AWS Equivalent For Incremental SQL Query - sql

I can create a materialised view in RDS (postgreSQL) to keep track of the 'latest' data output from a SQL query, and then visualise this in QuickSight. This process is also very 'quick' as it doesn't result in calling additional AWS services and/or re-processing all data again (through the SQL query). My assumption is how this works is it runs a SQL, re-runs the SQL but not for the whole data again, so that if you structure the query correctly, you can end up having a 'real time running total' metric for example.
The issue is, creating materialised views (per 5 seconds) for 100's of queries, and having them all stored in a database is not scalable. Imagine a DB with 1TB data, creating an incremental/materialised view seems much less painful than using other AWS services, but eventually won't be optimal for processing time/cost etc.
I have explored various AWS services, none of which seem to solve this problem.
I tried using AWS Glue. You would need to create 1 script per query and output it to a DB. The lag between reading and writing the incremental data is larger than creating a materialised view; because you can incrementally process data, but then to append it to the current 'total' metric is another process.
I explored using AWS Kinesis followed by a Lambda to run a SQL on the 'new' data in the stream, and store the value in S3 or RDS. Again, this adds latency and doesn't work as well as a materialised view.
I read that AWS Redshift does not have materialised views therefore stuck to RDS (PostgreSQL).
Any thoughts?
[A similar issue: incremental SQL query - except I want to avoid running the SQL on "all" data to avoid massive processing costs.]
Edit (example):
table1 has schema (datetime, customer_id, revenue)
I run this query: select sum(revenue) from table1.
This would scan the whole table to come up with a metric per customer_id.
table1 now gets updated with new data as the datetime progresses e.g. 1 hour extra data.
If I run select sum(revenue) from table1 again, it scans all the data again.
A more efficient way is to just compute the query on the new data, and append the result.
Also, I want the query to actively run where there is a change in data, not have to 'run it with a schedule' so that my front end dashboards basically 'auto update' without the customer doing much.


Azure Data Factory - Rerun Failed Pipeline Against Azure SQL Table With Differential Date Filter

I am using ADF to keep an Azure SQL DB in sync with an on-prem DB. The on-prem DB is read only and the direction is one-way, from the Azure SQL DB to the on-prem DB.
My source table in the Azure SQL Cloud DB is quite large (10's of millions of rows) so I have the pipeline set to use an UPSERT (merge, trying to create a differential merge). I am using a filter on the Source table and the and the Filter Query has a WHERE condition that looks like this:
[HistoryDate] >= '#{formatDateTime(pipeline().parameters.windowStart, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' )}'
AND [HistoryDate] < '#{formatDateTime(pipeline().parameters.windowEnd, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' )}'
The HistoryDate column is auto-maintained in the source table with a getUTCDate() type approach. New records will always get a higher value and be included in the WHERE condition.
This works well, but here is my question: I am testing on my local machine before deploying to the client. When I am not working, my laptop hibernates and the pipeline rightfully fails because my local SQL Instance is "offline" during that run. When I move this to production this should not be an issue (computer hibernating), but what happens if the clients connection is temporarily lost (i.e, the client loses internet for a time)? Because my pipeline has a WHERE condition on the source to reduce the table size upsert to a practical number, any failure would result in a loss of any data created during that 5 minute window.
A failed pipeline can be rerun, but the run time would be different at that moment in time and I would effectively miss the block of records that would have been picked up if the pipeline had been run on time. pipeline().parameters.windowStart and pipeline().parameters.windowEnd will now be different.
As an FYI, I have this running every 5 minutes to keep the local copy in sync as close to real-time as possible.
Am I approaching this correctly? I'm sure others have this scenario and it's likely I am missing something obvious. :-)
Sorry to answer my own question, but to potentially help others in the future, it seems there was a better way to deal with this.
ADF offers a "Metadata-driven Copy Task" utility/wizard on the home screen that creates a pipeline. When I used it, it offers a "Delta Load" option for tables which takes a "Watermark". The watermark is a column for an incrementing IDENTITY column, increasing date or timestamp, etc. At the end of the wizard, it allows you to download a script that builds a table and corresponding stored procedure that maintains the values of each parameters after each run. For example, if I wanted my delta load to be based on an IDENTITY column, it stores the value of the max value of a particular pipeline run. The next time a run happens (trigger), it uses this as the MIN value (minus 1) and the current MAX value of the IDENTITY column to get the added records since the last run.
I was going to approach things this way, but it seems like ADF already does this heavy lifting for us. :-)

Azure Synapse pipeline: How to move incremental updates from SQL Server into synapse for crunching numbers

We are working building a new data pipeline for our project and we have to move incremental updates that happen throughout the day on our SQL servers into Azure synapse for some number crunching.
We have to get updates which occur across 60+ tables ( 1-2 million updates a day ) into synapse to crunch some aggregates and statistics as they happen throughout the day.
One of the requirements is being near real time and doing a bulk import into synapse is not ideal because it takes more than 10 mins to do full compute on all data.
I have been reading about CDC feed into synapse and it is one possible solution.
Wondering if there are other alternatives to this or suggestions for achieving the end goal of data crunching near real time for DB updates.
Change Data Capture (CDC) is the suited way to capture the changes and add to the destination location (storage/database).
Apart from that, you can also use watermark column to capture the changes in multiple tables in SQL Server.
Select one column for each table in the source data store, which you
can identify the new or updated records for every run. Normally, the
data in this selected column (for example, last_modify_time or ID)
keeps increasing when rows are created or updated. The maximum value
in this column is used as a watermark.
Here is the high-level solution diagram for this approach:
Step-by-Step approach is given in this official document Incrementally load data from multiple tables in SQL Server to Azure SQL Database using PowerShell.

Is the cost incurred when partitioning date tables in BigQuery?

BigQuery quotes this command for creating a partition from existing tables:
bq partition mydataset.sharded_ mydataset.partitioned
(see partitioned tables)
But when I run this, I see that the data is actually getting moved. Since selecting data from raw large tables is very expensive, I wonder how Google applies billing for this situation.
The bq partition CLI command leverages copy jobs rather than queries, which don't incur execution costs (but you do still get charged for the persisted storage that it may generate).
If you're using the CLI, copy jobs can be specified using the bq cp command.

Backing up portion of data in SQL

I have a huge schema containing billions of records, I want to purge data older than 13 months from it and maintain it as a backup in such a way that it can be recovered again whenever required.
Which is the best way to do it in SQL - can we create a separate copy of this schema and add a delete trigger on all tables so that when trigger fires, purged data gets inserted to this new schema?
Will there be only one record per delete statement if we use triggers? Or all records will be inserted?
Can we somehow use bulk copy?
I would suggest this is a perfect use case for the Stretch Database feature in SQL Server 2016.
More info:
The cold data can be moved to the cloud with your given date criteria without any applications or users being aware of it when querying the database. No backups required and very easy to setup.
There is no need for triggers, you can use job running every day, that will put outdated data into archive tables.
The best way I guess is to create a copy of current schema. In main part - delete all that is older then 13 months, in archive part - delete all for last 13 month.
Than create SP (or any SPs) that will collect data - put it into archive and delete it from main table. Put this is into daily running job.
The cleanest and fastest way to do this (with billions of rows) is to create a partitioned table probably based on a date column by month. Moving data in a given partition is a meta operation and is extremely fast (if the partition setup and its function is set up properly.) I have managed 300GB tables using partitioning and it has been very effective. Be careful with the partition function so dates at each edge are handled correctly.
Some of the other proposed solutions involve deleting millions of rows which could take a long, long time to execute. Model the different solutions using profiler and/or extended events to see which is the most efficient.
I agree with the above to not create a trigger. Triggers fire with every insert/update/delete making them very slow.
You may be best served with a data archive stored procedure.
Consider using multiple databases. The current database that has your current data. Then an archive or multiple archive databases where you move your records out from your current database to with some sort of say nightly or monthly stored procedure process that moves the data over.
You can use the exact same schema as your production system.
If the data is already in the database no need for a Bulk Copy. From there you can backup your archive database so it is off the sql server. Restore the database if needed to make the data available again. This is much faster and more manageable than bulk copy.
According to Microsoft's documentation on Stretch DB (found here -, you can't update or delete rows that have been migrated to cold storage or rows that are eligible for migration.
So while Stretch DB does look like a capable technology for archive, the implementation in SQL 2016 does not appear to support archive and purge.

Insert bigquery query result to mysql

In one of my PHP application, I need to show a report based on the aggregate data, which is fetched from BigQuery. I am planning to execute the queries using a PHP cron job then insert data to MySQL table from which the report will fetch data. Is there any better way of doing this like directly insert the data to MySQL without an application layer in between ?
Also I am interested in real time data, but the daily cron only update data once and there will be some mismatch of the counts with actual data if I check it after some time. If I run hourly cron jobs, I am afraid the data reading charges will be high as I am processing a dataset which is 20GB. Also my report cannot be fetched fro Bigquery itself and it needs to have data from MySQL database.