Insert Query/Select Query works in access, but not in vba - vba

I have created a query that works great with no errors in Access, and while trying to translate this to my vba setup I can't figure out why I am not getting any values, even though the query clearly works in access, and causes no errors on the VBA side.
Pulling my hair out here, I have created a side table to see if I could "pseudo-insert" the calculated value, but I get the same issue as above - insert works with no errors in access, goes through in vba with no issues, but doesn't actually insert any data.
I have copied the string queries while pausing code to make sure EVERYTHING matches up between the Access query that works and the VBA query, and haven't found any differences.
I read somewhere since I am trying to pull a "first line" data piece that there may be some HDR setting that I could change, but when I tried to apply any fixes I found they opened another instance of excel and opened a dialogue box.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong here.
Public Function PullNextLineItemNumB(QuoteNum) As Integer
Dim strQuery As String
Dim ConnDB As New ADODB.Connection
Dim myRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
Dim QuoteModifiedNum As String
ConnDB.Open ConnectionString:="Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; data
source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\OEE Info.accdb"
'Query to try and make Access dump the value "18" into the table so I can
grab it after the query is finished, sidestepping excel not working
strQuery = "INSERT INTO TempTableColm (TempColm) SELECT
MAX(MID([Quote_Number_Line],InStr(1,[Quote_Number_Line]," & Chr(34) & "-"
& Chr(34) & ")+1)) AS MaxNum from UnifiedQuoteLog where Quote_Number_Line
like '" & QuoteNum & "*'"
ConnDB.Execute strQuery
'Original query, returns "18" as expected in Access, and null or empty in
the recordset
strQuery = "SELECT MAX(MID([Quote_Number_Line],InStr(1,
[Quote_Number_Line]," & Chr(34) & "-" & Chr(34) & ")+1)) from
UnifiedQuoteLog where Quote_Number_Line like '" & QuoteNum & "*'"
Set myRecordset = ConnDB.Execute(strQuery)
Do Until myRecordset.EOF
For Each fld In myRecordset.Fields
Debug.Print fld.Name & "=" & fld.Value
Next fld
Set myRecordset = Nothing
Set ConnDB = Nothing
End Function
Actual output from access is "18" which is expected, output from excel's vba recordset is always null or empty string.

It appears I solved the problem, while looking into this apparently the excel operator using ADODB with access is % for LIKE and NOT * (because reasons). As soon as I made that change everything started working.
Can someone explain why that is a thing? I really want to understand why this was a design choice.


Excel VBA Late Bind to Access and SQL Insert

I am having a frustrating issue with late binding to MS Access from Excel VBA to execute a DML statement like Insert or Update. All of the data I use in vba comes from user defined Classes. I can query just fine but writing to the DB gets different errors each time I try a different way to do the same thing. Below are some links to the same/similar issues, however each is slightly out of context and therefore I could not get passed my problem.
Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Current Recordset does not support updating error received when trying to update access
Operation must use an Updateable Query / SQL - VBA
Update an excel sheet using VBA/ADO
Operation must use an updatable query. (Error 3073) Microsoft Access
My end goal is to simply execute a DML string statement and it has to use late binding. Mainly I get the 3251 error saying my connection is 'Read Only' or a missing ISAM when I add ReadOnly=0 to the connection string. Fyi, getProjectFile just returns a path to a file starting from the parent folder of my project. I am pretty sure I can just use the connDB.Execute so I only need SQL Insert, I don't want to query first because the queries will get fat quick. I also think something might be wrong with the enum params because the ExecuteOptions want bitmasks instead of just a Long and I don't really know how to do that. From most of my research, I kept getting referred to the LockType and/or cursor not being right. For my environment; Windows 8.1 64bit, MS Office 2010 32bit(required). Does anyone see what is wrong here?
Sub ADO_Tester()
Dim strSQL, strFile, strConnection As String
Dim connDB As Object
'late bind to the ADODB library and get a connection object
Set connDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Connect to the DB
strFile = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & "PortfolioDB.accdb"
strConnection = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; data source=" & strFile & ";"
connDB.Open strConnection
'insert statement for a test record
strSQL = "INSERT INTO underlying_symbol (symbol) VALUES ('xyz')"
'execute the
connDB.Execute strSQL, , 2, 1 + 128
'clear the object
Set connDB = Nothing
End Sub
Early binding:
connDB.Execute strSQL, , adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords
Late Binding: How to enter the value for adExecuteNoRecords? On msdn it is 0x80 and another post says &H0001,either way it gives a syntax error. It says enter a bitmask for this enum value.
connDB.Execute strSQL, , 1 + 0x80
Edit: Now the correct way -
adExecuteNoRecords (the ADO enum value) = 0x80 (a binary value) = 128 (a decimal value)
connDB.Execute strSQL, , 1 + 128
Edit: Now the issue gets even deeper. When I execute the code in a test spreadsheet into a test database, it works. When I copy and paste into the actual project spreadsheet and point to actual project db, I get the error: operation must use an updateable query . . . again. Same db name, same dml, same table name. The only difference is the actual DB is a product of a split to separate it from the forms and code in Access. Could this have changed some setting to make it read only?
Edit: It just gets deeper and deeper. The issue causing it not to work in the project db is because I have some Excel Tables querying the db. I made these through the Excel UI, Ribbon -> External Data -> Access -> etc. . . It has now become obvious these are causing me to be unable to insert DML because they are probably set to read only. How can I change the tables connections permissions? Is there another way I could be making these tables so that I can provide the connection? How to get Tables to be friendly with DML in VBA?
This worked for me:
Option Explicit
Private Const acCmdText As Integer = 1
Sub ADO_Tester()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFile As String
'Dim adoRecSet As Object
Dim connDB As Object
'late bind to the ADODB library and get a connection object
Set connDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Connect to the DB
strFile = getProjectFile("core", "PortfolioDB.accdb")
connDB.Open connectionString:="Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; data source=" & strFile & ";"
'If State = 1, db connection is okay.
MsgBox "ADO Connection State is " & connDB.State & "."
'SQL to get the whole [underlying_symbol] table
'strSQL = "underlying_symbol" 'if options 2
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM underlying_symbol" 'if options 1
strSQL = "INSERT INTO underlying_symbol (symbol) VALUES ('xyz')"
'late bind to adodb and get recordset object
'Set adoRecSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'&H0001 = bitmask for aCmdText
connDB.Execute strSQL, , acCmdText
'With adoRecSet
' .Open Source:=strSQL, _
' ActiveConnection:=connDB, _
' CursorType:=1, _
' LockType:=3, _
' Options:=&H1
'.fields("symbol") = "XYZ"
'End With
'close the objects
'destroy the variables
'Set adoRecSet = Nothing
Set connDB = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
GoTo ExitMe
End Sub
Added some error handling, a constant that defines acCmdText (Why just not add a reference to ADO library? Up to you, though.), and a message box to check the connection state to the database, as I can't test your getProjectFile function. Late binding doesn't seem to be the issue here, I think the key line is:
connDB.Execute strSQL, , 2, &H1
Can really say what's going on here as I've never done it like this (code doesn't even compile), but changing it to
connDB.Execute strSQL, , acCmdText
worked for me.

Unable to query dynamically named range on Excel sheet using ADO

Suppose I have an Excel Sheet named Adjustments stored in a variable called wksName and, on that sheet, I have a named range defined as follows if you look in the Name Manager:
tblData =OFFSET(Adjustments!$A$1,0,0,COUNTA(Adjustments!$A:$A),4)
So that it expands to as many rows as we have data in columns A thru D.
Now I have the following code in my VBA module:
Set ExcelCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set ExcelRecSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ExcelCon.ConnectionString = "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" & _
"Data Source='" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & "';" & _
"Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1'"
'Get the data for the update:
' Get the data from the spreadhseet for the update statement
Set ExcelRecSet = ExcelCon.Execute("SELECT * FROM [" & wksName & "$tblData]")
When I try and run this code, I get the error:
Run-time error '-2147217865 (80040e37)':
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Sheet1$tblData'.
Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.
Is this a limitation to using ADO - Named ranges can not be dynamically defined - Or is there a way I can get this to work?
As stated in the comments, the code that ended up working for me (for those of you that may find you have the same issue) was something along the lines of:
Set ExcelRecSet = ExcelCon.Execute("SELECT * FROM [" & wksName & "$" & _
wks.Range("tblData").Address(0, 0) & "]")
This definitely works, but if there was a way to select a variable range without having to reference it as above, I'd love to see the way to do that.

ado in excel, inserting records into access database

First time asker, usually I can find the answer by searching, but my google-fu seems weak today.
I have an excel workbook connecting to an access 2003 database to insert usage records
The code i'm using is:
sdbpath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Data.mdb"
sCommand = "INSERT INTO Usage VALUES('" & Environ("Username") & "',#" & Now() & "#)"
Dim dbCon As New ADODB.Connection
Dim dbCommand As New ADODB.Command
dbCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & sdbpath & "; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=TestPass;"
dbCommand.ActiveConnection = dbCon
dbCommand.CommandText = sCommand
The code fails on the line dbCommand.Execute with run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)' : Automation error.
The database its trying to insert the record into contains one table, usage, with two columns - UserID and AccessDate, formatted as text and DateTime respectively.
The odd part is the connection string seems OK, since it fails after the connection is already open, yet if I take the sCommand value before the execute is run, then paste it into a query in access and execute that - it runs fine!
In case it was access struggling with the datetime format i've tried switching it to text (and the hashtags in the code) but that still fails. I've also tried specifying the column names too.
Can anyone shed some light on what i'm doing wrong? I've never had so much trouble with a very simple bit of SQL.
Thanks in advance!
In Access we need to specify the field-names. Even so, I found that I needed to wrap the table-name in square brackets before it would insert:
sCommand = "INSERT INTO [Usage] (UName, SomeDate) VALUES ('" & Environ("Username") _
& "',#" & Now() & "#)"

Update SQL database through excel VBA

First off I understand the process of having a user update a db via excel runs alot of risks, I appreciate any advise against this method but lets speculate that I have the perfect user who never makes mistakes :)
So firstly I've managed to access a stored procedure via vba in excel to pull data based on a parameter in a particular cell. Now if I wanted to update these fields how would I go about doing this?
My first suggestion would be to create a stored procedure that updates based on all the fields in spreadsheet. If this is the right avenue to follow how would I loop through all the rows?
Any other suggestions people could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Some notes on updating SQL Server. This [ODBC;FileDSN=z:\docs\test.dsn] can be any valid connection string.
Dim cn As Object, rs As Object
Dim scn As String, sSQL As String, sFile As String
sFile = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
scn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & sFile _
& ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"
''Late binding, so no reference is needed
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.Open scn
sSQL = "SELECT * INTO [ODBC;FileDSN=z:\docs\test.dsn].FromXL " _
& "FROM [Sheet8$]"
cn.Execute sSQL, recs
Debug.Print recs
sSQL = "INSERT INTO [ODBC;FileDSN=z:\docs\test.dsn].FromXL " _
& "SELECT * FROM [Sheet8$]"
cn.Execute sSQL, recs
Debug.Print recs
sSQL = "UPDATE [ODBC;FileDSN=z:\docs\test.dsn].FromXL x " _
& "INNER JOIN [Sheet8$] w " _
& "ON x.ID = w.ID SET x.Field =w.field"
cn.Execute sSQL, recs
Debug.Print recs
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM [ODBC;FileDSN=z:\docs\test.dsn].FromXL", cn
Debug.Print rs.GetString
You have to familiarize yourself with Microsofts COM Object. My VBA is rusty so watch out.
str t = Range("A1:A4").Value
If you are doing a lot of dynamic processing you should make yourself a wrapper method to some of the microsoft stubs.
function getValue(str location)
return Range(location + ":" + location).Value
end function
I've done large VBA projects before and reading values from the front end is a costly operation. You should set up objects to hold these values so you never have to read the same value more than once.
Lastly, you need lots and lots of validation, from everything between checking the database to make sure the user has the latest version to making sure that the spreadsheet isn't in print view (because this affects the range being able to read).
Verifying the version is important because you are going to need to release fixes and you need to verify that those fixes are being used.

Access 2007 VBA Query Shows Data in Query Analyzer But Not in VBA Coded Recordset

I have a function I've written that was initially supposed to take a string field and populate an excel spreadsheet with the values. Those values continually came up null. I started tracking it back to the recordset and found that despite the query being valid and running properly through the Access query analyzer the recordset was empty or had missing fields.
To test the problem, I created a sub in which I created a query, opened a recordset, and then paged through the values (outputting them to a messagebox). The most perplexing part of the problem seems to revolve around the "WHERE" clause of the query. If I don't put a "WHERE" clause on the query, the recordset always has data and the values for "DESCRIPTION" are normal.
If I put anything in for the WHERE clause the recordset comes back either totally empty (rs.EOF = true) or the Description field is totally blank where the other fields have values. I want to stress again that if I debug.print the query, I can copy/paste it into the query analyzer and get a valid and returned values that I expect.
I'd sure appreciate some help with this. Thank you!
Private Sub NewTest()
' Dimension Variables
Dim rsNewTest As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqlNewTest As String
Dim Counter As Integer
' Set variables
Set rsNewTest = New ADODB.Recordset
sqlNewTest = "SELECT dbo_partmtl.partnum as [Job/Sub], dbo_partmtl.revisionnum as Rev, " & _
"dbo_part.partdescription as Description, dbo_partmtl.qtyper as [Qty Per] " & _
"FROM dbo_partmtl " & _
"LEFT JOIN dbo_part ON dbo_partmtl.partnum = dbo_part.partnum " & _
"WHERE dbo_partmtl.mtlpartnum=" & Chr(34) & "3C16470" & Chr(34)
' Open recordset
rsNewTest.Open sqlNewTest, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Do Until rsNewTest.EOF
For Counter = 0 To rsNewTest.Fields.Count - 1
MsgBox rsNewTest.Fields(Counter).Name
MsgBox rsNewTest.Fields("Description")
' close the recordset
Set rsNewTest = Nothing
End Sub
EDIT: Someone requested that I post the DEBUG.PRINT of the query. Here it is:
SELECT dbo_partmtl.partnum as [Job/Sub], dbo_partmtl.revisionnum as Rev, dbo_part.partdescription as [Description], dbo_partmtl.qtyper as [Qty Per] FROM dbo_partmtl LEFT JOIN dbo_part ON dbo_partmtl.partnum = dbo_part.partnum WHERE dbo_partmtl.mtlpartnum='3C16470'
I have tried double and single quotes using ASCII characters and implicitly.
For example:
"WHERE dbo_partmtl.mtlpartnum='3C16470'"
I even tried your suggestion with chr(39):
"WHERE dbo_partmtl.mtlpartnum=" & Chr(39) & "3C16470" & Chr(39)
Both return a null value for description. However, if I debug.print the query and paste it into the Access query analyzer, it displays just fine. Again (as a side note), if I do a LIKE statement in the WHERE clause, it will give me a completely empty recordset. Something is really wonky here.
Here is an interesting tidbit. The tables are linked to a SQL Server. If I copy the tables (data and structure) locally, the ADO code above worked flawlessly. If I use DAO it works fine. I've tried this code on Windows XP, Access 2003, and various versions of ADO (2.5, 2.6, 2.8). ADO will not work if the tables are linked.
There is some flaw in ADO that causes the issue.
Absolutely I do. Remember, the DEBUG.PRINT query you see runs perfectly in the query analyzer. It returns the following:
Job/Sub Rev Description Qty Per
However, the same query returns empty values for Description (everything else is the same) when run through the recordset (messagebox errors because of "Null" value).
I tried renaming the "description" field to "testdep", but it's still empty. The only way to make it display data is to remove the WHERE section of the query. I'm starting to believe this is a problem with ADO. Maybe I'll rewriting it with DAO and seeing what results i get.
EDIT: I also tried compacting and repairing a couple of times. No dice.
When using ADO LIKE searches must use % instead of *. I know * works in Access but for some stupid reason ADO won't work unless you use % instead.
I had the same problem and ran accoss this forum while trying to fix it. Replacing *'s with %'s worked for me.
Description is a reserved word - put some [] brackets around it in the SELECT statement
Try naming the column something besides Description
Also are you sure you are using the same values in the where clause - because it is a left join so the Description field will be blank if there is no corresponding record in dbo_part
If you are getting funny results - try a Compact/Repair Database - It might be corrupted
Well, what I feared is the case. It works FINE with DAO but not ADO.
Here is the working code:
Private Sub AltTest()
' Dimension Variables
Dim rsNewTest As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbl As DAO.Database
Dim sqlNewTest As String
Dim Counter As Integer
' Set variables
sqlNewTest = "SELECT dbo_partmtl.partnum as [Job/Sub], dbo_partmtl.revisionnum as Rev, " & _
"dbo_part.partdescription as [TestDep], dbo_partmtl.qtyper as [Qty Per] " & _
"FROM dbo_partmtl " & _
"LEFT JOIN dbo_part ON dbo_partmtl.partnum = dbo_part.partnum " & _
"WHERE dbo_partmtl.mtlpartnum=" & Chr(39) & "3C16470" & Chr(39)
Debug.Print "sqlNewTest: " & sqlNewTest
Set dbl = CurrentDb()
Set rsNewTest = dbl.OpenRecordset(sqlNewTest, dbOpenDynaset)
' rsnewtest.OpenRecordset
Do Until rsNewTest.EOF
For Counter = 0 To rsNewTest.Fields.Count - 1
MsgBox rsNewTest.Fields(Counter).Name
MsgBox rsNewTest.Fields("TestDep")
' close the recordset
Set rsNewTest = Nothing
End Sub
I don't use DAO anywhere in this database and would prefer not to start. Where do we go from here?
I know some time has passed since this thread started, but just in case you're wondering, I have found out some curious about Access 2003 and the bug may have carried over to 2007 (as I can see it has).
I've had a similar problem with a WHERE clause because I needed records from a date field that also contained time, so the entire field contents would look like #6/14/2011 11:50:25 AM# (#'s added for formatting purposes).
Same issue as above, query works fine with the "WHERE ((tblTransactions.TransactionDate) Like '" & QueryDate & "*');" in the query design view, but it won't work in the VBA code using ADO.
So I resorted to using "WHERE ((tblTransactions.TransactionDate) Like '" & QueryDate & " %%:%%:%% %M');" in the VBA code, with ADO and it works just fine. Displays the record I was looking for, the trick is not to use "*" in the Like clause; or at least that was the issue in my case.
I put brackets around the word "Description" in the SELECT statement, but it's behavior remains. It works fine as long as I don't put anything in the WHERE clause. I've found if I put anything in the where clause, the description is blank (despite showing up in the Query analyzer). If I use a LIKE statement in the WHERE clause, the entire recordset is empty but it still works properly in the Query Analyzer.
Ultimately I think it's a problem with running ADO 2.8 on Vista 64
Personally I have always used DAO in Access projects.