Can i disable hardware overview button (a recent button) on a phone in react native? - react-native

I need disable a recent button. It is possible to implement this functionality when using react native?
About disable recent button when use react native i didn't find any thing. The difficulty is that my project uses expo, therefore i don't can use native modules Image for the button which must to be disabled

As I understand your question, you want to hide android navigation bar. There are 2 ways to achieve that:
Use React Native libraries: There are some libraries supporting you to hide navigation bar.
Hide Android Navigation Bar in React Native
How to hide React Native NavigationBar
How to hide android system' s bottom navigation bar in React Native App without changing MainActivity? Maybe through AndroidManifest?
Write a simple native module to do that: First, you need to read React Native document about Native Modules for Android. If you know how to use that, you can start searching: "android hide navigation bar". For example: How to hide navigation bar permanently in android activity?
In case you have any problems about creating native modules, just provide information about them.


using react navigation with android native activity

I have a native camera activity written in kotlin, and i want to launch this activity without hiding the bottom tab navigation written in react.
But for now whenever a native activity launches the react navigation disappears.
Is there any way to achieve this?

Navigating back from react native page to native: how?

I'm working on a native app that I want to display some pages in using React Native. I'm using react-navigation to handle a stack, and launching that in an Android activity (built according to the documentation for integrating React Native code into native apps) and from the similar instructions for iOS.
Once I enter the stack, I can navigate around it just fine - back navigation works with both an on-screen button calling navigation.goBack()/navigation.pop() and the Android hardware back button. The problem comes when I reach the top of the RN stack - I'd expect another attempt to pop from the stack or another press of the hardware back button to exit the app, but it doesn't; instead nothing happens when pressing the back button, and the on-screen button gives an error like:
The action 'GO_BACK' was not handled by any navigator.
and doesn't do anything.
How can I make back navigation from the top level of my React Native content seamlessly return me to the native app on both iOS and Android?

React Native horizontal scroll menu navigation

How can I achieve this effect in react native expo? mainly the navigating from one screen to another and with the screen headers at the top.
You can use react-navigation, for example with createMaterialTopTabNavigator.
here an example on how to do it.
Then you can customize the headers as you prefer:
I also found this library that was helpful

React navigation native collapsible header

I'm studying React Native. With react navigation, I create a navigation stack. At the top of the emulator screen, I see the title bar. Now I want to revive it. I found in the document navigation section of this page
But all the examples in this project are written in TypeScript files, and I use JavaScript.
Maybe I can find a JavaScript example somewhere on how to use react-navigation-collapsible.

How to access UINavigationController in react native?

I have created a View where the NavigationBar comes from Obj-c(Native code) and the rest of the view comes from React Native.
Now in the react native view, i have a link which should show the content in a new screen with the navigation experience. I am able to show the content but unable to find a way to change navBar title and show back button on the navBar.
Can you please let me know how we can get access to NavigationBar(Obj-c) in ReactNative?
I don't believe React Native supports this. You cannot take an object created in one language and access it in another. It would be a better idea to create your navigation bar in your JS and use it throughout your app. That even allows you to propagate that UI to your android apps.