How to connect to an Azure SQL Server using command prompt? - sql

I have an Azure SQL database that I am able to connect using local SSMS.
Server Name - <Server>
UserName - zrana
Password - *****
The authentication mode I use is here is Active Directory - Password. Is it possible to connect to the database using the sqlcmd utility on the command line?
I am unable to connect using the following command
sqlcmd -S -d 900046 -U zrana -P ****
There is another database that I created on Azure and tried to connect through Local SSMS.
This time the authentication method is "SQL Server password". I am able to connect to it using local SSMS and through sqlcmd using the same format mentioned above.
Is it possible to connect to an Azure SQL database using AAD? I tried using -G -I options in my command and didn't work.
This is the error I see:

(Adding an answer that is essentially the process we worked through in the comments)
Install the latest sqlcmd from
run sqlcmd -? to see what version of sqlcmd is actually running - if it isn't the latest version you just downloaded, check your PATH variable etc. You can use the dos command where sqlcmd to find where the command line is searching for sqlcmd
run sqlcmd with the -G switch to specify AAD cred checking, and include your user name an dpassword with the -U and -P options. Be careful with the case of these as -u and -p are different switches entirely.
sqlcmd -S -d 900046 -G -U zrana -P ****

When you want to use an Azure Active Directory user name and password, you need to provide the -G option and also use the user name and password by providing the -U and -P options. On the -U option please see on my example you need to provide the username#domain,
When using the -G option to connect to SQL Database or SQL Data Warehouse and authenticate using Azure Active Directory, a timeout value of at least 30 seconds is recommended. Use "-l 30". Read more about it on this documentation.
Please see the following example:
sqlcmd -S -G -U -P MyAADPassword -l 30


How can I import a SQL Server RDS backup into a SQL Server Linux Docker instance?

I've followed the directions from the AWS documentation on importing / exporting a database from RDS using their stored procedures.
The command was similar to:
exec msdb.dbo.rds_backup_database
This part works fine, and I've done it plenty of times in the past.
However what I want to achieve now; is restoring this database to a local SQL Server instance; however I'm struggling at this point. I'm assuming this isn't a "normal" SQL Server dump - but I'm unsure what the difference is.
I've spun up a new SQL Server for Linux Docker instance; which seems all set. I have made a few changes so that the sqlcmd tool is installed; so technically the image I'm running is comprised of this Dockerfile; not much different.
FROM microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y curl && \
curl | apt-key add - && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y mssql-tools unixodbc-dev
This image works fine; I'm building it via docker build -t sql . and running it via docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=myPassword1!' -p 1433:1433 -v $(pwd):/backups sql
Within my local folder, I have my backup from RDS downloaded, so this file is now in /backups/myBackup.bak
I now try to run sqlcmd to import the data with the following command; and I'm running into an issue which makes me assume this isn't a traditional SQL dump. Unsure what a traditional SQL dump looks like, but the majority of the file looks garbled with ^#^#^#^# and of course other things.
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -i /backups/myBackup.bak -U sa -P myPassword1! -x
And finally; I get this error:
Sqlcmd: Error: Syntax error at line 56048 near command 'GO' in file '/backups/myBackup.bak'.
Final Answer
My final solution for this mainly came from using -Q and running a RESTORE query rather than importing with the file, but I also needed to include some MOVE options as they were pointing at Windows file paths.
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -U SA -P myPassword -Q "RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK = N'/path/to/my/file.bak' WITH MOVE 'mydatabase' TO '/var/opt/mssql/mydatabase.mdf', MOVE 'mydatabase_log' TO '/var/opt/mssql/mydatabase.ldf', REPLACE"
You should use the RESTORE DATABASE command to interact with your backup file instead of specifying it as an input file of commands to the database:
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P myPassword1! -Q "RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK='/backups/myBackup.bak'"
According to the sqlcmd Docs, the -i flag you used specifies:
The file that contains a batch of SQL statements or stored procedures.
That flag likely won't work properly if given a database backup file as an argument.

Error in Mysqldump command

I have a data base named "mig". it has 10 tables. now i want to create a same database in another system so I am using mysqldump command but it shows error.
I entered command as follows :
mysqldump -u root -p root mig >file.sql;
This is the error i got :
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mysql
dump -u root -p root mig >file.sql' at line 1
I am getting the same error when I use ,
mysqldump -u root -proot mig >file.sql;
How can i fix this ?
Simply try-
mysqldump -u root mig> file.sql
mysqldump is not a MySQL command, it is a command line utility. You must call it from your shell command line. I hope you are not calling this from MySQL prompt.
When providing password on the command line you should leave no space after -p.
It should look smth like:
mysqldump -u root -proot mig >file.sql;
You can use some tools like MySQL Workbench or SQLyog to import the dump file.
Free version:
When you execute mysqldump from command line, you must have mysql_home/bin directory in your classpath variable or command-line must be pointing to it.
try using
mysqldump -u root -proot mig >(abs_path)/file.sql;
This works for me on my local. Open Terminal and execute the following code (Make sure your are NOT on the MySQL prompt):
mysqldump -uroot -p mig > file.sql
It will ask you to input the password on the next line, for security the password won't be shown.
If you get Access Denied, means the mysql credentials are wrong (or the user you use don't have the right permissions to generate a dump), so make sure you have a valid username and password. I hope it helps.
mysqldump will not run from mysql cli, you will have to run it from windows command prompt:
mysqldump -u username -p database_name > output_file_name.sql;
If you are getting error on running above command 'mysqldump is not recognized as an internal or external command' then navigate to < MySQL Installation Directory/bin/ > and then run the command.
i have the same problem, my situation was i connect from client in local computer to server in SQL instance of Google. Since i read Sahil Mittal said this is comman utilty, i just put in terminal the same command adding -h parameter.
mysqldump -h -u root -p database_name > database_desired_name.sql

Need help to make sqlcmd run as per requirements

I wanted to run SQLCMD.EXE as mentioned here -
I used the line in link with proper path to sqlcmd, user and password I use to login to my SQL server - sqlcmd -S .\MYSQLSERVER2008 -U MyUsername -P MyPassword -i C:\Database\hugescript.sql
Problem - I see a window and some message, but it vanishes so quickly that I cannot even see what it is. How do I see this window and how do I then execute an SQL file via SQLCMD.EXE
Why am I executing a script via SQLCMD and not SQL SERVER (ie SS) MGMT STUDIO ?
SS throws an error when sql files are big, ie about 100mb or more.
You can redirect the output from sqlcmd
sqlcmd -S .\MYSQLSERVER2008 -U MyUsername -P MyPassword
-i C:\Database\hugescript.sql > log.txt 2> error.txt
It will write the output to log.txt file and errors to error.txt file (you can specify the full path if you want). You can then see what's happening.

Cannot execute script: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program

I have a 123MB sql file which I need to execute in my local PC. But I am getting
Cannot execute script: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program
How to solve this issue?
use the command-line tool SQLCMD which is much leaner on memory. It is as simple as:
SQLCMD -d <database-name> -i filename.sql
You need valid credentials to access your SQL Server instance or even to access a database
Taken from here.
It might help you! Please see below steps.
sqlcmd -S server-name -d database-name -i script.sql
Open cmd.exe as Administrator.
Create Documents directory.
Put your SQL Script file(script.sql) in the documents folder.
Type query with sqlcmd, server-name, database-name and script-file-name as like above highlighted query or below command line screen.
For Windows Authentication use this sql cmd
SQLCMD -S TestSQLServer\SQLEXPRESS -d AdventureWorks2018 -i "d:\document\sql document\script.sql"
Note: If there is any space in the sql file path then use " (Quotation marks) "
For SQL Server Authentication use this sql cmd
SQLCMD -S TestSQLServer\SQLEXPRESS -U sa -P sasa -d AdventureWorks2018 -i "d:\document\sql document\script.sql"
-S TestSQLServer\SQLEXPRESS: Here specify SQL Server Name
-U sa: Username (in case of SQL Server Authentication)
-P sasa: Password (in case of SQL Server Authentication)
-d AdventureWorks2018: Database Name come here
-i "d:\document\sql document\script.sql": File Path of SQLFile
You can also simply increase the Minimum memory per query value in server properties. To edit this setting, right click on server name and select Properties > Memory tab.
I encountered this error trying to execute a 30MB SQL script in SSMS 2012. After increasing the value from 1024MB to 2048MB I was able to run the script.
(This is the same answer I provided here)
My database was larger than 500mb, I then used the following
It loaded everything including SP's
*NB: Run the cmd as Administrator
If I understand your problem correctly, you are trying to restore (transact sql) xyz.sql - database + schema. You can try this command which worked for me:
SQLCMD -U sa -i xyz.sql
Try this step,
1)Open PowerShell
2)Write this command:
sqlcmd -S PCNAME\SQLEXPRESS -U user -P password -d databanse_name -i C:\script.sql
3)Press Return
Below script works perfectly:
sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql -x
When executing a recovery script with sqlcmd utility, the ‘Sqlcmd: Error: Syntax error at line XYZ near command ‘X’ in file ‘file_name.sql’.’ error is encountered.
This is a sqlcmd utility limitation. If the SQL script contains dollar sign ($) in any form, the utility is unable to properly execute the script, since it is substituting all variables automatically by default.
In order to execute script that has a dollar ($) sign in any form, it is necessary to add “-x” parameter to the command line.
sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql
sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql -x
Sometimes, due to the heavy size of the script and data, we encounter this type of error. Server needs sufficient memory to execute and give the result. We can simply increase the memory size, per query.
You just need to go to the sql server properties > Memory tab (left side)> Now set the maximum memory limit you want to add.
Also, there is an option at the top, "Results to text", which consume less memory as compare to option "Results to grid", we can also go for Result to Text for less memory execution.
sqlcmd -S mamxxxxxmu\sqlserverr -U sa -P x1123 -d QLDB -i D:\qldbscript.sql
Open command prompt in run as administrator
enter above command
"mamxxxxxmu" is computer name
"sqlserverr" is server name
"sa" is username of server
"x1123" is password of server
"QLDB" is database name
"D:\qldbscript.sql" is sql script file to execute in database
If you need to connect to LocalDB during development, you can use:
sqlcmd -S "(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB" -d dbname -i file.sql
As in most answers given here use the command-line tool. In my case the script already has database creation code. If your script contains CREATE DATABASE command, for example
USE [master]
CREATE DATABASE [your-database-name]
Then do not use the -d your-database-name, instead use the following command.
For Windows Authentication use the command
sqlcmd -S ServerName\InstanceName -i "script.sql" -x
For SQL Server Authentication use the command
sqlcmd -S ServerName\InstanceName -U usename -P password -i "script.sql" -x

Execute SQL script from command line

I need to alter a database using a batch file, for a simple example, drop a table. I´m using local SQL Express (SQL Server 2008 R2) with user sa and its password.
How would the bat file be?
How can I specify in the script the password and that I use in SQL Express?
Take a look at the sqlcmd utility. It allows you to execute SQL from the command line.
It's all in there in the documentation, but the syntax should look something like this:
sqlcmd -U myLogin -P myPassword -S MyServerName -d MyDatabaseName
You can do like this
sqlcmd -S <server Name> -U sa -P sapassword -i inputquery_file_name -o outputfile_name
From your command prompt run sqlcmd /? to get all the options you can use with sqlcmd utility
If you use Integrated Security, you might want to know that you simply need to use -E like this:
sqlcmd -S Serverinstance -E -i import_file.sql
Feedback Guys, first create database example live; before execute sql file below.
sqlcmd -U SA -P yourPassword -S YourHost -d live -i live.sql
Firstly create an empty database in SQL server, then run this command.
sqlcmd -s ServerName -d CreatedDatabaseName -i ScriptFileName.sql
ScriptFileName should be with a complete path like "D:\Folder Name\ScriptFileName.sql".
You can also use -u and -p if you have userName and password in your sql server.
First set the path of MYSQL in Environment variable-> System variables-> Click on Path-> Add -> "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin"
Open cmd-> navigate to the folder which has the sql script-> type as below ->
mysql --user=root -p < employees.sql -> Enter the password which was set during MYSQL setup-> hit enter
CMD Screenshot after it worked form me