Is there any Source Code Analysis/Quality tool for HiveQL? - hive

I googled a lot to get Source Code Analyzer for HiveQL but didn't find any such tool.
I have checked all the plugins in SonarQube but there is no plugin for HiveQL.
Is there any Source Code Analysis/Quality tool for HiveQL?


sonarqube scanner for msbuild can't exclude external libraries

I've been trying for a number of days now to exclude some files from a sonarqube scan. I have tried editing the exclusions list in the sonarqube UI, and passing them as a /d:exclusions parameter to SonarScanner-start.bat but nothing is working. This is the file I'm trying to exclude : Content/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js. Sonarqube insists on reporting this as a critical bug in the UI, despite my best efforts. Please can someone let me know how I can exclude this from the analysis.
The name of the property is sonar.exclusions and I suspect if you set it like this it should work:
There are some examples for patterns here:
If this does not help, please, edit your answer to include the full command line of SonarQube.Scanner.MsBuild.

Intellij - Find path to src directory

I am creating an IntelliJ plugin and I am using JavaParser for one of my features. My plugin will allow users to click a gutter icon next to a method and automatically navigate to the tests associated with that method.
To achieve this, temporerily I have used the line:
typeSolver.add(new JavaParserTypeSolver(new File("/home/webby/IdeaProjects/project00/src/")));
My problem is that I need to pass the source folder of the given module into this type solver. Is there any way I can find the source folder programmatically? Perhaps from an actionEvent?
I have tried things along the lines of the following:
This gives me: '/home/webby/IdeaProjects/project00/' but I'm struggling to see how I can get the source folder? I feel there should be a fairly straight forward way of doing this using IntelliJ's SDK but I have not found anything in the documentation or anywhere else online.
Any and all solutions welcome!
Many Thanks,
You can use
to access sources roots of a module. Refer to IntelliJ SDK Docs for details.
BTW IntelliJ IDEA provides special API to syntax trees of Java files, it works more efficiently and better integrates with other IDE features than external JavaParsers.
And it's better to ask questions about IntelliJ IDEA API on a special forum.

where is the source code for selenium IDE commands Store and storeEval located?

Please direct me to the location of the source code for selenium IDE commands Store and storeEval. I looked in github but could not find it. I need it for a java based framework that will recognize these commands from a xebium format.
Hi here you find the complete list, and a short introduction on how to use google!

Notepad++/Eclipse sql code auto-indent option?

DDL gets especially ugly. Is there any option of SQL auto-indenting for Notepad++? I've tried to do it in Eclipse, but the code doesn't react to auto-indent.
Yes, there is a free/open-source T-SQL formatting plugin for Notepad++, called "Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter". It is available in the NPP "Plugin Manager" plugin list (gets updated every once in a while automatically), and is also available for manually downloading/installing from here:
If you just want to check it out without adding to notepad++, you can check the online formatting site:
(disclaimer: I wrote these tools :))
There is also another free SQL Formatter plugin for Notepad++ with code folding and coloring and 100+ formatting option here: SQLinForm Free Notepad++ Plug-n. A free version is also available.

Maven: Any way to edit resource files?

I have a mavenized sql project, which has a few SQL scripts. These scripts are basically Oracle statements of the form
insert xyz into some_table;
show errors
These files are to be copied to a deploy project, but for the statements to work, some modifications have to be made.
For the moment, we are editing files manually (with the help of Notepad++) so that they turn out like this
insert xyz into some_table\
Is there any way to do this with maven ?Im not sure this is exactly resource filtering, and i'm pretty sure that this is not the purpose of Maven. I've been looking at the maven assembly plugin for the moment, but no luck.
Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
If it's a fairly simple text replacement, then you can use maven-replacer-plugin:
If all else fails, you can also use maven-antrun-plugin to do anything that ant can do. Here is a prior question that discusses this:
Full search and replace of strings in source files when copying resources