Why in my nuxt-link doesn't reload page with same url? - vue.js

If I’m on a page with the URL 'http://localhost:8080/item' and I’m clicking on the same link on this page, then the page does not reload.
I need to make that if I click on the same link, the page will reload.
My link:
<nuxt-link :to="/item">
Any insight will be welcome. Thanks!

Use key, something like:
<router-view :key="$route.params.yourCustomParam"/>
Also you can use something like:
<router-link :to="{ params: { yourCustomParam: Data.now } }" replace>link</router-link>
Remember to is passed router.push() and it accept an object also. Doing that, it is more declarative and controllable. I'm using this to decide if the page of component should be rerendered since they will based on id params obtained from URL entry, and my child component can still using nesting .

I recently tried to solve a similar issue and to overcome this I used Vuex with :key (ref).
Firstly, in your store you need a state property such as:
export const state = () => ({
componentUpdates: {
item: 0,
//can add more as needed
In general, you could use only one property across the app if you prefer it that way. Just remember that later on, the key value needs to be unique - that is in the case if you used this property for two or more components within one page, for example. In this case, you could do something like this :key="$store.getters.getComponentUpdates.item+'uniqueString'"
then a getter:
export const getters = {
getComponentUpdates(state) {
return state.updateComponent;
finally a mutatation:
export const mutations = {
updateComponent(state, payload) {
return state.componentUpdates[payload.update]++
Now we can utilise the reactive :key wherever needed.
But first in your nuxt-link lets add an event to trigger the mutation, note the usage of #click.native to trigger the click event:
<nuxt-link #click.native="$store.commit('updateComponent', { update: 'item'})" :to="/item">
Now in the item page, for example. Let's imagine there is a component that needs to be updated. In this case we would add :key to it:
<my-item :key="$store.getters.getComponentUpdates.item" />
That is it. As you can see this solution utilises the benefits of nuxt-link but also allows us to selectively update only parts of our page that need updates (we could update the entire page this way as well if needed).
In case if you needed to trigger the logic from mounted or initial load in general, then you could use computed property and :key to your div container, right inside the <template> of your page.
Add :key to the div:
<div :key="$store.getters.getComponentUpdates.item"></div>
Create computed property:
computed: {
updateItemPage() {
//run your initial instructions here as if you were doing it in mounted then return the getter
return this.$store.getters.getComponentUpdates.item
The final touch, which is not crucial but can be implemented in order to reset the state property:
export const mutations = {
updateComponent(state, payload) {
return state.componentUpdates[payload.update] >= 10
? state.componentUpdates[payload.update] = 0
: state.componentUpdates[payload.update]++


How can I destroy a cached Vue component from keep-alive?

My Vue app has a dynamic tabs mechanism.
Users can create as many tabs as the want on the fly, each tab having its own state (eg "Pages").
I am using the <keep-alive> component to cache the different pages.
<keep-alive include="page">
<router-view :key="$route.params.id" />
But users can also "close" individual tab. As pages tend to store a lot of datas, I would like to delete the according page component from the cache, as the user close the tab.
How can I programmatically destroy a cached component inside keep-alive ?
You can call this.$destroy() before user close the tab and delete all of data and event binding in that one.
If you don't mind losing the state when a tab is added/removed, then you can try these:
Use v-if and turn off the keep-alive component and turn it back on in
Use v-bind on the include list, and remove "page" and add it
back in nextTick
<keep-alive :include="cachedViews">
<router-view :key="key" />
cachedViews is the array of the route component name
First when create a tab, cachedViews push the cached route name, when you switch the opened tab, the current route is cached.
Second when close the tab, cachedViews pop the cached route name, the route
component will destroyed.
There is no built-in function in keep-alive which allows you to clear a specific component from the cache.
However, you can clear the cache from the VNode directly inside the component you want to destroy by calling this function :
import Vue, { VNode } from 'vue'
interface KeepAlive extends Vue {
cache: { [key: string]: VNode }
keys: string[]
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'PageToDestroy',
methods: {
// Make sure you are not on this page anymore before calling it
clearPageFromKeepAlive() {
const myKey = this.$vnode.key as string
const keepAlive = this.$vnode.parent?.componentInstance as KeepAlive
delete keepAlive.cache[myKey]
keepAlive.keys = keepAlive.keys.filter((k) => k !== myKey)
For me, it doesn't cause any memory leaks and the component is not in the Vue.js devtools anymore.
based on the answer of #feasin, here is the setup I am using
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<keep-alive :include="cachedViews">
<component :is="Component" :key="$route.fullPath" />
import { ref, inject, watch } from "vue";
export default {
components: { CustomRouterLink },
setup() {
const cachedViewsDefault = ["Page1", "Page1", "Page3"];
var cachedViews = ref([]);
const auth = inject("auth");
// check whether user is logged in (REACTIVE!)
const isSignedIn = auth.isSignedIn;
// set the initial cache state
if (isSignedIn.value) {
cachedViews.value = cachedViewsDefault;
// clear the cache state
watch(isSignedIn, () => {
if (!isSignedIn.value) {
cachedViews.value = [];
} else {
cachedViews.value = cachedViewsDefault;
return {
First I set the initial cached views value based on whether the user is logged in or not.. After the user logs-out I simply set the array value to an empty array.
When the user logs back in - I push the default array keys back into the array.
This example of course does not provide the login/logout functionality, it is only meant as a POC to to the solution proposed by the #feasin (which seems like a good approach to me)
Edit 19.01.2022
I now understand the shortcomings of such approach. It does not allow to gradually destroy a certain component. Given that we have a component named Item and it's path is Item/{id} - there is currently no native way (in Vuejs3) to remove, let's say a cached item with Id = 2. Follow up on this issue on the Github: https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/discussions/283
Edit 20-21.01.2022
Note that you have to use the computed function for inclusion list. Otherwise the component will not ever be unmounted.
Here is the fiddle with the problem: https://jsfiddle.net/7f2d4c0t/4/
Here's fiddle with the fix: https://jsfiddle.net/mvj2z3pL/
return {
cachedViews: computed(() => Array.from(cachedViews.value)),

vuejs where in the code/lifecycle should data retrieval be triggered

I am working on a vuejs SPA.
I have a view that shows a list of items and another view that shows details for a specific Item.
when I click the item I switch views using:
this.$router.push('/item/' + event.ItemId );
The data is managed using vuex modules.
I would like to allow some temporary display while the item details are being retried (i.e. not to block the rendering of the item details view which should know on its own to indicate that it is still awaiting data).
And I would also have to consider that it should work if the URL is changed (I think I read that there is an issue with the view not being reloaded/recreated when only the item id would change in the URL.
Where would be the appropriate place (code/lifecycle) to trigger the (async) retrieval of the data required for rendering the item details view?
I would like to allow some temporary display while the item details are being retried (i.e. not to block the rendering of the item details view which should know on its own to indicate that it is still awaiting data).
One way to achieve this, is to define a state variable, named e.g. isLoading, in the data context of the Vue component. This variable would then be true while the data is retrieved asynchronously. In the template, you can use v-if to display a spinner while loading, and displaying the content after that.
If you are retrieving the data multiple times (refreshing the view), I would move the retrieving code into a method, e.g. called loadData. In the mounted section of the Vue component you then can just initially call this method once.
Here is some example code:
<button #click="loadData" :disabled="isLoading">Refresh</button>
<div class="item" v-if="!isLoading">
{{ item }}
<div class="spinner" v-else>
import HttpService from '#/services/HttpService';
export default {
name: 'item-details',
data () {
return {
isLoading: false,
item: {}
methods: {
loadData () {
this.isLoading = true;
HttpService.loadData().then(response => {
this.item = response.data;
this.isLoading = false;
}, () => {
this.item = {};
this.isLoading = false;
mounted () {
And I would also have to consider that it should work if the URL is changed (I think I read that there is an issue with the view not being reloaded/recreated when only the item id would change in the URL.
This issue you mentioned occurs if you are not using the HTML5 history mode, but an anchor (#) in the URL instead. If you are just changing the part after the anchor in the URL, the page is not actually refreshed by the browser. The Vue component won't be reloaded in this case and the state is still old. There are basically two ways around this:
You are switching from anchors in the URL to a real URL with the HTML5 history mode, supported by the Vue Router. This requires some back-end configuration, though. The browser then does not have this faulty behavior, because there is no anchor. It will reload the page on every manual URL change.
You can watch the $route object to get notified on every route change. Depending on if the user is changing the part after the anchor, or before, the behavior is different (it also depends where the cursor is, when you hit enter). If the part after the anchor is changed (your actual Vue route), only the component is notified. Otherwise, a full page refresh is made. Here's some example code:
// ...inside a Vue component
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {

Can't copy props to model data and render it in Vue 2

I'm having this problem that looks a lot like a bug to me and I can't figure out how to solve it.
I created a generic list component and I tell it what child component it should insert in each item and what are the data it should pass to the child component. I'm passing everything as props along with the list (array) itself.
The problem is that I can't mutate the list props. So I try to copy it to model attribute. Otherwise I get this error:
Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten
whenever the parent component re-renders.....
And I can't just make it work in any of the lifecycle events. When I save the file and the hot-reloading reloads the page, the list is there, rendered, full of items. When I press F5 to manually reload the page, it is no more. Everything seems to be alright with code though
So in the parent component I'm doing this:
<List ref="link_list"
:list="this.foo.links" //this is array
:child="'LinkFormItem'" //this is the name of the child component
:defaults="{content: '', type: 'facebook'}" />
In the List component I get this:
<li class="" v-for="item in datalist">
<component :is="child" :item="item" ></component>
<button v-on:click='remove(index++)' type="button" name="button" class='red button postfix small'>Remove</button>
import Child1 from './Child1'
import Child2 from './Child2'
export default {
name: 'search',
props: ['child', 'list', 'defaults','section_name'], //it is received as 'list'
components: {
Child1, Child2
data () {
return {
index: 0,
datalist: [] //i'm trying to copy 'list' to 'datalist'
beforeMount: function () {
// i'm copying it
for(var k in this.list){
methods: {
//and here I should change it the way I want
add: function () {
getList () {
return this.datalist;
var datalist = [];
for(var k in this.datalist){
if(k != index) datalist.push(this.datalist[k]);
this.datalist = datalist;
I don't see any problems with my Script. What is going on??
Ok, some console.log later I found out what the problem seems to be. The HTTP Request is really taking much longer than the mounting of the component to happen. But when it happens, it is not triggering the update in the list component. Nothing is re-rendered and the list is empty.
well I realised the problem was related to propagation. I made a few changes in the code to asure the parent component was updating and changing the model value. but the child component (the list component) was not receiving it.
then I gave up trying to understand why and did the following:
1- used the ref in the child component to force an update in the child component with $forceUpdate and then I was assigning the props to the model in the beforeUpdate event. It was causing an error: an re-rendering loop. The update caused a new update and so on. We could just use a flag to stop it.
2- Instead I just called a child method directly:
I hate this approach because I think it's way too explicit. But it did the job. Then in the child component a new method:
this.datalist = list;
3- The other possibility that passed through my mind was emitting an event. But I didn't try, too complicated
You can simply do like as follows
data () {
return {
index: 0,
datalist: this.list // to copy props to internal component data
Once you done about you need to apply data manipulation opertions on new this.datalist , not on this.list
If you don't want to mutate the original list array you can do this:
data () {
return {
index: 0,
datalist: Object.assign({}, this.list)
I think this will help you

VUE.JS - Using the vNode argument to add unknown quantity of items to a dynamic navigation

I'm currently trying to create a component which manages several linked dropdowns and elements on a page. In addition, this element supplies a rather fancy navigation element, containing anchor links which automatically scroll to the desired element in this component.
The problem is that the actual contents of the component are completely dynamic and partially determined by the content manager in the CMS. There are several sub components that are always present, but apart from that the content manager can add any number of sections, (using various named and an unnamed ) and each of these sections should be added to the navigation of the component.
I see 3 options:
For every component added, it's title and unique id is added to a property array on the parent component. This, however, is a bit prone to errors. (Unfortunately I will have no control over the eventual backend implementation, so I'm trying to create a foolproof system to avoid to much wasted time.)
Due to other components, I'm already using Vuex to manage most of the data in the app. I figured I use a simple directive, to be added on each item in the parent component. This directive is responsible for adding that element to the Vuex store. The parent component simply reads the contents of the store and generates the navigation based on this.
The problem here is that, as far as I can tell, I have to use the vNode argument in the bind hook of my directive to access the Vuex store. This seems... hacky. Is there anything wrong with this approach?
In the mounted hook of my parent component, I traverse the DOM, searching for elements with a particular data-property, and add a link to each of these elements to my navigation. Seems prone to failure and fragile.
What is the preferred approach for this situation?
As a follow up question - What is the correct use case for the vNode argument in a vue directive? The documentation seems rather sparse on this subject.
I would steer away from using a directive in this case. In Vue 2, the primary use case for directives is for low level DOM manipulation.
Note that in Vue 2.0, the primary form of code reuse and abstraction
is components - however there may be cases where you just need some
low-level DOM access on plain elements, and this is where custom
directives would still be useful.
Instead I would suggest a mixin approach, where your mixin essentially registers your components that should be included in navigation with Vuex.
Consider the following code.
const NavMixin = {
return this.$el
return this.$vnode.tag.split("-").pop()
this.$store.commit('addLink', {
element: this.navElement,
title: this.title
This mixin defines a couple of computed values that determine the element that should be used for navigation and the title of the component. Obviously the title is a placeholder and you should modify it to suit your needs. The mounted hook registers the component with Vue. Should a component need a custom title or navElement, mixed in computed properties are overridden by the component's definition.
Next I define my components and use the mixin.
template:`<h1>I am child1</h1>`
template:`<h1>I am child2</h1>`
template:`<h1>I am child3</h1>`
Note that here I am not adding the mixin to the third component, because I could conceive of a situation where you may not want all components included in navigation.
Here is a quick example of usage.
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
links: []
mutations: {
addLink (state, link) {
const NavMixin = {
return this.$el
return this.$vnode.tag.split("-").pop()
this.$store.commit('addLink', {
element: this.navElement,
title: this.title
template:`<h1>I am child1</h1>`,
template:`<h1>I am child2</h1>`
template:`<h1>I am child3</h1>`
<button v-for="link in $store.state.links" #click="scroll(link)">{{link.title}}</button>
document.querySelector("body").scrollTop = link.element.offsetTop
new Vue({
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.2.6/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vuex/2.3.1/vuex.js"></script>
<div id="app">
This solution is pretty robust. You do not need to parse anything. You have control over which components are added to the navigation. You handle potentially nested components. You said you don't know which types of components will be added, but you should have control over the definition of the components that will be used, which means its relatively simple to include the mixin.

VueJS access child component's data from parent

I'm using the vue-cli scaffold for webpack
My Vue component structure/heirarchy currently looks like the following:
PDF Template
Dynamic Template Image
Static Template Image
At the app level, I want a vuejs component method that can aggregate all of the child component's data into a single JSON object that can be sent off to the server.
Is there a way to access child component's data? Specifically, multiple layers deep?
If not, what is the best practice for passing down oberservable data/parameters, so that when it's modified by child components I have access to the new values? I'm trying to avoid hard dependencies between components, so as of right now, the only thing passed using component attributes are initialization values.
Solid answers. Resources I found helpful after reviewing both answers:
Vuex and when to use it
Vuex alternative solution for smaller apps
In my child component, there are no buttons to emit changed data. It's a form with somewhat 5~10 inputs. the data will be submitted once you click the process button in another component. so, I can't emit every property when it's changing.
So, what I did,
In my parent component, I can access child's data from "ref"
<markdown ref="markdowndetails"></markdown>
<app-button #submit="process"></app-button>
// js
process: function(){
// items is defined object inside data()
var markdowns = this.$refs.markdowndetails.items
Note: If you do this all over the application I suggest move to vuex instead.
For this kind of structure It's good to have some kind of Store.
VueJS provide solution for that, and It's called Vuex.If you are not ready to go with Vuex, you can create your own simple store.
Let's try with this
export default {
data: {
items: []
// Methods that you need, for e.g fetching data from server etc.
fetchData() {
// fetch logic
And now you can use those data everywhere, with importing this Store file
import MarkdownStore from '../stores/MarkdownStore'
export default {
data() {
sharedItems: MarkdownStore.data
created() {
So that's the basic flow that you could use, If you dont' want to go with Vuex.
what is the best practice for passing down oberservable data/parameters, so that when it's modified by child components I have access to the new values?
The flow of props is one way down, a child should never modify its props directly.
For a complex application, vuex is the solution, but for a simple case vuex is an overkill. Just like what #Belmin said, you can even use a plain JavaScript object for that, thanks to the reactivity system.
Another solution is using events. Vue has already implemented the EventEmitter interface, a child can use this.$emit('eventName', data) to communicate with its parent.
The parent will listen on the event like this: (#update is the shorthand of v-on:update)
<child :value="value" #update="onChildUpdate" />
and update the data in the event handler:
methods: {
onChildUpdate (newValue) {
this.value = newValue
Here is a simple example of custom events in Vue:
This is just parent-child communication, if a component needs to talk to its siblings, then you will need a global event bus, in Vue.js, you can just use an empty Vue instance:
const bus = new Vue()
// In component A
bus.$on('somethingUpdated', data => { ... })
// In component B
bus.$emit('somethingUpdated', newData)
you can meke ref to child component and use it as this
<childComponent ref="nameOfRef" />
methods: {
save() {
let Data = this.$refs.nameOfRef.$data;
In my case I have a registration form that I've broken down into components.
As suggested above I used $refs, In my parent I have for example:
In Template:
<Personal ref="personal" />
Script - Parent Component
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
personal: null,
education: null
mounted: function(){
this.personal = this.$refs.personal.model
this.education = this.$refs.education.model
This works well as the data is reactive.