SQlite select only rows with defined difference between them - sql

for example I have following rows
I need only first row with difference between first and second rows not greeter than 1 day ,also I want getting count of rows with such difference, for this sample I want to get follow:
'1982-01-10T00:00:00Z', 2
'1985-01-16T00:00:00Z', 2
'1987-01-11T00:00:00Z', 3
Any idea?
I have tried query, but with wrong result:
SELECT utc_timestamp, utc_timestamp - LAG (utc_timestamp, 1, utc_timestamp) OVER (
ORDER BY utc_timestamp
) difference
SELECT utc_timestamp, AVG(GB_temperature) as avgt
FROM weather_data
GROUP BY strftime('%Y-%m-%d', utc_timestamp)
HAVING avgt < -4

Well, this looks ok but I believe it can be done in less code lines...
select min(date_before), count(date_c)+1, month, year from
(select strftime('%d',date_c) - lag(strftime('%d',date_c)) over (order by date_c) diff
, strftime('%d',date_c) day
, lag(strftime('%d', date_c)) over (order by date_c) day_before
, strftime('%m', date_c) month
, lag(strftime('%m', date_c)) over (order by date_c) m_before
, strftime('%Y', date_c) year
, lag(strftime('%Y', date_c)) over (order by date_c) y_before
, date_c
, lag(date_c) over (order by date_c) date_before
from testTable
order by date_c)
where diff = 1
and month = m_before
and year = y_before
group by month, year;
Here is the DEMO


Taking Count Based On Year and Month from Date Columns

I want to take count based on from and to date. using from and to date I am trying to take year and month then based on month and year taking count. can someone suggest me how can i implement this.
Database : Snowflake
You want to do more less the solution to this other question
but here let me do all the work for you:
WITH data_table(start_date, end_date) as (
SELECT * from values
('2022-01-15'::date, '2022-02-12'::date),
('2021-12-25'::date, '2022-03-18'::date),
('2022-02-25'::date, '2022-03-06'::date),
('2021-10-20'::date, '2022-01-07'::date)
), large_range as (
SELECT row_number() over (order by null)-1 as rn
FROM table(generator(ROWCOUNT => 1000))
), pre_condition as (
date_trunc('month', start_date) as month_start
,datediff('month', month_start, date_trunc('month', end_date)) as m
FROM data_table
to_char(dateadd('month', r.rn, d.month_start),'MON-YY') as month_yr
,count(*) as count
FROM pre_condition as d
JOIN large_range as r ON r.rn <= d.m

Top N items in every month - BIGQUERY

I have a big query program below;
WITH cte AS(
SELECT project_name,
SUM(reward_value) AS total_reward_value,
DATE_TRUNC(date_signing, MONTH) as month,
Row_number() over (partition by DATE_TRUNC(date_signing, MONTH)
order by SUM(reward_value) desc) AS rank
FROM `deals`
WHERE CAST(date_signing as DATE) > '2019-12-31'
AND CAST(date_signing as DATE) < '2020-02-01'
AND target_category = 'achieved'
AND project_name IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY project_name, month, date_signing
SELECT * FROM cte WHERE rank <= 5
that returns the following result:
While I expect to have each unique project to be SUM within each month and then I filter only the top 5.
Something like this:
I got the following error if the date_signing grouping is removed
PARTITION BY expression references column date_signing which is neither grouped nor aggregated at [16:48]
Any hints what should be corrected will be appreciated!
One more subquery maybe then?
WITH cte AS(
SELECT project_name,
SUM(reward_value) as reward_sum,
DATE_TRUNC(date_signing, MONTH) as month
FROM `deals`
WHERE CAST(date_signing as DATE) > '2019-12-31'
AND CAST(date_signing as DATE) < '2020-02-01'
AND target_category = 'achieved'
AND project_name IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY project_name, month
ranks AS (
ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY month ORDER BY reward_sum DESC) AS rank
FROM ranks
WHERE rank <= 5
yeah you can't do that , yo can show the last signing date instead:
WITH cte AS(
SELECT project_name,
DATE_TRUNC(date_signing, MONTH) as month,
MAX(date_signing) as last_signing_date,
Row_number() over (partition by DATE_TRUNC(date_signing, MONTH)
order by SUM(reward_value) desc) AS rank
FROM `deals`
WHERE CAST(date_signing as DATE) > '2019-12-31'
AND CAST(date_signing as DATE) < '2020-02-01'
AND target_category = 'achieved'
AND project_name IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY project_name, month
SELECT * FROM cte WHERE rank <= 5

Get last data recorded of the date and group it by month

tbl_totalMonth has id,time, date and kwh column.
I want to get the last recorded data of the months and group it per month so the result would be the name of the month and kwh.
the result should be something like this:
month | kwh
January | 150
February | 400
the query I tried: (but it returns the max kwh not the last kwh recorded)
SELECT DATENAME(MONTH, a.date) as monthly, max(a.kwh) as kwh
from tbl_totalMonth a
WHERE date > = DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0, GETDATE() -1 ),0)
group by DATENAME(MONTH, a.date)
I suspect you need something quite different:
select *
from (
select *
, row_number() over(partition by month(a.date), year(a.date) order by a.date DESC) as rn
from tbl_totalMonth a
WHERE date > = DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0, GETDATE() -1 ),0)
) d
where rn = 1
To get "the last kwh recorded (per month)" you need to use row_number() which - per month - will order the rows (descending) and give each one a row number. When that number is 1 you have "the most recent" row for that month, and you won't need group by at all.
You could use group by and month
select datename(month, date), sum(kwh)
from tbl_totalMonth
where date = (select max(date) from tbl_totalMonth )
group by datename(month, date)
if you need only the last row for each month then youn should use
select datename(month, date), khw
from tbl_totalMonth a
inner join (
select max(date) as max_date
from tbl_totalMonth
group by month(date)) t on t.max_date = a.date

How can I count users in a month that were not present in the month before?

I am trying to count unique users on a monthly basis that were not present in the previous month. So if a user has a record for January and then another one for February, then I would only count January for that user.
user_id time
a1 1/2/17
a1 2/10/17
a2 2/18/17
a4 2/5/17
a5 3/25/17
My results should look like this
Month User Count
January 1
February 2
March 1
I'm not really familiar with BigQuery, but here's how I would solve the problem using TSQL. I imagine that you'd be able to use similar logic in BigQuery.
1). Order the data by user_id first, and then time. In TSQL, you can accomplish this with the following and store it in a common table expression, which you will query in the step after this.
;WITH cte AS
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [user_id] ORDER BY [time]) AS rn,*
from dbo.employees
2). Next query for only the rows with rn = 1 (the first occurrence for a particular user) and group by the month.
select DATENAME(month, [time]) AS [Month], count(*) AS user_count
from cte
where rn = 1
group by DATENAME(month, [time])
This is assuming that 2017 is the only year you're dealing with. If you're dealing with more than one year, you probably want step #2 to look something like this:
select year([time]) as [year], DATENAME(month, [time]) AS [month],
count(*) AS user_count
from cte
where rn = 1
group by year([time]), DATENAME(month, [time])
First aggregate by the user id and the month. Then use lag() to see if the user was present in the previous month:
with du as (
select date_trunc(time, month) as yyyymm, user_id
from t
group by date_trunc(time, month)
select yyyymm, count(*)
from (select du.*,
lag(yyyymm) over (partition by user_id order by yyyymm) as prev_yyyymm
from du
) du
where prev_yyyymm is not null or
prev_yyyymm < date_add(yyyymm, interval 1 month)
group by yyyymm;
Note: This uses the date functions, but similar functions exist for timestamp.
The way I understood question is - to exclude user to be counted in given month only if same user presented in previous month. But if same user present in few months before given, but not in previous - user should be counted.
If this is correct - Try below for BigQuery Standard SQL
SELECT Year, Month, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS User_Count
DATE_DIFF(time, LAG(time) OVER(PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY time), MONTH) AS flag
DATE_TRUNC(PARSE_DATE('%x', time), MONTH) AS time,
FORMAT_DATE('%B', PARSE_DATE('%x', time)) AS Month
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4
WHERE IFNULL(flag, 0) <> 1
GROUP BY Year, Month, time
you can test / play with above using below example with dummy data from your question
WITH yourTable AS (
SELECT 'a1' AS user_id, '1/2/17' AS time UNION ALL
SELECT 'a1', '2/10/17' UNION ALL
SELECT 'a2', '2/18/17' UNION ALL
SELECT 'a4', '2/5/17' UNION ALL
SELECT 'a5', '3/25/17'
SELECT Year, Month, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS User_Count
DATE_DIFF(time, LAG(time) OVER(PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY time), MONTH) AS flag
DATE_TRUNC(PARSE_DATE('%x', time), MONTH) AS time,
FORMAT_DATE('%B', PARSE_DATE('%x', time)) AS Month
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4
WHERE IFNULL(flag, 0) <> 1
GROUP BY Year, Month, time
The output is
Year Month User_Count
2017 January 1
2017 February 2
2017 March 1
Try this query:
count(DISTINCT t1.user_id)
FROM nbitra.tmp
) t1
FROM nbitra.tmp
) t2
ON t1.d = t2.d+1
t1.user_id <> t2.user_id --User is in previous month
OR t2.user_id IS NULL --To handle january, since there is no previous month to compare to
GROUP BY t1.d;

Filter rows in PostgreSQL based on values of consecutive rows in one column

So I'm working with the following postgresql table:
10 rows from PostGreSQL table
For each business_id, I want to filter out those businesses where the review_count isn't above a specific review_count threshold for 2 consecutive months (or rows). Depending on the city the business_id is in, the threshold will be different (so for example, in the screenshot above, we can assume rows with city = Charlotte has a review_count threshold of >= 2, and those with city = Las Vegas has a review_count threshold of >= 3. If a business_id does not have at least one instance of consecutive months with review_counts above the specified threshold, I want to filter it out.
I want this query to return only the business_ids that meet this condition (as well as all the other columns in the table that go along with that business_id). The composite primary key on this table is (business_id, year, month).
Some months, as you may notice, are missing from the data (month 9 of the second business_id). If that is the case, I do NOT want to count 2 rows as 'consecutive months'. For example, for the business in Las Vegas, I do NOT want to consider month 8 to 10 as 'consecutive months', even though they appear in consecutive rows.
I've tried something like this, but have kind of run into a wall and don't think its getting me far:
FROM us_business_monthly_review_growth
WHERE business_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT(business_id)
FROM us_business_monthly_review_growth
GROUP BY business_id, year, month
HAVING (city = 'Las Vegas'
AND (CASE WHEN COUNT(review_count >= 2 * 2.21) >= 2))
OR (city = 'Charlotte' AND (CASE WHEN COUNT(review_count >= 2 * 1.95) >= 2))
I'm new to Postgre and StackOverflow, so if you have any feedback on the way I asked this question please don't hesitate to let me know! =)
Thanks to some help from #Gordon Linoff, I found the following solution:
FROM us_businesses_monthly_growth_and_avg
WHERE business_id IN (SELECT distinct(business_id)
lag(year) OVER (PARTITION BY business_id ORDER BY year, month) AS prev_year,
lag(month) OVER (PARTITION BY business_id ORDER BY year, month) AS prev_month,
lag(review_count) OVER (PARTITION BY business_id ORDER BY year, month) AS prev_review_count
FROM us_businesses_monthly_growth_and_avg
) AS usga
WHERE (city = 'Charlotte' AND review_count >= 4 * 1.95 AND prev_review_count >= 4 * 1.95 AND (YEAR * 12 + month) = (prev_year * 12 + prev_month) + 1)
OR (city = 'Las Vegas' AND review_count >= 4 * 3.31 AND prev_review_count >= 4 * 3.31 AND (YEAR * 12 + month) = (prev_year * 12 + prev_month) + 1);
You can do this with lag():
select distinct business_id
from (select t.*,
lag(year) over (partition by business_id order by year, month) as prev_year,
lag(month) over (partition by business_id order by year, month) as prev_month,
lag(rating) over (partition by business_id order by year, month) as prev_rating
from us_business_monthly_review_growth t
) t
where rating >= $threshhold and prev_rating >= $threshhold and
(year * 12 + month) = (prev_year * 12 + prev_month) + 1;
The only trick is setting the threshold value. I have no idea how you plan on doing that.
Please try...
SELECT business_id
SELECT business_id AS business_id,
LAG( business_id, -1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) AS lag_in_business_id,
LAG( year, -1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) * 12 + LAG( month, -1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) AS diffInDates,
review_count AS review_count
FROM us_business_monthly_review_growth
order BY business_id,
) tempTable
JOIN tblCityThresholds ON tblCityThresholds.city = tempTable.city
WHERE business_id = lag_in_business_id
AND diffInDates = 1
AND tblCityThresholds.threshold <= review_count
GROUP BY business_id;
In formulating this answer I first used the following code to test that LAG() performed as hoped...
SELECT business_id,
LAG( business_id, 1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) AS lag_in_business_id,
LAG( year, 1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) * 12 + LAG( month, 1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) AS diffInDates
FROM mytable
ORDER BY business_id,
Here I was trying to get LAG() to refer to values on the next row, but the output showed that it was referring to the previous row in that comparison. Unfortunately I wanted to compare current values with the next one to see if the next record had the same business_id, etc. So I changed the 1 in LAG() to `-1', giving me...
SELECT business_id,
LAG( business_id, -1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) AS lag_in_business_id,
LAG( year, -1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) * 12 + LAG( month, -1 ) OVER ( ORDER BY business_id, year, month ) AS diffInDates
FROM mytable
ORDER BY business_id,
As this gave me the desired results I added city, to allow a JOIN between the results and an assumed table holding the details of each city and its corresponding threshold. I chose the name tblCityThresholds as a suggestion since I am not sure what you have / would call it. This completed the inner SELECT statement.
I then joined the results of the inner SELECT statement to tblCityThresholds and refined the output as per your criteria. Note : It is assumed that the city field will always have a corresponding entry in tblCityThresholds;
I then used GROUP BY to ensure no repetition of a business_id.
If you have any questions or comments, then please feel free to post a Comment accordingly.
Further Reading
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/functions-window.html (in regards LAG())