Loaded class is of incorrect type: expected(org.eclipse.ui.menus.WorkbenchWindowControlContribution) got (de.blub.menu.ToolbarContributionItem) - eclipse-plugin

This is my menucontribution in the plugin.xml:
<visibleWhen checkEnabled="false">
<!-- some conditions -->
The ToolBarContributionItem class extends CompoudStatement as required according to the Documentation:
The element provides a mechanism that will call back into the defined class to provide an IContributionItem to be shown when the menu or toolbar is built. The defined class must be a derivative of the org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionItem base class. It can also use org.eclipse.ui.action.CompoundContributionItem and provide an implementation for the abstract getContributionItems method to provide a dynamic menu item.
public class ToolbarContributionItem extends CompoundContributionItem {
But I get the Error Message
!MESSAGE Loaded class is of incorrect type: expected(org.eclipse.ui.menus.WorkbenchWindowControlContribution) got (de.blub.menu.ToolbarContributionItem)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Loaded class is of incorrect type: expected(org.eclipse.ui.menus.WorkbenchWindowControlContribution) got (de.blub.menu.ToolbarContributionItem)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.util.Util.safeLoadExecutableExtension(Util.java:713)
So what's the problem here?

The documentation is wrong, see Eclipse bug 509635.
The class must extend org.eclipse.ui.menus.WorkbenchWindowControlContribution


Bean not being found

I am trying to learn JavaEE; after following a tutorial I am unable to reach a bean that is clearly annotated correctly:
public class EditPhoto implements Serializable `
calling a bean method using jsf tag:
<f:validator validatorId="imageUploadValidator" />
I get:
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /upload.xhtml #30,63
value="#{editPhotoBean.uploadedPart}": Target Unreachable, identifier
'editPhotoBean' resolved to null
formerly I had it as:
#Named(value = "editPhotoBean")
Something else that is telling is the fact that properties on other beans show up as unfound by netbeans:
<tr><td align='center'>
<c:if test="#{photoBook.currentPhoto.public}">
Everyone can see this photo
<c:if test="#{not photoBook.currentPhoto.public}">
Only you can see this photo
<tr><td align='center'>
<label>Uploaded as #{photoBook.currentPhoto.filename}</label>
though that bean is marked:
public class PhotoBook implements Serializable {
I suspect it has something to do with my libraries, everything else has worked but I looked and realized that I don't have any JAvaEE libraries installed except what comes with glassfish:
any hints on what to install ? || is it something else ?
If using JSF or PrimeFaces set annotation #ManagedBean on top of
List item setter and getter on uploadedPart property

React native twitter sign in

I installed twitter login for react native and I get this error on
apply plugin: 'Crashlytics' from your library project. If you're looking for Library support, please contact support#fabric.io
:react-native-twitter-signin:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).
/Users/khalidahmada/www/travelStory/node_modules/react-native-twitter-signin/android/src/main/java/com/goldenowl/twittersignin/TwitterSigninModule.java:32: error: TwitterSigninModule is not abstract and does not override abstract method onNewIntent(Intent) in ActivityEventListener
public class TwitterSigninModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule implements ActivityEventListener {
/Users/khalidahmada/www/travelStory/node_modules/react-native-twitter-signin/android/src/main/java/com/goldenowl/twittersignin/TwitterSigninModule.java:88: error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
2 errors
:react-native-twitter-signin:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac FAILED
Any idea about this error? I'm JavaScript Developer and I have no idea about this error.
This is the node module:
delete #override at selected file .code will work fine...

Include a component as part of a plugin

Initial Question
How, if at all, can we expose a view/view-model component from a plugin? For instance, we have the following:
// ./open-id/foo-bar.html
// ./open-id/foo-bar.ts
export class FooBar { }
In the consuming application, we would like to do this:
// ./app.html
<require from="open-id/foo-bar"></require>
Simpler Name
Based on Robinson Collado's answer, we using a simpler name (foo not foo-bar) to reduce complexity.
// ./open-id/foo.html
// ./open-id/foo.ts
export class Foo { }
// ./app.html
<require from="open-id/foo"></require>
That approach threw this error:
Unhandled rejection Error: Load timeout for modules: template-registry-entry!open-id/foo.html,text!open-id/foo.html
Global Resource
Based on the Installing Plugins documentations, we tried adding the component as a global resource.
// ./open-id/open-id.ts
function configure(config: FrameworkConfiguration) {
That approach threw this error:
GET http://localhost:9000/src/open-id/open-id/foo.js 404 (Not Found)
That means Aurelia is looking for the component in open-id/open-id/, which is one directory too deep.
Loading as a Plugin
During development of the plugin, we're loading the plugin like this, which may be why Aurelia is looking one directory too deep. How can we load the plugin differently during developent?
// ./main.ts
Loading as a Feature
The error now is this for each constructor that receiving an injection from our feature.
Message: key/value cannot be null or undefined. Are you trying to inject/register something that doesn't exist with DI?
Try changing the name of the custom tag <foo-bar></foo-bar> to <foobar></foobar>. The name of the tag should match the name of it's view-model class. Unless, if you use the #customElement decorator to explicitly declare the tag name for the custom element.

Migrating code from OpenLaszlo 3.3 to 5.0: TypeError #1007 Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.

I ported some parts of the code from OL 3.3 to OL 5.0 recently. I thought that everything will work but when i try to run it using the ant script i have I am getting this error.
[echo] C:\Program Files\OpenLaszlo Server 5.0.x\Server\lps-5.0.x/WEB-INF/lps/server/bin/lzc.bat
[exec] Compiling: C:\Workspace\application\client\src\TestClient.lzx to TestClient.swf10.swf
[exec] compiler output is Loading configuration file C:\Program Files\OpenLaszlo Server 5.0.x\Server\lps-5.0.x\WEB-INF\frameworks\flex-config.xml
[exec] C:\Documents and Settings\310773\Local Settings\Temp\lzswf9\Workspace\application\client\src\build\TestClient\app.swf (289808 bytes)
So, I took the folder and i compiled it directly in Laszlo. It's not showing any error but when the swf is about to load the main page I am getting this error. Any idea why?
TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at $lzc$class__mvz/$mvx()
at LzNode/__LZresolveReferences()
at LzNode/__LZcallInit()
at LzCanvas/__LZcallInit()
at LzCanvas/__LZinstantiationDone()
at LzInstantiatorService/makeSomeViews()
at LzInstantiatorService/checkQ()
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::call()
at LzEvent/sendEvent()
at LzIdleKernel$/__update()
That's the error message you get when you try to instantiate a class which is not defined. Here is an example:
<class name="myclass">
<handler name="oninit">
// Instantiate a class which is not defined
var x = new lz.missingclass();
<myclass />
Check for missing <includes> of classes which are being instantiated through scripts. You can always check the list of Adoboe Flash Run-Time Errors as well, sometimes there is useful information contained here.
Edit: Solution to problem added
This commment pointed to the problem:
I found that this line is causing the problem. <attribute name="dp"
value="$once{new lz.Datapointer()}" />. Any idea why?
If you check the OpenLaszlo reference for 5.0, you will see that the class names (on the left side in the class browser) use different case; some classes use camel case (lz.Browser, lz.DataElement), others use all lowercase (lz.view, lz.datapointer). In your case, you should have used lz.datapointer instead of lz.Datapointer.
Therefore this code will compile and run without any problems:
<class name="my_class" extends="node">
<attribute name="dp" value="$once{new lz.datapointer()}" />
<my_class oninit="Debug.inspect(this.dp)" />
A good way to test for the correct name of a class is to use the JavaScript in console in DHTML runtime, where you have auto-completion for lz.??? classnames:
Debugging SWF #1007 errors in OpenLaszlo
If you run into a #1007 error in the SWF runtime, I would compile the application for DHTML with the debugger disabled and the JavaScript error console open. Try this:
Change the line of with the $once{} constraint to
<attribute name="dp" value="$once{new lz.Datapointer()}" />
Compile the app in Chrome using DHTML runtime and debug=false. You should see the following error in the JavaScript console:
Click on the right side on error-1007.lzx:3, and you'll see the generated JavaScript code with the line causing the error
This line fails:
this.setAttribute("dp",new (lz.Datapointer)())
and you can even reproduce the error by typing new (lz.Datapointer) into the console.
Just as a point of info: The case of class names was "regularized" in 4.0 so that the case of a class that implements a tag is the same as that tag. See Mapping Class and Tag Names.
Here is an example of the problem and a workaround:
Here is the code of a short OpenLaszlo application demonstrating the problem:
<canvas width="1000" height="584">
<view name="myContainer" width="500" height="500">
<handler name="oninit">
var objCB = new lz.combobox(this);
In this example there is no <combobox> tag in the application so the compiler does not think it needs to include the OpenLaszlo <combobox> class code in the application. Hence, when we try to instantiate a combobox with the line "var objCB = new lz.combobox(this);" the compiler throws the following error:
ERROR #test1007error.lzx≈5: TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation
attempted on a non-constructor.
The solution for the problem is to add an include in your application for <combobox>:
<canvas width="1000" height="584">
<include href="lz/combobox.lzx" />
<view name="myContainer" width="500" height="500">
<handler name="oninit">
var objCB = new lz.combobox(this);
This time the error is not thrown and we see the combobox appear at the top left of the application when we run it.

The hierarchy of the type AddEntryAction is inconsistent (Jface)

i have the following class in eclipse
class AddEntryAction extends Action {
public AddEntryAction() {
super("Add Entry");
setToolTipText("Add Entry");
public void run() {
WizardDialog dlg = new WizardDialog(MainClass.mainWindow.getShell(),
new AddEntryWizard());
and Action class extends AbstractAction which intern extends EventManager class. Both these parent classes are part of the eclipse SWT/jface libraries... I get the following error on the above class declaration
The project was not built since its
build path is incomplete. Cannot find
the class file for
Fix the build path then try building
project DisplayExample Unknown Java
The type
cannot be resolved. It is indirectly
referenced from required .class
files MainClass.java /DisplayExample/src line
94 Java Problem
AddEntryAction is declared within the same source file MainClass.java. Actually, this is an example from Java2s.com ... I have the libraries/jars because i can see the compiles classes of all these clases
The error "The project was not built since ... org.eclipse.core.commands.common.EventManager cannot be resolved..." with swt/jface dependencies can be caused by missing reference sources or binaries containing org.eclipse.core packages in addition to org.eclipse.swt and org.eclipse.jface packages.
E.g. build path in my case included:
Following jar was missing and caused above error: