Inno Setup 6.0.3 recursesubdirs can't handle chain of subdirectories without standalone files - inno-setup-v6

Source: "C:\folder1\*"; DestDir: "C:\folder1"; Flags: recursesubdirs;
The above line can't handle the following file structure:
in each subdirectory, there is no standalone files, except a subdirectory. In Inno Setup, it gives the following error:
No files found matching "C:\folder1\*"


Wix installer, make directory or files optional

I am using Wix for our installer,
I am using and to copy or include files in the directory, however, I want a certain files or directory to be optional and only copy if the directory and files exists during compilation of the installer.

Installing Hive on Windows 8.1 error "Missing Hive Execution Jar: C:\hive\lib/hive-exec-*.jar"

I am following these instructions to install Hive on Windows 8.1
I downloaded Hive tar from [Hive Apache page] ( and extracted to folder c:\hive\
I have added a new System Variable set to HIVE_HOME = c:\hive
I have added c:\hive\bin to Path
I already have Hadoop 2.7.5 up and running fine.
When I try to run hive at command line I get following error:
"Missing Hive Execution Jar: C:\hive\lib/hive-exec-*.jar"
Some of the other SO question/answers suggest .jar files are in other folders.
But I can't find any .jar files in the extracted folders.
I don't want to download any .jars as other answers suggest. Shouldn't required .jar file be in the tar file?
I have vague impression that maybe Hadoop has the required .jar files, and there is something I need to do to tell Hive to get those?
Ok so it looks like you do have download a previous version tar file of Hive and extract it to use the .jar files in its /lib folder.
I had originally downloaded apache-hive-2.1.0 and set that up but it didn't have the .jar files in its /lib folder.
So I went to and downloaded hive-1.0.1 and which had .jar files in it.
Then copied those in the empty /lib file in apache-hive-2.1.0 installation.
Now Hive is working fine!

How to copy directories/files in installed folder using wix

I have deployment files which are dynamic in nature. Sometimes I have 4 files and sometimes 5 files. I need to just copy those files in installed folder.
How to include those files in msi?
How to copy it in installed folder?
You include files in your msi by harvesting them with wix tool harvest tool set
Once you have proper msi file , you install it and that will copy your harvested files to the desired dir.

the file created with the jarbundler from a jar has different behavior than the source jar

I create an mac app file from a jar using the jarbundler 2.3.
i am having the following issue:
when you access the application from the jar directly, it opens a
specific folder placed near the jar file, in the same folder with the
jar file
when you will access the application from the .app file created with the jarbundler from the jar file above, it
will open the mac user home folder instead of the folder opened by the above jar file
Ca you tell me what should I do to have the same behavior for the both files,the .jar file and .app file created with jarbundler 2.3 from the .jar file.?
The jar bundler that I used is located here:
and I followed the steps from this tutorial to create .app files from the .jar files.
The latest release of JarBundler has an option to do this.
You can view it here:

Inno Setup - How to set full permission on a folder, not just for it's contents

My kit created with Inno Setup installs my application in C:\Program Files\MyApp.
When my application starts, it tries to create new log files in C:\Program Files\MyApp\logs\ but it fails.
In my Inno script i have the following settings:
Name: "{app}";
Source: logs\*; DestDir: {app}\logs\; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs; Permissions: everyone-full
This gives full permissions on all files inside logs folder, but not on the folder itself. So, when my application tries to create a new log file inside that folder, it fails.
How can i set full permissions on the folder as well, not only on the existing files in it?
Setting permissions for logs folder under [Dirs] section worked for me:
Name: "{app}";
Name: "{app}\logs"; Permissions: everyone-full
Source: logs\*; DestDir: {app}\logs\; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs; Permissions: everyone-full
But, as in this post, i'm not sure if it's the proper way to do it.
Simply using the following code works for me and I think it is more secured:
Name: "{app}\logs"; Permissions: users-full