I have been experimenting with tensorflow Datasets but I cannot figure out how to efficiently create RLE-masks.
FYI, I am using data from the Airbus Ship Detection Challenge in Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/c/airbus-ship-detection/data
I know my RLE-decoding function works (borrowed) from one of the kernels:
def rle_decode(mask_rle, shape=(768, 768)):
mask_rle: run-length as string formated (start length)
shape: (height,width) of array to return
Returns numpy array, 1 - mask, 0 - background
if not isinstance(mask_rle, str):
img = np.zeros(shape[0]*shape[1], dtype=np.uint8)
return img.reshape(shape).T
s = mask_rle.split()
starts, lengths = [np.asarray(x, dtype=int) for x in (s[0:][::2], s[1:][::2])]
starts -= 1
ends = starts + lengths
img = np.zeros(shape[0]*shape[1], dtype=np.uint8)
for lo, hi in zip(starts, ends):
img[lo:hi] = 1
return img.reshape(shape).T
.... BUT it does not seem to play nicely with the pipeline:
list_ds = tf.data.Dataset.list_files(train_paths_abs)
ds = list_ds.map(parse_img)
With the following parse function, everything works fine:
def parse_img(file_path,new_size=[128,128]):
img_content = tf.io.read_file(file_path)
img = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img_content)
img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)
img = tf.image.resize(img,new_size)
return img
But things go rogue if I include the mask:
def parse_img(file_path,new_size=[128,128]):
# Image
img_content = tf.io.read_file(file_path)
img = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img_content)
img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)
img = tf.image.resize(img,new_size)
# Mask
file_id = tf.strings.split(file_path,'/')[-1]
objects = [rle_decode(m) for m in df2[df.ImageId==file_id]]
mask = np.sum(objects,axis=0)
mask = np.expand_dims(mask,3) # Force mask to have 3 channels, necessary for resize step
mask = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(mask, tf.int8)
mask = tf.clip_by_value(mask,0,1)
mask = tf.image.resize(mask,new_size)
mask = tf.squeeze(mask) # squeeze back
mask = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(mask, tf.int8)
return img, mask
Although my parse_img function works fine (I have checked it on a sample, it takes 271 µs ± 67.9 µs per run); the list_ds.map step takes forever (>5 minutes) before hanging.
I can't figure out what's wrong and it drives me crazy!
Any idea?
You can rewrite the function rle_decode with tensorflow like this (here I do not do the final transposition to keep it more general, but you can do it later):
import tensorflow as tf
def rle_decode_tf(mask_rle, shape):
shape = tf.convert_to_tensor(shape, tf.int64)
size = tf.math.reduce_prod(shape)
# Split string
s = tf.strings.split(mask_rle)
s = tf.strings.to_number(s, tf.int64)
# Get starts and lengths
starts = s[::2] - 1
lens = s[1::2]
# Make ones to be scattered
total_ones = tf.reduce_sum(lens)
ones = tf.ones([total_ones], tf.uint8)
# Make scattering indices
r = tf.range(total_ones)
lens_cum = tf.math.cumsum(lens)
s = tf.searchsorted(lens_cum, r, 'right')
idx = r + tf.gather(starts - tf.pad(lens_cum[:-1], [(1, 0)]), s)
# Scatter ones into flattened mask
mask_flat = tf.scatter_nd(tf.expand_dims(idx, 1), ones, [size])
# Reshape into mask
return tf.reshape(mask_flat, shape)
A small test (TensorFlow 2.0):
mask_rle = '1 2 4 3 9 4 15 5'
shape = [4, 6]
# Original NumPy function
print(rle_decode(mask_rle, shape))
# [[1 0 0 1]
# [1 0 0 0]
# [0 1 1 0]
# [1 1 1 0]
# [1 1 1 0]
# [1 1 1 0]]
# TensorFlow function (transposing is done out of the function)
tf.print(tf.transpose(rle_decode_tf(mask_rle, shape)))
# [[1 0 0 1]
# [1 0 0 0]
# [0 1 1 0]
# [1 1 1 0]
# [1 1 1 0]
# [1 1 1 0]]
I am trying to convert the R3Det Model that outputs rotated bounding boxes to a TensorFlow Lite model for on device inference on mobile devices. The problem that I am facing is that a part of the inference model uses python code wrapped by tf.py_func which is not serializable. I am trying to convert the function to TensorFlow but it contains a for loop and some OpenCV funtion calls, and I have no idea how to convert these into TensorFlow code. I would appreciate it, if anybody can help me out with this. The python function is given below.
def nms_rotate_cpu(boxes, scores, iou_threshold, max_output_size):
:param boxes: format [x_c, y_c, w, h, theta]
:param scores: scores of boxes
:param threshold: iou threshold (0.7 or 0.5)
:param max_output_size: max number of output
:return: the remaining index of boxes
keep = []
order = scores.argsort()[::-1]
num = boxes.shape[0]
suppressed = np.zeros((num), dtype=np.int)
for _i in range(num):
if len(keep) >= max_output_size:
i = order[_i]
if suppressed[i] == 1:
r1 = ((boxes[i, 0], boxes[i, 1]), (boxes[i, 2], boxes[i, 3]), boxes[i, 4])
area_r1 = boxes[i, 2] * boxes[i, 3]
for _j in range(_i + 1, num):
j = order[_j]
if suppressed[i] == 1:
if np.sqrt((boxes[i, 0] - boxes[j, 0])**2 + (boxes[i, 1] - boxes[j, 1])**2) > (boxes[i, 2] + boxes[j, 2] + boxes[i, 3] + boxes[j, 3]):
inter = 0.0
r2 = ((boxes[j, 0], boxes[j, 1]), (boxes[j, 2], boxes[j, 3]), boxes[j, 4])
area_r2 = boxes[j, 2] * boxes[j, 3]
inter = 0.0
int_pts = cv2.rotatedRectangleIntersection(r1, r2)[1]
if int_pts is not None:
order_pts = cv2.convexHull(int_pts, returnPoints=True)
int_area = cv2.contourArea(order_pts)
inter = int_area * 1.0 / (area_r1 + area_r2 - int_area + cfgs.EPSILON)
cv2.error: /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/intersection.cpp:247:
error: (-215) intersection.size() <= 8 in function rotatedRectangleIntersection
# print(r1)
# print(r2)
inter = 0.9999
if inter >= iou_threshold:
suppressed[j] = 1
return np.array(keep, np.int64)
For the dense tensor, we can use tf.nn.topk to find values and indices of the k largest entries for the last dimension.
For the sparse tensor, I would like to efficiently get the top n items of each row, without converting the sparse tensor to dense.
This was kind of tricky but here is something that works (assumes 2D sparse tensor, although I think should work the same for more outer dimensions). The idea is to first sort the whole sparse tensor (without making it dense) and then slice the first columns. To do that, I needed something like np.lexsort, which as far as I know is not provided in TensorFlow as such - however, tf.sparse.reorder actually does something like a lexsort, so I made another intermediate sparse tensor to take advantage of that.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
# Input data
k = 3
r = np.random.randint(10, size=(6, 8))
r[np.random.rand(*r.shape) < .5] = 0
sp = tf.sparse.from_dense(r)
# [[0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0]
# [2 4 0 6 8 0 0 6]
# [7 0 0 1 5 9 8 9]
# [4 0 0 3 0 0 0 3]
# [8 1 0 3 3 7 0 1]
# [0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7]]
# List of value indices
n = tf.size(sp.values, out_type=sp.indices.dtype)
r = tf.range(n)
# Sort values
s = tf.dtypes.cast(tf.argsort(sp.values, direction='DESCENDING'), sp.indices.dtype)
# Find destination index of each sorted value
si = tf.scatter_nd(tf.expand_dims(s, 1), r, [n])
# Abuse sparse tensor functionality to do lexsort with column and destination index
sp2 = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices=tf.stack([sp.indices[:, 0], si], axis=1),
dense_shape=[sp.dense_shape[0], n])
sp2 = tf.sparse.reorder(sp2)
# Build top-k result
row = sp.indices[:, 0]
# Make column indices
d = tf.dtypes.cast(row[1:] - row[:-1] > 0, r.dtype)
m = tf.pad(r[1:] * d, [[1, 0]])
col = r - tf.scan(tf.math.maximum, m)
# Get only up to k elements per row
m = col < k
row_m = tf.boolean_mask(row, m)
col_m = tf.boolean_mask(col, m)
idx_m = tf.boolean_mask(sp2.values, m)
# Make result
scatter_idx = tf.stack([row_m, col_m], axis=-1)
scatter_shape = [sp.dense_shape[0], k]
# Use -1 for rows with less than k values
# (0 is ambiguous)
values = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(-tf.ones(scatter_shape, sp.values.dtype),
scatter_idx, tf.gather(sp.values, idx_m))
indices = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(-tf.ones(scatter_shape, sp.indices.dtype),
scatter_idx, tf.gather(sp.indices[:, 1], idx_m))
# [[ 3 -1 -1]
# [ 8 6 6]
# [ 9 9 8]
# [ 4 3 3]
# [ 8 7 3]
# [ 7 7 -1]]
# [[ 6 -1 -1]
# [ 4 3 7]
# [ 5 7 6]
# [ 0 3 7]
# [ 0 5 3]
# [ 4 7 -1]]
EDIT: Here is an alternative possibility, which may work well if your tensor is very sparse in all rows. The idea is to "condense" all the sparse tensor values into the first columns (like the previous snippet already did for sp3) and then make that into a dense tensor and apply top-k as usual. The caveat is that the indices would be referred to the condensed tensor, so you have to take yet another step if you want to get the right indices with respect to initial sparse tensor.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
# Input data
k = 3
r = np.random.randint(10, size=(6, 8))
r[np.random.rand(*r.shape) < .8] = 0
sp = tf.sparse.from_dense(r)
# [[0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0]
# [0 4 0 6 0 0 0 0]
# [0 0 0 0 5 0 0 9]
# [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
# [8 0 0 0 0 7 0 0]
# [0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0]]
# Build "condensed" sparse tensor
n = tf.size(sp.values, out_type=sp.indices.dtype)
r = tf.range(n)
# Make indices
row = sp.indices[:, 0]
d = tf.dtypes.cast(row[1:] - row[:-1] > 0, r.dtype)
m = tf.pad(r[1:] * d, [[1, 0]])
col = r - tf.scan(tf.math.maximum, m)
# At least as many columns as k
ncols = tf.maximum(tf.math.reduce_max(col) + 1, k)
sp2 = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices=tf.stack([row, col], axis=1),
dense_shape=[sp.dense_shape[0], ncols])
# Get in dense form
condensed = tf.sparse.to_dense(sp2)
# Top-k (indices do not correspond to initial sparse matrix)
values, indices = tf.math.top_k(condensed, k)
# [[3 0 0]
# [6 4 0]
# [9 5 0]
# [0 0 0]
# [8 7 0]
# [7 0 0]]
# Now get the right indices
sp3 = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices=tf.stack([row, col], axis=1),
values=sp.indices[:, 1],
dense_shape=[sp.dense_shape[0], ncols])
condensed_idx = tf.sparse.to_dense(sp3)
actual_indices = tf.gather_nd(condensed_idx, tf.expand_dims(indices, axis=-1),
# [[6 0 0]
# [3 1 0]
# [7 4 0]
# [0 0 0]
# [0 5 0]
# [4 0 0]]
Not sure whether this would be faster or not though.
I'm using tensorflow with julia to create a neural network.
I can create a network with the cross_entropy loss function and it works:
ENV["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" # It is to use the gpu
using TensorFlow
using Distributions
function weight_variable(shape)
initial = map(Float32, rand(Normal(0, .001), shape...))
return Variable(initial)
function bias_variable(shape)
initial = fill(Float32(.1), shape...)
return Variable(initial)
sess = Session(Graph())
num_pixels = 12
num_classes = 10
x = placeholder((Float32), shape=[nothing, num_pixels])
y = placeholder(Float32, shape=[nothing, num_classes])
poids = weight_variable([num_pixels,num_classes]) # Weight
biases = bias_variable([num_classes])
cross_entropy = reduce_mean(-reduce_sum(y.*log(nn.softmax(x*poids + biases)))) # Cross entropy Loss function
optimizer = train.AdamOptimizer(0.0001)
train_op = train.minimize(optimizer,cross_entropy)
correct_prediction = equal(indmax(nn.softmax(x*poids + biases), 2), indmax(y,2))
accuracy = reduce_mean(cast(correct_prediction, Float32))
y1 = [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # correct label
x1 = [0 0 0 5 6 3 2 0 0 0 0 0] # Input
run(sess, global_variables_initializer())
for i in 1:10
x_ = run(sess,train_op,Dict(x => x1, y => y1))
acc = run(sess,accuracy,Dict(x => x1, y => y1))
info("train $i , accuracy = $acc")
Now, If I just change my loss function with the exponential cost, like here:
ENV["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" # It is to use the gpu
using TensorFlow
using Distributions
function weight_variable(shape)
initial = map(Float32, rand(Normal(0, .001), shape...))
return Variable(initial)
function bias_variable(shape)
initial = fill(Float32(.1), shape...)
return Variable(initial)
sess = Session(Graph())
num_pixels = 12
num_classes = 10
x = placeholder((Float32), shape=[nothing, num_pixels])
y = placeholder(Float32, shape=[nothing, num_classes])
poids = weight_variable([num_pixels,num_classes]) # Weight
biases = bias_variable([num_classes])
expo = reduce_mean((0.5*exp((1/0.5).*reduce_sum((nn.softmax(x*poids + biases)- y)^2)))) # Exponential loss function
optimizer = train.AdamOptimizer(0.0001)
train_op = train.minimize(optimizer,expo)
correct_prediction = equal(indmax(nn.softmax(x*poids + biases), 2), indmax(y,2))
accuracy = reduce_mean(cast(correct_prediction, Float32))
y1 = [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # correct label
x1 = [0 0 0 5 6 3 2 0 0 0 0 0] # Input
run(sess, global_variables_initializer())
for i in 1:10
x_ = run(sess,train_op,Dict(x => x1, y => y1))
acc = run(sess,accuracy,Dict(x => x1, y => y1))
info("train $i , accuracy = $acc")
It does not work and I have the following error:
ERROR: LoadError: Tensorflow error: Status: Node name 'gradients/Softmax_grad/Sum' already exists in the Graph
[1] (::Atom.##110#114{String,String})() at /home/jabou/.julia/v0.6/Atom/src/eval.jl:104
[2] withpath(::Atom.##110#114{String,String}, ::String) at /home/jabou/.julia/v0.6/CodeTools/src/utils.jl:30
[3] withpath(::Function, ::String) at /home/jabou/.julia/v0.6/Atom/src/eval.jl:38
[4] hideprompt(::Atom.##109#113{String,String}) at /home/jabou/.julia/v0.6/Atom/src/repl.jl:66
[5] macro expansion at /home/jabou/.julia/v0.6/Atom/src/eval.jl:99 [inlined]
[6] (::Atom.##108#112{Dict{String,Any}})() at ./task.jl:80
while loading /home/jabou/Bureau/Minimum nouveau.jl, in expression starting on line 37
I don't understand why... Can you help me ?
Thank you
In Tensorflow.jl, I typically used a variable scope with a random name ("mymodel" * randstring()), so that when you run the code twice (e.g. in an interactive session), there is no naming conflict.
variable_scope("mymodel" * randstring(), initializer=Normal(0, .1)) do
global w1 = get_variable("weights1", [num_input, hidden_units1], Float32)
global b1 = get_variable("b1",[hidden_units1],Float32)
# other parameters ....
Does this help?
A solution for the problem is here: TensorFlow, Julia // Node name already exists in the Graph
The version 1.4.0 of TensorFlow have to be used.
I used the tutorial code from https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/recurrent_quickdraw and all works fine until I tried to make a prediction instead of just evaluate it.
I wrote a new input function for prediction, based on the code in create_dataset.py
def predict_input_fn():
def parse_line(stroke_points):
"""Parse an ndjson line and return ink (as np array) and classname."""
inkarray = json.loads(stroke_points)
stroke_lengths = [len(stroke[0]) for stroke in inkarray]
total_points = sum(stroke_lengths)
np_ink = np.zeros((total_points, 3), dtype=np.float32)
current_t = 0
for stroke in inkarray:
for i in [0, 1]:
np_ink[current_t:(current_t + len(stroke[0])), i] = stroke[i]
current_t += len(stroke[0])
np_ink[current_t - 1, 2] = 1 # stroke_end
# Preprocessing.
# 1. Size normalization.
lower = np.min(np_ink[:, 0:2], axis=0)
upper = np.max(np_ink[:, 0:2], axis=0)
scale = upper - lower
scale[scale == 0] = 1
np_ink[:, 0:2] = (np_ink[:, 0:2] - lower) / scale
# 2. Compute deltas.
np_ink = np_ink[1:, 0:2] - np_ink[0:-1, 0:2]
np_ink = np_ink[1:, :]
features = {}
features["ink"] = tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=np_ink.flatten()))
features["shape"] = tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=np_ink.shape))
f = tf.train.Features(feature=features)
example = tf.train.Example(features=f)
#t = tf.constant(np_ink)
return example
def parse_example(example):
"""Parse a single record which is expected to be a tensorflow.Example."""
# feature_to_type = {
# "ink": tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.float32),
# "shape": tf.FixedLenFeature((0,2), dtype=tf.int64)
# }
feature_to_type = {
"ink": tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.float32),
"shape": tf.FixedLenFeature([2], dtype=tf.int64)
example_proto = example.SerializeToString()
parsed_features = tf.parse_single_example(example_proto, feature_to_type)
parsed_features["ink"] = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(parsed_features["ink"])
return parsed_features
example = parse_line(FLAGS.predict_input_stroke_data)
features = parse_example(example)
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(features)
# Our inputs are variable length, so pad them.
dataset = dataset.padded_batch(FLAGS.batch_size, padded_shapes=dataset.output_shapes)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
next_feature_batch = iterator.get_next()
return next_feature_batch, None # In prediction, we have no labels
I modified the existing model_fn() function and added below at appropirate place
predictions = tf.argmax(logits, axis=1)
if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
preds = {
"class_index": predictions,
"probabilities": tf.nn.softmax(logits),
'logits': logits
return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, predictions=preds)
However when i call the following the code
if (FLAGS.predict_input_stroke_data != None):
# prepare_input_tfrecord_for_prediction()
# predict_results = estimator.predict(input_fn=get_input_fn(
# mode=tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT,
# tfrecord_pattern=FLAGS.predict_input_temp_file,
# batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size))
predict_results = estimator.predict(input_fn=predict_input_fn)
for idx, prediction in enumerate(predict_results):
type = prediction["class_ids"][0] # Get the predicted class (index)
print("Prediction Type: {}\n".format(type))
I get the following error, what is wrong in my code could anyone please help me. I have tried quite a few things to get the shape right but i am unable to. I also tried to first write my strokes data as a tfrecord and then use the existing input_fn to read from the tfrecord that gives me similar errors but slighly different
File "/Users/farooq/.virtualenvs/tensor1.0/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/common_shapes.py", line 627, in call_cpp_shape_fn
File "/Users/farooq/.virtualenvs/tensor1.0/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/common_shapes.py", line 691, in _call_cpp_shape_fn_impl
raise ValueError(err.message)
ValueError: Shape must be rank 2 but is rank 1 for 'Slice' (op: 'Slice') with input shapes: [?], [2], [2].
I finally solved the problem by taking my input keystrokes, writing them to disk as a TFRecord. I also had to write the same inputstrokes batch_size times to same TFRecord, else i got the shape mismatch errors. And then invoking predict worked.
The main addition for prediction was the following function
def create_tfrecord_for_prediction(batch_size, stoke_data, tfrecord_file):
def parse_line(stoke_data):
"""Parse provided stroke data and ink (as np array) and classname."""
inkarray = json.loads(stoke_data)
stroke_lengths = [len(stroke[0]) for stroke in inkarray]
total_points = sum(stroke_lengths)
np_ink = np.zeros((total_points, 3), dtype=np.float32)
current_t = 0
for stroke in inkarray:
if len(stroke[0]) != len(stroke[1]):
print("Inconsistent number of x and y coordinates.")
return None
for i in [0, 1]:
np_ink[current_t:(current_t + len(stroke[0])), i] = stroke[i]
current_t += len(stroke[0])
np_ink[current_t - 1, 2] = 1 # stroke_end
# Preprocessing.
# 1. Size normalization.
lower = np.min(np_ink[:, 0:2], axis=0)
upper = np.max(np_ink[:, 0:2], axis=0)
scale = upper - lower
scale[scale == 0] = 1
np_ink[:, 0:2] = (np_ink[:, 0:2] - lower) / scale
# 2. Compute deltas.
#np_ink = np_ink[1:, 0:2] - np_ink[0:-1, 0:2]
#np_ink = np_ink[1:, :]
np_ink[1:, 0:2] -= np_ink[0:-1, 0:2]
np_ink = np_ink[1:, :]
features = {}
features["ink"] = tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=np_ink.flatten()))
features["shape"] = tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=np_ink.shape))
f = tf.train.Features(feature=features)
ex = tf.train.Example(features=f)
return ex
if stoke_data is None:
print("Error: Stroke data cannot be none")
example = parse_line(stoke_data)
#Remove the file if it already exists
if tf.gfile.Exists(tfrecord_file):
writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tfrecord_file)
for i in range(batch_size):
Then in the main function you just have to invoke estimator.predict() reusing the same input_fn=get_input_fn(...)argument except point it to the temporary created tfrecord_file
Hope this helps
I want to create a Tensor with as uppertriangular part the values from a vector. I have found in MATLAB this can be done with
a = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
b = triu(ones(5),1);
b = b'
b(b==1) = a
b = b'
My tensorflow implementation so far
b = tf.matrix_band_part(tf.ones([dim,dim]), 0, -1) # make upper triangular part 1
b = tf.transpose(b)
b = tf.transpose(b)
Who can help me?
I haven't seen a fantastic way to do it, but it's certainly possible. Here's one way (expanding the last dimension of a tensor into a matrix; the preceding dimensions may be batch dimensions):
import tensorflow as tf
def matrix_with_upper_values(upper_values):
# Check that the input is at least a vector
upper_values = tf.convert_to_tensor(upper_values)
# Put the batch dimensions last
upper_values = tf.transpose(
tf.concat(0, [[tf.rank(upper_values) - 1],
tf.range(tf.rank(upper_values) - 1)]))
input_shape = tf.shape(upper_values)[0]
# Compute the size of the matrix that would have this upper triangle
matrix_size = (1 + tf.cast(tf.sqrt(tf.cast(input_shape * 8 + 1, tf.float32)),
tf.int32)) // 2
# Check that the upper triangle size is valid
check_size_op = tf.Assert(
tf.equal(matrix_size ** 2, input_shape * 2 + matrix_size),
["Not a valid upper triangle size: ", input_shape])
with tf.control_dependencies([check_size_op]):
matrix_size = tf.identity(matrix_size)
# Compute indices for the whole matrix and the upper diagonal
index_matrix = tf.reshape(tf.range(matrix_size ** 2),
[matrix_size, matrix_size])
diagonal_indicies = (matrix_size * tf.range(matrix_size)
+ tf.range(matrix_size))
upper_triangular_indices, _ = tf.unique(tf.reshape(
index_matrix, 0, -1) # upper triangular part
- tf.diag(diagonal_indicies), # remove diagonal
batch_dimensions = tf.shape(upper_values)[1:]
return_shape_transposed = tf.concat(0, [[matrix_size, matrix_size],
# Fill everything else with zeros; later entries get priority
# in dynamic_stitch
result_transposed = tf.reshape(
upper_triangular_indices[1:]], # discard 0
[tf.zeros(return_shape_transposed, dtype=upper_values.dtype),
# Transpose the batch dimensions to be first again
return tf.transpose(
tf.concat(0, [tf.range(2, tf.rank(upper_values) + 1), [0, 1]]))
with tf.Session():
print(matrix_with_upper_values(tf.zeros([0, 3])).eval())
[[0 1]
[0 0]]
[[0 2 7]
[0 0 1]
[0 0 0]]
[[0 3 1 4]
[0 0 1 5]
[0 0 0 9]
[0 0 0 0]]
[[ 0.]]
[[[0 2 7]
[0 0 1]
[0 0 0]]
[[0 4 3]
[0 0 5]
[0 0 0]]]