Can't move mouse with touchpad - input

As the title suggests, my touchpad won't move my mouse. I am therefore unable to select outputs of my commands, but I am able to take screenshots of windows. (Luckily I am used to using keyboard shortcuts)
I have no clue what caused this. I have recently updated my kernel from linux52 to linux53 and linux54. Falling back to either of those versions from linux54 hasn't helped. I have also recently been playing around with a Wacom tablet, using xsetwacom, but I believe my mouse has worked after this.
I know it's not a hardware issue, as libinput debug-events correctly detects my finger running over the trackpad:
The output of 40-libinput.conf in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf is the following. I can't see any error there.
I tried blacklisting the i2c_hid, as suggested in the following question, but to no avail. It fixed an error claiming there was a duplicate mouse, which it decided to ignore. I thought this would help.
What is surprising is that I can click. I can't scroll or move the mouse, though. My trackpad lists the following settings. To my surprise, there is no Accel Speed there, and I can't manually set it with xinput --set-prop 14 'libinput Accel Speed' 1.0, as I need to specify the type and format. I don't know what these are supposed to be, and I don't know if the acceleration is the issue. I read that having a negative value would cause the mouse to never move, though.
Do you have any suggestions as to what to do? What does libinput do with the events after receiving them?
EDIT: Removing the blacklist i2c_hid from the modprobe returns the following Xorg log:

Making a copy of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-synaptics.conf into my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ folder, and commenting out the Option "Ignore" "on" line fixed it.
Had to sudo pkill X after changing it, of course. A reboot would also do the trick.


How to make it faster when scrolling though tab in Intellij Idea?

It is quite to scroll through tabs in Idea. I am happy about the speed it scroll through files, but for tabs it is too slow.
Is there a way to keep the general scroll speed but make it faster only when scrolling through tabs?
I am aware that there are hotkeys to switch tabs quickly, but still need to know.
Indeed in the current build 2020.3.1 tabs scrolling is very slow. There is a bug for it, and apparently, JetBrains already fixed it. Here are official comments from a developer:
These three problems were fixed:
For slow mouse wheel rotation we should use "rough" integer metrics event.getUnitsToScroll() instead of "precise" double metrics event.getPreciseWheelRotation(). Actually is means 1 instead of 0.1 in my environment (MacBook)
In MacBooks trackpad can suddenly send a single scroll event in opposite direction and looks like "trembling", these sudden events should be ignored
Unit increment for horizontal scrolling can be tuned now with registry key ide.editor.tabs.scroll.unit.increment (default value is 10)
See here for the relevant changes.
As for versions of IntelliJ:
2020.3.1 the bug exists and you can do nothing about it, is suppose, without altering the speed of scrolling in the main window.
2021.1 the bug was fixed. Currently (23.01.2020), you can't download it, but I think it will be available soon as EAP Build. Please, see here.
If you want it right now, you can download the source code and build it manually from the git repo. The build instructions are simple. I tested it, and indeed, the scrolling is much faster now :)
Additionally, after the availability of 2021.1 build, you can modify the speed of tab scrolling by changing the registry value ide.editor.tabs.scroll.unit.increment

Detecting mouse clicks in terminal emulator w/o breaking scrolling

Using XTERM control sequences (specifically CSI ?1000h), I can get notified on stdin any time the user clicks on the terminal window. Unfortunately this also means I get notified if the scroll wheel is spun, instead of normal terminal scrolling taking place. Is there any way to, preferably easily and simply, just get notified about clicks and nothing else?
Alternatively, is there a way to send an escape sequence that the terminal emulator will interpret as "oh, you want me to scroll normally"? I'd be (reluctantly) okay with having to parse all the mouse commands, and then if I notice a scroll-up signal (button 96 or 64 depending on mode), echo it back saying "here, terminal, you handle this one". In theory these should be the scroll-forw and scroll-back actions, but I haven't found a way to use these directly.
If it makes any difference, I'm using xfce4-terminal, but am willing to try other terminal emulators if it would help with debugging this.
The X10 protocol sends only clicks (no wheel mouse). That's documented. But that's for xterm.
VTE (checking just now with XFCE Terminal) differs from xterm by sending wheel-mouse events. VTE has no documentation worth mentioning, aside from its source-code (ymmv).
The scroll-forw and scroll-back actions are xterm features, for which there are no counterparts in VTE.

How do I install Neo2 on Chrome OS?

I tried using Neo2 on my Chromebook, but it is buggy and does not work. Any idea on a) how to fix this, b) how to install it manually (Chrome OS has a Linux terminal) or c) how to manually add a keyboard layout?
When activating Neo2 it does not type letters but activates numbers and arrow keys.
EDIT: it seems to be activating the fourth layer.
I will leave this question on here because it took me a while to figure out. The keyboard launches right away into the 4th layer. This can be fixed by pressing shift and alt. However, now I am struggling to use the 3rd layer. I am assuming this is because Chromebooks lack certain keys that are very important for the normal Neo2 layout. Any ideas on how to solve this?

Google Cloud Terminal issues

I'm having issues when connecting to our google cloud containers.
The terminal gets restricted to a certain size and it is behaving odd, when using vim for example the application hangs for 10-20 sec if you press Page-Down, but that's something i'm able to work around, the real issue is the following.
When typing a command and the width goes over the width-length of the prefixed size of the terminal, you suddenly don't know where your cursor is.
The same is for editing a file in vim and you start to scroll down or write a shellscript for example and the last line of the document gets updated, only the last line of the file gets updated and the scrolling behavior is suddenly very broken.
This is what the pre-set size of the terminal looks like when editing
a file.
Setting the TERM enviroment variable to "xterm", "xterm-color" makes the colors and the "clear" function work but does not solve these issues.
If anyone else has experienced these issues and know how to fix them, sharing that knowledge would make life worth living again!
Updating your glcoud components to the latest version solved this problem, now i'm able to run fullscreen vim and life is wonderful!
gcloud components update

TextMate: Keyboard shortcuts sometimes don't work, then work again after restart

I moved to Lion 2 months ago, and since then I sometimes encounter that a TextMate keyboard shortcut doesn't work anymore (which means: nothing happens), and then, after a restart of TextMate, it works again.
This time, it was CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + DOWN, which should trigger Cucumber's Go to current step command. After restart of TM, it worked again. I also experienced this with CMD+SHIFT+7 (which results in Cmd-/ on my swiss layout) for commenting out lines.
Any idea about what's the problem? As I mentioned in a previous post, for the commenting out shortcut it finally happened to be the application Skitch sometimes which blocks this commend and prevents it from being sent to TM. But this doesn't have to do with the restart scenario I have now.
Anyway, it would be nice to have OSX display some info box whenever a keyboard shortcut is pressed which tells what exactly was executed, so e.g. when pressing CMD+S it would tell "Save Document", or CMD+SHIFT+3 "Take Screenshot", etc., so you'd always know what was triggered and don't have to think a shortcut ended up in Nirvana... Maybe there is some application or OSX extensions that does this?
I've found that when this happens, there's a background process going on that is, for some reason, disabling some or all of your keyboard shortcuts. I also found that it's very easily remedied by typing Command-. (period) which tells TextMate to cancel the running background task.
Try it next time it happens and see if that doesn't at least ameliorate the problem. Fixing it would require figuring out what background task is getting wedged and either fixing or eliminating it.