My colorbox slideshow is not working properly - colorbox

I want that when I click on view_attachments anchor then colorbox should be open, colorbox may have single or multiple images, if multiple then next and prev should be working.
[enter image description here][1]
<a class="view_attachments" expense_id="{{$expense->id}}" href="javascript:;">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-picture"></span>
{{--<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-picture"></span> --}}
#foreach($expense->attachments as $attachment)
<a class="group
<?php echo intval($expense->id);?>" href="{{asset("expense_attachments/voucher-" . $voucher_id ."/" . intval($expense->id) ."/" . $attachment->file_name . "")}}" title="">
$("a.view_attachments").on('click', function() {
var expense_id = $(this).attr("expense_id");
var $gallery = $(".group" + expense_id).colorbox({rel:'group' + expense_id,slideshow:true,width:'auto',innerWidth:'auto'});
$(".group" + expense_id).colorbox({rel:'group' + expense_id,slideshow:true,width:'auto',innerWidth:'auto'});
// function view_attachments(expense_id)
// {
// //alert(expense_id);
// //$(".attachments" + expense_id).show();
// $.colorbox({rel:'group' + expense_id,width:'70%',innerWidth:'100%'});
// //$(".group" + expense_id).colorbox({rel:'group' + expense_id, slideshow:true});
// }


How to bind change on text area to v-model value?

I have this checkbox that will generate raw HTML on textarea, then generate whatever contain in textarea to the picture on top of the form, on that textarea, I want to be able to edit the text to customize the data position on the image.
The checkbox and the pic work fine, but when I edit data on the textarea, it reverts back, and of course, the rendered HTML reverts back too. And 1 more thing, I have to open the vue extension on inspecting menu to get all DOM rendered
Pic render code
<div class="card-item container-fluid mt--7">
<div class="card-item__cover">
<img v-if="form.img" :src="background" class="imageBackground" />
:style="{ 'background-image': `url(${previewImage})` }"
<span v-html="htmlBaru"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-form-label form-control-label">HTML</label>
class="form-control col-sm-10"
checkboxCond() {
var sendKeyData = [];
var newHtml = [];
for (var a = 0; a < this.keyData.length; a++) {
if (this.keyData[a].status) {
<td >` +
this.keyData[a].key_readable +
` : {` +
this.keyData[a].key +
this.htmlBaru = this.html + newHtml.join("\r\n") + this.footer;
this.sendKeyData = sendKeyData;
// return this.htmlBaru;
methods: {
pantek() {
// console.log(this.htmlBaru);
this.htmlBaru = this.$;
// this.$emit("change", this.htmlBaru);

How to chain selectors in order to get element inside with webdriverio

I have a page with list of products on it.
This is how HTML DOM looks like for one product item:
<div class="module card listing-search-card js-product-card " id="product-entry-123" data-product-id="123" data-toggle-status="open" data-out-of-stock="" data-toggle-isbundle="false" data-load-prices-async="false">
<div class="product-entry__wrapper">
<div class="card__header">
<div class="promotion">
<div class="product-entry__right promotion-card__body on-promotion--banner-offer">
<a href="/Products/p/123" tabindex="-1">
<img class="card__image mobile-img lazyload" src="/medias/image-mobile">
<img class="card__image desktop-img lazyloaded" src="/medias/image-desktop">
<div class="product-entry__body-actions-wrapper">
<div class="product-entry__body card__body">
<h3 class="card__title">
<div class="product-entry__summary card__description-wrapper">
<div class="product-entry__summary__list">
<div class="card__detail-wrapper">
<div class="product-entry__summary__item card__description-product-detail">
33 x 24</div>
<div class="product-entry__summary__item card__description-product-code">
<span class="product-entry__code">
<div class="container-type">
<div class="cta-container">
<div class="card__amount-wrapper ">
<div class="card__amount">
61,83 € <span class="base-unit">HT/CHACUN</span>
<p class="sales-unit-price is-price">
<span>soit</span> 10,00 €
<div class="add-to-cart__footer add-to-cart__action">
<div class="success-overlay">Add to cart</div>
<div class="add-to-cart__action--active">
<div class="form-quantity__wrapper quantity-action quantity-action__wrapper"
<div class="form-quantity ">
<button class="form-quantity__decrease quantity-action__decr icon-Minus disabled" type="button"
tabindex="-1" aria-label="decrement" data-form-quantity-decrement="">
<input id="product-123" class="form-quantity__input form-control quantity-action__value js-
quantity-input-typing" name="product-123" type="text" value="1" maxlength="4" data-price-
single="10.00" data-price-currency="€" data-parsley-range="[1,9999]" data-form-quantity-times="1"
data-parsley-multiplerange="1" data-parsley-type="integer" data-parsley-validation-threshold="1"
<button class="form-quantity__increase quantity-action__incr icon-Add-to-list" type="button"
tabindex="-1" aria-label="increment" data-form-quantity-increment="">
<span class="form-quantity__update" data-form-quantity-success=""></span>
<div class="add-to-cart__total">
<button class="button button--primary js-addToCart" role="button" title="Add
to cart" data-product-id-ref="123" data-modal-trigger="" data-modal-target="#add-to-cart-modal" data-
modal-before-trigger="addToCart" data-component-id="product list" tabindex="-1">
<div class="button__text">
<span class="button__text-add js-added-price">Add</span>
<span class="button__text-to-cart js-added-price">to cart</span>
<span class="button__text js-added-price mobile-only">Add</span>
<div class="add-to-template">
<button class="add-to-template--button button js-addToNewTemplate" type="button" data-modal-
trigger="" data-modal-target="#add-to-template-modal" data-modal-before-
trigger="openAddToTemplateModal" data-product-code="123">
<span>Add to list</span>
I am calling this function:
And the function implementation is:
isSortedAlphabeticallyAscending(list) {
for (let i = 0; i < (list.length - 1); i++) {
let outOfStockCurrent = list[i].getAttribute('data-out-of-stock');
let outOfStockNext = list[i + 1].getAttribute('data-out-of-stock');
let idCurrent = list[i].getAttribute('id');
let idNext = list[i + 1].getAttribute('id');
console.log("outOfStockCurrent " + outOfStockCurrent + " " + idCurrent);
console.log("outOfStockNext " + outOfStockNext + " " + idNext);
let productIdCurrent = idCurrent.split('-').pop();
let productIdNext = idNext.split('-').pop();
let currentText = list[i].$('a[href*="' + productIdCurrent + '"]').getText();
let nextText = list[i+1].$('a[href*="'+ productIdNext + '"]').getText();
console.log("currentText " + currentText);
console.log("nextText " + nextText);
if(outOfStockCurrent === "true" || outOfStockNext === "true") continue;
if (currentText > nextText) return false;
return true;
I ignore out of stock products since they are always at the bottom of the page.
But the list[i].$('a[href*="' + productIdCurrent + '"]').getText() is always returning empty text.
I would like it to get "Schweppes" text, i.e. product name.
Is there a way to chain somehow differently part with .$a[href ...] to get the text from the <a> tag inside the <div> element of the list of products using webdriverio 5?
The above selector list[i].$('a[href*="' + productIdCurrent + '"]').getText() targeted 2 elements.
What I needed to go one div further and find it there:
list[i].$('div.product-entry__body-actions-wrapper').$('a[href*="' + productIdCurrent + '"]').getText()
And voila, text appeared :)
Hope it will help someone with the similar issue :D

How to change `ReflectionIT.Mvc.Paging` package style in core

I am working on a core 2.2 project and use ReflectionIT.Mvc.Paging package for paging.
Every thing is ok but i want to change paging style in my view.
Here is code to use Pager view component
#await this.Component.InvokeAsync("Pager", new { PagingList = this.Model })
And here is paging pic :
I want to write First And Last instead of 1 And 15 in above pic and want to change some css styles.
You can also create your own Pager view if you want to. You store it in the folder Views\Shared\Components\Pager :
You can for instance call the AddPaging method which you can use to set the PagingOptions. This allows you to specify which View is used for the Pager ViewComponent , in ConfigureServicesfunction :
// Register ViewComponent using an EmbeddedFileProvider & setting some options
services.AddPaging(options => {
options.ViewName = "Bootstrap5";
options.HtmlIndicatorDown = " <span>↓</span>";
options.HtmlIndicatorUp = " <span>↑</span>";
Modify the Bootstrap5.cshtml to fit your requirement :
#model ReflectionIT.Mvc.Paging.IPagingList
#* Fake Boostrap 5 based pager *#
var start = this.Model.StartPageIndex;
var stop = this.Model.StopPageIndex;
#if (this.Model.PageCount > 1) {
<ul class="pagination pagination-sm justify-content-end">
#if (start > 1) {
<li class="page-item">
<a href="#Url.Action(Model.Action, Model.GetRouteValueForPage(1))" aria-label="First" class="page-link">
<span aria-hidden="true">First</span>
#if (this.Model.PageIndex > 1) {
<li class="page-item">
<a href="#Url.Action(Model.Action, Model.GetRouteValueForPage(this.Model.PageIndex - 1))" aria-label="Previous" class="page-link">
<span aria-hidden="true">«</span>
#for (int i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
<li class="page-item #((Model.PageIndex == i) ? "active" : null)">
#if (i == 1)
#Html.ActionLink("First", Model.Action, Model.GetRouteValueForPage(i), new { #class = "page-link" })
#Html.ActionLink(i.ToString(), Model.Action, Model.GetRouteValueForPage(i), new { #class = "page-link" })
#if (this.Model.PageIndex < this.Model.PageCount) {
<li class="page-item">
<a href="#Url.Action(Model.Action, Model.GetRouteValueForPage(this.Model.PageIndex + 1))" aria-label="Next" class="page-link">
<span aria-hidden="true">»</span>
#if (stop < this.Model.PageCount) {
<li class="page-item">
<a href="#Url.Action(Model.Action, Model.GetRouteValueForPage(this.Model.PageCount))" aria-label="Last" class="page-link">
<span aria-hidden="true">Last</span>
Output :
Try this one
services.AddPaging(options => {
options.ViewName = "Bootstrap4";
options.HtmlIndicatorDown = " <span>↓</span>";
options.HtmlIndicatorUp = " <span>↑</span>";

Vue.js how to use radio buttons inside v-for loop

I'm trying to use radio buttons, so that users can choose one of the photos as their profile photo:
<ul v-for="p in myPhotos">
photo id: {{p.imgId}}
<input type="radio" v-model="profileImg" value="p.imgId"> Choose as profile image
<div><img v-bind:src="BASE_URL +'/uploads/' + userId + '/'+ p.imgId" /> </div>
The values are otained like this:
created () {
axios.get(this.BASE_URL + '/profile/g/myphotos/', this.jwt)
.then( res => {
this.myPhotos =;
this.showUploadedPhoto = true;
this.profileImg =
.catch( error => {
When an photo is chosen, the profileImg variable should be set to that photo's imgId.
The problem is how to let users to choose only one photo as profile image inside this v-for loop?
Update: a photo my myPhotos object that I'm iterate over:
By providing name you can treat it as one element
var app = new Vue({
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="image in images">
<input type="radio" v-model="profileImg" name="profileImg" :value="image.imgId"> Choose as profile image
You have selected : {{profileImg}}
How about setting name attribute for the input field
<ul v-for="p in myPhotos">
photo id: {{p.imgId}}
<input type="radio" name="user_profile_photo" v-model="profileImg" :value="p.imgId"> Choose as profile image
<div><img v-bind:src="BASE_URL +'/uploads/' + userId + '/'+ p.imgId" /> </div>

protractor|selenium not clicked on html element

Help me please with this question.
Did not see the context menu after executing this code.
file: Grid.js
export default class Grid{
await browser.executeScript('document.querySelector(".Grid--Head--leftButton-plus").click();');
return EC.presenceOf(element(by.css('.item-invoice_form_add_simple_position a')))
&& EC.presenceOf(element(by.css('.contextmenus')));
'Element "menu point Add position" too long in the DOM.');
test file: test.js
it('test', ()=>{
let grid = new Grid();
html templates:
<div class="contextmenus"><ul style="z-index: 1000000;">
<li class=" tab-elem item-invoice_form_add_rate_expense_type"><a cid="c855">Добавить</a></li>
<li class=" tab-elem item-invoice_form_add_simple_position"><a cid="c857">Добавить позицию</a></li>
<div class="Grid--Head--leftButton theme-color--before Grid--Head--leftButton-plus" style="width: 23px;">
<div class="Grid--Head--leftButton--helper theme-color"></div>
<div class="Grid--Head--leftButton--helper theme-color"></div>
<div class="Grid--Head--leftButton--helper theme-color"></div>