API of Polarion ALM occasionally does not authorize any request - api

I have wrote some Python code that logs in and reads some data from Polarion ALM server via API (more informarion about Polarion API: https://almdemo.polarion.com/polarion/sdk/index.html). In my code I have used zeep Python package to handle SOAP.
My algorithm is simple:
1) Log in via logIn web service (https://almdemo.polarion.com/polarion/sdk/doc/javadoc/com/polarion/alm/ws/client/session/SessionWebService.html#logIn-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-)
2) Add current session to header - so the current session remain alive.
3) Try to read some data, for example via getRootProjectGroup web service (https://almdemo.polarion.com/polarion/sdk/doc/javadoc/com/polarion/alm/ws/client/projects/ProjectWebService.html#getRootProjectGroup--).
4) Regardless of what is happening I close the current session via endSession web service (https://almdemo.polarion.com/polarion/sdk/doc/javadoc/com/polarion/alm/ws/client/session/SessionWebService.html#endSession--).
What I observed:
Ocassionally, at point 3 I receive response with Authorization Error (snippet with response):
<soapenv:Fault>\n <faultcode>soapenv:Server.generalException</faultcode>\n <faultstring>Not authorized.</faultstring>\n <detail>\n <ns1:stackTrace xmlns:ns1="http://xml.apache.org/axis/">Not authorized.\n\tat com.polarion.alm.ws.providers.DoAsUserWrapper.invoke(DoAsUserWrapper.java:37)\n\tat org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(InvocationStrategy.java:32)\n\t..
or everything is good and I receive:
'groupURIs': {
'SubterraURI': [
'location': None,
'name': 'ROOT_CTX_NAME',
'parentURI': None,
'projectIDs': None,
'uri': 'subterra:data-service:objects:${ProjectGroup}Group',
'unresolvable': False
What surprises me the most:
- I always uses the same credential (username and password)
- the session ID of the in request (point 3) is the same as in the server response during log in (point 1) so the session shall remain alive
- if I put my code in the loop (for example 1000 executions), the result for all attempts is always the same (1000 successes or 1000 failures), even if I add a wait (e.g. 1s) between the attemps
I would like to know why server rejects some of the requests. Is it some kind of Polarion server issue? How could I make a work around to somehow connect with the server and be able to read some data from the server even if it reject my first request.

It appears that it is issue with SOAP client (and relatively popular one). To fix it, I have turned off TLS verification. More details in:


In karate mocking (karate-netty), how can we override request header value?

We want few API calls should go to mock-server(https://192.x.x.x:8001) and others should go to an actual downstream application server(https://dev.api.acme.com).
Setup :
On local, mock server is up with standalone jar on port 8001. e.g https://192.x.x.x:8001
In application config file (config.property)downstream system(which need to mock) defined with mockserver IP i.e https://192.x.x.x:8001
Testing scenario and problem:
Scenario: pathMatches('/profile/v1/users/{id}/user')
* karate.proceed('https://dev.api.acme.com')
* def response = read ('findScope.json')
* def responseStatus = 200ˀˀ
* print 'created response is: ' + response
Now, when we hit API request via postman or feature file then it does karate.proceed properly to https://dev.api.acme.com/profile/v1/users/123/user instead of 192.x.x.x. However, in this request, host is referring to https://192.x.x.x:8001 instead of https://dev.api.acme.com which create a problem for us.
How can we override request header in this case? I did try with karate.set and also with header host=https://192.x.x.x:8001 but no luck.
Please see if the 1.0 version works: https://github.com/intuit/karate/wiki/1.0-upgrade-guide
Unfortunately https proxying may not work as mentioned. If you are depending on this, we may need your help (code contribution) to get this working
If the Host header is still not mutable, that also can be considered a feature request, and here also I'd request you to consider contributing code

Can application in public cloud be authorized to fetch data from government tenant via graph api?

I'm trying to fetch email list from government tenant via graph api and it worked fine until last week. I'm using client credentials flow. Last week i started to get the following error when trying to authorize my app in government tenants:
oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InvalidClientIdError: (invalid_request) AADSTS900441: Requests to applications hosted in the public cloud are not supported for USGov tenants.
Is there a way to authorize application from public azure cloud to read data from government tenant?
EDIT: code example and debug logs
from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=config.CLIENT_ID)
MSGRAPH = requests_oauthlib.OAuth2Session(
token = MSGRAPH.fetch_token(
'https://login.microsoftonline.us' + '/<tenant>' + config.TOKEN_ENDPOINT,
endpoint = config.RESOURCE + config.API_VERSION + '/users'
graphdata = MSGRAPH.get(endpoint).json()
DEBUG:requests_oauthlib.oauth2_session:Requesting url https://login.microsoftonline.us/<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/token using method POST.
DEBUG:requests_oauthlib.oauth2_session:Supplying headers {u'Content-Type': u'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', u'Accept': u'application/json'} and data {u'client_secret': u'...', u'grant_type': u'client_credentials', u'client_id': u'...', u'scope': u'https://graph.microsoft.us/.default'}
DEBUG:requests_oauthlib.oauth2_session:Passing through key word arguments {'verify': True, 'json': None, 'proxies': None, 'timeout': None, 'auth': None}.
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): login.microsoftonline.us:443
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://login.microsoftonline.us:443 "POST /<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1" 400 522
DEBUG:requests_oauthlib.oauth2_session:Prepared fetch token request body grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=...&client_secret=...&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fgraph.microsoft.us%2F.default
DEBUG:requests_oauthlib.oauth2_session:Request to fetch token completed with status 400.
Basically i see this error when i'm trying to fetch access token. Adminconsent was already given to my application by tenant admin.
This code worked for Gov tenants for month or so and suddenly stopped to work.
AAD started enforcing this about a month ago, GCC High/DoD tenants cannot use confidential apps published in commercial cloud. You need to publish your app from a GCC High/DoD tenant.

How to activate OneLogin Protect push challenge with SAML assertions

I have figured out that to use OneLogin Protect with saml assertions, you need to call the SAML verify factor without the OTP provided, and read about a similar question here, but if I simply put this in a loop with a sleep, the User is bombarded with OTP calls, until they hit "Accept". If the user takes 10-20 seconds to pull their phone out, and I sleep for 20 seconds, that means that users who have their phone immediatly available and could response in 2-3 seconds, have to wait 20 seconds to cover the slower calls.
To adress this, I would like to check the saml assertion verify without sending a push notification, and just the state_token.
I have also noticed that if I were not to use SAML assertions, I could do this as described here: https://developers.onelogin.com/api-docs/1/multi-factor-authentication/overview but that requires me to give either Manage users or Manage All permissions to the API keys. As this is a Python cli utility to handle aws saml auth, and one way or another, we need to distribute those API keys to users, this seems like excessive privileges for a user to log into AWS.
Does anyone know how can I check the status of an OTP for OneLogin Protect with SAMl assertions, without creating a new OTP call every time I check the status?
Example code
ol_client = OneLoginClient(
saml_resp = ol_client.get_saml_assertion(
call_result =ol_client.get_saml_assertion_verifying(
if call_result is None:
verify_result = None
while verify_result is None:
verify_result =ol_client.get_saml_assertion_verifying(
I've found an answer by now. Just forgot to update:
The API exposes a Message field in the verifyFactor endpoint. While it's pending for the user to act on it, it will contain the string pending.
rMfa, err = c.VerifyFactor(token, &pMfa)
for strings.Contains(rMfa.Message, "pending") && timeout > 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(MFAInterval) * time.Second)
rMfa, err = c.VerifyFactor(token, &pMfa)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
timeout -= MFAInterval
I resorted to check every second until the timeout expired. The full implementation can be seen here: https://github.com/allcloud-io/clisso/blob/master/onelogin/get.go#L133

HTTP error 500 when requesting google big query API using service account

I have been using Big query to generate reports through a web service for a year now, however in the past month or so I have noticed HTTP 500 errors in response to most of my query requests even though no changes have been made to the web service. In my current setup I make 5 simultaneous queries and often 4 out of the 5 queries fail with 500 error. At times all 5 queries are returned but in recent times this rarely happens rendering my application almost unusable.
I use server to server authentication using my service account token and my big query client app is closely modeled on the example given here -
Here is the full error message -
HttpError: https://www.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/1021946877460/queries?alt=json returned "Unexpected. Please try again.">
Snippet of my bigquery client -
def generateToken():
generates OAuth2.0 token/credentials for login to google big query
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(
return credentials
class BigQueryClient(object):
def authenticate(self, credentials):
http = httplib2.Http(proxy_info = httplib2.ProxyInfo(
http = credentials.authorize(http)
return http
def __init__(self, credentials, project):
http = self.authenticate(credentials)
self.service = build('bigquery', 'v2', http=http)
Please let me know if I am doing something incorrectly here or if anything has changed on the bigquery backend such as limits to the number of query requests allowed over a certain period of time.
500s are always BigQuery bugs. I believe I've tracked down one of your errors in the BigQuery server logs, and am investigating.

Passbook update tag: if-modified-since (null)

I am using Restlet2.0 (java) to build passbook server. When I send a Push Notification to APNs with PushToken, I got message 'if-modified-since (null)' from the server log:
entity.getText() : {"logs":["[2013-03-31 00:18:29 +1100] Get pass task
(pass type pass.xxxxxx.freehug, serial number ABC, if-modified-since
(null); with web service url encountered error:
Server response was malformed (Missing response data)"]}
This responding URL matches the router defined for the LoggingResource class (Line 4), but not the SerialNumbersPassWithDeviceResource class (Line 2) which defines the passUpdatedSince={tag} parameter to be captured for the latest pkpass comparison:
router.attach("/v1/devices/{deviceLibraryIdentifier}/registrations/{passTypeIdentifier}/{serialNumber}", DeviceRegistrationResource.class); //1/4. Registration - POST/DELETE
router.attach("/v1/devices/{deviceLibraryIdentifier}/registrations/{passTypeIdentifier}?passUpdatedSince={tag}", SerialNumbersPassWithDeviceResource.class); //2. SerialNumbers - GET
router.attach("/v1/passes/{passTypeIdentifier}/{serialNumber}", LatestVersionPassResource.class); //3. LatestVersion - GET
router.attach("/v1/log", LoggingResource.class); //5. Logging - POST
So where can I set the Update Tag (passUpdatedSince={tag}) and how can I get it under the router in above Line 2? Is my router setup for getting Update tag correct?
The passUpdatedSince={tag} value is set from the last successful response that your web service gave to the requsest:
You set it by providing a key of lastUpdated in the JSON dictionary response to the above request. The value can be anything you like, but the simplest approach would be to use a timestamp.
The if-modified-since value is set by the Last-Modified HTTP header sent with the last .pkpass bundle received matching the passTypeIdentifier and serialNumber. Again, you can choose what value to send in this header.
The specific error that you mention above is not due to either of these. It is caused by your web service not providing a .pkpass bundle in response to the request to:
You may want to try hooking your device up to Xcode, turning on PassKit logging (Settings -> Developer), then monitoring the device's console log as you send the push. This may give you more detail as to why the device sent the message to your web service log.