How to check downloaded file name? - testing

I wrote a test that downloads the export file, but I also need to send this file through email. The problem is that filename is always different and I don't know how to look it up during the test.

You can retrieve the dynamic downloaded filename from the 'content-disposition' header.
import { Selector, RequestLogger } from 'testcafe';
const url = '';
const logger = RequestLogger({ url, method: 'post' }, {
logResponseHeaders: true
fixture `Export`
test('export to csv', async t => {
const exportToCSVButton = Selector('span').withText('Export to CSV');
await t
.expect(logger.contains(r => r.response.statusCode === 200)).ok();
See also: Check the Downloaded File Name and Content


Nuxt 3 file upload and store in locally in the project

I want to create a simple Nuxt 3 file upload implementation that stores the file in the locally in a folder in the Nuxt project. In PHP the server side code is very easy and straight forward but I am finding it difficult doing the same thing in Nuxt 3 server side.
npm install formidable
define formidable in Nuxt config file inside modules list.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ["formidable"],
then in your handler for example :
import formidable from "formidable";
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
let imageUrl = "";
let oldPath = "";
let newPath = "";
const form = formidable({ multiples: true });
const data = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
form.parse(event.req, (err, fields, files) => {
if (err) {
if (! {
status: "error",
message: "Please upload a photo with name photo in the form",
if ("image/")) {
let imageName = +
Math.round(Math.random() * 100000) +;
oldPath =;
newPath = `${path.join("public", "uploads", imageName)}`;
imageUrl = "./public/upload/" + imageName;
fs.copyFileSync(oldPath, newPath);
status: "ok",
url: imageUrl,
} else {
status: "error",
message: "Please upload nothing but images.",
return data;
don't forget to name the input field "photo" in the client side or change it here in every "".
ALso the path of uploaded photos will be in public/uploads directory you can change it too if you like in "path.join" method.
Good luck

How can I post documents using Sanity?

I'm using sanity cms for an application, and I have some documents stored on db. Which query should I use the create another document in the database from my frontend?
//Create a client file (for example, in scr folder in React) and add where appropriate
//In my case, I have a token and project Id in a.env file
import sanityClient from '#sanity/client';
import imageUrlBulder from '#sanity/image-url';
export const client = sanityClient({
projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
apiVersion: '2020-10-21',
token: process.env.REACT_APP_SANITY_API_TOKEN,
const builder = imageUrlBulder(client);
export const urlFor = (source) => builder.image(source);
//in the other file include these lines
import { client } from '../client';
//these fields should match your schema declaration
const doc = {
_id: "yout_id",
_type: 'your_doc_type',
image: imageUrl,
.then(() => {
console.log("document created")
check this video for more

I am converting Images to pdf using a npm library in react native why it is giving error of null object?

I am using react-native-image-to-pdf library to convert images to pdf in my react native app. from
var photoPath = ['',''];
const myAsyncPDFFunction = async () => {
try {
const options = {
imagePaths: photoPath,
name: 'PDFName',
const pdf = await RNImageToPdf.createPDFbyImages(options);
} catch(e) {
but this is giving error Error: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int' on a null object reference
I have also tried giving path as ['./assets/a.png', './assets/b.png']
but still getting same error
Based on the usage example, your photoPath needs to be a local file path and not a remote path.
My recommendation is to first use rn-fetch-blob to download the remote image to the device, and then pass your new local image path to react-native-image-to-pdf. Something like:
// add this option that makes response data to be stored as a file,
// this is much more performant.
fileCache : true,
.fetch('GET', '', {
//some headers ..
.then(async (res) => {
// the temp file path
console.log('The file saved to ', res.path())
const options = {
imagePaths: [res.path()],
name: 'PDFName',
const pdf = await RNImageToPdf.createPDFbyImages(options);
from file path remove the text 'file://; with empty string('').
const options = {
imagePaths: [uri.replace('file://', '')],
name: 'FileName',
quality: .9, // optional compression paramter
replace('file://', '') it's work for me

testcafe - Source files do not contain valid 'fixture' and 'test' declarations

I'm writing a test in testcafe for the first time, and trying to do a forEach loop in order to iterate various files.
When trying to run the test, getting this error Source files do not contain valid 'fixture' and 'test' declarations.
import testcafe from 'testcafe';
import { promises } from 'fs';
import { parse } from 'node-html-parser';
let specFiles: string[] = [];
fixture ('OpsLevel test cafe reporter').before( async t => {
specFiles = await promises.readdir('./gauge-reports/html-report/specs')
specFiles.forEach(specFile => {
test(`Generate testcafe report from ${specFile}`, async t => {
const gaugeReport = await promises.readFile(specFile, {encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r'});
const parsedReport = parse(gaugeReport);
const structuredText = parsedReport.structuredText;
await t.expect(structuredText.includes('Success Rate 100%')).eql(true);
Please advise.
Runtime DataSet initialization for data driven tests is not supported. Please refer to the documentation to learn how to properly initialize a dataset.

How to upload file to server using react-native

I am developing a app where i need to upload an image to the server. Based on the image i get a response which i need to render?.
Can you please help me how to upload an image using react-native?.
There is file uploading built into React Native.
Example from React Native code:
var photo = {
uri: uriFromCameraRoll,
type: 'image/jpeg',
name: 'photo.jpg',
var body = new FormData();
body.append('authToken', 'secret');
body.append('photo', photo);
body.append('title', 'A beautiful photo!');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', serverURL);
My solution is using fetch API and FormData.
Tested on Android.
const file = {
uri, // e.g. 'file:///path/to/file/image123.jpg'
name, // e.g. 'image123.jpg',
type // e.g. 'image/jpg'
const body = new FormData()
body.append('file', file)
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
I wrote something like that. Check out
I have been struggling to upload images recently on react-native. I didn't seem to get the images uploaded. This is actually because i was using the react-native-debugger and network inspect on while sending the requests. Immediately i switch off network inspect, the request were successful and the files uploaded.
I am using the example from this answer above it works for me.
This article on github about the limitations of network inspect feature may clear things for you.
Just to build on the answer by Dev1, this is a good way to upload files from react native if you also want to show upload progress. It's pure JS, so this would actually work on any Javascript file.
(Note that in step #4 you have to replace the variables inside the strings with the type and file endings. That said, you could just take those fields out.)
Here's a gist I made on Github:
1. for uploading one file:
// 1. initialize request
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// 2. open request'POST', uploadUrl);
// 3. set up callback for request
xhr.onload = () => {
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
// ... do something with the successful response
// 4. catch for request error
xhr.onerror = e => {
console.log(e, 'upload failed');
// 4. catch for request timeout
xhr.ontimeout = e => {
console.log(e, 'cloudinary timeout');
// 4. create formData to upload
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', {
uri: 'some-file-path', // this is the path to your file. see Expo ImagePicker or React Native ImagePicker
type: `${type}/${fileEnding}`, // example: image/jpg
name: `upload.${fileEnding}` // example: upload.jpg
// 6. upload the request
// 7. track upload progress
if (xhr.upload) {
// track the upload progress
xhr.upload.onprogress = ({ total, loaded }) => {
const uploadProgress = (loaded / total);
2. uploading multiple files
Assuming you have an array of files you want to upload, you'd just change #4 from the code above to look like this:
// 4. create formData to upload
const arrayOfFilesToUpload = [
// ...
const formData = new FormData();
arrayOfFilesToUpload.forEach(file => {
formData.append('file', {
uri: file.uri, // this is the path to your file. see Expo ImagePicker or React Native ImagePicker
type: `${type}/${fileEnding}`, // example: image/jpg
name: `upload.${fileEnding}` // example: upload.jpg
In my opinion, the best way to send the file to the server is to use react-native-fs package, so install the package
with the following command
npm install react-native-fs
then create a file called file.service.js and modify it as follow:
import { uploadFiles } from "react-native-fs";
export async function sendFileToServer(files) {
return uploadFiles({
toUrl: `http://xxx/YOUR_URL`,
files: files,
method: "POST",
headers: { Accept: "application/json" },
begin: () => {
// console.log('File Uploading Started...')
progress: ({ totalBytesSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend }) => {
// console.log({ totalBytesSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend })
.promise.then(({ body }) => {
// Response Here...
// const data = JSON.parse(body); => You can access to body here....
.catch(_ => {
// console.log('Error')
NOTE: do not forget to change the URL.
NOTE: You can use this service to send any file to the server.
then call that service like the following:
var files = [{ name: "xx", filename:"xx", filepath: "xx", filetype: "xx" }];
await sendFileToServer(files)
NOTE: each object must have name,filename,filepath,filetype
A couple of potential alternatives are available. Firstly, you could use the XHR polyfill:
Secondly, just ask the question: how would I upload a file in Obj-C? Answer that and then you could just implement a native module to call it from JavaScript.
There's some further discussion on all of this on this Github issue.
Tom's answer didn't work for me. So I implemented a native FilePickerModule which helps me choose the file and then use the remobile's react-native-file-transfer package to upload it. FilePickerModule returns the path of the selected file (FileURL) which is used by react-native-file-transfer to upload it.
Here's the code:
var FileTransfer = require('#remobile/react-native-file-transfer');
var FilePickerModule = NativeModules.FilePickerModule;
var that = this;
var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
var options = {};
options.fileKey = 'file';
options.fileName = fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
options.mimeType = 'text/plain';
var headers = {
options.headers = headers;
var url = "Set the URL here" ;
fileTransfer.upload(fileURL, encodeURI(url),(result)=>
}, (error)=>{
}, options);
Upload Files : using expo-image-picker npm module. Here we can upload any files or images etc. The files in a device can be accessed using the launchImageLibrary method. Then access the media on that device.
import * as ImagePicker from "expo-image-picker";
const loadFile = async () => {
let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.All,
aspect: [4, 3],
return <Button title="Pick an image from camera roll" onPress={loadFile} />
The above code used to access the files on a device.
Also, use the camera to capture the image/video to upload by using
launchCameraAsync with mediaTypeOptions to videos or photos.