MS Word - find table rows with wrapped text - vba

I have a table where all cells have Cell.WordWrap set to true. Some of them have text longer than cell width so it's wrapped. I need to find them (with longer text) and set them Cell.FitText = True, but can't figure how.
I tried to read row/cell .height. But it does not return real row/cell height but minimum height regardless how Cell.HeightRule is set.
Thanks for your tips!

One way to determine whether the content of a cell wraps is to compare the line numbering of the start and end of the cell content, as demonstrated in the following code example.
The Word object model provides the Information property, which has numerous enumeration members, including wdFirstCharacterLineNumber.
Each cell in a table is checked in a loop. After determining the line number of the first character in the cell, the Range is collapsed to its end-point (which is the beginning of the next cell), then moved back one character (putting it in the original cell) and the line number of the last character in the cell is checked.
If the second is greater than the first, the cell is added to an array. (Note: possibly, you could process the cell directly. But if this could affect other cells, better to add them all to an array, first, then process the array.)
Finally, the array is looped and each cell formatted with FitText = True
Sub ChangeCellWrapForLongLinesOfText()
Dim tbl As Word.Table
Dim cel As Word.Cell
Dim rngCel As Word.Range
Dim multiLineCells() As Word.Cell
Dim firstLine As Long
Dim lastLine As Long
Dim i As Long, x As Long
Set tbl = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
For Each cel In tbl.Range.Cells
Set rngCel = cel.Range
firstLine = rngCel.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber)
rngCel.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
rngCel.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
lastLine = rngCel.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber)
If lastLine > firstLine Then
ReDim Preserve multiLineCells(i)
Set multiLineCells(i) = cel
i = i + 1
End If
'Debug.Print i, UBound(multiLineCells())
For x = LBound(multiLineCells()) To UBound(multiLineCells())
'Debug.Print multiLineCells(x).Range.Text
multiLineCells(x).FitText = True
End Sub


Removing the Contents from the Cell of a Word Table using Excel VBA

I am currently working on a project and am looking for some assistance. To give you guys a layout of what is happening, I will run through the scenario step by step.
1) Currently I have a string array called “AnimalNamesToRemove” (For this example the array with contain the following words), that contains words that are used as bookmarks in a word document that I am looking to remove off a word table referenced below:
AnimalCat, AnimalDog, AnimalBird
2) In addition to the array, a table in a word document exists that has the name of the animal in column one, as well as some information about the animal (the only information that is of importance is the name of the animal):
Word Table
3) For this scenario, I have an excel table that I am looking to use to reference the words in the array and the word table names, as there are already bookmarks in the word document being used that hold the names existing in the array. To bring these together, a two column excel spreadsheet exists that has the name of the bookmark and the actual animal name (Column two is referenced using the range named “myRangeRef”):
4) What I am looking to do is that for every value in the array stated above, if that value (ex. “AnimalDog”) is found in the spreadsheet table (i.e. column two “Bookmark Reference”) then offset to the respective cell beside it in the first column (i.e. “Dog”) and create a new comma delimited string with those values, the same as “AnimalNamesToRemove” (i.e. Cat, Dog, Bird) and then turn it into a string array named “AnimalsToDelete”. Once the array is created, and all the values have been selected in the first column and made into an array based on the reference in column two, I want to go row by row in the word table and for every value existing in the new array “AnimalsToDelete”, if that value (i.e. Cat, Dog, and Bird) exists in the word table (found in column one), I want the code to delete the entire row that the name is found in (see result shown below)
Example Result
Dim wdTable As Object
Dim myRangeRef As Range
Dim AnimalNamesToRemove As Variant
Dim AnimalsToDelete As Variant
Dim wdDoc As Object
Set myRangeRef = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Bookmark References").Range("B1:B6")
Set wdTable = wdDoc.Tables(1)
For i = LBound(AnimalNamesToRemove) To UBound(AnimalNamesToRemove)
For Each cell In myRangeRef
If InStr(1, cell.Value, AnimalNamesToRemove(i), vbTextCompare) Then
aCell = cell.Offset(, -1).Value
stTemp = stTemp & "," & aCell
End If
Next cell
Next i
stTemp = Mid(stTemp, 2)
If Not Len(Trim(stTemp)) = 0 Then
AnimalsToDelete = Split(stTemp, ",")
For i = LBound(AnimalsToDelete) To UBound(AnimalsToDelete)
For j = wdTable.Rows.Count To 2 Step -1
If wdTable.cell(j, 1).Range.Text = AnimalsToDelete(i) Then wdTable.Rows(j).Delete
Next j
Next i
End If
If you have any solutions and/or suggestions please comment them down below.
NOTE: The first section of code works for creating the string array (i.e. from "set wdTable =" to "next i"), its the removal of information from the word table that I'm having the issues with.
Jack Henderson
Alright, based on your code I added a Reference to the Microsoft Word 16.0 Object Library in my Excel VBE (Tools - References, check the box) so we have the Word stuff available.
Next I wrote the following procedure:
Sub Test()
Dim BookMarksToDelete() As String
Dim ReturnsToDelete() As String
Dim wApp As Word.Application
Dim wDoc As Word.Document
Dim wdTable As Word.Table
Dim myRangeRef As Range
Dim cel As Range
Dim aCell As String
Set wApp = New Word.Application
Set wDoc = wApp.Documents.Open("C:\Temp\Col1.docx")
Set wdTable = wDoc.Tables(1)
ReDim BookMarksToDelete(0 To 1)
BookMarksToDelete(0) = "BlahOne"
BookMarksToDelete(1) = "BlahThree"
Set myRangeRef = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:B5")
For i = LBound(BookMarksToDelete) To UBound(BookMarksToDelete)
For Each cel In myRangeRef
If InStr(1, cel.Value, BookMarksToDelete(i), vbTextCompare) Then
aCell = cel.Offset(0, -1).Value
stTemp = stTemp & "," & aCell
End If
Next cel
Next i
stTemp = Mid(stTemp, 2)
If Not Len(Trim(stTemp)) = 0 Then
ReturnsToDelete = Split(stTemp, ",")
For i = LBound(ReturnsToDelete) To UBound(ReturnsToDelete)
For j = wdTable.Rows.Count To 2 Step -1
If Left(wdTable.cell(j, 1).Range.Text, Len(wdTable.cell(j, 1).Range.Text) - 2) = ReturnsToDelete(i) Then
End If
Next j
Next i
End If
Set wdTable = Nothing
Set wDoc = Nothing
Set wApp = Nothing
Set myRangeRef = Nothing
End Sub
As you can see, I basically stuck to your exact same structure and it works perfectly.
Your main issue (the rows in the word doc not being deleted or found) is because the text in a Cell in a table in word actually contains 2 extra characters in the very end. One is a "fake new line" and the other one shows up when you hit this paragraph button on the word GUI - It's an "end of cell" marker.
See for example this discussion
EDIT I based myself on the "BlahOne" and "NameOne" example, but yeah, you can edit it for animals, of course...

Use Word VBA to color cells in tables based on cell value

In Word I have a document with multiple tables full of data. Hidden inside these cells (out of view but the data is there) is the Hex code of the color I want to shade the cells. I chose the hex value just because it's relatively short and it's a unique bit of text that won't be confused with the rest of the text in the cell.
I've found some code online to modify but I can't seem to make it work. It doesn't give any errors, just nothing happens. I feel like the problem is in searching the tables for the text value but I've spent hours on this and I think I've confused myself now!
Sub ColourIn()
Dim oTbl As Table
Dim oCel As Cell
Dim oRng As Range
Dim oClr As String
For Each oTbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
For Each oCel In oTbl.Range.Cells
Set oRng = oCel.Range
oRng.End = oRng.End - 1
If oRng = "CCFFCC" Then
oCel.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorLightYellow
End If
If oRng = "FFFF99" Then
oCel.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorPaleBlue
End If
End Sub
I've also tried this code wit the same result of nothing happening:
Sub EachCellText()
Dim oCell As Word.Cell
Dim strCellString As String
For Each oCell In ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Range.Cells
strCellString = Left(oCell.Range.Text, _
Len(oCell.Range.Text) - 1)
If strCellString = "CCFFFF" Then
oCell.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorLightGreen
If strCellString = "CCFFCC" Then
oCell.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorLightYellow
If strCellString = "FFFF99" Then
oCell.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorPaleBlue
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Your Code is getting stuck nowhere. But you are checking the whole Cell Value against the Hex code, and this will not work since "blablabla FFFFFF" is never equal to "FFFFFF". So you have to check if the Hex code is in the Cell value:
Sub ColourIn()
Dim oTbl As Table
Dim oCel As Cell
Dim oRng As Range
Dim oClr As String
For Each oTbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
For Each oCel In oTbl.Range.Cells
Set oRng = oCel.Range
oRng.End = oRng.End - 1
Dim cellvalue As String
'check if Colorcode is in cell
If InStr(oRng, "CCFFCC") Then
'Set Cell color
oCel.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorLightYellow
'Remove Colorcode from Cell
cellvalue = Replace(oRng, "CCFFCC", "")
'load new value into cell
oRng = cellvalue
End If
End Sub
Now you just have to add all the colors you want to use (I would prefer a Select Case statement) and the code should work fine

Counting the number of occurrences of a specific style, within a column of a table

I need to count the number of occurrences of a specific style, within a column of a table. My program finds the number of occurrences within the whole document instead of only in the selection.
Sub Find()
With Selection.Find
.Style = "Style2"
iCount = 0
While .Execute
iCount = iCount + 1
MsgBox (iCount)
End With
End Sub
Performing Find inside a table is a tricky proposition as Find has a nasty tendancy to "bounce" inside of a cell. When I tested your code, having no information on how the style is applied in the table cells, the macro went into a loop and didn't stop until I forced it to. So I was a bit surprised that your code worked at all...
The problem with doing find on a column is that, in the underlying structures of the document a column is not a contiguous set of characters, the way it appears on-screen. The Word table information runs top-to-bottom in the cell, left-to-right across a row, then to the next row and repeat. The column selection is an illusion maintained by the Word application. So macro code basing on Selection or Range can't follow the usual rules that apply.
The following worked for me. In essence, it searches inside the entire table, but when it hits a cell not in the specified column the target range is moved to the next cell in the column and the search is run again. Only the "hits" inside cells in the column are counted.
Sub FindStyleInstanceInTableColumn()
Dim iCount As Long, iCellCount As Long, iCounter As Long
Dim cel As word.Cell
Dim col As word.Column
Dim rngFind As word.Range, rngCel As word.Range
Dim bFound As Boolean
Set col = Selection.Tables(1).Columns(1)
iCount = 0
iCellCount = col.Cells.Count
iCounter = 1
Set rngCel = col.Cells(iCounter).Range
Set rngFind = rngCel.Duplicate
'Don't include end-of-cell marker
rngFind.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
rngFind.Select 'For debugging
With rngFind.Find
.Style = "Style2"
bFound = .Execute(wrap:=wdFindStop)
rngFind.Select 'For debugging
If bFound Then
'If the found range is within a column cell
'then increase the counter
If rngFind.InRange(rngCel) Then
iCount = iCount + 1
'If the found range is not in a column cell
'then the style wasn't found in the cell so
'go to the next cell
ElseIf iCounter < iCellCount Then
iCounter = iCounter + 1
Set rngCel = col.Cells(iCounter).Range
rngFind.Start = rngCel.Start
rngFind.End = rngCel.Start
End If
rngFind.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End If
bFound = .Execute(Format:=True, wrap:=wdFindStop)
Loop Until iCounter = iCellCount And Not bFound
End With
MsgBox (iCount)
End Sub
EDIT: Adjusted the code to take into account no hits in first cell and hits in the last cell of the column. The difference is to make sure the starting point for rngFind is in the same cell as rngCel.

VBA - Range Object Sets Only Once in Loop

I am writing code which matches a date (from a file), puts this into a collection and then attempts to find this on a spreadsheet. Once it finds it, it puts the following two items in the collection in the two cells. When I run this I get the following error: "Object variable or With block variable not set". I have attempted to debug my code and it shows that after the first loop of the code below, the range object, "rthecell", changes to the proper value. Once the second iteration of the loop occurs the value of "rthecell" changes to "Nothing".
Set rtheCell = Range("A:A").Find(What:=LineItem1)
rtheCell.Offset(, 1).Value = LineItem3
rtheCell.Offset(, 2).Value = LineItem2
Set rtheCell = Nothing
Again, everything works as intended on the first iteration of the loop but I receive the error once the second iteration occurs.
Here is the full code:
Sub InputData()
'Declare variables
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim sLineFromFile As String
Dim saLineItems() As String
Dim element As Variant
Dim col As Collection
Dim LineItem1 As String
Dim LineItem2 As String
Dim LineItem3 As String
Dim rtheCell As Range
Set col = New Collection
'Insert file path name here, this file will be overwritten each morning
sFilePath = "P:\Billing_Count.csv"
Open sFilePath For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, sLineFromFile
'Split each line into a string array
'First replace all space with comma, then replace all double comma with single comma
'Replace all commas with space
'Then perform split with all values separated by one space
sLineFromFile = Replace(sLineFromFile, Chr(32), ",")
sLineFromFile = Replace(sLineFromFile, ",,", ",")
sLineFromFile = Replace(sLineFromFile, ",", " ")
saLineItems = Split(sLineFromFile, " ")
'Add line from saLineItem array to a collection
For Each element In saLineItems
If element <> " " Then
col.Add element
End If
Close #1
'Place each value of array into a smaller array of size 3
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Do Until i > col.Count
'Place each value of array into a string-type variable
'This line is the date
LineItem1 = col.Item(i)
i = i + 1
'This line should be the BW count make sure to check
LineItem2 = col.Item(i)
i = i + 1
'This line should be the ECC count make sure to check
LineItem3 = col.Item(i)
i = i + 1
'Find the matching date in existing Daily Billing File (dates on Excel must be formatted as
'general or text) and add ECC and BW counts on adjacent fields
Set rtheCell = Range("A3:A37").Find(What:=LineItem1)
rtheCell.Offset(, 1).Value = LineItem3 'This is LineItem3 since we can ECC data to appear before BW
rtheCell.Offset(, 2).Value = LineItem2
Set rtheCell = Nothing
LineItem1 = 0
'Format cells to appear as number with no decimals
'Format cells to have horizontal alignment
Sheets(1).Range("B3:C50").NumberFormat = "0"
Sheets(1).Range("C3:C50").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
End Sub
when you use the Range.Find method, typically you would either use the After:= parameter in subsequent calls or use the Range.FindNext method which assumes After:= the last found item. Since you are not modifying the actual found cells' value(s) in any way, you need to record the original found cell (typically the address) because eventually you will loop back to the original.
dim fndrng as range, fndstr as string
set fndrng = Range("A:A").Find(What:=LineItem1, after:=cells(rows.count, "A"))
if not fndrng is nothing then
fndstr = fndrng.address
do while True
'do stuff here
set fndrng = Range("A:A").FindNext(after:=fndrng)
if fndstr = fndrng.address then exit do
end if
That should give you the idea of looping through all the matching calls until you loop back to the original. tbh, it is hard to adequately expand on the small amount of code supplied.

In a specific row of a table replace a "*" with a checked checkbox, and "" with a checkbox that is not checked

I have a couple of tables and want to replace column 2 or column 5 (if it exists) with check boxes.
If there is an asterisk in the cell, I want the check box checked = True.
If there's no asterisk, the cell will only be a unchecked check box. These check boxes are from the developer tab, under controls, legacy forms.
I researched but failed:
replacing an asterisk with a check box (checked)
limiting it to a specific column (see image)
replacing a blank cell with a check box (unchecked)
limiting the action to a specific column (2 and 5 (if it exists))
Dim oCell As Cell
Dim oRow As Row
For Each oRow In Selection.Tables(1).Rows
For Each oCell In oRow.Cells 'this won't work specifically with my example, needs to be a little more specific
If oCell.Range.Text = "*" Then
MsgBox oCell.RowIndex & ", " & oCell.ColumnIndex & " check it!"
'I don't how to put in a check box here
End If
Next oCell
Next oRow
'I want to combine the top code and code below...right?
'do for each cell in column 2
With ActiveDocument.FormFields.Add(Range:=ActiveDocument.Selection, Type:=wdFieldFormCheckBox)
If cellvalue = "" Then 'just verbal logic here
.CheckBox.Value = False
End If
If cellvalue = "*" Then 'just verbal logic here
.checkbox.Value = True
End If
End With
Here's how I would do this:
Dim objDoc As Document
Dim oCell As Cell
Dim oCol As Column
Dim objTable As Table
Dim bFlag As Boolean
Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
Set objTable = Selection.Tables(1)
'This may or may not be necessary, but I think it's a good idea.
'Tables with spans can not be accessed via the spanned object.
'Helper function below.
If IsColumnAccessible(objTable, 2) Then
For Each oCell In objTable.Columns(2).Cells
'This is the easiest way to check for an asterisk,
'but it assumes you have decent control over your
'content. This checks for an asterisk anywhere in the
'cell. If you need to be more specific, keep in mind
'that the cell will contain a paragraph return as well,
'at a minimum.
bFlag = (InStr(oCell.Range.Text, "*") > 0)
'Delete the content of the cell; again, this assumes
'the only options are blank or asterisk.
objDoc.FormFields.Add Range:=oCell.Range, Type:=wdFieldFormCheckBox
'Set the value. I found some weird results doing this
'any other way (such as setting the form field to a variable).
'This worked, though.
If bFlag Then
oCell.Range.FormFields(1).CheckBox.Value = True
End If
Next oCell
End If
'Then do the same for column 5.
Public Function IsColumnAccessible(ByRef objTable As Table, iColumn As Integer) As Boolean
Dim objCol As Column
'This is a little helper function that returns false if
'the column can't be accessed. If you know you won't have
'any spans, you can probably skip this.
On Error GoTo IsNotAccessible
IsColumnAccessible = True
Set objCol = objTable.Columns(iColumn)
Exit Function
IsColumnAccessible = False
End Function