htaccess rewrite. always replace the the first part after domain - apache

My main API URL entry point is: and then I can have URI_REQUESTS which will follow, for e.g.: (with trailing slash or not..)
I want to be alble always to rewirte to any request which has the first part of the URL diffrent back to /abc/. Examples: (with trailing slash or not..) or
I dont care how many parts the URL will have after the first part ot if it has trailing slashes or any query-strings I alwas want to change the first part following the domain back to /abc/
But certain first parts has to be ignored for examle if it comes in as then it should not rewrite

Looks pretty straight forward:
RewriteEngine on
RequestCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/abc/
RequestCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(help|help2|help3)/
RewriteRule ^/?[^/]+/(.*)$ /abc/$1 [END,QSA]
In case you receive an internal server error (http status 500) using the rule above then chances are that you operate a very old version of the apache http server. You will see a definite hint to an unsupported [END] flag in your http servers error log file in that case. You can either try to upgrade or use the older [L] flag, it probably will work the same in this situation, though that depends a bit on your setup.
This implementation will work likewise in the http servers host configuration or inside a dynamic configuration file (".htaccess" file). Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded inside the http server and enabled in the http host. In case you use a dynamic configuration file you need to take care that it's interpretation is enabled at all in the host configuration and that it is located in the host's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder.
And a general remark: you should always prefer to place such rules in the http servers host configuration instead of using dynamic configuration files (".htaccess"). Those dynamic configuration files add complexity, are often a cause of unexpected behavior, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have access to the real http servers host configuration (read: really cheap service providers) or for applications insisting on writing their own rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).


Get this paramater url with RewriteRule .htaccess

How can i get only id number after .p?
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.p([0-9]+) index.php?id=$1 [QSA]
This RewriteRule not working for me.
This probably is what you are looking for:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule \.p(\d+)$ /index.php?id=$1 [END,QSA]
Here a somewhat more specific version:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?\w+\.p(\d+)$ /index.php?id=$1 [END,QSA]
In case you receive an internal server error (http status 500) using the rule above then chances are that you operate a very old version of the apache http server. You will see a definite hint to an unsupported [END] flag in your http servers error log file in that case. You can either try to upgrade or use the older [L] flag, it probably will work the same in this situation, though that depends a bit on your setup.
This implementation will work likewise in the http servers host configuration or inside a distributed configuration file (".htaccess" file). Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded inside the http server and enabled in the http host. In case you use a distributed configuration file you need to take care that it's interpretation is enabled at all in the host configuration and that it is located in the host's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder.
And a general remark: you should always prefer to place such rules in the http servers host configuration instead of using distributed configuration files (".htaccess"). Those distributed configuration files add complexity, are often a cause of unexpected behavior, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have access to the real http servers host configuration (read: really cheap service providers) or for applications insisting on writing their own rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).

.htaccess entry for redirecting to a folder without showing the folder name in url

my website resides in public_html/rhf folder.
1. i want if some one enter url , it should be redirected to in background and browser should display only
also for if some one enters or it should redirected to and shows only in browser address bar.
first case is working fine for me by adding following in .htaccess
RewriteRule !^rhf/ /rhf%{REQUEST_URI} [L]
But second case is not working
Kindly help in this regard
This would be the classical setup:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,QSA,END]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/rhf(?:/|$)
RewriteRule ^ /rhf%{REQUEST_URI} [QSA,END]
For the first redirection to http you obviously need to listen and react to the unencrypted http protocol at all. This implements a general redirection. In case you only want to redirect for that specific path you mentioned, the rule would have to be extended by a condition as well.
It is a good idea to start out with a 302 temporary redirection and only change that to a 301 permanent redirection later, once you are certain everything is correctly set up. That prevents caching issues while trying things out...
In case you receive an internal server error (http status 500) using the rule above then chances are that you operate a very old version of the apache http server. You will see a definite hint to an unsupported [END] flag in your http servers error log file in that case. You can either try to upgrade or use the older [L] flag, it probably will work the same in this situation, though that depends a bit on your setup.
This implementation will work likewise in the http servers host configuration or inside a distributed configuration file (".htaccess" file). Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded inside the http server and enabled in the http host. In case you use a distributed configuration file you need to take care that it's interpretation is enabled at all in the host configuration and that it is located in the host's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder.
And a general remark: you should always prefer to place such rules in the http servers host configuration instead of using distributed configuration files (".htaccess"). Those distributed configuration files add complexity, are often a cause of unexpected behavior, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have access to the real http servers host configuration (read: really cheap service providers) or for applications insisting on writing their own rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).

htaccess RewriteRule creates only root-url, not the expected one

here are some possible URL's i need to rewrite:
I want to remove all numbers and the - sticking to the number from the URL:
What i tried so far (4 digits and -):
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*[/][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-.*$
RewriteRule ^.*[/][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-.*$ /$1 [R=301,L]
The redirect works not as expected, it only takes me to:
I also tried
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule (\d+)-([^/]*) $2 [R=301,L]
this should work, but it cuts '/products/rubbers' away :(
How do i tell the RewriteRule to cut out the numbers and the first - ?
Thank you :)
The $1 reference you use in your rule references the first captured group from your matching pattern, but you did not define any such group. That is why it is empty and you rewrite to what you call the "root URL".
Take a look at this instead:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)/\d{4}-(.+)$ /$1/$2 [R=301,END]
It is a good idea to start out with a 302 temporary redirection and only change that to a 301 permanent redirection later, once you are certain everything is correctly set up. That prevents caching issues while trying things out...
In case you receive an internal server error (http status 500) using the rule above then chances are that you operate a very old version of the apache http server. You will see a definite hint to an unsupported [END] flag in your http servers error log file in that case. You can either try to upgrade or use the older [L] flag, it probably will work the same in this situation, though that depends a bit on your setup.
This implementation will work likewise in the http servers host configuration or inside a distributed configuration file (".htaccess" file). Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded inside the http server and enabled in the http host. In case you use a distributed configuration file you need to take care that it's interpretation is enabled at all in the host configuration and that it is located in the host's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder.
And a general remark: you should always prefer to place such rules in the http servers host configuration instead of using distributed configuration files (".htaccess"). Those distributed configuration files add complexity, are often a cause of unexpected behavior, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have access to the real http servers host configuration (read: really cheap service providers) or for applications insisting on writing their own rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).

How would you block all referring domains via .htaccess while allowing a certain one through. Not IP address. Script isn't working

I need to have a .htaccess file made to the following specifications.
Allow ONLY "" to access ""
Block all other referrers and redirect them to ""
But I am not sure how to go about doing this.
So far this is what I have got. But it is not working.
<If "%{HTTP_HOST} != ''">
Redirect /
Using the latest Apache. I really appreciate the help here. I have gone through a few other posts but can't seem to figure it out.
Does the '' have to include the full url or is their a way to make it be a wildcard like **?
This should point you into the right direction:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mydomain\.com$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^exampledomain\.com$
RewriteRule ^ [R=301,END]
It is a good idea to start out with a 302 temporary redirection and only change that to a 301 permanent redirection later, once you are certain everything is correctly set up. That prevents caching issues while trying things out...
In case you receive an internal server error (http status 500) using the rule above then chances are that you operate a very old version of the apache http server. You will see a definite hint to an unsupported [END] flag in your http servers error log file in that case. You can either try to upgrade or use the older [L] flag, it probably will work the same in this situation, though that depends a bit on your setup.
This implementation will work likewise in the http servers host configuration or inside a distributed configuration file (".htaccess" file). Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded inside the http server and enabled in the http host. In case you use a distributed configuration file you need to take care that it's interpretation is enabled at all in the host configuration and that it is located in the host's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder.
And a general remark: you should always prefer to place such rules in the http servers host configuration instead of using distributed configuration files (".htaccess"). Those distributed configuration files add complexity, are often a cause of unexpected behavior, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have access to the real http servers host configuration (read: really cheap service providers) or for applications insisting on writing their own rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).

htaccess redirect from url parameter to permalink

I would like to redirect urls like:
using htaccess. How is that possible?
Thank you!
You need to capture the artivle slug from the query string using a RewriteCond, since you cannot access it in a RewriteRule:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)?article=(.*)(?:&|$)
RewriteRule ^/?en-blog\.php$ /blog/en/%1 [R]
That rule should work likewise in the http servers host configuration or inside a dynamic configuration file (".htaccess" file). Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded inside the http server and enabled in the http host. In case you use a dynamic configuration file you need to take care that it's interpretation is enabled at all in the host configuration and that it is located in the host's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder.
And a general remark: you should always prefer to place such rules in the http servers host configuration instead of using dynamic configuration files (".htaccess"). Those dynamic configuration files add complexity, are often a cause of unexpected behavior, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have access to the real http servers host configuration (read: really cheap service providers) or for applications insisting on writing their own rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).