MS Access 2016 - Pull client name from separate table in complex query - sql

I have three tables for vulnerability scanning jobs: customers, authorization forms, and scans. Relationships are one to many from left to right. I previously had scans directly related to clients, but implemented the forms table to add the ability to prevent scanning without authorization. I have the below query which pulls the dates of the most recent and next coming scans (huge thanks to #donPablo), but when I made the change in tables I'm no longer pulling the correct data from the customers table. I'm not exactly sure how to fix it.
SELECT u.Customer_Company, z.*
FROM (Select
NZ(a.Scan_Data.Customer_ID, b.Scan_Data.Customer_ID) as Customer,
aPast as Past,
aFuture as Future,
DATEDIFF("d", aPast, aFuture) as Difference
(Select Scan_Data.Customer_ID, Max(Scan_Date) as aPast from Scan_Data where Scan_Date <= DATE() Group By Scan_Data.Customer_ID) a
(Select Scan_Data.Customer_ID, Min(Scan_Date) as aFuture from Scan_Data where Scan_Date > DATE() Group By Scan_Data.Customer_ID) b
ON a.Scan_Data.Customer_ID = B.Scan_Data.Customer_ID
NZ(a.Scan_Data.Customer_ID, b.Scan_Data.Customer_ID) as Customer,
aPast as Past,
aFuture as Future,
DATEDIFF("d", aPast, aFuture) as Difference
(Select Scan_Data.Customer_ID, Max(Scan_Date) as aPast from Scan_Data where Scan_Date <= DATE() Group By Scan_Data.Customer_ID) a
(Select Scan_Data.Customer_ID, Min(Scan_Date) as aFuture from Scan_Data where Scan_Date > DATE() Group By Scan_Data.Customer_ID) b
ON a.Scan_Data.Customer_ID = B.Scan_Data.Customer_ID
) AS z LEFT JOIN Customer_Data AS u ON cint(z.Customer) = cint(u.Customer_ID);
In this query the Scan_Data.Customer_ID winds up being the FormID and it then pulls the customer's name based on the FormID. I fixed it in my other queries by doing a double inner join to pull the actual CustomerID based on the FormID, but I can't get that to work here because of the existing joins. Form_Data.Customer_ID is the way it's identified in the Form table. All IDs in their primary tables are autonumber generated PKs.
Customer_Data table:
.Customer_ID | .Customer_Name | etc.
1 | Microsoft |
2 | Reddit |
Form_Data table:
.Form_ID | .Signature_Date | .Expiration_Date | .Customer_ID
1 | 01-Jan-19 | 01-Jan-20 | 2/Reddit
2 | 15-May-18 | 15-May-21 | 1/Microsoft
Scan_Data table:
.Scan_ID | .Scan_Title | .Scan_Date | .Customer_ID
1 | First MS 19052018 | 19-May-18 | 1/2/Reddit
2 | First R 05012019 | 05-Jan-19 | 2/1/Microsoft
The above Scan_Data shows the problem I'm having. The numbers in the Scan_Data.Customer_ID field are the PKs from the other two tables. The .Customer_ID field is pulling the customer ID based upon the form ID and not the actual customer ID. It should show like this:
.Scan_ID | .Scan_Title | .Scan_Date | .Customer_ID
1 | First MS 19052018 | 19-May-18 | 2/1/Microsoft
2 | First R 05012019 | 05-Jan-19 | 1/2/Reddit


Complex SQL Joins with Where Clauses

Being pretty new to SQL, I ask for your patience. I have been banging my head trying to figure out how to create this VIEW by joining 3 tables. I am going to use mock tables, etc to keep this very simple. So that I can try to understand the answer - no just copy and paste.
Supplies_ ID Item_Description
1 | PaperClips
2 | Rubber Bands
3 | Stamps
4 | Staples
ID SuppliesID RequisitionNumber
1 | 1 | R1234a
6 | 4 | R1234a
2 | 1 | P2345b
3 | 2 | P3456c
4 | 3 | R4567d
5 | 4 | P5678e
ID RequsitionNumber OrigDate TransType OpenClosed
1 | R1234a | 06/12/20 | Req | Open
2 | P2345b | 07/09/20 | PO | Open
3 | P3456c | 07/14/20 | PO | Closed
4 | R4567d | 08/22/20 | Req | Open
5 | P5678e | 11/11/20 | PO | Open
And this is what I want to see in my View Results
Supplies_ID Item RequsitionNumber OriginalDate TransType OpenClosed
1 | Paper Clips | P2345b | 07/09/20 | PO | OPEN
2 | Rubber Bands | Null | Null | Null | Null
3 | Stamps | Null | Null | Null | Null
4 | Staples | P56783 | 11/11/20 | PO | OPEN
I just can't get there. I want to always have the same amount of records that we have in the ICS_Supplies Table. I need to join to the ICS_Orders Table in order to grab the Requisition Number because that's what I need to join on the ICS_Transactions Table. I don't want to see data in the new added fields UNLESS ICS_Transactions.TransType = 'PO' AND ICS_Transactions.OpenClosed = 'OPEN', otherwise the joined fields should be seen as null, regardless to what they contain. IF that is possible?
My research shows this is probably a LEFT Join, which is very new to me. I had made many attempts on my own, and then posted my question yesterday. But I was struggling to ask the correct question and it was recommended by other members that I post the question again . .
If needed, I can share what I have done, but I fear it will make things overly confusing as I was going in the wrong direction.
I am adding a link to the original question, for those that need some background info
Original Question
If there is any additional information needed, just ask. I do apologize in advance if I have left out any needed details.
This is a bit tricky, because you want to exclude rows in the second table depending on whether there is a match in the third table - so two left joins are not what you are after.
I think this implements the logic you want:
select s.supplies_id, s.item_description,
t.requisition_number, t.original_date, t.trans_type, t.open_closed
from ics_supplies s
left join ics_transaction t
on t.transtype = 'PO'
and t.open_closed = 'Open'
and exists (
select 1
from ics_order o
where o.supplies_id = s.supplies_id and o.requisition_number = t.requisition_number
Another way to phrase this would be an inner join in a subquery, then a left join:
select s.supplies_id, s.item_description,
t.requisition_number, t.original_date, t.trans_type, t.open_closed
from ics_supplies s
left join (
select o.supplies_id, t.*
from ics_order o
inner join ics_transaction t
on t.requisition_number = o.requisition_number
where t.transtype = 'PO' and t.open_closed = 'Open'
) t on t.supplies_id = s.supplies_id
This query should return the data for supplies. The left join will add in all orders that have a supply_id (and return null for the orders that don't).
,s.Item_Description as [Item]
,t.OrigDate as [OriginalDate]
from ICS_Supplies s
left join ICS_Orders o on o.supplies_id = s.supplies_id
left join ICS_Transactions t on t.RequisitionNumber = o.RequisitionNumber
where t.TransType = 'PO'
and t.OpenClosed = 'Open'
The null values will automatically show null if the record doesn't exist. For example, you are joining to the Transactions table and if there isn't a transaction_id for that supply then it will return 'null'.
Modify your query, run it, then maybe update your question using real examples if it's possible.
In the original question you wrote:
"I only need ONE matching record from the ICS_Transactions Table.
Ideally, the one that I want is the most current
So the goal is to get the most recent transaction for which the TransType is 'PO' and OpenClosed is 'Open'. That the purpose of the CTE 'oa_cte' in this code. The appropriate transactions are then LEFT JOIN'ed on SuppliesId. Something like this
with oa_cte(SuppliesId, RequsitionNumber, OriginalDate,
TransType, OpenClosed, RowNum) as (
select o.SuppliesId, o.RequsitionNumber,
t.OrigDate, t.TransType, t.OpenClosed,
row_number() over (partition by o.SuppliesId
order by t.OrigDate desc)
from ICS_Orders o
join ICS_Transactions t on o.RequisitionNumber=t.RequisitionNumber
where t.TransType='PO'
and t.OpenClosed='OPEN')
select s.*, oa.*
from ICS_Supplies s
left join oa_cte oa on s.SuppliesId=oa.SuppliesId
and oa.RowNum=1;

JOIN two tables, but only include data from first table in first instance of each unique record

Title might be confusing.
I have a table of Cases, and each Case can contain many Tasks. To achieve a different workflow for each Task, I have different tables such as Case_Emails, Case_Calls, Case_Chats, etc...
I want to build a Query that will eventually be exported to Excel. In this query, I want to list out each Task, and the Tasks are already joined together via a UNION in another table using a common format. For each task in the Query, I want only the first Task associated with a case to include the details from Cases table. Example below:
| id | Case ID | Agent Name | Task Info 1 | Task Info 2 | Task Info 3 |
| 1 | 4000000 | Some Name | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 2 | | | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 3 | | | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 4 | 4000003 | Some Name | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 5 | | | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
| 6 | 4000006 | Some Name | Detailstuff | Stuffdetail | Thingsyo |
My original approach was attempting a LEFT JOIN on Case ID, but I couldn't figure out how to filter the data out from the extra rows.
This would be much simpler if Access supported the ROW_NUMBER function. It doesn't, but you can sort of simulate it with a correlated subquery using the Tasks table (this assumes that each task has a unique numeric ID). This basically assigns a row number to each task, partitioned by the CaseID. Then you can just conditionally display the CaseID and AgentName where RowNum = 1.
SELECT Switch(RowNum = 1, CaseID) as Case,
Switch(RowNum = 1, AgentName) as Agent,
(select count(*)
from Tasks t2
where t2.CaseID = c.CaseID and t2.ID <= t.ID) as RowNum
FROM Cases c
INNER JOIN Tasks t ON c.CaseID = t.CaseID
order by c.CaseID, t.TaskName
You didn't post your table structure, so I'm not sure this will work for you as-is, but maybe you can adapt it.
No matter what when you join you will have duplicate values. to remove the duplicates either put in a Distinct in your select or a Group by after your filters. This should resolve the duplicates in you query for task info 1,2,3.
Found out that I can name my tables in the query like so:
FROM Case_Calls Calls
With this other name, I was able to filter based on a sub query:
IIF( Calls.[ID] <> (select top 1 [ID] from Case_Calls where [Case ID] = Calls.[Case ID]), '', Cases.[Creator]) As [Case Creator]
This solution gives me the results that I want :) It's rather ugly SQL, and difficult to parse when I'm dealing with dozens of columns, but it gets the job done!
I'm still curious if there is a better solution...

INNER JOIN Need to use column value twice in results

I've put in the requisite 2+ hours of digging and not getting an answer.
I'd like to merge 3 SQL tables, where Table A and B share a column in common, and Table B and C share a column in common--Tables A and C do not.
For example:
Table A - entity_list
entity_id | entity_name | Other, irrelevant columns
1 | Microsoft |
2 | Google |
Table B - transaction_history
transaction_id | purchasing_entity | supplying_entity | other, irrelevant columns
1 | 2 | 1
Table C - transaction_details
transactional_id | amount_of_purchase | Other, irrelevant columns
1 | 5000000 |
Using INNER JOIN, I've been able to get a result where I can link entity_name to either purchasing_entity or supplying_entity. And then, in the results, rather than seeing the entity_id, I get the entity name. But I want to substitute the entity name for both purchasing and supplying entity.
My ideal results would look like this:
1 [transaction ID] | Microsoft | Google | 5000000
The closes I've come is:
1 [transaction ID] | Microsoft | 2 [Supplying Entity] | 5000000
To get there, I've done:
SELECT transaction_history.transaction_id,
FROM transaction.history
INNER JOIN entity_list
ON transaction_history.transaction_id=transaction_details.transaction_id
I can't get entity_name to feed to both purchasing_entity and supplying_entity.
Here is the query:
SELECT h.transaction_id, h.purchasing_entity, purchaser.entity_name, h.supplying_entity, supplier.entity_name, d.amount_of_purchase
FROM transaction_history h
INNER JOIN transaction_details d
ON h.transaction_id = d.transaction_id
INNER JOIN entity_list purchaser
ON h.purchasing_entity = purchaser.entity_id
INNER JOIN entity_list supplier
ON h.supplying_entity = supplier.entity_id

Fetch Id's that are related to a specific set of items, but not others

Good morning all, apologies for the title... i had trouble simplifying the problem down to a line. My database platform is Teradata.
I am working w/ a table like the following (let's call it "t1")
| Service_Id | Product |
| 1 | Traffic |
| 1 | Weather |
| 1 | Travel |
| 1 | Audio |
| 1 | Audio Add-on |
| 2 | Traffic |
| 2 | Weather |
| 2 | Travel |
I am trying to select service_id's that are related to the following products AND ONLY the following products: Traffic, Weather, Travel
"Service_Id = 1" does not apply here because while it has the required products, it also has an "audio" product related to it... so we have to leave it out. I was able to successfully do this through a series of temp (volatile) tables but it's feeling really hacky and I feel there's got to be a better way. Thanks for your assistance.
I'm doing stuff like that (find a subset/superset/exact match for a set of rows) in my training classes using pizzas :-)
There are several ways to get your result, but for an exact match the easiest way is a SUM using following logic:
SELECT service_id
SUM(CASE WHEN Product IN ('Traffic', 'Weather', 'Travel') THEN 1 ELSE -1 END = 3
Assuming that Product is unique for every service_ID.
SELECT service_ID
FROM tableName a
WHERE Product IN ('Traffic', 'Weather', 'Travel') AND
FROM tableName b
WHERE a.Service_ID = b.Service_ID
GROUP BY b.Service_ID
HAVING COUNT(*) = 3 -- <<== total number of products
GROUP BY service_ID
HAVING COUNT(*) = 3 -- <<== total number of products
SQLFiddle Demo (demo is running under MySQL database, not sure if it will work on teradata)

SQL many-to-many select help needed

I have 2 tables
|bidkey | customerkey
| 1 | 1
| 1 | 2
| 1 | 3
| groupkey | customerkey
| 1 | 1
| 1 | 2
| 1 | 3
What I'm trying to get is a result that will look like
| bidkey | groupkey
| 1 | 1
I've tried a cursor and joins but just don't seem to be able to get what i need any ideas or suggestions
EDIT: customers can belong to more that one group also
I am not sure who meaningful your sample data is. However following is a simple example.
select distinct b.bidkey, g.gkey
from bidcus b
inner join cusgroup g
b.cuskey = g.cuskey
and g.gkey = 10;
1 10
Reference: SQLFIDDLE
In order to have a working Many-to-Many relationship in a database you need to have an intermediary table that defines the relationship so you do not get duplicates or mismatched values.
This select statement will join all bids with all groups because the customer matches.
Select bidkey, groupkey
From customer_groups
Inner Join bid_customer
Where customer_groups.customerkey = Bid_customer.customerkey
Hers is a sample Many to Many Relationship:
For your question:
You will need another table that joins the data. For example, GroupBids
customer_groups and bid_customer would have a one-to-many relationship with GroupBids
You would then do the following select to get your data.
Select bidkey, groupkey
From bid_customer
inner join GroupBids
ON bid_customer.primarykey = GroupBids.idBidKey
inner join customer_groups
ON customer_groups.primarykey = GroupBids.idCustomerGroupkey
This would make sure only related groups and bids are returned