What is the problem with many-to-many relationships? - sql

I feel like I have searched through the internet to find an answer to this question for quite some time now, but without success. Does anyone feel comfortable explaining why many-to-many relationships should be replaced with a bridge table?

Probably most (all??) RDMS implement a M:N relationship by creating a table containing two columns with the FKs.
So there is no advantage to explicitely model the bridge table.
But in most realistic cases you want to store additional information (besides the fact of its existence) about the relationship instance, e.g. timestamp and user from the creation. That means that you need to model the bridge table anyway.


Is it acceptable to have 2 one to many relationships between 2 tables?

I have a database for utility structures (poles, towers) with wire between them. Each span of wire is connected to two structures. I need to define the relationship between the structures and the spans.
I came up with a relationship between structure A to a "from" foreign key field in the span table and another between structure B and a "To" foreign key field in the span table. Is this acceptable database design?
Here's a diagram:
Your model indicates that a span is related to exactly 2 structures. So I think you're good, there. My only comment is that with the names, "fkFromStructureID" and, "fkToStructureID" you imply an orientation that may not exist. It's nit-picky, I admit. But if you do not have a concept of "direction" in your real-world model, you might want to consider different names. If orientation does exist, then this works fine.
Note: If you plan to be able to "walk" the chain of spans and structures using these FK fields, then you'll want to be certain that you manage your orientation on the way into the database. One span that has the From and To backwards will ruin the ability to walk the chain.
Yes, this is quite a common requirement when designing databases and your approach is probably the best way of fulfilling this requirement.

Modeling data in firebase using joins - many-to-many relationship

I'm interested in the new firebase.util package that allows you to join data (paths) and how I might be able to continue modeling with UML as I have become accustomed to over many years. I can see how easy it might be to make one-to-many relationships in this way. And because firebase is hierachical, component relationships are just very natural.
Aggregate relationships can be duck'd as we're all accustomed to this in javascript - enforcing aggregate relationship doesn't seem to me to be a barrier to modeling successful projects using firebase...
My question is if anyone has experimented | had success with | can show examples of how it might be possible to represent many-to-many relationships, perhaps by joining the join paths themselves.
If I don't get much interest in the question I may post my own trial-error results...
I have tried to use composite key. For example, user can be member of many rooms. We need two queries: List of room members, and list of user's rooms. So we can have only one collection rooms-users, where key is built like this:
id = [roomId, userId].join()
The truth is, I'm not sure whether it is a good pattern. It seems it can prevent security rules settings https://stackoverflow.com/a/17431390/233902 and maybe even have performance implications.
So maybe two or even more collections are required. Two for many to many, third for relation metadata. As I'm thinking about, collections should be optimized for queries, so composite key is anti-pattern for Firebase.

Is there any way to represent many to many relationship without using junction tables?

And in addition to that, when you are drawing out ERD diagrams should you include the "junction" tables as entities, even though they are not explicitly mentioned in the spec, but you can clearly see that it is many to many relationship?
The entities that you include in an ERD really depend upon the intended audience. If you plan on presenting an ERD to software engineers or database administrators then omitting the associative tables would just be confusing. If you are trying to give a high level system overview, then I would advise leaving out everything except the entities that are directly relevant to system operation.
In my personal opinion, junction table aka "cross-walk" tables are important to show data flow.
I think leaving these cross-walk tables out of the ERD, may make viewing the logical flow of the data difficult to comprehend for someone new to the ERD. As your data model becomes more complex, it makes it increasingly difficult to comprehend if you do not show them.

Refactor schema with multiple many-to-many relationships to semantically different but structurally similar entities?

I have a schema with a number of many to many relationships and what I'm seeing is a alot of similar data structure spread out among tables with different names. The intuition I have is that there is a more efficient/desirable way to achieve the same result but I'm not sure what alternative approaches fall into reasonable design/best practices.
Note: Counries, TrafficTypes and People - as they exist now - could all be represented by Id and Name columns, but in the future may have additional fields. Maybe what I'm after is some kind of technique akin to inheritance?
Here's the diagram of what I've got:
Don't lump together things which you think are similar; they may diverge later when you need to store more information about each entity.
Is there a problem with the number of tables you have in your database?
You are probably thinking about the problem from an object oriented design position and thinking you can use some sort of "parent" table to represent the common parts - databases don't work that way.
If you are not careful you will end up with a MUCK or OTLT table.
Off the bat, I would keep seperate enties/objects/(cars vs animals) in seperate tables.
The chances of such enties overlapping properties are slim at best.
Thing is, once those entites start to evolve in your system, you will find that a single table will have hundreds of columns with singles populated per entity.
I don't see how inheritance applies to your case. But if you are interested in inheritance, as it applies to SQL tables or relations, here are some things to look up:
At the level of ER modeling look up "ER model specialization". This is the way the extended ER model diagrams "is A" relationships.
At the level of table design, look up "Class Table Inheritance" and "Shared primary key" for a couple of techniques that, used together, sort of mimic what inheritance does for you in an OOP. You might also want to look up "single table inheritance" for an alternative that's simpler, but can be more wasteful.
Don't worry. You're doing it right.
In a highly normalized schema, you're going to have tons of tables that are nearly identical.
As the others have said, what you're starting to consider (a generic table for multiple things) is a very bad idea and has many drawbacks.
The biggest drawback is that your relationships are made useless by it, in terms of maintaining data integrity. There's nothing stopping someone from assigning a CountryCode where a TrafficTypeId should be, and so on.
Another drawback would be that having one larger table will likely perform worse than many smaller, specialized tables; due to extra, unnecessary blocking.
Your may still want to implement some type of inheritance concept, but that'll be best done in whatever code accesses the database.

How can you map and work with a junction table in fluent nhibernate?

I have the classic scenario with 2 tables and a junction table.
Let's say, Locations, Prices and LocationXPrices.
LocationXPrices contains only the id's of Locations and Prices so that we know how they relate.
The best approach we came to is like this:
- map Locations as many to many to Prices
- map Prices as many to many to Locations
- no specific mapping and no .NET object for LocationsXPrices.
The junction will be created when Locations will be read.
Insert will be done together with Location.
Is this the best practice to work with this scenario ?
Can anyone provide a better solution ?
It doesn't' feel that natural to me.
Thank you,
Yes, this is best practice where your junction table represents a pure weak entity like this, with no other information. The junction table is merely a necessary artifact of modelling this sort of situation in an RDBMS; NHibernate lets you hide it totally so you can work with a genuine many-many relationship rather than the RDBMS's enforced many-one-many.