How do I display the captcha icon only on certain pages (VUE reCAPTCHA-v3)? - vue.js

I use this package :
I add on my main.js :
import { VueReCaptcha } from 'vue-recaptcha-v3'
Vue.use(VueReCaptcha, { siteKey: 'xxxxxxx' })
I add this code :
await this.$recaptcha('login').then((token) => {
recaptcha = token
to my component to get token from google recapchta
My problem is the captcha icon in the lower right corner appears on all pages
I want it to only appear in certain components
Maybe I must to change this : Vue.use(VueReCaptcha, { siteKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' }). Seems it still mounting to Vue.use. I want to mount to a certain component instead of vue root instance
How can I solve this problem?
I try like this :
Vue.use(VueReCaptcha, {
siteKey: 'xxxxxxx',
loaderOptions: {
useRecaptchaNet: true,
autoHideBadge: true
It hides the badge. I want the badge to still appear. But only on 1 page, the registration page. How can I do it?

I've had the same issue while using the npm package, it's pretty annoying.
At the end of the day, I've decided not to use the package & follow Google's documentation.
This line here :
grecaptcha.execute('_reCAPTCHA_site_key_', {action: 'login'}).then(function(token) {
recaptcha = token
Is equivalent to this line here from the npm package :
this.$recaptcha('login').then((token) => {
recaptcha = token
You just need to add this line into your < head > for recaptcha to work :
<script src=""></script>
But as soon the script tag is in your < head >, you will be facing the same issue of it showing on every page.
The hack is that you only insert it into the < head > on components that you need.
There are ways to do this but I ended up referencing this.
You can put it in the methods of your component & call the method when the component is loaded.
That way it will only show up on the pages that you need it to.

in main.js set autoHideBadge true:
import { VueReCaptcha } from 'vue-recaptcha-v3'
Vue.use(VueReCaptcha, { siteKey: 'your site key',
loaderOptions:{autoHideBadge: true }})
in every page you want to show the badge you can show the badge in mounted,
for some reasons until a few seconds after mounted event this.$recaptchaInstance is null and you cant use it, so I use a timeout to showing the badge 5 second after page load in mounted.
const recaptcha = this.$recaptchaInstance
when you show it you have to hide it again in the same page.
beforeDestroy() {
const recaptcha = this.$recaptchaInstance

If you are using composition API setup this is what you need:
const reCaptchaIn = useReCaptcha().instance
onMounted(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)

Just use this code:
const recaptcha = this.$recaptchaInstance
// Hide reCAPTCHA badge:
// Show reCAPTCHA badge:
vue-recaptcha-v3 npm

I stumbled upon this incredibly simple answer. It is excellent especially if you wish to hide the badge from all your pages. You can perhaps use scoped css to hide on some pages as well.
.grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; }
You can read the post here


How to remove window.__NUXT__ without any issue from Vuex in Nuxt

I'm on Nuxt 2.13 and I'm having an issue with window.__Nuxt__(function(a,b,c,d,.....)). I don't know if it will affect my SEO or not, but it's on my nerve and shows all my language file.
here is the situation : there is a lang.json file in my app. i read it and store it in a lang state in Vuex. but window.__Nuxt__ shows my lang which i don't want to!!
i have found three solutions so far to remove it:
1: by adding this code to nuxt.config.js
link to stack answer
hooks: {
'vue-renderer:ssr:context'(context) {
const routePath = JSON.stringify(context.nuxt.routePath);
context.nuxt = {serverRendered: true, routePath};
2: by commenting some codes in node_module/#nuxt/vue-renderer/dist/vue-renderer.js
link to article
3: by using cheerio package and scraping the script from body
link to article
const cherrio = const cheerio = require('cheerio');
export default {
//The rest configuration is omitted
hooks: {
'render:route': (url, result) => {
this.$ = cheerio.load(result.html,{decodeEntities: false});
//Since window.__nuxt__ is always located in the first script in the body,
//So I removed the first script tag in the body
this.$(`body script`).eq(0).remove();
result.html = this.$.html()
all three will do the job, BUT !! my components won't be lazy loaded anymore as i use an state in Vuex to give theme address for lazy load! for example:
return ()=>import(`~/components/${this.$store.state.siteDirection}/mycomp.vue`)
it will give error that webpack cant lazy load this as this.$store.state.siteDirection is null.
how can i solve this??

How to get SPA navigation working with external framework that uses innerHTML for content

In my Vue.js app, I am using a bootstrap-based framework that generates the html for my header and a menu nav with links, which is then inserted into the page by assigning innerHTML to a mount point.
But when I use the generated content to navigate, the entire page reloads since the links aren't using <router-link>.
One attempt at a fix:
In the Vue app, I assigned a method called goto on the window object that would perform programmatic router navigation.
I was then able to pass javascript:window.goto("myPageName"); as the href attribute, but this comes with many undesirable side-effects.
How can I cleanly make the links navigate without reloading the page?
(The framework needs jQuery as a dependency, so that is able to be used in a solution.)
I was able to use a MutationObserver that watches for subtree changes and adds a custom click handler when it detects the links being added via .innerHTML.
With this method, I specify vue-goto:myPageName as the href attribute, and then the handler will take care of making it an SPA link.
import { router } from "#/router";
import { store } from "#/store";
export const attrib = "vue-goto";
export const prefix = attrib + ":";
function onChange() {
// find all links matching our custom prefix to which we have not yet added our custom handler
const links = window.$(`a[href^='${prefix}']`).not(`[${attrib}]`);
// add custom attribute for us to grab later
links.attr(attrib, function() {
// jQuery doesn't like arrow functions
return window
// Update href on the link to one that makes sense
links.attr("href", function() {
return router.resolve({
name: window.$(this).attr(attrib), // grab attribute we saved earlier
params: { lang: store.state.language }, // in our case, our pages are qualified by a language parameter
// Override default click navigation behaviour to use vue-router programmatic navigation {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent default click
const routeName = window.$(this).attr(attrib);
const goto = {
name: routeName,
lang: store.state.language,
router.push(goto).catch(ex => {
// add catch here so navigation promise errors aren't lost to the void causing headaches later
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`Error occurred during navigation from injected [${prefix}${routeName}] link`,
let observer;
export function init() {
if (observer) observer.unobserve(document.body);
observer = new MutationObserver(onChange);
observer.observe(document.body, {
characterData: false,
childList: true,
subtree: true, // important, we want to see all changes not just at toplevel
attributes: false,

Nuxt not adding bodyAttr on refresh / ssr

I have the following code in one of my layouts.
bodyAttrs: {
class: this.$store.state.user.theme + '-scheme'
unfortunately, i am using an old bootstrap theme css. I DO NOT want to redo it as such i have to figure out some work arounds.
The theme color for the bootstrap theme attaches itself to the body tag. Unfortunately the body tag is a no no in nuxt.
What i have noticed is, that upon refresh the page is rendered with the base state value.
example :
//store/index.js <- not modular
var state = () => ({
user: {
id: 0,
avatar: 'default.jpg',
status: 'offline',
nickname: 'Guest',
admin: false,
theme: 'brownish' //-> this is the value
The entire page renders with the users details but the theme variable is not placed into the render. If i go to another page(ajax routing), the page is updated with the correct color.
Essentially the page loads brown and then on subsequent pages it will load blue. If the page is refreshed then the color reverts to brown and then on subsequent pages it will turn blue again.
How can i get the SSR to display the correct bodyAttr?
I am using vuex-persistedstate and cookies both are client side
The nuxt server does not have any sessions as this is handled on a separate domain(api)
I couldn't find a pure vuejs way to do this so i made a fix.
This is technically a bad idea as it is directly modifying the DOM which is a no-no in vue. However, vue doesnt use reactivity on the body tag. Therefore i think it is fairly safe to use. Also, using vuex-presistedstate will ensure that vue set the proper state variable on subsequent loads..
//This is layouts/default.vue
head() {
return {
bodyAttrs: {
class: this.$store.state.user.theme + '-scheme'
mounted() {
window.onNuxtReady(() => {
document.body.className = this.$store.state.user.theme + '-scheme'
Are you using the cookies based version of vuex-persistedstate? Customize Storage
Remember to enable the ssr mode for the plugin in nuxt.config.js

Page reload causes Vuex getter to return undefined

Using Vue.js (Vuetify for FE).
A page reload causes the getter in Vuex to fail with pulling required data from the store. The getter returns undefined. The code can be found on GitHub at:
Please see the full details on this issue at This page has complete info on the issue and instructions on how to view the issue.
Note, there is mention of in the issue description. This is the main site. is my test site. So, they are the same for all intents and purposes. But, my demo of this issue is at the Netlify site.
I read the complete issue in the website you mentioned. It's a generic case.
Say, for cat details page url:
Now in Per-Route Guard beforeEnter() you can set the cat-id in store. Then from your component call the api using the cat-id (read from getters)
I found the solution to my issue:
I had to move the call of the action which calls the mutation that loads the .json file (dbdata.json) into a computed() within App.vue. This was originally done in Stage1.vue.
Thanks all for responding.
I had the same issue and my "fix" if it can be called that was to make a timer, so to give the store time to get things right, like so:
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
const pause = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
export default {
data () {
return {
children: []
computed: {
...mapGetters('app', ['services']),
items () {
return [{
id: 0,
name: 'Services',
children: this.children
methods: {
async setChildren () {
await pause(1000)
Even though this is far from ideal, it works.

How can I add vue-router link as ag-grid-vue column?

ag-grid-vue documentation from ag-grid website clearly says:
You can provide Vue Router links within the Grid, but you need to
ensure that you provide a Router to the Grid Component being created.
with sample code:
// create a new VueRouter, or make the "root" Router available
import VueRouter from "vue-router";
const router = new VueRouter();
// pass a valid Router object to the Vue grid components to be used within the grid
components: {
'ag-grid-vue': AgGridVue,
'link-component': {
template: '<router-link to="/master-detail">Jump to Master/Detail</router-link>'
// You can now use Vue Router links within you Vue Components within the Grid
headerName: "Link Example",
cellRendererFramework: 'link-component',
width: 200
What's missing here is how to make the "root" Router available. I've been looking into various sources and see many people have the same problem, but none got a clear answer.
Does ag-grid-vue still work with vue-router, then how, or is this just outdated documentation? Some people claim it worked for them so I assume it worked at one point.
I am not looking for cool answer at this point. I just want to know if it is possible. I tried passing router using window or created() and none worked so far.
Thank you!
the approach suggested by #thirtydot works well. The only downside was the user cannot right-click, but I found you can just define href link. So when you left-click, event listener makes use of router. When you right-click and open in new tab, browser takes href link.
You still need to make your root router available. Below code sample assumes you have the code inside the vue-router-aware Vue component that consumes ag-grid, hence this.$router points to the root router.
headerName: 'ID',
field: 'id',
cellRenderer: (params) => {
const route = {
name: "route-name",
params: { id: params.value }
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = this.$router.resolve(route).href;
link.innerText = params.value;
link.addEventListener("click", e => {
return link;