Update a data value from a method called in mounted - vue.js

I have this code and the goal from it is to update a data sticky to true if the scroll position is > than 0
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
menuVisible: false,
sticky: false,
mounted() {
methods: {
checkScroll() {
document.querySelector('body').onscroll = function() {
console.log(window.pageYOffset > 0)
this.sticky = window.pageYOffset > 0
the problem is that even that i see the true console logged, the data is allways false ( as the initial value )
Any idea why is not updating it?

That's because of the callback you're passing into your scroll listener. In your callback this is not the context of the vue component. I think its the body actually. You'll need to use an arrow function or pass the vue instance into the callback as an argument. Arrow function is easiest. An arrow function retains the context where it was defined rather than inheriting the context of the object that calls it. Here is a good post/answer about the difference between normal and arrow functions.
document.querySelector('body').onscroll = () => {
console.log(window.pageYOffset > 0)
this.sticky = window.pageYOffset > 0


Will computed property be dependent on a data property if I use data property only for checking if it is defined?

I have this vue component:
export default {
data: function() {
return {
editor: new Editor({
//some options
computed: {
doc(){ // <--------------------- take attention on this computed property
return this.editor ? this.editor.view.state.doc : null;
watch: {
doc: {
handler: function(val, OldVal){
// call some this.editor methods
deep: true,
immediate: true,
Will computed property doc be dependent on a data property editor if I use this.editor only for checking if it is defined and not use it for assigning it to the doc? I mean, If I will change this.editor will doc be changed? Also, I have watcher on doc so I need to know if I will cause an infinite loop.
In the doc property computation, you use:
the editor property (at the beginning of your ternary, this.editor ? ...)
if editor exists, the editor.view.state.doc property
So the computation of doc will be registered by Vue reactivity system as an effect related to the properties editor and (provided that editor exists) to editor.view.state.doc. In other words, the doc property will be reevaluated each time one of these two properties changes.
=> to reply to the initial question, doc will indeed depend on editor.
This can be toned though, because by 'property change', we mean:
for properties of primitive types, being reassigned with a different value
for objects, having a new reference
So, in our case, if editor, which is an object, is just mutated, and that this mutation does not concern it's property editor.view.state.doc, then doc will not be reevaluated. Here are few examples:
this.editor = { ... } // doc will be reevaluated
this.editor.name = ' ... ' // doc will NOT be reevaluated
this.editor.view.state.doc = { ... } // doc will be reevaluated
If you want to understand this under the hood, I would recommand these resources (for Vue 3):
the reactivity course on Vue Mastery (free)
this great talk and demo (building a simple Vue-like reactivity system)
About the inifinite loop, the doc watcher handler will be executed only:
if doc is reassigned with a different value
in the case where docis an object, if doc is mutated (since you applied the deep option to the doc watcher)
The only possibility to trigger an infinite loop would be to, in the doc watcher handler, mutate or give a new value to doc (or editor.view.state.doc). For example (cf #Darius answer):
watch: {
doc: {
handler: function(val, OldVal){
// we give a new ref each time this handler is executed
// so this will trigger an infinite loop
this.editor.view.state.doc = {}
// ...
=> to reply to the second question, apart from these edge cases, your code won't trigger a loop. For example:
watch: {
doc: {
handler: function(val, OldVal){
// even if we mutate the editor object, this will NOT trigger a loop
this.editor.docsList = []
// ...
Changing editor variable should work, but changing Editor content may not, as it depends on Editor class and how it respects reactivity.
For example:
export default {
data: function() {
return {
editor: {text: '' }
this.editor.text = 'Text' // works
this.editor.text = {param: ''} // works
this.editor.text.param = 'value' // works
this.editor.param = {} // does't work, as creation of new property is not observable
If editor observer works and you are changing editor property in observer, which 'reinitializes' internal structures, it may lead to infinite loop:
var Editor = function() {
this.document = {}
this.change = () => { this.document = {} }
var data = new Vue({
data: () => ({
editor: new Editor(),
check: 0
watch: {
editor: {
handler() {
if (this.check < 5)
console.log('Infinite loop!')
deep: true,
immediate: true
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.min.js"></script>
In such case, extra checking is necessary before making the change.

Prevent Vue Multiple Select to Store an Empty Array

I want this select multiple to pre-select one option, and not be able to deselect all options.
Whenever the last selected option is deselected it should be reselected. In other words when the user tries to deselect the last selected option it should visually not be deselected.
if="Object.keys(doc).length !== 0 /* wait until firebase has loaded */"
//import Vue from 'vue'
import { fb } from "../fbconf";
export default {
name: "MyMultiSelect",
props: {
doc: Object, // firestore document
data() {
return {
options: []
firestore() {
var options = fb.db.collection("options");
return {
options: options
computed: {
computedOptions: function() {
return this.options.map(function(option) {
return {
text: option.name,
value: option.id
// to make sure mySelectedOptions is an array, before this.doc is loaded
// I use the following custom model
// because not using 'get' below causes a warning:
// [Vue warn]: <select multiple v-model="localValue"> expects an Array value for its binding, but got Undefined
model: {
get: function() {
if (!this.doc.hasOwnProperty('mySelectedOptions')) return []; // empty array before this.doc is loaded
else return this.doc['mySelectedOptions'];
set: function(newValue) {
// here I can prevent the empty array from being stored
// but visually the user can deselect all options, which is bad UX
//if (Array.isArray(newValue) && newValue.length > 0) this.doc['mySelectedOptions'] = newValue;
methods: {
onChange: function(newValue){
// I can manually store the array as I want here
// but I cannot in any way prevent the user from deselecting all options
if (Array.isArray(newValue) && newValue.length > 0) this.doc['mySelectedOptions'] = newValue;
else {
// none of these reselects the last selected option
var oldValue = this.doc['mySelectedOptions'];
this.doc['mySelectedOptions'] = this.doc['mySelectedOptions'];
//this.$emit("change", newValue);
//Vue.set(this.doc, 'mySelectedOptions', this.doc['mySelectedOptions']);
You could add watcher and when length becomes 0 just add previous value.
watch: {
model(val, oldVal) {
if(val.length == 0 && oldVal.length > 0) {
// take only one item in case there's clear button or etc.
this.model = [oldval[0]];

Vuejs: listen to props changes and use it

I am developing a project using Vue JS and I need to watch the props changes and call it inside a <span>.
I have used watch() and it shows that the props values are assigned.
But when I call it inside the <span> the value is not showing.
props: ['verifyText', 'verifyValue', 'profileId', 'logged', 'verifyType', 'status'],
watch: {
verifyText: function () { // watch it
this.verify_text = this.verifyText;
verifyValue: function () {
this.verify_value = this.verifyValue;
verifyType: function () {
this.verify_type = this.verifyType;
data() {
return {
verify_type: this.verifyType,
verify_text: this.verifyText,
verify_value: this.verifyValue,
//using inside span
Receive and insert new data that changes from 'watch'
Try this.
props: ['verifyText', 'verifyValue', 'profileId', 'logged', 'verifyType', 'status'],
watch: {
verifyText: function (new_value) {
this.verify_text = new_value;
data() {
return {
verify_text: this.verifyText,
//using inside span
I solved this issue by watching the verify_text in the parent component.
'verify_text': function (value) {
this.verify_text = value;
Same for the verify_type and verify_value
Thank you all for replying.

How to change the value of a prop (or data) of a component, from OUTSIDE the component?

As the title says, I'm trying to change the value of a prop/data in a component, but the trigger is being fired from outside the component, from something that has nothing to do with Vuejs.
Currently I trying to use a Simple State Manager, based on the docs from here, like so:
var store = {
debug: true,
state: {
progress: 23
setProgress (uff) {
if (this.debug) console.log(uff)
this.state.progress = uff
The documentation leads me to believe that if the value of progress is mutated, the value of my Vue instance would also change if I link them accordingly. But this doesn't work in a component (my guess would be it's cause it's a function).
This is part of my component:
Vue.component('transcoding', {
data () {
return {
progress: store.state.progress
template: `
So, when I trigger a store.setProgress(value), nothing happens. The log messages do happen, but the state isn't updated in the component.
This is the script that's currently triggering the state change:
{ channel: "ProgressChannel", room: "2" },
{ received: function() {
It's an ActionCable websocket in Ruby on Rails. The trigger works perfectly, but I just cannot make the connection between the state change and the component.
I tried loading this script in the mounted() event for the component, thinking I could reference the value like this:
Vue.component('transcoding', {
data () {
return {
progress: 0
template: `
methods: {
setProgress: function(uff) {
this.progress = uff
mounted() {
{ channel: "ProgressChannel", room: "2" },
{ received: function() {
But this gives me an error saying that this.setProgress is not a function, which is obvious since I'm calling it within the create method of App.cable.subscriptions.
How can I make this work? I realize I'm mixing things with my question, but I wanted to illustrate what my goal is. I simply want to know how to make the component's progress data to update, either from the outside, or from the component itself if I can make it find the function.
You are initializing your data item to the value from the store:
data () {
return {
progress: store.state.progress
Changes to the store will not propagate to your data item. You could eliminate the data item and just use store.state.progress where you need it, or you could create an computed that returns its value if you want a local single-name handle for it.

Vuejs2 - computed property in components

I have a component to display names. I need to calculate number of letters for each name.
I added nameLength as computed property but vuejs doesn't determine this property in loop.
var listing = Vue.extend({
template: '#users-template',
data: function () {
return {
query: '',
list: [],
user: '',
computed: {
computedList: function () {
var vm = this;
return this.list.filter(function (item) {
return item.toLowerCase().indexOf(vm.query.toLowerCase()) !== -1
nameLength: function () {
return this.length; //calculate length of current item
created: function () {
methods: {
loadItems: function () {
this.list = ['mike','arnold','tony']
So result expected
it seems there is some misunderstanding about computed property.
I have created fork from you fiddle, it will work as you needed.
nameLength: function () {
return this.length; //calculate length of current item
in comment it shows that "calculate length of current item"
but js cant get the concept of current item
this will execute length on Vue component it self not on that value.
computed property work on other property of instance and return value.
but here you are not specifying anything to it and used this so it wont able to use any property.
if you need any more info please comment.