to compare the List values to the 70 fields in the table - to pull out those records that match.
No, there's not 1 field - say Cities, with 70 possible values. Instead, each of the 70 possible Cities is its own Yes/No field. I inherited this DB. It's how it was built.
Currently, my attempt at this looks like:
c.WhereCondition = "( City1 = -1 OR City2 = -1 OR City3 = -1 OR .....)
`IF there are parameters in the current WHERE clause, THEN compare values in List to Source table, AND APPEND result to WHERE condition with "AND"
c.WhereCondition = c.WhereCondition & " AND (City1 = -1 OR City2 = -1, OR ...)
End If
End If
I hope I was able to explain this well enough. The 1st problem is getting the values read. I won't know if my attempt at comparison is right or wrong without that.
THIS took a LOT of breadcrumbs to get me here!
Dim s As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim ctl As Control
Set ctl = Me.Counties
If ctl.ItemsSelected.Count <> 0 Then
For Each s In ctl.ItemsSelected
t.WhereCondition = ctl.ItemData(s) & " = -1"
Next s
End If
I had to rename the control from County to Counties. Looks like the former was part of the report, and screwing everything else up. I did this after initially deleting & re-adding the control.
The comments here really helped. I just needed to figure out how to work with the properties in order to get what I wanted.
I have to compare 70 yes/no fields to the data, pulling out only those that return True. Hence the -1.
It compiles. It runs. Fingers crossed for data accuracy.

How to autocomplete a line with data suggestion?

In my company, some assistants fill out an Excel table, which is a users list (First Names, Last name, ID number). After, I use this list with a PowerShell script. But very often the users list is not correctly completed. For example, assistants forget to input ID number... .So i would like help assitants to fill this Excel with data suggestions/autocomplete.
In the "Data" sheet, I have all data possible (First Names, Last name, ID number).
With the "Name Manager" I created:
d_FirstName to select the first cell
c_FirstName to select all column,
l_FirstName to apply function: =OFSSET(d_FirstName;0;0;COUNTA(c_FirstName)-1;1)
In "Form" sheet, I created drop-down list with function: =IF(A1<>"";OFSSET(d_FirstName;MATCH(A1&"*";l_FirstName;0)-1;;SUMPRODUCT((MID(l_FirstName;1;LEN(A1))=TEXT(A1;"0"))*1));l_FirstName)
So, when the user types a letter, the drop down list "suggest" a correct FirstName.
How to adapt the last query, to complete a line with First Name and Last name and ID number corresponding if user type only First Name ?
For example:
If user select a First Name in drop down list, Excel complete the lign with Last name and ID number corresponding .
If user select a ID number in drop down list, Excel complete the lign with Last name and First Name corresponding.
In second time, how to show dropdown list automatically when user type one letter ?
Thank you
You can accomplish this using the combobox's properties and change event. The combobox will take a 1 or 2 dimensional named range or a formula that returns a range as it's RowSource. Here I have the text column set to the 3rd column.
Private Sub cboEmpID_Change()
With cboEmpID
If Not IsNull(.Value) Then
lblEmployee.Caption = .List(.ListIndex, 1) & ", " & .List(.ListIndex, 0)
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ColumnWidths As String
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
ColumnWidths = .Columns(1).Width & ";" & .Columns(2).Width & ";" & .Columns(3).Width
End With
With cboEmpID
.ColumnHeads = True
.ColumnCount = 3
.ColumnWidths = ColumnWidths
.TextColumn = 3
.ListWidth = Range("Sheet1!A:C").Width
.RowSource = "OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,1,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A)-1,3)"
End With
End Sub
You need making a cascading dependent Excel drop down list.See

Data Validation of a Filtered table

I have a Data table with an Auto Filter (shown Below).
Sub Tariff_Filter()
Dim columnNumber, tableRow, tableColumn, tableWidth As Integer
Dim tableName, columnName As String
tableName = "Tariff_Table"
columnName = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value
'This clears the existing filter
'Assign some numbers we need to know about the table to check the headers
tableRow = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(tableName).Range.Row
tableColumn = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(tableName).Range.Column
tableWidth = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(tableName).Range.Columns.Count
'If a column title with the specified value does not exist VBA throws an error which we need to catch
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'Search through the table column header row to find the specified column and assign the number to columnNumber
columnNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(columnName, Range(Cells(tableRow, tableColumn), Cells(tableRow, tableColumn + tableWidth)), 0)
'Apply the filter "1" to the found columnNumber
ActiveSheet.ListObjects(tableName).Range.AutoFilter field:=columnNumber, Criteria1:="1"
'Exit the sub otherwise the "error handling" will be provoked
Exit Sub
MsgBox columnName & "Please Specify Required Channel"
End Sub
As i cant seem to figure out how to get my combo-box's to show only the visible cells after filtering the table i was wondering if there is a way i can create a a validation box to show the visible cells or copy the visible data into a seperate table underneath. I can then use the validation box/ secondary table as a focus point for the combo-box's on the user-form.
Thanks in advance
If I'm understanding your question correctly, you would like to have a data-validation drop-down list that updates as the table is filtered and only displays visible items for a given column.
You can do this by using the following formula in Data Validation (I'm assuming your table header row starts in A1 and it's col A you need to display):
=OFFSET($A$2,,,SUBTOTAL(103,TableName[column name]))
This formula expands from the starting cell (A2) by a specified height in number of rows. We are defining the height using SUBTOTAL with function number 103 - this means that the height is defined using COUNTA, but only on visible cells, so it will expand and collapse as the table is filtered.
Be aware: since the height is defined using a counta function, it will only count cells containing data, therefore if you have blanks in your table, the range will not be defined correctly. Also if you have any repeated data, these will be repeated in your drop-down box, this method will not condense them into a neat, unique list.
Hope this is helpful.

How to have values from 3 columns shown in combobox VBA (active x control)

In combobox I set columnCount to 3, so when I click dropdown arrow I can see 3 columns that I need, but when I choose one row that I need, there is only value from first column shown. Combobox is wide enough for all three columns. Is there a way to see all 3 when I select my choice?
You need to change the ListFillRange to all the columns in your list:
Also you need to have a single cell referenced in the LinkedCell property: Sheet1!$A$1
The bound column must be a value between 1 and 3. You can only return a single value from the list - this will be from the bound column.
Your column count must be 3.
Your column widths must be either blank or a value >0 (0 will hide the column):
85.05 pt;85.05 pt;85.05 pt
With those in place you should be seeing three columns of values in the list box - you can only return a value from one of those columns though.
If you want to return more than one I'd suggest using a hidden (column width of 0) column to contain a unique identifier and then use a look-up on the sheet to fill in the blank columns.
To get to all three columns in VBA use code similar to:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
With Me.ComboBox1
MsgBox .Column(0) & vbCr & .Column(1) & vbCr & .Column(2)
End With
End Sub