Error serializing export interface, Unable to load transformation [null] : can't find directory - repository

I used a Transformation Executor to call another transformation, Under browse I defined the variable as ${trans_path} however when I run it on the server it complains about the following error "Unable to load transformation [null] : can't find directory "

Before calling the trans executor have a write to log step output the value of that variable. It’ll allow you to check whether the variable is being passed correctly.
The log output should appear on you catalina.out file under tomcat’s lot folder.


Print check_cxx_source_runs() detailed output

I have a find package module that utilizes check_cxx_source_runs() to test if package was loaded properly. However, it fails and I am not sure what causes it to.
Is there any way I can print the actual error (as one would see on terminal) from check_cxx_source_runs() rather than just the variable that tells success/failure?
I found the error output in "CMakeError.log" under the build directory.

How to configure/capture 'failureMessage' to the result file in Jmeter

I have a jmx script which saves the results to a CSV file.
I need to see the 'failureMessage' field in the CSV especially when the 'success' column says 'false' as in the below example. But the failureMessage column always appear as blank irrespective in the csv
Example -
02/06/03 08:21:42|1187|Home|200|Thread Group-1|text|true|
02/06/03 08:21:42|47|Login|200|Thread Group-1|text|false|Test Failed: expected to contain: password etc.
I tried looking up the file to check the below which is set to true. But it still doesn't save the message to failureMessage in the csv.
assertion_results_failure_message only affects CSV output
I cannot reproduce your issue using:
Latest JMeter 5.2.1
With the default Results File Configuration
Running JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode
If you cannot see custom assertion failure messages your setup violates at least one of the above 3 points.
Try adding assertions with your requests and you will find it in your results in case of assertions getting failed.

Jmeter dynamic URL property with variable not substituted

I have a simple Jmeter test where I have a property to set the URL. The PATH in the Jmeter test is set to the following.
This works well for all URLs that I have been working with, except for the ones where I need to pass a variable in the URL component.
For example, it works for http://server:port/getemployeelist when I run the test with -JGET_URL=/getemployeelist
Then I created a CSV config element to populate the variable EMP_ID.
Then if I run the test with -JGET_URL=/getemployee/${EMP_ID}, the EMP_ID variable is not getting substituted. Jmeter test gives me an error as follows: Illegal character in path at index xx: https://://getemployee/${EMP_ID}
Appreciate any help/pointers.
It will not work this way, JMeter doesn't know anything about ${EMP_ID} at the time it is being started, you need to append this ${EMP_ID} to HTTP Request sampler "Path" in the runtime
Start JMeter as:
jmeter -JGET_URL=/getemployee/
Use CSV Data Set Config to read the EMP_ID from the CSV File
In the HTTP Request sampler use construction like /${__P(GET_URL,)}/${EMP_ID} to combine JMeter Property specified via -J command line argument and JMeter Variable originating from the CSV file.
If anything goes wrong first of all check jmeter.log file - it normally contains enough troubleshooting information. If there is nothing suspicious - use Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination to inspect requests and response details, variables and properties names and values, etc.
Had asked this question a while back. Thought of posting the solution which I eventually ended up implementing. In the solution, I created a template jmx with a substitution variable for the HttpSampler.path and then replace the path at runtime. Following are the key points from the scripting done.
This turned out to be a simpler solution that worked for all kinds of API call patterns.
Created a template jmx (jmeter_test_template) with the following line.
<stringProp name="HTTPSampler.path">#PATH#</stringProp>
This jmx has CSV config element to populate variable "EMP_ID". To create this file, just create a new test with any URL and then save it as a template and replace the URL with substitution variable #PATH#.
Created a wrapper script like with usage,
sh URL=http://server:port/myapp/employees/${EMP_ID}
In the wrapper script, this URL is replaced in place of the token.
sed "s/#PATH#/$URL" jmeter_test_template.jmx > jmeter_test_template.current_test.jmx
jmeter -t jmeter_test_template.current_test.jmx
Last but not the least, please remember to cleanup the temporary jmx,
rm jmeter_test_template.current_test.jmx

pig error: Job in state DEFINE instead of RUNNING - Generic solution

A typical Pig error that occurs without much usefull information is the following:
Job in state DEFINE instead of RUNNING
Often found in a line like this:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Job in state DEFINE instead of RUNNING
I have seen some examples of this error, but would like to have the generic solution for this problem.
So far, at each occasion where I have encountered this error, it is because Pig fails to load files. The error in the question is printed to stderr log, and you will not find anything usefull there.
However, if you were to look in the stdout log, you would expect to find the following:
Message: org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 2118: Input Pattern hdfs://x.x.x.x:x/locationOnHDFS/* matches 0 files
Typically followed by:
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.InvalidInputException: Input Pattern hdfs://x.x.x.x:x/locationOnHDFS/* matches 0 files
At this point the most likely suspects are:
There are no files in the specified folder (though the folder exists)
The user that is running the script does not have the rights to access the relevant files
All files are empty (not sure about this one)
Note that it is a commonly known difficulty that pig will error out if you try to read an empty directory (rather than just processing the alias with 0 lines).

IS it possible to manage NO FILE error in Pig?

I'm trying to load simple file:
log = load 'file_1.gz' using TextLoader AS (line:chararray);
dump log
And I get an error:
2014-04-08 11:46:19,471 [main] ERROR - ERROR 2997: Unable to recreate exception from backend error: org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 2118: Input Pattern hdfs://hadoop1:8020/pko/file*gz matches 0 files
at org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigInputFormat.getSplits(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.writeNewSplits(
Is is possible to manage such situation before error appears?
Input Pattern hdfs://hadoop1:8020/pko/file*gz matches 0 files
The error is the input file doesn't exist in the given hdfs path.
log = load 'file_1.gz' using TextLoader AS (line:chararray);
as you haven’t mentioned the absolute path of file_1.gz , it will taken the home hdfs dir of the user with which you are running your pig-script
Unfortunately in the current version of Pig (0.15.0) it is impossible to manage these errors without using UDF's.
I suggest creating a Java or Python script using try and catch to take care of this.
Here's a good website that might be of some use to you:
Good luck learning Pig!
I'm facing this issue as well. My load command is:
DATA = LOAD '${qurwf_folder_input}/data/*/' AS (...);
I want to load all files from the data subfolders, but the data folder is empty and I got the same error as you. What I did, in my particular case, was to create an empty folder in the data directory. So the LOAD returns an empty dataset and the script did not fail.
By the way, I'm using Oozie workflow to run the scripts, and in the prepare, I create the empty folders.