Using LSTMs to predict from single-element sequence - tensorflow

I'm trying to apply reinforcement learning to a round-based game environment. Each round I get a (self-contained / nearly markovian) state and have to provide an action to progress in the world. Because there exist some long-term strategies (develop resource "A", wait few rounds for development, use resource "A"), I'm thinking of using an LSTM layer in my neural net. During training I can feed sequences of rounds into the network to train the LSTM; however, during the testing phase I'm only able to provide the current state (this is a hard requirement).
I'm wondering whether LSTMs are a viable option here or if they are not suitable for this usage, because I can only provide one state during testing / deployment.

Yes, LSTMs are a viable option here. In keras this would surmount to setting the field called "stateful" to true. What this does is to not reset the internal state of the cells between each sample, meaning that it would keep remembering the previous step(s) until this cell is reset.
In this case, you would simply set the LSTM stateful to true, hand it one sample per step and reset after the episode is done. Remember that you might not want to keep it stateful during training if there is enough signal that you can fit all the timesteps you need for finding the long term strategies into one sample, as you'd probably be doing replays over multiple episodes.
IF you're using anything else but keras, googling for stateful LSTM in xyz framework ought to help you further


Issues when modelling LSTM for multi series

I'm a beginner on time series analysis with deep learning, and I have been searching for examples with LSTM in which more than one series (for example one for each city or place) is trained to avoid fitting a model for each one. The main benefit of course is that you have more training data and less computational costs. I have found an interesting code to help modeling this problem with conditional/temporally-static variables (it's called cond-rnn). But wherever I search, it's not clear to me some issues regarding sorting the inputs appropriately.
The context is that I have a target and a set of autoregressive inputs (features, lags, timesteps, wherever you call it), in which data from different series are stack together. RF and GB are outperforming LSTM on this task (with overfitting, even when I use 100k+ samples, dropout or regularization), and I'm not sure if I'm using it appropriately.
It is wrong to stack series together and have the inputs-targets randomly sorted (as in the figure)? Does the LSTM need to receive the inputs temporally sorted?
If they need so, do you have any advice on how to deal with the problem of providing new series (that start from the first time period) to the LSTM training? This answer to a similar problem (but another perspective) suggest to pick "places" as an input column, but I don't think this answer help the questions here I posed.

Does changing a token name in an image caption model affect performance?

If I train an image caption model then stop to rename a few tokens:
Should I train the model from scratch?
Or can I reload the model and continue training from the last epoch with the updated vocabulary?
Will either approach effect model accuracy/performance differently?
I would go for option 2.
When training the model from scratch, you are initializing the model's weights randomly and then you fit them based on your problem. However, if, instead of using random weights, you use weights that have already been trained for a similar problem, you may decrease the convergence time. This option is kind similar to the idea of transfer learning.
Just to give the other team a voice: So what is actually the difference between training from scratch and reloading a model and continuing training?
(2) will converge faster, (1) will probably have a better performance and should thus be chosen. Do we actually care about training times when we trade them off with performance - do you really? See you do not.
The further your model is already converged to a specific problem, the harder it gets to get it back into another optimum. Now you might be lucky and the chance, that you are going down the right rabid hole, rises with similar tasks and similar data. Yet with a change in your setup this can not be guaranteed.
Initializing a few epochs on other than your target domain, definitely makes sense and is beneficial, yet the question arises why you would not train on your target domain from the very beginning.
Note: For a more substantial read I'd like to refer you to this paper, where they explain in more depth why domain is of the essence and transfer learning could mess with your final performance.
It depends on the number of tokens being relabeled compared to the total amount. Just because you mentioned there are few of them, then the optimal solution in my opinion is clear.
You should start the training from scratch but initialize the weights with the values they had from wherever the previous training stopped (again mentioning that it is crucial that the samples that are being re-labeled are not of substantial amount). This way, the model will likely converge faster than starting with random weights and also better than trying to re-fit ("forget") what it managed to learn from the previous training.
Topologically speaking you are initializing in a position where the model is closer to a global minimum but has not made any steps towards a local minimum.
Hope this helps.

Can predictions be trusted if learning curve shows validation error lower than training error?

I'm working with neural networks (NN) as a part of my thesis in geophysics, and is using TensorFlow with Keras for training my network.
My current task is to use a NN to approximate a thermodynamical model i.e a nonlinear regression problem. It takes 13 input parameters and outputs a velocity profile (velocity vs. depth) of 450 parameters. My data consists of 100,000 synthetic examples (i.e. no noise is present), split in training (80k), validation (10k) and testing (10k).
I've tested my network for a number of different architectures: wider (5-800 neurons) and deeper (up to 10 layers), different learning rates and batch sizes, and even for many epochs (5000). Basically all the standard tricks of the trade...
But, I am puzzled by the fact that the learning curve shows validation error lower than training error (for all my tests), and I've never been able to overfit to the training data. See figure below:
The error on the test set is correspondingly low, thus the network seems to be able to make decent predictions. It seems like a single hidden layer of 50 neurons is sufficient. However, I'm not sure if I can trust these results due to the behavior of the learning curve. I've considered that this might be due to the validation set consisting of examples that are "easy" to predict, but I cannot see how I should change this. A bigger validation set perhaps?
To wrap it up: Is is necessarily a bad sign if the validation error is lower than or very close to the training error? What if the predictions made with said network are decent?
Is it possible that overfitting is simply not possible for my problem and data?
In addition to trying a higher k fold and the additional testing holdout sample,perhaps mix it up when sampling from the original data set: Select a stratified sample when partitioning out the training and validation/test sets. Then partition the validation and test set without stratifying the sampling.
My opinion is that if you introduce more variation in your modeling methodology (without breaking any "statistical rules"), you can be more confident in the model that you have created.
You can achieve more trustworthy results by repeating your experiments on different data. Use cross validation with high fold (like k=10) to get better confidence of your solution performance. Usually neural networks easily overfit, if your solution has similar results on validation and test set its a good sign.
It is not that easy to tell when not knowing the exact way you have setup the experiment:
what cross-validation method did you use?
how did you split the data?
As you mentioned, the fact that you observe validation error lower than training can be a result of the fact that either the training dataset contains many "hard" cases to learn or the validation set contains many "easy" cases to predict.
However, since generally speaking training loss is expected to underestimate the validation, to me the specific model appear to have unpredictable/unknown fit (perform better in predicting the unknown that the known feels indeed weird).
In order to overcome this, I would start experimenting by reconsidering the data splitting strategy, adding more data if possible, or even change your performance metric.

Cells detection using deep learning techniques

I have to analyse some images of drops, taken using a microscope, which may contain some cell. What would be the best thing to do in order to do it?
Every acquisition of images returns around a thousand pictures: every picture contains a drop and I have to determine whether the drop has a cell inside or not. Every acquisition dataset presents with a very different contrast and brightness, and the shape of the cells is slightly different on every setup due to micro variations on the focus of the microscope.
I have tried to create a classification model following the guide "TensorFlow for poets", defining two classes: empty drops and drops containing a cell. Unfortunately the result wasn't successful.
I have also tried to label the cells and giving to an object detection algorithm using DIGITS 5, but it does not detect anything.
I was wondering if these algorithms are designed to recognise more complex object or if I have done something wrong during the setup. Any solution or hint would be helpful!
Thank you!
This is a collage of drops from different samples: the cells are a bit different from every acquisition, due to the different setup and ambient lights
This kind of problem should definitely be possible. I would suggest starting with a cifar 10 convolutional neural network tutorial and customizing it for your problem.
In future posts you should tell us how your training is progressing. Make sure you're outputting the following information every few steps (maybe every 10-100 steps):
Loss/cost function output, you should see your loss decreasing over time.
Classification accuracy on the current batch of your training data
Classification accuracy on a held out test set (if you've implemented test set evaluation, you might implement this second)
There are many, many, many things that can go wrong, from bad learning rates, to preprocessing steps that go awry. Neural networks are very hard to debug, they are very resilient to bugs, making it hard to even know if you have a bug in your code. For that reason make sure you're visualizing everything.
Another very important step to follow is to save the images exactly as you are passing them to tensorflow. You will have them in a matrix form, you can save that matrix form as an image. Do that immediately before you pass the data to tensorflow. Make sure you are giving the network what you expect it to receive. I can't tell you how many times I and others I know have passed garbage into the network unknowingly, assume the worst and prove yourself wrong!
Your next post should look something like this:
I'm training a convolutional neural network in tensorflow
My loss function (sigmoid cross entropy) is decreasing consistently (show us a picture!)
My input images look like this (show us a picture of what you ACTUALLY FEED to the network)
My learning rate and other parameters are A, B, and C
I preprocessed the data by doing M and N
The accuracy the network achieves on training data (and/or test data) is Y
In answering those questions you're likely to solve 10 problems along the way, and we'll help you find the 11th and, with some luck, last one. :)
Good luck!

Process to build our own model for image detection

Currently, I am working on deep neural network for image detection and I founded a model called YOLO Network, and it's very powerful to make objects detections, but I have a question:
How can we design and concept our own model? Do we use a brut force for that, for example "I use 2 convolutional and 1 pooling layer and 1 fully connected layer" after that if the result is'nt good I change the number of layers and change the parameter until I find the best model, Please if there is anyone who knows some informations about that, show me how ?
I use Tensorflow.
There are a couple of papers addressing this issue. For example in some general principles are mentioned, like preserving information by not having too rapid changes in any cut of the graph seperating the output from the input.
Another paper is where specific hyperparameter combinations are tried.
The remainder are just what you observe in practice and depends on your dataset and on your requirement. Maybe you have performance requirements because you want to deploy to mobile or you need more than 90 % accuracy. Then you will have to choose your model accordingly.